Legislature(2021 - 2022)

2022-03-09 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2037
                              HOUSE JOURNAL                                                                                  
                        ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                             
                        THIRTY-SECOND LEGISLATURE                                                                            
                             SECOND SESSION                                                                                  
Juneau, Alaska Wednesday March 9, 2022                                                                                        
                             Fifty-first Day                                                                               
Pursuant to adjournment the House was called to order by Speaker                                                                
Stutes at 10:01 a.m.                                                                                                            
Roll call showed 36 members present.  Representatives Carpenter,                                                                
Prax, and Tuck had been excused from a call of the House today.                                                                 
Representative Claman, Acting Majority Leader, moved and asked                                                                  
unanimous consent that the following member be excused from a call                                                              
of the House.  There being no objection, the member was excused as                                                              
Representative Thompson – from today to 7:00 a.m., March 12                                                                     
The invocation was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Mike Rose of                                                                 
Juneau Christian Center.  Representative Story moved and asked                                                                  
unanimous consent that the invocation be spread on the journal.  There                                                          
being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                          
    Almighty God,                                                                                                               
    Thank you for this beautiful day and for the majesty of your                                                                
    creation. We take comfort today knowing that you are                                                                        
    omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.  We ask that you                                                                   
    would help us by leading, guiding, and protecting this great                                                                
    nation and our state.                                                                                                       
    With the many challenges facing America, may we echo the                                                                    
    phrase in this song today: God bless America, land that I love,                                                             
    stand beside her and guide her through the night with light                                                                 
    from above…                                                                                                                 

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    In dark and difficult days the light from above reminds us of                                                               
    your loving wisdom. That it is first pure, then peaceable,                                                                  
    gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without                                                            
    a trace of partiality or hypocrisy.                                                                                         
        May your blessing, wisdom, and favor rest upon all House                                                               
         members and their families today. In you name we pray.                                                                
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative McKay.                                                                       
                      CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL                                                                           
Representative Claman moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
journal for the 49th and 50th legislative days be approved as certified                                                         
by the Chief Clerk.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                               
                                * * * * *                                                                                    
Representative LeBon introduced Scott Bieber, Guest Page, from                                                                  
Representative Vance introduced her children, Hadassah and Daniel                                                               
Vance, Guest Pages, from Homer.                                                                                                 
                       MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                                                                            
A Declaration of Disaster Emergency and accompanying letter dated                                                               
March 8, regarding the catastrophic failure of the City of Hooper Bay                                                           
sewage lagoon, were received. The declaration and accompanying                                                                  
letter were copied to the Finance Committee Co-chairs and are on file                                                           
in the Chief Clerk's office.                                                                                                    
                        MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE                                                                             
HB 3                                                                                                                          
A message dated March 8 was read stating the Senate passed                                                                      
CSHB 3(JUD) with the following amendment, and it is transmitted for                                                             

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    SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 3(JUD)                                                                                  
    "An Act relating to the definition of 'disaster.'"                                                                          
CSHB 3(JUD) is under Unfinished Business.                                                                                       
A message dated March 8 was read stating the Senate passed the                                                                  
following, and it is transmitted for consideration:                                                                             
                       FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                                                                           
                             OF SENATE BILLS                                                                                 
SB 7                                                                                                                          
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 7(JUD) by the Senate Judiciary                                                                           
Committee, entitled:                                                                                                            
    "An Act requiring the Department of Public Safety to publish                                                                
    certain policies and procedures on the department's Internet                                                                
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Judiciary                                                         
The following was received:                                                                                                     
Dept. of Health & Social Services                                                                                               
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities                                                                                     
Registration and Review Report                                                                                                  
Fiscal Year 2021                                                                                                                
(as required by AS 47.80.130)                                                                                                   
                     REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES                                                                          
The Resources Committee reviewed the qualifications of the following                                                            
and recommends the appointment be forwarded to a joint session for                                                              
                              Clay Bezenek                                                                                     

