Legislature(2023 - 2024)

2024-10-09 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2024-10-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 2980
SB 58                                                                                                                         
Memorandum dated August 13 from Hilary V. Martin, Revisor of                                                                    
Statutes, was received stating:                                                                                                 
Under sec. 4, ch. 16, SLA 2023, secs. 1 and 2 take effect "only if, and                                                         
to the extent that, the United States Department of Health and Human                                                            
Services approves amendments submitted in accordance with sec. 3 . .                                                            
. ." Section 3 of ch. 16, SLA 2023, requires the Department of Health                                                           
to "submit as necessary for approval by the United States Department                                                            
of Health and Human Services amendments to the state plan under                                                                 
AS 47.07.040 to raise the maximum household income level relative                                                               
to the federal poverty line for pregnant women to be eligible for                                                               

2024-10-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 2981
medical assistance and to allow enrolled individuals to receive                                                                 
postpartum medical assistance for up to 12 months under 42 U.S.C.                                                               
1396a(e)(16)." Section 5 provides that if sections 1 and 2 take effect,                                                         
they take effect on "the day after the date the revisor of statutes                                                             
receives notice from the commissioner of health" that the United                                                                
States Department of Health and Human Services approved the                                                                     
amendments to the state plan. I received the required notice from the                                                           
commissioner of health on February 27, 2024. Therefore, secs. 1 and                                                             
2, ch. 16, SLA 2023, took effect February 28, 2024.                                                                             
Please publish this in the journal to provide notice of this effective                                                          