Legislature(2023 - 2024)
2024-04-10 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2125 SENATE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE THIRTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Wednesday April 10, 2024 Eighty-sixth Day Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President Stevens at 11:07 a.m. The roll showed nineteen members present. Senator Olson was absent. The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Reverend Nancy Campbell, White Fields Church. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered. Dear Heavenly Father, I come boldly before your throne today, the throne of grace, where we find mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 I lift the Senators up to you and ask for Your mercy and grace to be upon them as they meet now. Be their guiding light. Strengthen them and give them great wisdom as they consider this days agenda. Let Your presence be here with them and give them great inspiration as they reason together. Grant them good health and perseverance as they near the finish of this session. Watch over their families and keep them in Your Hand. And now, I proclaim this promise over you: 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2126 May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; May the Name of the God of Jacob defend you; May He send you help from the sanctuary, And strengthen you out of Zion. May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, And fulfill all your purpose. Psalms 20:1-4 Each one of you has a purpose here, in this Senate. I bless you and your work. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. Senator Hughes led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Certification Senator Giessel moved and asked unanimous consent the journals for the eighty-fourth and eighty-fifth legislative days be approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Giessel moved and asked unanimous consent Senator Olson be excused from a call of the Senate today. Without objection, Senator Olson was excused. Messages from the House Concur Messages SB 45 Message dated April 9 was read stating the House passed and returned for consideration CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 45(L&C) am "An Act relating to insurance; relating to direct health care agreements; relating to the duties of the director of the division of insurance in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development; and providing for an effective date" with the following amendment(s): HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 45(2d L&C) am H(efd add H) 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2127 Communications The following report is on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: Ombudsman 2024 Annual Report in accordance with AS 24.55.230 Standing Committee Reports SB 102 The Labor and Commerce Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 102 "An Act relating to refuse utility rates and Regulatory Commission of Alaska regulations regarding refuse utilities; and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senator Bjorkman, Chair; Senator Gray-Jackson. Signing no recommendation: Senators Dunbar, Merrick. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development The bill was referred to the Rules Committee. SB 164 The Resources Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 164 "An Act making certain veterans eligible for a lifetime permit to access state park campsites and facilities without charge; and providing for an effective date" and recommended it be replaced with CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 164(RES) "An Act making certain veterans eligible for a lifetime permit to access state park campsites and the parking and restrooms of developed facilities without charge; and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senators Bishop, Giessel, Cochairs; Senators Claman, Wielechowski, Kaufman, Dunbar. Signing amend: Senator Kawasaki. 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2128 The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Natural Resources The bill was referred to the Finance Committee. HCR 8 The Community and Regional Affairs Committee considered HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8 Honoring United States military veterans exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War; and expressing gratitude for the courageous service of those veterans to the United States. Signing do pass: Senator Dunbar, Chair; Senators Gray-Jackson, Giessel, Bjorkman. The following previously published fiscal information applies: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, House Special Committee on Military and Veterans’ Affairs The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee. Consideration of the Calendar Second Reading of Senate Bills SB 228 SENATE BILL NO. 228 "An Act extending the termination date of the Board of Massage Therapists; and providing for an effective date" was read the second time. President Stevens stated SENATE BILL NO. 228 will advance to third reading on the April 11 calendar. Third Reading of Senate Bills SB 196 SENATE BILL NO. 196 "An Act relating to drug and alcohol testing by employers" was read the third time. 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2129 The question being: "Shall SENATE BILL NO. 196 "An Act relating to drug and alcohol testing by employers" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: SB 196 Third Reading - Final Passage YEAS: 19 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Bishop, Bjorkman, Claman, Dunbar, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kaufman, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Merrick, Myers, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, Tobin, Wielechowski, Wilson Excused: Olson and so, SENATE BILL NO. 196 passed the Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment. Citations Honoring - Roy Getchell Senator(s) Kiehl Representative(s) Story, Hannan Honoring - Hannah Shaha Representative(s) Saddler Honoring - Trevor Townsend Representative(s) Edgmon Honoring - Jaime Cabral Representative(s) Himschoot Senator(s) Stedman Honoring - Lisa Busch Representative(s) Himschoot Senator(s) Stedman Honoring - Fred Anderson and The Bristol Bay Historical Society Museum Representative(s) Edgmon Senator(s) Hoffman 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2130 Honoring - Petersburg Pilot 50th Anniversary Representative(s) Himschoot Senator(s) Stedman In Memoriam - Frederick James "Jim" McConnell Senator(s) Merrick In Memoriam - Dwayne Peeples Senator(s) Kiehl Representative(s) Hannan, Story In Memoriam - David Totemoff Sr. Senator(s) Stevens Representative(s) Stutes Senator Giessel moved and asked unanimous consent the citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to the Secretary for transmittal. Senator Giessel moved and asked unanimous consent the following citations be made a special order of business. Without objection, it was so ordered. Special Order of Business Honoring - Arctic Encounter Representative(s) Armstrong, Baker Honoring - Morgan Hegg Senator(s) Hughes Representative(s) Tilton Senator Giessel moved and asked unanimous consent the citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to the Secretary for transmittal. 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2131 Announcements SB 219 Senator Bjorkman, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent Uniform Rule 23 be waived on SENATE BILL NO. 219 "An Act relating to utilization review entities; exempting certain health care providers from making preauthorization requests for certain services; and providing for an effective date" for the Labor and Commerce Committee meeting today. Without objection, it was so ordered. Announcements are at the end of the journal. Engrossment SB 196 SENATE BILL NO. 196 "An Act relating to drug and alcohol testing by employers" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration. Adjournment Senator Giessel moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., April 11, 2024. Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:33 a.m. Liz Clark Secretary of the Senate 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2132 Announcements Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD. STANDING COMMITTEES + indicates teleconference = indicates bill previously heard/scheduled COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS Apr 11 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + SCR 13 ART. II, SEC. 16, CONST:AFFIRM COMPLIANCE Uniform Rule 23 Waived + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- EDUCATION Apr 10 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM += SB 221 CPR CURRICULUM += SB 158 SCHOOL GRANTS AND BOND DEBT REIMBURSEMENT + SB 143 EDUCATION FOR DEAF & HEARING IMPAIRED -- Invited & Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Apr 12 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM + Briefing on the Federal "Maintenance of Equity" Requirements -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2133 FINANCE Apr 10 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Overview: Governor's Amendments by Office of Management and Budget Department of Transportation + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Apr 10 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 1:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Please Note Time Change -- += SB 187 APPROP: CAP; REAPPROP + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Apr 11 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Apr 11 Thursday Senate Finance 532 1:30 PM -- Please Note Time Change -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Apr 12 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Apr 11 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Presentation: Department of Health - Behavioral Health Roadmap for Alaska Youth -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + HB 371 MEDICAL REVIEW ORGANIZATIONS -- Invited & Public Testimony -- + HCR 15 MENTAL HEALTH MONTH; TARDIVE DYSK WEEK + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- JUDICIARY Apr 10 Wednesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM += SB 258 CRIM. CONV. OVERTURNED: RECEIVE PAST PFD + SB 255 OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC PLACES; TRESPASSING -- Invited & Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2134 JUDICIARY (continued) Apr 12 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM += SB 20 APPROPRIATION LIMIT; GOV BUDGET += SJR 4 CONST. AM: APPROP LIMIT += SB 165 DEFENSE OF PUB. OFFICER: ETHICS COMPLAINT + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- LABOR & COMMERCE Apr 10 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM += SB 152 COMMUNITY ENERGY FACILITIES; NET METERING -- Invited & Public Testimony -- -- Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> -- += SB 257 ELECTRIC UTILITY REGULATION -- Invited & Public Testimony -- -- Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> -- += SB 219 PRIOR AUTH EXEMPT FOR HEALTH PROVIDERS Uniform Rule 23 Waived **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Apr 12 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM += SB 239 AIDEA WORKFORCE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT -- Invited & Public Testimony -- -- Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> -- += SB 211 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS/LOANS/SALES -- Invited & Public Testimony -- -- Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** ---------------------------------------- RESOURCES Apr 10 Wednesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Consideration of Governor’s Appointees: Board of Game: Jake Garner, James Baichtal Board of Fisheries: Curtis Chamberlain -- Invited & Public Testimony -- + HB 272 BIG GAME HUNTING BY PERSON W/ DISABILITY += SB 253 DNR BIG GAME HUNTING PRGRM/PILOT PROJECT -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += SB 248 BIG GAME COMMERCIAL SERVICES BOARD -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2135 RESOURCES (continued) Apr 12 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Consideration of Governor’s Appointees: Regulatory Commission of Alaska: John Espindola Board of Fisheries: Märit Carlson-Van Dort -- Invited & Public Testimony -- + Presentation: Cook Inlet Region Low Carbon Power Generation With Carbon Capture, Transport, and Storage Feasibility Study by Frank Paskvan, Affiliate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Northern Engineering <Above Item Removed from Agenda> + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** ---------------------------------------- STATE AFFAIRS Apr 11 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM + SCR 3 HOUSING SHORTAGE;PUBLIC-PRIV. PARTNERSHIP -- Invited & Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION Apr 11 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM + Presentation: Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Approval Update by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities by Ryan Anderson, Commissioner Katherine Keith, Deputy Commissioner + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2136 FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES ADMINISTRATION Apr 11 Thursday Butrovich 205 5:30 PM + Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- CORRECTIONS Apr 11 Thursday Butrovich 205 5:45 PM + Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Apr 10 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 12:00 PM + Overview: Department of Environmental Conservation Senate Finance Subcommittee Closeout ---------------------------------------- GOVERNOR Apr 11 Thursday Senate Finance 532 3:00 PM + Subcommitee Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- JUDICIARY Apr 11 Thursday Butrovich 205 5:15 PM + Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- LABOR & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Apr 11 Thursday Senate Finance 532 7:30 AM + FY25 Budget Closeout 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2137 FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued) LAW Apr 10 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 5:45 PM -- Rescheduled to 4/12/24 -- + Budget Closeout Meeting Apr 12 Friday Senate Finance 532 8:00 AM -- Rescheduled from 4/10/24 -- + Budget Closeout Meeting ---------------------------------------- LEGISLATURE Apr 11 Thursday Senate Finance 532 3:05 PM + Subcommittee Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- MILITARY & VETERANS' AFFAIRS Apr 10 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 12:20 PM + Overview: Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs Senate Finance Subcommittee Closeout ---------------------------------------- PUBLIC SAFETY Apr 10 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 5:00 PM + Budget Closeout Meeting ---------------------------------------- REVENUE Apr 10 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 12:40 PM + Overview: Department of Revenue Senate Finance Subcommittee Closeout ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES Apr 12 Friday Senate Finance 532 8:00 AM + FY25 Closeout 2024-04-10 Senate Journal Page 2138 OTHER MEETINGS MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS Apr 11 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 6:00 PM + Alaska Children's Caucus Meeting Stakeholder Presentations with Recommendations for Consideration by the Children's Caucus -- Invited Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv**