Legislature(2023 - 2024)

2024-10-09 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2024-10-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 2920
SCR 10                                                                                                                        
HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION                                                                                
NO. 10(FSH) am H Establishing the Joint Legislative Task Force                                                                  
Evaluating Alaska's Seafood Industry, was enrolled, signed by the                                                               
President and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and the engrossed                                                              
and enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the Governor at                                                                
9:30 a.m., June 21, 2024.                                                                                                       

2024-10-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 2921
Memorandum from Division of Legal and Research Services,                                                                        
Legislative Affairs Agency, was received, reporting the following                                                               
manifest errors in HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE                                                                                   
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 10(FSH) am H which have been                                                                          
corrected in enrolling:                                                                                                         
Page 2, line 31:                                                                                                                
         Delete "senate president"                                                                                              
         Insert "president of the senate"                                                                                       
Page 3, lines 1 - 2:                                                                                                            
         Delete "senate president"                                                                                              
         Insert "president of the senate"                                                                                       
                        Legislative Resolve No. 33