Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1996-06-05 House Journal

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1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4675
                                 HOUSE JOURNAL                                 
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
Juneau, Alaska                     Wednesday              June 5, 1996         
                               Twenty-ninth Day                              
Pursuant to adjournment, the House was called to order by Speaker              
Phillips at 2:17 p.m.                                                          
Roll call showed 32 members present.  Representatives Davies and               
Toohey had been previously excused from a call of the House today.             
Representatives B.Davis and Kubina were absent and their presence              
was noted later.                                                               
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
following members be excused from a call of the House.  There being            
no objection, the members were excused as noted:                               
Representative Kohring - from today to 9:30 a.m., plane time, June 6,          
Representative Ogan - from today to 9:30 a.m., plane time, June 6,             
Representative James - from today to 9:30 a.m., plane time, June 6,            
Representative Kott - from today to 9:30 a.m., plane time, June 6,             
The invocation was offered by the Chaplain Designee, Representative            
Martin.  Representative Bunde moved and asked unanimous consent                
that the invocation be spread on the journal.  There being no objection,       
it appears below:                                                              

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4676
Almighty Father, Our Savior and Guiding Light,                                
We take this opportunity to pray to You, ask special favors,                  
and thank You for the numerous blessings You bestow on us                      
every day.                                                                     
However, these are trying times for many Alaskans.  We ask                    
that You give relief to those who are suffering tremendous                     
property loss in this tragic fire in the Wasilla/Houston areas of              
Alaska.  We pray for those hundreds of families who have lost                  
their homes, cars, trucks and numerous personal possessions.                   
We are aware that no lives have been taken in this great fire                 
of `96 and thank You for this comfort.  We thank You for                       
encouraging over 1,000 men and women who have dedicated                        
their lives to careers that prepare them for such emergencies,                 
helping neighbors and strangers through natural disasters and                  
their personal crises.                                                         
We thank You for the thousands of Alaskan volunteers in                       
numerous ways who try to smooth the loss of those suffering.                   
What we do today as legislators pales when we consider the                     
generosity Your people are offering because they learn                         
through Your son Jesus Christ to love one another.                             
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative Foster.                     
                         CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL                        
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
journal for the 28th legislative day of the First Special Session and          
House Journal Supplement No. 15 be approved as certified by the                
Chief Clerk.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                     
                          MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                         
The following letter, dated June 4, 1996, was received:                        

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4677
Dear Senator Pearce and Speaker Phillips:                                      
Enclosed is a copy of the declaration of disaster emergency that I             
signed today for the Matanuska Susitna Borough and the City of                 
Houston wildland fires.  This is in response to the extensive damage           
being done to homes, utilities, recreational facilities, businesses, as        
well as surrounding lands.  I have also attached a request for $9              
million in additional general funds and $5 million in federal receipt          
authority for fiscal year 1996 for wildland fire fighting and necessary        
The request for additional funds is only an estimate since damage              
assessment cannot take place until the fire is under control.  This            
amount may not be sufficient to cover fire suppression activities if this      
fire remains out of control or other fires occur, nor if there is more         
extensive damage to homes and properties than originally estimated.            
Because of the uncertainty related to the amount needed for these fires,       
I am requesting these funds be made available into fiscal year 1997 to         
address continuing fire and disaster activities.                               
I will continue to keep you apprised of the ongoing situation.                 
							Tony Knowles                                                            
                      DECLARATION OF DISASTER EMERGENCY                      
	WHEREAS, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and the City of                        
Houston, are both second class municipalities; and,                            
	WHEREAS, beginning on May 8, 1996, extensive wildland fires                   
within the area have caused threats to life and property and extensive         
damages exceed the capabilities of local government resources for              
timely response and restoration; and,                                          
	WHEREAS, the severity and magnitude of the emergency is                       
beyond the timely and effective response capability of local resources;        

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4678
	WHEREAS, there are insufficient regularly appropriated funds to               
cover these requirements; and,                                                 
	NOW THEREFORE, on this 4th day of June, 1996, under the                   
authority granted by the Alaska Statutes, Section 26.23.020, I hereby          
declare that a condition of disaster exists in the Matanuska-Susitna           
Borough and the City of Houston, and that this condition is of                 
sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant a disaster declaration in         
order to provide assistance.                                                   
	FURTHER, the director, Alaska Division of Emergency Services                  
(ADES), is hereby authorized to utilize funds made available for these         
purposes which are considered necessary for disaster assistance,  and          
necessary administrative and disaster management expenses.  The                
director of ADES is the designated state coordinating officer; and, is         
further authorized to task, as necessary, the state departments and            
agencies in accordance with the State Emergency Plans; and, is further         
authorized to exercise, as necessary, the provisions provided under            
Alaska Statutes, Section 26.23.020 (g).                                        
							By:  /s/                                                                
							Tony Knowles                                                            
                        REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES                       
HB 1001                                                                      
The Finance Committee has considered:                                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 1001                                                           
An Act making appropriations for the operating expenses of the                
executive branch of state government; and providing for an                     
effective date.                                                                
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 1001(FIN)                                               
An Act making appropriations relating to fire suppression,                    
cleanup, and response and to disaster relief; and providing for an             
effective date.                                                                

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4679
HB 1001                                                                      
The report was signed by Representatives Hanley and Foster, Co-                
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                         
Do pass (10):  Foster, Hanley, Mulder, Parnell, Navarre, Martin,               
Grussendorf, Kelly, Therriault, Brown                                          
HB 1001 is on today's calendar.                                                
**The presence of Representative B.Davis was noted.                            
                          INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS                          
The following citations were introduced and referred to the Rules              
Committee for placement on the calendar:                                       
Honoring - Palmer High School Wrestling Team, State Champions                  
By Representative Ogan                                                         
Honoring - Tom Morgan                                                          
By Representative Mulder                                                       
Honoring - Jimmie Tulii Toolie                                                 
By Senator Adams                                                               
Honoring - Make-A-Wish Foundation                                              
By Senator Halford                                                             
                     CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                     
                        SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                        
HB 1001                                                                      
The following was read the second time:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 1001                                                           
An Act making appropriations for the operating expenses of the                
executive branch of state government; and providing for an                     
effective date.                                                                

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4680
HB 1001                                                                      
with the:                                                 Journal Page         
	FIN RPT  CS(FIN) NT  10DP                                        4678         
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 1001(FIN)                                               
An Act making appropriations relating to fire suppression,                    
cleanup, and response and to disaster relief; and providing for an             
effective date.                                                                
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that                    
CSHB1001(FIN) be considered engrossed,  advanced to third reading              
and placed on final passage.                                                   
Representative Mackie objected and withdrew the objection.  There              
being no further objection, it was so ordered.                                 
CSHB 1001(FIN) was read the third time.                                        
**The presence of Representative Kubina was noted.                             
The question being:  Shall CSHB 1001(FIN) pass the House?  The                 
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
CSHB 1001(FIN)                                                                 
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  34   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  6   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Austerman, Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, B.Davis, G.Davis,               
Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, Kelly,           
Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Mulder, Navarre,                   
Nicholia, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders,              
Therriault, Vezey, Williams, Willis                                            