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2040
as a member of the Fishermen's Fund Advisory and Appeals Council.                                                               
The report was signed by Representative Patkotak, Chair; and                                                                    
Representatives McKay, Fields, Cronk, Hopkins, Rauscher, Hannan,                                                                
Gillham, and Schrage.                                                                                                           
HB 166                                                                                                                        
The Finance Committee considered:                                                                                               
    HOUSE BILL NO. 166                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to the issuance of vehicle registration plates."                                                          
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                                             
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 166(FIN)                                                                                              
    "An Act relating to the issuance of vehicle registration plates; and                                                        
    providing for an effective date."                                                                                           
The report was signed by Representative Merrick, Co-chair, with the                                                             
following individual recommendations:                                                                                           
Do pass (3):  LeBon, Johnson, Edgmon                                                                                            
Do not pass (1):  Josephson                                                                                                     
No recommendation (3):  Ortiz, Wool, Merrick                                                                                    
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 166(FIN):                                                                            
2.  Fiscal, Dept. of Administration                                                                                             
HB 166 was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                     
HB 177                                                                                                                        
The Finance Committee considered:                                                                                               
    HOUSE BILL NO. 177                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to an increase of an appropriation due to                                                                  
    additional federal or other program receipts; and providing for an                                                          
    effective date."                                                                                                            

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2041
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                                             
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 177(STA)                                                                                              
    (same title)                                                                                                                
The report was signed by Representatives Foster and Merrick, Co-                                                                
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                                                          
Do pass (4):  Edgmon, Ortiz, Josephson, Foster                                                                                  
No recommendation (4):  LeBon, Wool, Johnson, Merrick                                                                           
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 177(STA):                                                                            
2.  Zero, Office of the Governor                                                                                                
HB 177 was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                     
SB 71                                                                                                                         
The State Affairs Committee considered:                                                                                         
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 71(FIN)                                                                                              
    "An Act relating to special request registration plates celebrating                                                         
    the arts; relating to artwork in public buildings and facilities;                                                           
    relating to the management of artwork under the art in public                                                               
    places fund; relating to the powers and duties of the Alaska State                                                          
    Council on the Arts; establishing the Alaska arts and cultural                                                              
    investment fund; and providing for an effective date."                                                                      
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                                             
    HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 71(STA)                                                                                 
    (same title)                                                                                                                
The report was signed by Representative Kreiss-Tomkins, Chair, with                                                             
the following individual recommendations:                                                                                       
Do pass (4):  Tarr, Claman, Story, Kreiss-Tomkins                                                                               
Amend (3):  Vance, Eastman, Kaufman                                                                                             

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2042
The following fiscal note(s) apply to HCS CSSB 71(STA):                                                                         
4.  Fiscal, Office of the Governor/Fund Capitalization                                                                          
5.  Fiscal, Dept. of Administration                                                                                             
6.  Fiscal, Dept. of Education & Early Development                                                                              
CSSB 71(FIN) was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                             
SB 143                                                                                                                        
The Community & Regional Affairs Committee considered:                                                                          
    SENATE BILL NO. 143                                                                                                         
    "An Act relating to horizontal property regimes and common                                                                  
    interest communities; and relating to mortgages, deeds of trust,                                                            
    and other property liens."                                                                                                  
The report was signed by Representatives Hannan and Schrage, Co-                                                                
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                                                          
Do pass (5):  McCarty, McCabe, Drummond, Hannan, Schrage                                                                        
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                                             
1.  Zero, Office of the Governor/Combined                                                                                       
SB 143 was referred to the Labor & Commerce Committee.                                                                          
                        INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS                                                                            
The following citation was introduced and referred to the Rules                                                                 
Committee for placement on the calendar:                                                                                        
In Memoriam - Tom Fink                                                                                                          
By Representatives Johnson, Claman                                                                                              
               INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                                                    
                             OF HOUSE BILLS                                                                                  
HB 395                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 395 by the House Rules Committee by request of                                                                   
the Governor, entitled:                                                                                                         

