Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1996-01-19 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2175
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                    NINETEENTH LEGISLATURE - SECOND SESSION                    
Juneau, Alaska                       Friday                                    
                                  Twelfth Day                                  
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Pearce at 11:04 a.m.                                                           
The roll showed seventeen members present.  Senators Hoffman,                  
Zharoff were excused from a call of the Senate.  Senator Ellis was             
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Larry Olson of the              
Eagle Wings Community Church.  Senator Salo moved and asked                    
unanimous consent that the prayer be spread.  Without objection, it            
was so ordered.                                                                
Dear Lord,                                                                    
We pray for the courage to do the right thing; for                            
the humility to be able to admit when were wrong;                              
for the grace not to gloat when we have been found                             
to be right; for the faith that moves people to                                
action; for the hope, despite how chaotic it all                               
seems, that by Your hand it will all turn out okay                             
and that our efforts do count for something.                                   
In Your name we ask these things.            Amen.                            
Senator Adams led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance.                      
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal             
for the eleventh legislative day and Senate and House Joint Journal            
Supplement No. 17 be approved as certified by the Secretary.                   
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                          

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2176
Senator Miller, Rules Committee Chair, introduced the 1996 Chamber             
Staff as follows:                                                              
	Sergeant at Arms                                                            
	Will Arthur, Juneau                                                           
	Assistant Sergeant at Arms                                                  
	Rose Sturgis, Juneau                                                          
	Senate Pages                                                                
	Sanya Bailey, Yakutat                                                         
	Carol Davis, Soldotna                                                         
	Mark Davis, Juneau                                                            
	Ethan Falatko, Kodiak                                                         
	Adam Johnson, Juneau                                                          
	Zeb Strong, Tenekee Springs                                                   
	Finance Page                                                                
	Quentin Simeon, Aniak                                                         
                                SPECIAL ORDERS                               
The Senate observed a moment of silence in memory of the                       
Honorable Bette Cato, who served as a member of the Alaska House               
of Representatives from 1981 through 1989.                                     
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
Message dated January 18 was read, stating:                                    
The House of Representatives respectfully invites the Senate to a              
Joint Session of the Nineteenth Alaska Legislature at 11:00 a.m. on            
Wednesday,  February 21, 1996 for the purpose of hearing the State             
of the Judiciary by Supreme Court Chief Justice Allen Compton.                 
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate              
accept the House invitation to meet in Joint Session.  Without                 
objection, it was so ordered.                                                  
The Secretary was requested to notify the House.                               

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2177
The following report was received and is on file in the Office of the          
Secretary of the Senate:                                                       
Alaska Science and Technology Foundation Annual Report                         
from James Kenworthy, Executive Director                                       
in accordance with AS 37.17.090(j)                                             
(Distributed to all Senators)                                                  
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
HB 224                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
224(STA) An Act relating to the state plumbing code.  Signing to               
calendar: Senator Miller, Chair, Senators Duncan, Salo.                        
The bill is on todays calendar.                                                
                  INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS                 
SB 226                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 226 BY SENATOR FRANK, entitled:                                
An Act relating to biennial registration of motor                             
vehicles; imposing biennial registration fees on                               
motor vehicles and authorizing a scheduled biennial                            
municipal tax on motor vehicles; relating to fees for                          
motor vehicle emissions control programs; and                                  
providing for an effective date.                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Transportation and                 
Finance Committees.                                                            
SB 227                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 227 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                              
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                          

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2178
SB 227                                                                       
An Act relating to an exemption to the                                        
unauthorized publication or use of communications                              
and the prohibition against eavesdropping for certain                          
law enforcement activities.                                                    
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Judiciary Committees.                                                          
Zero fiscal notes published today from Department of Public Safety,            
Department of Law, Department of Administration (2), Department                
of Corrections, Department of Commerce and Economic                            
Governors transmittal letter dated January 19:                                 
Dear President Pearce:                                                         
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution,          
I am transmitting a bill that amends statutes regarding the                    
unauthorized publication or use of communications and                          
eavesdropping, in order to allow law enforcement officers to intercept         
communications in certain emergency situations.                                
Current law prohibits surreptitious eavesdropping on a private                 
conversation without the consent of one of the parties to the                  
conversation.  In an emergency (for example, where a suspect is                
barricaded with a hostage), law enforcement officers need to                   
communicate with the suspect and, if possible, monitor the suspect's           
communications with others.  Monitoring such communications can                
give valuable information to law enforcement officers to help defuse           
potentially dangerous situations.                                              
This bill provides the exemption necessary for law enforcement                 
officers to surreptitiously monitor these communications.  It allows           
the interception of communications of a suspect barricaded and                 
refusing to surrender, holding a victim hostage, or threatening the            
imminent illegal use of an explosive. The exemption in the bill is             
limited to serious police emergencies; it will not otherwise affect the        
privacy of individual Alaskans.                                                

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2179
SB 227                                                                       
This legislation will support law enforcement agencies in making               
Alaska a safer place for our citizens.  I  urge your prompt                    
consideration and passage of this bill.                                        
						Tony Knowles                                                             
SB 228                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 228 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                              
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                          
An Act relating to unclaimed property; and                                    
providing for an effective date.                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary and Finance              
Zero fiscal note published today from Department of Revenue.                   
Governors transmittal letter dated January 19:                                 
Dear President Pearce:                                                         
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution,          
I am transmitting a bill that would update Alaskas law governing the           
handling of unclaimed property to streamline the process for the               
convenience of both the state and the property holders.                        
Unclaimed, or abandoned, personal property includes money left in              
bank savings or insurance accounts or deposits left with utilities             
because the businesses cannot locate the owners.  The state acts as            
the custodian for such property and protects it until an owner or heir         
claims it.  This bill includes recommendations from an audit                   
performed last year that would reduce paperwork and improve efforts            
to locate unclaimed property owners.                                           

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2180
SB 228                                                                       
Under this bill, mutual funds would be defined in unclaimed property           
statutes, allowing for reporting and payment to the state of unclaimed         
interests in mutual funds.  This bill also requires that all unclaimed         
property holders report to the state at the same time.  This will              
eliminate duplicate reports and provide for payment of unclaimed               
interests at the time the report is made.  The value of interests that         
can be reported to the state without complete detail is raised from            
$25 and $50 to a uniform $100.  This will mean less paperwork and              
administrative overhead for unclaimed property holders.                        
The bill also puts a statutory limit on the amount of finders fee that         
a person can charge to search for owners of unclaimed property.                
There have been reports of some abuses nationwide of finders fees              
being charged at up to 50 percent of the value of the property, even           
when the person was easy to locate.  This bill would protect                   
Alaskans claiming property abandonment in this state by limiting               
these fees to 10 percent of the value of the property.                         
In addition, this bill places restrictions on agreements between               
owners of unclaimed property and their finders, in order to protect            
the property owners and the state.  An  agreement would be void if             
it does not disclose the value of the property involved or if the              
agreement was reached before the state has held the property for at            
least two years.                                                               
This bill represents an important step forward to update Alaskas               
unclaimed property laws.  I urge your support.                                 
						Tony Knowles                                                             
SB 229                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 229 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                              
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                          
An Act relating to employment contributions and                               
to making the state training and employment                                    
program a permanent state program; and providing                               
for an effective date.                                                         

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2181
SB 229                                                                       
was read the first time and referred to the Community and Regional             
Affairs, Labor and Commerce and Finance Committees.                            
Fiscal notes published today from Department of Community and                  
Regional Affairs (2), Department of Labor.                                     
Governors transmittal letter dated January 19:                                 
Dear President Pearce:                                                         
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18 of the Alaska Constitution, I         
am transmitting a bill making the state training and employment                
program (STEP) a permanent state program.                                      
The STEP is an integral component of Alaskas job training program              
and has enabled participants to increase their average quarterly               
earnings from nine to 12 percent.  The STEP was established as a               
temporary, pilot program in 1989 and has been extended twice -- in             
1991 and 1993.  Since its inception, STEP has trained 4,890 Alaska             
workers at an average cost of $2,000 per participant which is                  
covered by Alaska employees.   The program is financed entirely by             
employee payroll contributions with no employer contributions or               
general fund monies.                                                           
The STEP serves workers who would often be ineligible for                      
employment training assistance through other programs.  It offers              
workers the opportunity to acquire skills by investing in themselves,          
and helps those workers who have been displaced from their jobs to             
learn more skills.  Nearly 60 percent of those entering the program            
are receiving unemployment benefits, and over 80 percent of the                
participants successfuly complete the training and increase their              
employment opportunities.                                                      
The STEP will expire June 30, 1996, unless renewed by the                      
Legislature.  As federal training money decreases from year to year,           
continuing STEP and making it a permanent program will help                    
Alaskans receive the training they need to respond to the changing             
needs of business and industry.                                                

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2182
SB 229                                                                       
I urge your support of this important bill.                                    
						Tony Knowles                                                             
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
                        SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                        
HB 224                                                                       
COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 224(STA)                               
An Act relating to the state plumbing code was read the second                 
Senator Kelly  moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Labor and Commerce Senate Committee Substitute offered on               
page 2150.  Without objection, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                      
BILL NO. 224(L&C) was adopted and read the second time.                        
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be             
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final            
passage.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 224(L&C) was read                          
the third time.                                                                

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2183
HB 224                                                                       
The question being: Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                           
BILL NO. 224(L&C) An Act relating to the state plumbing code                   
pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                
SCS CSHB 224(L&C)                                                              
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  16   NAYS:  1   EXCUSED:  2   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Frank, Green, Kelly, Leman,                      
Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor,              
Nays:  Halford                                                                 
Excused:  Hoffman, Zharoff                                                     
Absent:  Ellis                                                                 
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 224(L&C)                           
passed the Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.           
Honoring - Barbara Mitchell, Juneau Teacher of the Year                        
Senator(s) Duncan, Hoffman, Donley, Taylor, Pearce, Ellis, Zharoff,            
Lincoln, Salo, Halford                                                         
Representative(s) Robinson, Elton                                              
Honoring - Deborah Morsberger, Vista Volunteer                                 
Senator(s) Duncan, Hoffman, Taylor, Ellis, Zharoff, Lincoln, Salo              
Representative(s) Elton, Robinson                                              
In Memoriam - Aline Strutz                                                     
Representative(s) Toohey                                                       
Senator(s) Miller, Pearce, Leman, Hoffman, Donley, Taylor, Zharoff,            
Lincoln, Duncan, Halford, Sharp                                                
In Memoriam - Glenn P. Auliye                                                  
Representative(s) Foster                                                       
Senator(s) Adams, Hoffman, Taylor, Zharoff, Lincoln, Duncan                    

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2184
In Memoriam - Georgianne Blanket                                               
Representative(s) Foster                                                       
Senator(s) Adams, Hoffman, Taylor, Zharoff, Lincoln, Duncan                    
In Memoriam - Ada Johnsson Degnan                                              
Representative(s) Foster                                                       
Senator(s) Adams, Hoffman, Taylor, Zharoff, Lincoln, Duncan, Sharp,            
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the                     
citations be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted           
and referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                 
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
Senator Donley moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                    
excused from a call of the Senate on February 2.  Without objection,           
Senator Donley was excused.                                                    
SB 185                                                                       
President Pearce added a Finance Committee referral to SENATE                  
BILL NO. 185 An Act relating to immunization records for children              
under the age of seven.                                                        
The bill was referred to the Health, Education and Social Services,            
State Affairs, then Finance Committees.                                        
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   
HB 224                                                                       
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 224(L&C) An Act                            
relating to the state plumbing code was engrossed, signed by the               
President and Secretary and returned to the House for consideration.           

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2185
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate              
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., January 22, 1996.  Without              
objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:22 a.m.                                  
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                          January 1996         

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2186
                    NOTICE - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT                   
	Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation                   
or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings              
may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative                
Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is            
needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the           
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                
+ indicates teleconference                                                     
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                             
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
 JAN 19                         FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
 JAN 22                         MONDAY  1:30 PM                                
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
 JAN 24                        WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
 JAN 26                         FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
 JAN 19                         FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
  		FY 97 DEPARTMENT BUDGET OVERVIEWS                                          
  		..COMMISSIONER HENSLEY, DEPT. OF                                           
  		COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                                          
  		..COMMISSIONER CASHEN, DEPT. OF LABOR                                      
  		..COMMISSIONER PERDUE, DEPT. OF                                            
  		HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES                                                 
 JAN 22                         MONDAY  9:00 AM                                
  		FY 97 DEPARTMENT BUDGET OVERVIEWS                                          
  		..UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA                                                     
  		..DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY                                              
  		..DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION                                             

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2187
                              FINANCE CONTINUED                              
 JAN 23                         TUESDAY  9:00 AM                               
  		FY 97 DEPARTMENT BUDGET OVERVIEWS                                          
  		..DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME                                              
  		..DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS                                                
  		..DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                    
 JAN 24                        WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
  		FY 97 DEPARTMENT BUDGET OVERVIEWS                                          
  		..DEPARTMENT OF LAW                                                        
  		..DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC                                    
  		..DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY & VETERANS AFFAIRS                                
 JAN 25                        THURSDAY  9:00 AM                               
  		FY 97 MENTAL HEALTH TRUST BUDGET OVERVIEW                                  
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
 JAN 19                         FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
 JAN 24                        WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
  		--JT MEETING WITH (H) HESS COMMITTEE--                                     
  		BRIEFING ON COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH                                           
  		INSURANCE ASSOCIATION PLAN                                                 
 JAN 26                         FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
 JAN 19                         FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
 HJR 30	AMEND US CONSTIT. TO LIMIT FED. COURTS                                 
+ SB 194	GANG RELATED CRIMES                                                   
 JAN 22                         MONDAY  1:30 PM                                
 SJR 30	USE OF BUDGET RESERVE FUND                                             
 JAN 24                        WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
 SJR 14	CONFIRMATION OF BD MANAGING PERM FUND                                  
 JAN 26                         FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
 HB 127	120-DAY JAIL: ASSAULT ON OFFICERS                                      

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2188
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
 JAN 23                         TUESDAY  1:30 PM                               
  		EO 93 FORMALLY TRANSFERRING RESPONSI-                                      
  		BILITY FOR THE AK REGIONAL ECONOMIC                                        
  		ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FROM DCED TO DCRA                                       
  		EO 94 FORMALLY TRANSFERRING FUNCTION OF                                    
  		DIV OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE TO DCED                                         
 JAN 25                        THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
 SB 184	CIVIL LIABILITY FOR IMPROPER LAWSUIT                                   
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
 JAN 19                         FRIDAY  3:30 PM                                
  		-- MEETING POSTPONED --                                                    
 HB 191	MANAGEMENT OF STATE LAND AND RESOURCES                                 
 JAN 22                         MONDAY  3:30 PM                                
 SB 162	AGRICULTURAL LAND                                                      
 JAN 24                        WEDNESDAY  3:30 PM                              
  		BRIEFING: ALASKA MINERALS COMMISSION                                       
 SB 190	RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT/STATE LAND AUCTION                               
 SB 128	NONRESIDENT HUNT, SPORT FISH, TRAP FEES                                
  		<BILL HELD OVER FROM 1/17>                                                 
 JAN 26                         FRIDAY  3:30 PM                                
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
 JAN 29                         MONDAY  9:30 AM                                
  		--NOTE: CHANGE OF MEETING LOCATION & TIME--                                
  		--2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, ANCHORAGE LIO,                                
  		--716 W. FOURTH AVENUE                                                     
+ 		BRIEFING ON ALASKA NATURAL GAS PROJECT:                                    
  		YUKON PACIFIC CORPORATION                                                  
  		ALASKA GAS PRODUCERS (ARCO, BP, EXXON)                                     
  		ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                               
 JAN 31                        WEDNESDAY  3:30 PM                              
 SB 199	ENVIRONMENTAL & HEALTH/SAFETY AUDITS                                   
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
 JAN 22                         MONDAY  0:00 AM                                
  		--MEETING WILL BE UPON ADJOURNMENT--                                       
  		CONSIDER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS                                   
 SB 54	ELECTRIC UTIL & SOLID WASTE REMOVAL                                     

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2189
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
 JAN 23                         TUESDAY  3:30 PM                               
  		-- LOCATION CHANGE --                                                      
  		--JOINT MEETING WITH HOUSE STATE AFFAIRS COMM.--                           
+ SB 177	CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT AMENDMENTS                                   
+ HB 338	CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT AMENDMENTS                                   
 JAN 25                        THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
 SB 191	ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM                                       
  		OVERVIEW OF LEGISLATION                                                    
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
 JAN 23                         TUESDAY  1:30 PM                               
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
 JAN 25                        THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
  		NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                       
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                          LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT                         
                               HOUSE FINANCE 519                               
 FEB 07                        WEDNESDAY  4:30 PM                              
  		JOINT WITH HOUSE/SENATE FINANCE                                            
  		SUBCOMMITTEES ON REVENUE                                                   
  		..PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND CORPORATION                                      
  		OVERVIEW WITH BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                            
  		..WORK-SESSION COMPARING INVESTMENT                                        
  		STRATEGIES OF THE STATES 3 RETIREMENT                                      
  		FUNDS AND THE PERMANENT FUND                                               
                             LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                             
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
 FEB 07                        WEDNESDAY 12:15 PM                              
+ 		WORK SESSION                                                               
                                OTHER MEETINGS                               
                               CHILDRENS CAUCUS                              
                                BUTROVICH RM 205                               
 JAN 23                         TUESDAY 12:00 PM                               
  		UPDATE ON THE HEALTHY FAMILIES PROGRAM                                     
  		DHSS DEPUTY COMMISSIONER YVONNE CHASE                                      

1996-01-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 2190
                                JOINT SESSION                                
                                 HOUSE CHAMBER                                 
 FEB 21                        WEDNESDAY 11:00 AM                              
  		JOINT SESSION: STATE OF JUDICIARY                                          
                               MAJORITY CAUCUS                               
                                BUTROVICH RM 205                               
 JAN 19                         FRIDAY  11:30 AM                               
  		WILL MEET UPON ADJOURNMENT                                                 
 JAN 23                         TUESDAY 11:00 AM