Legislature(2023 - 2024)
2023-05-11 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1031 HOUSE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE THIRTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE FIRST SESSION Juneau, Alaska Thursday May 11, 2023 One Hundred Fifteenth Day Pursuant to adjournment the House was called to order by Speaker Tilton at 10:08 a.m. Roll call showed 39 members present. Representative Fields was absent and his presence was noted later. The invocation was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Dani Cherian of Valley Church. Representative Vance moved and asked unanimous consent that the invocation be spread on the journal. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for a new day and for calling each representative and their staff here, to accomplish your plans today. I ask that you guide them, as they share and decide on the topics of the day. Please bless them with strength and give them harmony as they make decisions for Alaska. It says in the Bible that, My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. (Psalms 121:2-3) Lord, give them boldness to seek your help and access to your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and help your leaders make good decisions for the great State of Alaska. In Jesus' name, Amen. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1032 The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative Eastman. CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal for the 114th legislative day be approved as certified by the Chief Clerk. There being no objection, it was so ordered. MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE HCR 3 A message dated May 10 was read stating the Senate passed: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 3 Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 57, relating to home- and community-based services under the medical assistance program; relating to medical assistance for recipients of Medicaid waivers; establishing an adult care home license and procedures; and providing for the transition of individuals from foster care to adult home care settings. SB 57 A message dated May 10 was read stating the Senate concurred in the House amendment to: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 57(FIN) am "An Act relating to home- and community-based services under the medical assistance program; relating to medical assistance for recipients of Medicaid waivers; establishing an adult care home license and procedures; providing for the transition of individuals from foster care to adult home care settings; and providing for an effective date." thus adopting: HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 57(FIN) am H "An Act relating to the sharing of confidential health information between the Department of Health and the Department of Family and Community Services; relating to home- and community-based 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1033 services under the medical assistance program; relating to medical assistance for recipients of Medicaid waivers; establishing a host care home license and procedures; providing for the transition of individuals from foster care to host home care settings; and providing for an effective date." (HCR 3 - title change resolution) A message dated May 10 was read stating the Senate passed the following, and they are transmitted for consideration: FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS SB 45 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 45(L&C) am by the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, entitled: "An Act relating to insurance; relating to direct health care agreements; relating to the duties of the director of the division of insurance in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Labor & Commerce Committee. SB 119 SENATE BILL NO. 119 by Senators Myers, Shower, Gray-Jackson, Kiehl, Tobin, Kaufman, Dunbar, Olson, Merrick, Bjorkman, Claman, and Kawasaki, entitled: "An Act relating to state identifications and driver's licenses for persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections; relating to state identifications issued by the Department of Corrections; relating to the duties of the commissioner of corrections; relating to misconduct involving confidential information; relating to voter identification; relating to identification for fishing permits; relating to identification for debtor financing statements; and providing for an effective date." 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1034 was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee. SB 126 SENATE BILL NO. 126 by the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, entitled: "An Act relating to the State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors; relating to architects, engineers, land surveyors, and landscape architects; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Labor & Commerce Committee. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES SB 107 The House Special Committee on Ways & Means considered: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 107(FIN) "An Act relating to the Alaska permanent fund; relating to income of the Alaska permanent fund; relating to the amount available for appropriation and appropriations from the earnings reserve account; relating to the permanent fund dividend; and providing for an effective date." and recommends it be replaced with: HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 107(W&M) (same title) The report was signed by Representative Carpenter, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (3): Allard, McCabe, Carpenter No recommendation (2): McKay, Tilton Amend (2): Gray, Groh 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1035 The following fiscal note(s) apply to HCS CSSB 107(W&M): 1. Zero, Dept. of Revenue CSSB 107(FIN) was referred to the