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2043
    "An Act relating to the Alaska marine highway system fund and                                                               
    the Alaska marine highway system vessel replacement fund;                                                                   
    establishing the Alaska marine highway system fund and the                                                                  
    Alaska marine highway system vessel replacement fund outside                                                                
    the general fund; authorizing the commissioner of transportation                                                            
    and public facilities to expend money from the Alaska marine                                                                
    highway system fund and the Alaska marine highway system                                                                    
     vessel replacement fund; and providing for an effective date."                                                            
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                  
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                                             
1.  Fiscal, Office of the Governor/Special Appropriations                                                                       
2.  Fiscal, Office of the Governor/Special Appropriations                                                                       
3.  Fiscal, Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities                                                                         
The Governor's transmittal letter dated March 8 follows:                                                                        
"Dear Speaker Stutes:                                                                                                           
Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska                                                                   
Constitution, I am transmitting a bill relating to the removal of the                                                           
Alaska Marine Highway System fund (AMHS fund) and the Vessel                                                                    
Replacement fund from the general fund, authorizing that money                                                                  
appropriated to the AMHS fund or the Vessel Replacement fund may                                                                
be spent by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation                                                                
and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) without further appropriation, and                                                               
defining purposes for which funds may be expended from the AMHS                                                                 
This bill provides a framework for funding sources for legislative                                                              
appropriation into the AMHS fund and provides stability to the AMHS                                                             
fund and the Vessel Replacement fund by establishing both funds                                                                 
outside the general fund.                                                                                                       
This bill permits the DOT&PF Commissioner to use the AMHS fund                                                                  
to pay costs incurred through the operation of the Alaska Marine                                                                
Highway System, excluding capital improvements, and otherwise fund                                                              
and support the operation of Alaska Marine Highway System without                                                               

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2044
the need of additional legislative appropriations. Additionally, the bill                                                       
permits the DOT&PF Commissioner to use the Vessel Replacement                                                                   
fund for refurbishment of existing state ferry vessels, acquisition of                                                          
additional state ferry vessels, and replacement of retired or outmoded                                                          
state ferry vessels without further legislative appropriation.                                                                  
Passage of this bill will ensure a stable accounting and operating                                                              
budget for the Alaska Marine Highway System.                                                                                    
I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure.                                                                        
Mike Dunleavy                                                                                                                   
HB 396                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 396 by the House State Affairs Committee,                                                                        
    "An Act restricting certain investments of state funds in certain                                                           
    Russian entities; and providing for an effective date."                                                                     
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Finance                                                           
                   CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                                                                       
                      SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                                                                          
HB 62                                                                                                                         
The following was read the second time:                                                                                         
    HOUSE BILL NO. 62                                                                                                           
    "An Act relating to solemnization of marriage."                                                                             
with the:                                                   Journal Page                                                        
 STA RPT 4DP 2DNP 1AM 320                                                                                                       
 FN1: ZERO(DHS) 320                                                                                                             
 JUD RPT CS(JUD) NEW TITLE 4DP 3DNP 520                                                                                         
 FN1: ZERO(DHS) 520                                                                                                             

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The Rules Committee submitted the following fiscal note:                                                                        
2.  Zero, Dept. of Health & Social Services                                                                                     
Representative Claman moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:                                                         
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 62(JUD)                                                                                               
    "An Act relating to the Legislative Ethics Act; and relating to                                                             
    solemnization of marriage."                                                                                                 
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                    
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representative Snyder:                                                                           
Page 4, lines 27 - 28:                                                                                                          
    Delete "[AND THE TWO ATTENDING WITNESSES]"                                                                                  
    Insert "and the person verifying the marriage [TWO                                                                      
ATTENDING WITNESSES]"                                                                                                           
Page 4, line 29, following "copies.":                                                                                           
    Insert "The person verifying the marriage must be 18 years of                                                           
age or older. The person verifying the marriage shall                                                                       
communicate with both parties before or after the ceremony, but                                                             
before signing the original marriage certificate and the necessary                                                          
copies, and confirm that each party intends to marry the other                                                              
party. The person verifying the marriage is not required to                                                                 
witness the ceremony."                                                                                                      
Page 5, line 2:                                                                                                                 
    Delete "has [AND THE TWO WITNESSES HAVE]"                                                                               
    Insert "and the person verifying the marriage [TWO                                                                      
WITNESSES] have"                                                                                                                
Page 5, following line 9:                                                                                                       
    Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                          
"* Sec. 4. AS 25.05.321 is amended by adding a new subsection to                                                              
         (b)  The person solemnizing the marriage and the person                                                                
    verifying the marriage shall provide their printed names,                                                                   