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4681
HB 1001                                                                      
Excused:  Davies, James, Kohring, Kott, Ogan, Toohey                           
And so, CSHB 1001(FIN) passed the House.                                       
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the        
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.           
Representative Navarre gave notice of reconsideration of his vote on           
CSHB 1001(FIN).                                                                
HB 1001                                                                      
Representative Navarre moved and asked unanimous consent that the              
reconsideration of CSHB 1001(FIN) be taken up on the same day.                 
Representative Mackie objected and withdrew the objection.  There              
being no further objection, it was so ordered.                                 
CSHB 1001(FIN) was again before the House in third reading.                    
The question to be reconsidered:  Shall CSHB 1001(FIN) pass the                
House?  The roll was taken with the following result:                          
CSHB 1001(FIN)--RECONSIDERATION                                                
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  34   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  6   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Austerman, Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, B.Davis, G.Davis,               
Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, Kelly,           
Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Mulder, Navarre,                   
Nicholia, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders,              
Therriault, Vezey, Williams, Willis                                            
Excused:  Davies, James, Kohring, Kott, Ogan, Toohey                           
And so, CSHB 1001(FIN) passed the House on reconsideration.                    

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4682
HB 1001                                                                      
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the        
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.           
CSHB 1001(FIN) was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.                
                            LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS                            
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
House approve the citations on the calendar.  There being no objection,        
the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling:                   
Honoring - Colonel James D. Doug Ferry, USAF Ret.                              
By Representatives  Mulder, Phillips, Brice, B.Davis, G.Davis, Foster,         
Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Mackie, Navarre, Nicholia,                
Parnell, Porter, Robinson,  Sanders, Vezey, Williams, Willis                   
Honoring - Ben Ellis                                                           
By Representatives Mulder, G. Davis,  Phillips, Austerman, Brice,              
Bunde, B.Davis, Foster, Green, Hanley, James, Kelly, Kohring,                  
Mackie, Martin, Navarre, Nicholia, Parnell, Porter, Robinson, Sanders,         
Vezey, Willis                                                                  
Honoring - Berda Willson                                                       
By Senator Adams; Representatives Foster, Brice, B.Davis, G.Davis,             
Elton, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Mulder, Navarre,              
Nicholia, Martin, Porter, Robinson,  Sanders, Williams, Willis                 
Honoring - John Sinnok, 1996 Bilingual Educator of the Year                    
By Senator Adams; Representatives Foster, Phillips, Austerman, Brice,          
B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Green, Ivan, James, Kubina, Long, Mackie,             
Mulder, Navarre, Nicholia, Porter, Robinson, Sanders, Williams, Willis         
In Memoriam - Janet Ann Forrest                                                
By Representatives Mulder, Phillips, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Foster,          
James, Kubina, Mackie, Nicholia, Parnell, Porter, Robinson,  Sanders,          
Vezey, Williams, Willis                                                        

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4683
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
House recess to a call of the Chair.  There being no objection, the            
House recessed at 2:38 p.m.                                                    
                                 AFTER RECESS                                
The Speaker called the House back to order at 11:12 p.m.                       
A second quorum call showed 25 members present.                                
The Speaker stated that, without objection, the House would revert to:         
                           MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE                          
Messages dated June 5, 1996, were read stating the Senate has passed           
the following, and they are transmitted for consideration:                     
SB 1003                                                                      
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 1003(FIN) am by the Senate Finance                      
Committee, entitled:                                                           
An Act relating to public employee compensation, benefits, and                
labor relations; relating to salaries and cost-of-living differentials         
for certain state employees, and to salary surveys and preparation             
of an annual pay schedule regarding certain state employees;                   
relating to retirement of and early retirement incentives for certain          
public employees; relating to pay and benefit programs for public              
employees; and providing for an effective date.                                
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
The message further stated that under Rule 43(b) of the Uniform                
Rules, engrossment had been waived and the following certified                 
amendments were attached:                                                      
Amendment No. 1:                                                               
Page 28, following line 3:                                                     
	Insert a new bill section to read:                                            

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4684
SB 1003                                                                      
   "* Sec. 53.  PROVISIONS NOT SEVERABLE.  Notwithstanding                   
AS 01.10.030, the provisions of this Act are not severable."                   
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Amendment No. 2:                                                               
Page 1, line 2:                                                                
	Delete ", geographic"                                                       
Page 1, line 4, following "to retirement"                                    
	Insert "of"                                                                 
Page 1, lines 6 - 8:                                                           
	Delete "relating to and making conforming amendments                         
concerning certain state aid calculations formerly based on                    
geographic differentials for state employee salaries;"                        
Page 3, line 26, through page 5, line 24:                                      
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 6, line 28, through page 7, line 26:                                      
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 8, line 7, through page 9, line 6:                                        
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 9, line 15, through page 10, line 9:                                      
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 11, lines 3 - 29:                                                         
	Delete all material.                                                          

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4685
SB 1003                                                                      
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 13, lines 19 - 20:                                                        
	Delete "for determination of area cost-of-living differentials              
under AS 29.60.164 and 29.60.165 or"                                         
Page 13, lines 23, 28, and 29; page 14, lines 2, 12, and 22; page 15,          
lines 13, 21, and 30; page 18, line 18; page 19, line 18; page 21, lines       
24, 25, and 27 - 28; page 22, lines 5 and 18; page 23, line 27; and            
page 24, lines 7, 9, 11, 20, 23, and 27:                                       
	Delete "30 - 43"                                                              
	Insert "21 - 34"                                                              
Page 14, line 21:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 37"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 28"                                                              
Page 16, line 28; page 17, line 8; page 18, line 2; and page 23, line 4:       
	Delete "sec. 30(b)"                                                           
	Insert "sec. 21(b)"                                                           
Page 21, line 14:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 30(c)(2)"                                                        
	Insert "sec. 21(c)(2)"                                                        
Page 21, line 29:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 30(d) or (e)"                                                    
	Insert "sec. 21(d) or (e)"                                                    
Page 22, lines 30 and 31:                                                      
	Delete "sec. 30"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 21"                                                              
Page 23, line 16:                                                              
	Delete "secs. 35, 37, 38, 41, and 43"                                         
	Insert "secs. 26, 28, 29, 32, and 34"                                         
Page 23, line 19:                                                              
	Delete "secs. 30 - 32"                                                        
	Insert "secs. 21 - 23"                                                        

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4686
SB 1003                                                                      
Page 23, line 27:                                                              
	Delete "and separation incentive programs"                                    
	Insert "program"                                                              
Page 24, lines 18 and 19:                                                      
	Delete "secs. 30 - 38 and 40 - 43"                                            
	Insert "secs. 21 - 29 and 31 - 34"                                            
Page 24, lines 21 and 24:                                                      
	Delete "secs. 31 - 39"                                                        
	Insert "secs. 22 - 30"                                                        
Page 25, line 22:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 10"                                                              
Page 25, lines 22 - 24:                                                        
	Delete ", and to receive geographic differentials comparable to               
those received by the classified and partially exempt employees of the         
executive branch under AS 39.25.020, as enacted by sec. 14 of this             
Page 26, line 3:                                                               
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 10"                                                              
Page 26, lines 3 - 5:                                                          
	Delete ", and geographic differential adjustments comparable to               
those received by the classified and partially exempt employees of the         
executive branch under AS 39.27.020, as enacted by sec. 14 of this             
Page 26, line 12:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 10"                                                              
Page 26, line 20:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 10"                                                              

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4687
SB 1003                                                                      
Page 27, line 19, through page 28, line 1:                                     
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 28, line 4:                                                               
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 28, line 5:                                                               
	Delete "Sections 30, 31, and 39"                                              
	Insert "Sections 21, 22, and 30"                                              
Page 28, line 6:                                                               
	Delete "Sections 32 - 36"                                                     
	Insert "Sections 23 - 27"                                                     
Amendment No. 3:                                                               
Page 26, line 27:                                                              
	Delete .                                                                      
	Insert  ; and                                                                 
add a new subsection                                                           
	(3) satisfies only those monetary terms funded in appropriation               
legislation passed by the Nineteenth Alaska State Legislature.                 
Page 26, line 28:                                                              
	Insert after approval: , subject to the conditions in (a) of this             
Amendment No. 4                                                                
Page 5, line 7, following "director":                                          
	Insert "of the division of personnel in the Department of                     
Page 5, line 25, through page 6, line 6:                                       
	Delete all material and insert:                                               