Finance Committee. INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS The following citations were introduced and referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar: Honoring - Bruce "Cecher" Cech By Representative Stapp; Senator Kawasaki Honoring - Milo Griffin By Representatives Tomaszewski, Hannan Honoring - Hockey Club Fairbanks 12 U A, State Champions By Representative Tomaszewski Honoring - Mary Kay Havens By Senators Bjorkman, Kiehl; Representative Hannan Honoring - Romayne Hindman By Senator Bjorkman; Representative Carpenter Honoring - Senate Floor Staff of 2023 By Senator Wielechowski Honoring - Kenneth Arthur Anderson By Senator Olson In Memoriam - Donald Dean Lust By Representative Rauscher; Senator Shower In Memoriam - Hilda Louise Spires By Senator Bjorkman In Memoriam - Master Sergeant William L. Dill (Ret.) By Senator Wielechowski; Representative Mears 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1036 INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE OF HOUSE BILLS HB 201 HOUSE BILL NO. 201 by Representatives Himschoot and Hannan, entitled: "An Act changing the residency requirements for hunting, trapping, and sport fishing privileges; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Judiciary Committees. **The presence of Representative Fields was noted. CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS HB 2 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 2 "An Act relating to contracts with public agencies; and relating to the State of Israel." with the: Journal Page STA RPT CS(STA) 4DP 1DNP 1NR 400 FN1: ZERO(ADM) 400 Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 2(STA) (same title) Representative Eastman objected and withdrew the objection. There being no further objection, CSHB 2(STA) was adopted. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1037 Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative Eastman: Page 1, line 13, following the second occurrence of "business,": Insert "a boycott or divestment campaign," Page 2, line 16, following "boycott": Insert "or divestment campaign" Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. Representative Vance objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 2(STA) Second Reading Amendment No. 1 YEAS: 1 NAYS: 39 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Eastman Nays: Allard, Armstrong, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright And so, Amendment No. 1 was not adopted. Amendment No. 2 was offered by Representative Eastman: Page 1, line 15, following "Israel": Insert "or in a territory under control of the Israeli government" Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 2 be adopted. Representative Vance objected. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1038 The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 2 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 2(STA) Second Reading Amendment No. 2 YEAS: 1 NAYS: 39 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Eastman Nays: Allard, Armstrong, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright And so, Amendment No. 2 was not adopted. Amendment No. 3 was offered by Representative Eastman: Page 1, line 1, following the second occurrence of "to" (title amendment): Insert "Taiwan and" Page 1, line 5, following "the": Insert "Taiwan and" Page 1, line 7, following "against": Insert "Taiwan and" Page 1, line 14, following the first occurrence of "with": Insert "Taiwan or" Page 1, line 15, following the first occurrence of "with": Insert "Taiwan or" Page 2, line 1, following "by": Insert "Taiwan or" Page 2, line 4, following "with": Insert "Taiwan or" 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1039 Page 2, line 16, following the second occurrence of "of": Insert "Taiwan or" Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 3 be adopted. Representative Stapp objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 3 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 2(STA) Second Reading Amendment No. 3 YEAS: 13 NAYS: 27 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Armstrong, Eastman, Fields, Galvin, Gray, Hannan, Himschoot, Mina, Ortiz, Ruffridge, Schrage, Story, Sumner Nays: Allard, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Foster, Groh, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Stutes, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Fields changed from "NAY" to "YEA" And so, Amendment No. 3 was not adopted. Amendment No. 4 was offered by Representative Eastman: Page 2, lines 15 - 17: Delete all material. Reletter the following subsections accordingly. Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 4 be adopted. Representative Vance objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 4 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1040 CSHB 2(STA) Second Reading Amendment No. 4 YEAS: 12 NAYS: 28 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Armstrong, Coulombe, Eastman, Galvin, Gray, Hannan, Ortiz, Prax, Ruffridge, Schrage, Story, Stutes Nays: Allard, Carpenter, Carrick, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Groh, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Patkotak, Rauscher, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright And so, Amendment No. 4 was not adopted. Amendment No. 5 was offered by Representative Fields: Page 3, line 17: Insert a new subsection to read: "*Sec. 6. The Alaska Legislature recognizes Israel's fundamental right to exist as a democratic country with freedom of speech and an independent judiciary." Representative Fields moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 5 be adopted. Representative Stapp objected. Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 5 was offered by Representative Stapp: Page 1, line 3 of the amendment: Delete "exist as a democratic country with freedom of speech and an independent judiciary." Insert "exist." Representative Stapp moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 5 be adopted. There was objection. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1041 Representative Stapp moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 5. There being no objection, it was so ordered. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 5 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 2(STA) Second Reading Amendment No. 5 YEAS: 19 NAYS: 21 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Armstrong, Carrick, Dibert, Eastman, Fields, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, Josephson, McCormick, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Prax, Schrage, Story, Stutes Nays: Allard, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Edgmon, Foster, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, McCabe, McKay, Patkotak, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright And so, Amendment No. 5 was not adopted. Amendment No. 6 was offered by Representative Fields: Page 3, line 17: Insert a new bill section to read: "*Sec. 6. No state agency may sign a contract for products or services with a company that does business with Russia. This provision ceases to take effect when Russia has withdrawn from Ukraine." Representative Fields moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 6 be adopted. Representative C. Johnson objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 6 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 2(STA) Second Reading Amendment No. 6 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1042 YEAS: 17 NAYS: 23 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Armstrong, Carrick, Dibert, Fields, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, Josephson, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Schrage, Story, Stutes, Sumner Nays: Allard, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Eastman, Edgmon, Foster, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright And so, Amendment No. 6 was not adopted. Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB 2(STA) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There was objection. CSHB 2(STA) will advance to third reading on tomorrow's calendar. HB 28 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 28 "An Act restricting the release of certain records of convictions; and providing for an effective date." with the: Journal Page JUD RPT CS(JUD) 2DP 2NR 2AM 823 FN1: ZERO(AJS) 823 FN2: (DPS) 823 FIN RPT CS(FIN) 8DP 1NR 959 FN1: ZERO(AJS) 959 FN3: (DPS) 959 Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 28(FIN) (same title) 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1043 There being no objection, it was so ordered. The Speaker stated that, without objection, the House would revert to Introduction of Guests and then advance to: SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS HB 28 The following was before the House: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 28(FIN) "An Act restricting the release of certain records of convictions; and providing for an effective date." Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative McCabe: Page 3, line 3: Delete "and" Page 3, line 4, following "records": Insert "; and (5) pays a fee established by the agency in regulation in an amount that is not less than $50" Representative McCabe moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. Representative Wright objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 28(FIN) Second Reading Amendment No. 1 YEAS: 14 NAYS: 25 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Allard, Carpenter, Eastman, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McKay, Rauscher, Saddler, Shaw, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1044 Nays: Armstrong, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, McCormick, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Prax, Ruffridge, Schrage, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Wright Absent: Patkotak And so, Amendment No. 1 was not adopted. Amendment No. 2 was not offered. Amendment No. 3 was offered by Representative Eastman: Page 1, line 1, following "convictions;" (title amendment): Insert "relating to the information a defendant may provide to a prospective employer concerning the defendant's criminal history;" Page 2, line 26: Delete "a new subsection" Insert "new subsections" Page 3, following line 4: Insert a new subsection to read: "(g) Nothing in (f) of this section permits a defendant to provide a prospective employer inaccurate information concerning the defendant's criminal history." Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 3 be adopted. Representative Prax objected. Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw Amendment No. 3. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative McCabe, citing section 403 of Mason's Manual, rose to a point of order regarding withdrawal of an amendment after formal introduction. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1045 The Speaker stated that the point was well taken. Amendment No. 4 was offered by Representative Eastman: Page 3, line 3, following "convicted of": Insert "or charged with" Page 3, line 14, following "convicted of": Insert "or charged with" Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 4 be adopted. Representative Wright objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 4 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 28(FIN) Second Reading Amendment No. 4 YEAS: 4 NAYS: 36 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Allard, Carpenter, Eastman, Stutes Nays: Armstrong, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Allard changed from "NAY" to "YEA" And so, Amendment No. 4 was not adopted. Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB 28(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There was objection. CSHB 28(FIN) will advance to third reading on tomorrow's calendar. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1046 THIRD READING OF HOUSE BILLS HB 3 The following, which was advanced to third reading from the May 10 calendar (page 1009), was read the third time: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 3(FIN) "An Act relating to specie as legal tender in the state; and relating to borough and city sales and use taxes on specie." The question being: "Shall CSHB 3(FIN) pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 3(FIN) Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 25 NAYS: 15 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Allard, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Eastman, Edgmon, Foster, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, McCabe, McKay, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: Armstrong, Carrick, Dibert, Fields, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, Josephson, McCormick, Mears, Mina, Schrage, Story And so, CSHB 3(FIN) passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. HB 66 The following, which was advanced to third reading from the May 10 calendar (page 1021), was read the third time: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 66(FIN) am "An Act relating to homicide resulting from conduct involving controlled substances; relating to misconduct involving a controlled substance; relating to sentencing; and providing for an effective date." 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1047 Representative Ruffridge moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB 66(FIN) am be returned to second reading for the specific purpose of considering an amendment. Representative Rauscher objected and withdrew the objection. There being no further objection, CSHB 66(FIN) am was returned to second reading. Representative Ruffridge moved and asked unanimous consent to rescind previous action in adopting Amendment No. 11 (Page 1020). There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Ruffridge moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw Amendment No. 11. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Amendment No. 12 was offered by Representative Ruffridge. Page 3, following line 29: Insert a new bill section to read: "* Sec. 5. AS 11.71.021(a) is amended to read: (a) Except as authorized in AS 17.30, a person commits the crime of misconduct involving a controlled substance in the second degree if the person (1) manufactures or delivers any amount of a schedule IA controlled substance or possesses any amount of a schedule IA controlled substance with intent to manufacture or deliver; (2) manufactures any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains (A) methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; or (B) an immediate precursor of methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; (3) possesses an immediate precursor of methamphetamine, or the salts, isomers, or salts of isomers of the immediate precursor of methamphetamine, with the intent to manufacture any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; (4) possesses a listed chemical with intent to manufacture 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1048 any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains (A) methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; or (B) an immediate precursor of methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; (5) possesses methamphetamine in an organic solution with intent to extract from it methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; or (6) under circumstances not proscribed under AS 11.71.010(a)(2), delivers (A) an immediate precursor of methamphetamine, or the salts, isomers, or salts of isomers of the immediate precursor of methamphetamine, to another person with reckless disregard that the precursor will be used to manufacture any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; [OR] (B) a listed chemical to another person with reckless disregard that the listed chemical will be used to manufacture any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains (i) methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; (ii) an immediate precursor of methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers; or (iii) methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers in an organic solution; or (C) methamphetamine, or its salts, isomers, or salts of isomers." Renumber the following bill sections accordingly. Page 7, line 2, following "AS 11.71.140(c)(29)": Insert "or under AS 11.71.021(a)(6) related to a schedule IIA controlled substance set out in AS 11.71.150(e)(2)" Page 7, line 11, following the second occurrence of "Act,": Insert "AS 11.71.021(a), as amended by sec. 5 of this Act," 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1049 Page 7, line 12: Delete "sec. 5" Insert "sec. 6" Delete "sec. 6" Insert "sec. 7" Page 7, line 13: Delete "sec. 7" Insert "sec. 8" Representative Ruffridge moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 12 be adopted. Representative Eastman objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 12 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 66(FIN) am Second Reading Amendment No. 12 YEAS: 33 NAYS: 6 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McKay, Mears, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: Armstrong, Carrick, Eastman, Hannan, McCormick, Mina Absent: Allard And so, Amendment No. 12 was adopted. CSHB 66(FIN) am was automatically in third reading. The question being: "Shall CSHB 66(FIN) am pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 66(FIN) am Third Reading Final Passage 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1050 YEAS: 35 NAYS: 5 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Allard, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: Armstrong, Carrick, Eastman, Hannan, Mina And so, CSHB 66(FIN) am passed the House. Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the effective date clause. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 66(FIN) am was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS SB 38 The following, which was advanced to third reading from the May 10 calendar (page 1025), was read the third time: SENATE BILL NO. 38 "An Act establishing the crime of interference with emergency communications." The question being: "Shall SB 38 pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: SB 38 Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 37 NAYS: 1 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 2 Yeas: Armstrong, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1051 Nays: Eastman Absent: Allard, Fields And so, SB 38 passed the House and was signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk, and returned to the Senate. LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the House approve the citations on the calendar. There being no objection, the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling: Honoring - Ryan Redington By Representative McCabe; Senator Shower Honoring - Dan O'Neill By Representatives Gray, Carrick; Senator Bishop Honoring - Bill Legere By Senator Kiehl; Representatives Hannan, Story In Memoriam - Senator Dennis Egan By Senator Kiehl; Representatives Hannan, Story In Memoriam - Felipe Michael Larranaga By Senator Kawasaki In Memoriam - Walter Ronald "Ron" Keyes By Senators Kawasaki, Bishop; Representative Carrick UNFINISHED BUSINESS SB 22 The Speaker removed the Labor & Commerce Committee referral and added a Finance Committee referral for the following: SENATE BILL NO. 22 "An Act establishing Juneteenth Day as a legal holiday." SB 22 is in the State Affairs Committee with further referral to the Finance Committee. 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1052 CONCUR IN SENATE AMENDMENTS HB 8 Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the House consider the Senate message (page 988) on the following: HOUSE BILL NO. 8 "An Act relating to electric-assisted bicycles." and SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 8(STA) "An Act relating to electric-assisted bicycles; and providing for an effective date." (technical title change) There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Saddler moved that the House concur in the Senate amendment and recommended that the members vote yes. The question being: "Shall the House concur in the Senate amendment?" The roll was taken with the following result: SCS HB 8(STA) Concur YEAS: 38 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 2 Yeas: Armstrong, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Eastman, Edgmon, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Absent: Allard, Fields And so, the House concurred in the Senate amendment, thus adopting SCS HB 8(STA). 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1053 Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the effective date clause. There being no objection, it was so ordered. The Chief Clerk notified the Senate. The bill was referred to the Chief Clerk for enrollment. UNFINISHED BUSINESS HB 3 Representative Ruffridge added as a cosponsor to: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 3(FIN) "An Act relating to specie as legal tender in the state; and relating to borough and city sales and use taxes on specie." HB 28 Representatives Gray and Fields added as cosponsors to: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 28(FIN) "An Act restricting the release of certain records of convictions; and providing for an effective date." HB 155 Representative Tomaszewski added as a cosponsor to: HOUSE BILL NO. 155 "An Act establishing the Alaska Military Affairs Commission; and relating to the duties and powers of the Alaska Military Affairs Commission." HB 183 Representative McKay added as a cosponsor to: HOUSE BILL NO. 183 "An Act relating to school athletics, recreation, athletic teams, and sports; and providing for an effective date." HB 194 Representative Tomaszewski added as a cosponsor to: 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1054 HOUSE BILL NO. 194 "An Act relating to the duties of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee; relating to the Executive Budget Act; establishing consensus estimating conferences; relating to the development of official information for use in preparing the state budget; and providing for an effective date." SB 119 Representative Hannan added as a cross sponsor to: SENATE BILL NO. 119 "An Act relating to state identifications and driver's licenses for persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections; relating to state identifications issued by the Department of Corrections; relating to the duties of the commissioner of corrections; relating to misconduct involving confidential information; relating to voter identification; relating to identification for fishing permits; relating to identification for debtor financing statements; and providing for an effective date." ENGROSSMENT HB 3 CSHB 3(FIN) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk, and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. HB 66 CSHB 66(FIN) am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk, and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. ANNOUNCEMENTS House committee schedules are published under separate cover. The following meetings today were changed: Finance Committee CHANGED TO: 30 min. after adjournment House Special Committee on Energy CANCELED Judiciary Committee CHANGED TO: 15 min. after adjournment 2023-05-11 House Journal Page 1055 ADJOURNMENT Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the House adjourn until 10:00 a.m., May 12. There being no objection, the House adjourned at 1:35 p.m. Crystaline Jones Chief Clerk