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2046
    addresses, and telephone numbers on the forms provided by the                                                               
    bureau or by a church or congregation."                                                                                     
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                               
Representative Snyder moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                    
Amendment No. 1 be adopted.                                                                                                     
Representative Eastman objected.                                                                                                
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 1 was offered  by                                                                               
Representatives Vance and Claman:                                                                                               
Page 1, line 20 of the amendment, following "names,":                                                                           
    Insert "mailing and electronic mail"                                                                                        
Representative Vance moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                     
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 1 be adopted.  There being no                                                                  
objection, Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                                                      
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 1 as amended be                                                                       
adopted?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                        
CSHB 62(JUD)                                                                                                                    
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 1 as amended                                                                                                      
YEAS:  33   NAYS:  3   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Claman, Cronk, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Gillham,                                                                
Hannan, Hopkins, Josephson, Kaufman, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeBon,                                                                     
McCabe, McCarty, McKay, Merrick, Nelson, Ortiz, Patkotak,                                                                       
Rasmussen, Rauscher, Schrage, Shaw, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story,                                                                   
Stutes, Tarr, Tilton, Vance, Wool, Zulkosky                                                                                     
Nays:  Eastman, Johnson, Kurka                                                                                                  
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
And so, Amendment No. 1 as amended was adopted.                                                                                 
Amendment No. 2 was not offered.                                                                                                

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2047
Amendment No. 3 was offered  by Representatives Eastman and                                                                      
Page 5, line 22:                                                                                                                
 Delete "$500"                                                                                                                  
 Insert "$4,500"                                                                                                                
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 3 be adopted.                                                                                                     
Representative Claman objected.                                                                                                 
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 3 be adopted?"  The roll                                                              
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSHB 62(JUD) am                                                                                                                 
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 3                                                                                                                 
YEAS:  6   NAYS:  30   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Eastman, Gillham, Kurka, McCarty, Rauscher, Vance                                                                        
Nays:  Claman, Cronk, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Hannan,                                                                 
Hopkins, Johnson, Josephson, Kaufman, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeBon,                                                                    
McCabe, McKay, Merrick, Nelson, Ortiz, Patkotak, Rasmussen,                                                                     
Schrage, Shaw, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Tarr, Tilton, Wool,                                                            
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
And so, Amendment No. 3 was not adopted.                                                                                        
Amendment No. 4 was offered  by Representative Eastman:                                                                          
Page 2, lines 1 - 3:                                                                                                            
    Delete all material and insert:                                                                                             
                  "(D)  a legislator from accepting a benefit in                                                            
         exchange for solemnizing a marriage under                                                                          
         AS 25.05.261(a)(4);"                                                                                               
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 4 be adopted.                                                                                                     

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2048
Representative Claman objected.                                                                                                 
Representative Hannan moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
House revert to Introduction of Guests.  There being no objection, it                                                           
was so ordered.                                                                                                                 
Representative Claman moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
House advance to Second Reading of House Bills. There being no                                                                  
objection, the House advanced to:                                                                                               
                      SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                                                                          
HB 62                                                                                                                         
The following was before the House in second reading with                                                                       
Amendment No. 4 moved and pending:                                                                                              
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 62(JUD)                                                                                               
    "An Act relating to the Legislative Ethics Act; and relating to                                                             
    solemnization of marriage."                                                                                                 
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 4 was offered  by                                                                               
Representative Eastman:                                                                                                         
Page 1, lines 3-4 of the amendment:                                                                                             
 Delete all material and insert:                                                                                                
                  "(D) a legislator from accepting travel and                                                               
             hospitality and reimbursement for reasonable                                                                   
             personal expenses incurred primarily for the purpose                                                           
             of solemnizing a marriage in their capacity as a                                                               
             legislator if all such gifts are disclosed to the Select                                                       
             Committee on Legislative Ethics."                                                                              
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 4 be adopted.                                                                                  
Objection was heard and withdrawn. There being no further objection,                                                            
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 4 was adopted.                                                                                 
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 4 as amended be                                                                       
adopted?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                        