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4688
SB 1003                                                                      
   "* Sec. 12.  AS 39.20.200 is amended by adding a new subsection           
to read:                                                                       
	(b)  Personal leave accrued by an officer or employee during                 
each pay period shall be converted monthly to a cash value by                  
multiplying the hours accrued during the pay periods in that month             
by the officer's or employee's annualized hourly rate of pay for               
the pay period.  The resulting amount shall be added to the cash               
value amounts calculated for previous pay periods.  The total of               
all of the cash values is the cash value of the officer's or                   
employee's personal leave balance.                                             
   * Sec. 13.  AS 39.20.250(a) is amended to read:                           
	(a)  Terminal leave for unused personal leave shall be allowed               
upon separation from service.  The payment equals the cash value             
of the officer's or employee's personal leave balance at the                   
time of separation from state service ªCOMPENSATION THAT                     
THE OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE WOULD HAVE RECEIVED IF                                 
THE OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE HAD REMAINED IN THE                                    
SERVICE UNTIL THE EXPIRATION OF THE PERIOD OF                                  
UNUSED PERSONAL LEAVE.  A PAYMENT OF TERMINAL                                  
LEAVE TO AN EMPLOYEE SHALL BE MADE AS A LUMP                                   
SUM PAYMENT OR IN INSTALLMENTS OVER A PERIOD                                   
OF TIME, AS THE EMPLOYEE ELECTSß."                                             
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 13, lines 23, 28, and 29; page 14, lines 2, 12, and 22; page 15,          
lines 13, 21, and 30; page 18, line 18; page 19, line 18; page 21, lines       
24, 25, and 27 - 28; page 22, lines 5 and 18; page 23, line 27; and            
page 24, lines 7, 9, 11, 20, 23, and 27:                                       
	Delete "30 - 43"                                                              
	Insert "31 - 44"                                                              
Page 14, line 21:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 37"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 38"                                                              
Page 16, line 28; page 17, line 8; page 18, line 2; and page 23, line 4:       
	Delete "sec. 30(b)"                                                           
	Insert "sec. 31(b)"                                                           

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4689
SB 1003                                                                      
Page 21, line 14:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 30(c)(2)"                                                        
	Insert "sec. 31(c)(2)"                                                        
Page 21, line 29:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 30(d) or (e)"                                                    
	Insert "sec. 31(d) or (e)"                                                    
Page 22, lines 30 and 31:                                                      
	Delete "sec. 30"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 31"                                                              
Page 23, line 16:                                                              
	Delete "secs. 35, 37, 38, 41, and 43"                                         
	Insert "secs. 36, 38, 39, 42, and 44"                                         
Page 23, line 19:                                                              
	Delete "secs. 30 - 32"                                                        
	Insert "secs. 31 - 33"                                                        
Page 24, lines 18 and 19:                                                      
	Delete "secs. 30 - 38 and 40 - 43"                                            
	Insert "secs. 31 - 39 and 41 - 44"                                            
Page 24, lines 21 and 24:                                                      
	Delete "secs. 31 - 39"                                                        
	Insert "secs. 32 - 40"                                                        
Page 25, line 22:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 14"                                                              
Page 25, line 24:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 14"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 15"                                                              
Page 25, line 26:                                                              
	Following "FOR":                                                              
	Insert "CERTAIN"                                                              

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4690
SB 1003                                                                      
Page 25, line 29:                                                              
	Following "FOR":                                                              
	Insert "CERTAIN"                                                              
	Following "BRANCH.":                                                          
	Insert "(a)  Effective July 1, 1996, the permanent and temporary              
employees of the judicial branch, other than justices and judges, who          
are not members of a collective bargaining unit, are entitled to receive       
a one-time salary increase of 5.2 percent of the employee's base salary        
as of June 30, 1996."                                                          
Page 25, line 30:                                                              
	Delete "For the fiscal years beginning"                                       
	Insert "(b)  On"                                                              
Page 26, line 3:                                                               
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 14."                                                             
Page 26, lines 3 - 5:                                                          
	Delete ", and geographic differential adjustments comparable to               
those received by the classified and partially exempt employees of the         
executive branch under AS 39.27.020, as enacted by sec. 14 of this             
Page 26, line 12:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 14"                                                              
Page 26, line 20:                                                              
	Delete "sec. 13"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 14"                                                              
Page 27, following line 18:                                                    
	Insert a new bill section to read:                                            
   "* Sec. 52.  TRANSITION FOR STATE EMPLOYEE LEAVE                          
PROVISIONS.  For the purpose of implementing secs. 12 and 13 of                
this Act, the beginning total cash value of an officer's or employee's         
personal leave balance on the effective date of secs. 12 and 13 of this        
Act is calculated by multiplying the officer's or employee's personal          

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4691
SB 1003                                                                      
leave balance as of the day before the effective date of secs. 12 and 13       
of this Act by the officer's or employee's annualized hourly rate of pay       
on the effective date of secs. 12 and 13 of this Act."                         
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 27, lines 21, 23, and 29:                                                 
	Delete "sec. 14"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 15"                                                              
Page 28, line 4:                                                               
	Delete "Section 51"                                                           
	Insert "Section 53"                                                           
Page 28, line 5:                                                               
	Delete "Sections 30, 31, and 39"                                              
	Insert "Sections 31, 32, and 40"                                              
Page 28, line 6:                                                               
	Delete "Sections 32 - 36"                                                     
	Insert "Sections 33 - 37"                                                     
SB 1005                                                                      
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 1005(FIN) am by the Senate Finance                      
Committee, entitled:                                                           
An Act making and amending appropriations; making                             
appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State            
of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; providing              
for an effective date for versions of HB 412 and SB 136 that were              
passed by the Nineteenth Alaska State Legislature; and providing               
for an effective date.                                                         
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
The message further stated that under Rule 43(b) of the Uniform                
Rules, engrossment had been waived and the following certified                 
amendment was attached:                                                        

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4692
SB 1005                                                                      
Page 3, line 9:                                                                
	Delete "$13,275,389"                                                          
	Insert "$14,005,389"                                                          
Page 3, line 17:                                                               
	Delete "7,445,900"                                                            
	Insert "6,275,900"                                                            
Page 5, following line 1:                                                      
	Insert the following material to read:                                        
"Group health and life benefits fund (AS 39.30.095)	1,900,000"                 
Page 5, line 25:                                                               
	Delete "$975,000"                                                             
	Insert "$245,000"                                                             
Page 5, line 26, before "public":                                              
	Delete "reduced"                                                              
	Insert "the"                                                                  
Page 5, lines 26 - 27:                                                         
	Delete "reduced geographic differential,"                                     
Page 5, line 31:                                                               
	Delete "$8,448,800"                                                           
	Insert "$7,278,800"                                                           
Page 6, lines 4 - 5:                                                           
	Delete "establishes a reduced version of the public employees'                
retirement system for new employees, reduces the geographic                    
differential for certain state employees,"                                     
	Insert "makes a reduction for new employees under the public                  
employees' retirement system,"                                                 
Page 7, following line 20:                                                     
	Insert new bill sections to read:                                             
   "* Sec. 13.  The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed        
$25,000, of the general fund appropriation made by sec. 47, ch. 94,            
SLA 1995, page 22, line 10 (Medical assistance - $342,667,300) is              
reappropriated to the Department of Public Safety for payment as a             

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4693
SB 1005                                                                      
grant under AS 37.05.316 to Victims for Justice for personal services,         
office supplies, and equipment.                                                
   * Sec. 14.  The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed         
$200,000, of the general fund appropriation made in sec. 47, ch. 94,           
SLA 1995, page 22, line 10 (Medical assistance - $342,667,300) is              
reappropriated to the Department of Health and Social Services for             
child care benefits to eligible needy families, welfare, and Alaska work       
programs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997.                             
   * Sec. 15  The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed          
$200,000, of the general fund appropriation made in sec. 47, ch. 94,           
SLA 1995, page 22, line 10 (Medical assistance - $342,667,300) is              
reappropriated to the Department of Fish and Game for fisheries                
management activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997.                
   * Sec. 16.  The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed         
$140,000, of the general fund appropriation made in sec. 47, ch. 94,           
SLA 1995, page 22, line 10 (Medical assistance - $342,667,300) is              
reappropriated to the Department of Health and Social Services to fund         
costs of phasing out the Juneau public health laboratory for the fiscal        
year ending June 30, 1997.                                                     
   * Sec. 17.  The sum of $1,615,000 is appropriated from corporate          
receipts of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to the Department           
of Transportation and Public Facilities for Bethel seawall construction.       
   * Sec. 18.  The sum of $250,000 is appropriated from corporate            
receipts of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to the Department           
of Administration for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the             
City of Valdez for reviewing and implementing a study of alternative           
uses of the Harborview facility."                                              
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Page 8, line 7:                                                                
	Delete "sec. 11"                                                              
	Insert "secs. 11 and 17"                                                      
Page 8, line 10:                                                               
	Delete "and 5 - 18"                                                           
	Insert "5 - 16, and 19 - 24"                                                  
Page 8, line 12:                                                               
	Delete "sec. 19"                                                              
	Insert "sec. 25"                                                              

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4694
SB 1009                                                                      
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO.  1009(STA) by the Senate State Affairs                  
Committee, entitled:                                                           
An Act relating to the definition of program receipts; and                    
providing for an effective date.                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
SB 1010                                                                      
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 1010(L&C) am by the Senate Labor &                      
Commerce Committee, entitled:                                                  
An Act relating to vehicle records and hearings of the Department             
of Public Safety; increasing the period under which a person may               
drive a motor vehicle under a temporary permit; relating to                    
ownership of certain abandoned vehicles; relating to suspension or             
revocation of a vehicle registration, certificate of registration,             
registration plate, or special permit; relating to renewal of a                
driver's license by mail; relating to procedures applicable to                 
administrative revocation of a driver's license; relating to                   
commercial driver training schools; increasing the property damage             
amounts for financial responsibility laws related to vehicles and              
proof of motor vehicle eligibility in order to lawfully operate a              
motor vehicle in the state; amending the definitions of                        
`commercial motor vehicle' and  `commercial purposes'; relating                
to prohibitions against operation of a commercial motor vehicle                
and being on duty to operate a commercial motor vehicle and to                 
disqualification from driving a commercial motor vehicle; relating             
to certain notifications in accidents involving property damage;               
relating to vehicle registration procedures; and providing for an              
effective date.                                                                
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
A message dated June 5, 1996, was read stating the Senate has             as   
accepted the invitation to meet in joint session at 12:00 noon, June 6,        
1996, to consider the Governor's vetoes.                                       

1996-06-05                     House Journal                      Page 4695
HB 1001                                                                      
CSHB 1001(FIN) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief                  
Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                         
House committee schedules are published daily under separate cover.            
Majority Caucus                Speaker's Chamber        upon adj., 6/5         
Minority Caucus                                        10:30 a.m., 6/6         
Joint Session                                          12:00 noon, 6/6         
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the                
House adjourn until 11:45 a.m., June 6, 1996.  There being no                  
objection, the House adjourned at 11:18 p.m.                                   
											Suzi Lowell                                                         
											Chief Clerk