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2049
CSHB 62(JUD) am                                                                                                                 
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 4 as amended                                                                                                      
YEAS:  15   NAYS:  21   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                              
Yeas:  Cronk, Eastman, Gillham, Kaufman, Kurka, LeBon, McCabe,                                                                  
McCarty, McKay, Rasmussen, Rauscher, Shaw, Tarr, Tilton, Vance                                                                  
Nays:  Claman, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Hannan,                                                                        
Hopkins, Johnson, Josephson, Kreiss-Tomkins, Merrick, Nelson,                                                                   
Ortiz, Patkotak, Schrage, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Wool,                                                               
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
And so, Amendment No. 4 as amended was not adopted.                                                                             
The Speaker stated that all further amendments to CSHB 62(JUD) am                                                               
must be submitted within fifteen minutes.                                                                                       
Amendment No. 5 was offered  by Representative Eastman:                                                                          
Page 4, following line 17:                                                                                                      
    Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                          
"* Sec. 2. AS 25.05.261(c) is amended to read:                                                                                
         (c)  Nothing in this section creates or implies a duty or                                                              
    obligation on a person authorized to solemnize a marriage under                                                             
    (a) [(a)(1), (3), OR (4)] of this section to solemnize any marriage."                                                   
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                               
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 5 be adopted.                                                                                                     
Representative Josephson objected.                                                                                              
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 5 be adopted?"  The roll                                                              
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSHB 62(JUD) am                                                                                                                 
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 5                                                                                                                 
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  22   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                              

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2050
Yeas:  Cronk, Eastman, Gillham, Johnson, Kaufman, Kurka, LeBon,                                                                 
McCabe, McKay, Nelson, Rauscher, Shaw, Tilton, Vance                                                                            
Nays:  Claman, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Hannan,                                                                        
Hopkins, Josephson, Kreiss-Tomkins, McCarty, Merrick, Ortiz,                                                                    
Patkotak, Rasmussen, Schrage, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Tarr,                                                           
Wool, Zulkosky                                                                                                                  
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
And so, Amendment No. 5 was not adopted.                                                                                        
Amendment No. 6 was offered  by Representative Eastman:                                                                          
Page 4, following line 17:                                                                                                      
    Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                           
"* Sec. 2. AS 25.05.261(a) is amended to read:                                                                                
         (a)  Marriages may be solemnized by any person in the state                                                        
             [(1)  BY A MINISTER, PRIEST, OR RABBI OF ANY                                                                       
    CHURCH OR CONGREGATION IN THE STATE, OR BY A                                                                                
    COMMISSIONED OFFICER OF THE SALVATION ARMY,                                                                                 
    OR BY THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER OR ELDER OF                                                                                     
    RECOGNIZED CHURCHES OR CONGREGATIONS THAT                                                                                   
    TRADITIONALLY DO NOT HAVE REGULAR MINISTERS,                                                                                
    PRIESTS, OR RABBIS, ANYWHERE WITHIN THE STATE;                                                                              
             (2)  BY A MARRIAGE COMMISSIONER OR                                                                                 
    JUDICIAL OFFICER OF THE STATE ANYWHERE WITHIN                                                                               
    THE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMISSIONER OR                                                                                     
             (3)  BEFORE OR IN ANY RELIGIOUS                                                                                    
    ORGANIZATION OR CONGREGATION ACCORDING TO                                                                                   
    THE ESTABLISHED RITUAL OR FORM COMMONLY                                                                                     
    PRACTICED IN THE ORGANIZATION OR                                                                                            
    CONGREGATION; OR                                                                                                            
             (4)  BY AN INDIVIDUAL HOLDING AN ELECTIVE                                                                          
    PUBLIC OFFICE IN THE STATE].                                                                                                
   * Sec. 3. AS 25.05.261(c) is amended to read:                                                                              
         (c)  Nothing in this section creates or implies a duty or                                                              
    obligation on a person authorized to solemnize a marriage under                                                             
    (a) [(a)(1), (3), OR (4)] of this section to solemnize any marriage."                                                   

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2051
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                               
Page 5, line 23:                                                                                                                
    Delete "AS 25.05.041(a)(3) and 25.05.041(a)(5)"                                                                             
    Insert "AS 22.15.100(3); AS 25.05.041(a)(3), 25.05.041(a)(5),                                                               
25.05.081, 25.05.281, and 25.05.371 are repealed."                                                                              
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 6 be adopted.                                                                                                     
Representative Claman objected.                                                                                                 
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 6 was offered  by                                                                               
Representative Eastman:                                                                                                         
Page 1, line 4 of the amendment following "person":                                                                         
 Insert "18 years of age or older"                                                                                          
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 6 be adopted.                                                                                  
Representative Wool objected and withdrew the objection. There                                                                  
being no further objection Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 6                                                                   
was adopted.                                                                                                                    
Representative Eastman rose to a point of order regarding the violation                                                         
of section 121 of Mason's Manual.                                                                                               
The Speaker, citing precedence, ruled the point out of order.                                                                   
Representative Eastman appealed the ruling of the chair.                                                                        
The question being:  "Shall the ruling of the chair be sustained?"  The                                                         
roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                       
Sustain Ruling of the Chair                                                                                                     
YEAS:  21   NAYS:  14   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  1                                                                              
Yeas:  Claman, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Hannan,                                                                        
Hopkins, Josephson, Kreiss-Tomkins, Merrick, Ortiz, Patkotak,                                                                   
Rasmussen, Schrage, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Tarr, Wool,                                                               

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2052
Nays:  Cronk, Eastman, Gillham, Johnson, Kaufman, Kurka, LeBon,                                                                 
McCabe, McCarty, McKay, Nelson, Rauscher, Shaw, Tilton                                                                          
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
Absent:  Vance                                                                                                                  
And so, the ruling of the chair was sustained.                                                                                  
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 6 as amended be                                                                       
adopted?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                        
CSHB 62(JUD) am                                                                                                                 
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 6 as amended                                                                                                      
YEAS:  17   NAYS:  19   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                              
Yeas:  Cronk, Eastman, Gillham, Johnson, Kaufman, Kurka, LeBon,                                                                 
McCabe, McCarty, McKay, Merrick, Nelson, Rasmussen, Rauscher,                                                                   
Shaw, Tilton, Vance                                                                                                             
Nays:  Claman, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Hannan,                                                                        
Hopkins, Josephson, Kreiss-Tomkins, Ortiz, Patkotak, Schrage,                                                                   
Snyder, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Tarr, Wool, Zulkosky                                                                          
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
And so, Amendment No. 6 as amended was not adopted.                                                                             
Amendment Nos. 7 and 8 were not offered.                                                                                        
Amendment No. 9 was offered  by Representatives Rasmussen,                                                                       
Drummond, Snyder, Spohnholz, and Vance:                                                                                         
Page 1, line 1: (title amendment)                                                                                               
    Delete "and"                                                                                                              
Page 1, line 2, following "marriage":                                                                                         
    Insert "; and relating to consent to marriage"                                                                            
Page 5, line 23:                                                                                                                
    Delete "and 25.05.041(a)(5)"                                                                                                
    Insert ", 25.05.041(a)(5), and 25.05.171(b)"                                                                                

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2053
Representative Rasmussen moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                 
Amendment No. 9 be adopted.                                                                                                     
Representative Eastman objected.                                                                                                
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 9 be adopted?"  The roll                                                              
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSHB 62(JUD) am                                                                                                                 
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 9                                                                                                                 
YEAS:  33   NAYS:  3   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Claman, Cronk, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Gillham,                                                                
Hannan, Hopkins, Josephson, Kaufman, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeBon,                                                                     
McCabe, McCarty, McKay, Merrick, Nelson, Ortiz, Patkotak,                                                                       
Rasmussen, Rauscher, Schrage, Shaw, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story,                                                                   
Stutes, Tarr, Tilton, Vance, Wool, Zulkosky                                                                                     
Nays:  Eastman, Johnson, Kurka                                                                                                  
Excused:  Carpenter, Prax, Thompson, Tuck                                                                                       
And so, Amendment No. 9 was adopted and the new title follows:                                                                  
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 62(JUD) am                                                                                            
    "An Act relating to the Legislative Ethics Act; relating to                                                                 
    solemnization of marriage; and relating to consent to marriage."                                                           
Representative Claman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                    
CSHB 62(JUD) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third                                                                      
reading, and placed on final passage.                                                                                           
There was objection.                                                                                                            
CSHB 62(JUD) am will advance to third reading on the March 11                                                                   

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2054
                      THIRD READING OF HOUSE BILLS                                                                           
HB 90                                                                                                                         
The Speaker stated that, without objection, the following, which was                                                            
advanced to third reading from the March 7 calendar (page 2030),                                                                
would be held to the March 11 calendar:                                                                                         
    HOUSE BILL NO. 90 am                                                                                                        
    "An Act relating to rental vehicles; relating to vehicle rental                                                             
    networks; relating to vehicle rental taxes; relating to vehicle rental                                                      
    fees; and providing for an effective date."                                                                                 
                          LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS                                                                              
Representative Claman moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
House approve the citations on the calendar with the exception of the                                                           
tabled citation, In Memoriam - Lynette Marie Clark (page 2031).                                                                 
There being no objection, the following citations were approved and                                                             
sent to enrolling:                                                                                                              
Honoring - Luke Jager                                                                                                           
By Senator Wielechowski; Representative Spohnholz                                                                               
Honoring - Alaska Housing Finance Corporation's 50th Anniversary                                                                
By Senator Wilson                                                                                                               
Honoring - Alaska Pacific University's Nordic Ski Center                                                                        
By Senators Wielechowski, Gray-Jackson; Representative Josephson                                                                
In Memoriam - Specialist Karolina Ferrer-Padilla                                                                                
By Senator Wielechowski; Representatives Spohnholz, Nelson                                                                      
In Memoriam - Patricia Ann Thurman                                                                                              
By Senator Bishop                                                                                                               
In Memoriam - Michael Gary Wilson                                                                                               
By Senator Bishop                                                                                                               
In Memoriam - Norman Woods                                                                                                      
By Senator Wilson                                                                                                               

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2055
                           UNFINISHED BUSINESS                                                                               
HJR 34                                                                                                                        
Representatives Gillham, McCabe, and McKay added as cosponsors to:                                                              
    HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 34                                                                                               
    Supporting oil and gas leasing and development within the                                                                   
    National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.                                                                                       
HB 62                                                                                                                         
Representatives Drummond and Ortiz added as cosponsors to:                                                                      
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 62(JUD) am                                                                                            
    "An Act relating to the Legislative Ethics Act; relating to                                                                 
    solemnization of marriage; and relating to consent to marriage."                                                           
HB 91                                                                                                                         
Representative Schrage added as a cosponsor to:                                                                                 
    HOUSE BILL NO. 91                                                                                                           
    "An Act exempting veterinarians from the requirements of the                                                                
    controlled substance prescription database."                                                                                
HB 147                                                                                                                        
Representative Foster added as a cosponsor to:                                                                                  
    HOUSE BILL NO. 147                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to the teacher education loan program; and                                                                 
    providing for an effective date."                                                                                           
HB 166                                                                                                                        
Representative Kaufman added as a cosponsor to:                                                                                 
    HOUSE BILL NO. 166                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to the issuance of vehicle registration plates."                                                          
HB 203                                                                                                                        
Representative Tarr added as a cosponsor to:                                                                                    

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2056
    HOUSE BILL NO. 203                                                                                                          
    "An Act establishing the offense of misconduct involving                                                                    
    weapons in the sixth degree."                                                                                               
HB 209                                                                                                                        
Representatives Johnson and Merrick added as cosponsors to:                                                                     
    HOUSE BILL NO. 209                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to emergency firefighters."                                                                                
HB 289                                                                                                                        
Representative Schrage added as a cosponsor to:                                                                                 
    HOUSE BILL NO. 289                                                                                                          
    "An Act establishing the Alaska marijuana industry task force;                                                              
    and providing for an effective date."                                                                                       
HB 358                                                                                                                        
Representatives Foster and Hopkins added as cosponsors to:                                                                      
    HOUSE BILL NO. 358                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to the renewable energy grant fund and                                                                     
      recommendation program; and providing for an effective date."                                                            
HB 389                                                                                                                        
Representative Gillham added as a cosponsor to:                                                                                 
    HOUSE BILL NO. 389                                                                                                          
    "An Act repealing the implementation of the federal REAL ID Act                                                             
    of 2005; relating to identification cards; relating to drivers'                                                             
    licenses; and providing for an effective date."                                                                             
House committee schedules are published under separate cover.                                                                   
The following meeting today was changed:                                                                                        
Judiciary Committee                                                                                                             
CHANGED TO:           1:30 p.m.                                                                                                 

2022-03-09                     House Journal                      Page 2057
Representative Claman moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
House adjourn until 10:00 a.m., March 11.  There being no objection,                                                            
the House adjourned at 12:31 p.m.                                                                                               
                                             Crystaline Jones                                                                   
                                             Chief Clerk