Legislature(2019 - 2020)
2020-05-19 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2381 SENATE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE THIRTY-FIRST LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Tuesday May 19, 2020 One Hundred Twentieth Day Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President Giessel at 9:05 a.m. The roll showed twenty members present. The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Senator Coghill. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered. O god my Father, Today we come before you grateful to serve our people. Please take the work of our hands and make them a blessing throughout Alaska today. For those of us who believe that you tasted temptation, trials and the penalty of death on our behalf – and rose from the grave triumphant over death and sin, we are assured that you are interceding in heaven for us. We take this moment to bring our people in their need before you, for your grace to help in our time of need. Please help us! I pray in Jesus name, Amen. Senator Stevens led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2382 Certification Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the journal for the one hundred nineteenth legislative day and Senate Journal Supplement No. 10 be approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered. Communications The following reports are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Senate: Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association (ACHIA) Annual Report January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018 in accordance with AS 21.55.020 Department of Administration Division of Risk Management Self-Insurance Program Actuarial Review as of June 30, 2019 in accordance with AS 37.05.287 The following Budget and Audit Report was received from Kris Curtis, Legislative Auditor, in accordance with AS 24.20.311 and is on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: State of Alaska Single Audit Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2019 HB 205 The following was received and is on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: Letter dated April 3 from the Division of Legislative Finance identifying the fiscal notes included in the packet (page 2325) that accompanied CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 205 "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2383 expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; making capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and reappropriations; making appropriations for the operating and capital expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date" which was adopted by the House and Senate on March 28. The itemized fiscal notes are as follows: HB 96 PIONEERS' HOME AND VETERANS' HOME RATES Fiscal Note No. 9 (Corrected), Department of Health and Social Services Fiscal Note No. 10, Department of Health and Social Services HB 197 EXTEND SEISMIC HAZARDS SAFETY COMMISSION Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Natural Resources HB 247 SPORT FISHING ENHANCEMENT SURCHARGE Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Fish and Game SB 47 PHYSICAL/OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY BD/PRACTICE Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development SB 52 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL; ALCOHOL REG Fiscal Note No. 6, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Fiscal Note No. 8, Alaska Judiciary System SB 55 APPOINTMENTS TO COURT OF APPEALS Fiscal Note No. 3, Conference Committee on HB 205 SB 74 INTERNET FOR SCHOOLS Fiscal Note No. 3, Department of Education and Early Development 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2384 SB 115 MOTOR FUEL TAX; EV REG. FEE Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Administration Fiscal Note No. 6, Conference Committee on HB 205 Fiscal Note No. 7, Conference Committee on HB 205 Fiscal Note No. 8, Conference Committee on HB 205 Fiscal Note No. 9, Conference Committee on HB 205 SB 120 ADMINISTRATION OF PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS Fiscal Note No. 3, Conference Committee on HB 205 Fiscal Note No. 4, Conference Committee on HB 205 SB 134 MEDICAID COVERAGE OF LIC. COUNSELORS Fiscal Note No. 2, House Finance Committee SB 155 EXPLORATION & MINING RIGHTS; ANNUAL LABOR Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Natural Resources SB 241 EXTENDING COVID 19 DISASTER EMERGENCY Fiscal Note No. 24, Department of Revenue SB 242 COVID-19: RCA; UNEMPLOY; PUB ASSIST; LOAN Fiscal Note No. 1, Conference Committee on HB 205 Consideration of the Calendar President Giessel stated in accordance with Rule 43(b), Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules, engrossment may be waived on all bills transmitted to the House this legislative day. Second Reading of Senate Bills SB 243 SENATE BILL NO. 243 "An Act approving and ratifying the actions of the governor and executive branch in expending certain federal receipts and of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee in approving the expenditure of certain federal receipts during fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and providing for an effective date" was read the second time. 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2385 Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the bill be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. Without objection, it was so ordered. SENATE BILL NO. 243 was read the third time. The question being: "Shall SENATE BILL NO. 243 "An Act approving and ratifying the actions of the governor and executive branch in expending certain federal receipts and of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee in approving the expenditure of certain federal receipts during fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: SB 243 Third Reading - Final Passage Effective Date YEAS: 19 NAYS: 1 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Nays: Reinbold and so, SENATE BILL NO. 243 passed the Senate. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was referred to the Secretary for engrossment. SCR 16 Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent to take up SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16, which had been held on the Secretary's desk (page 2367). Without objection, the resolution was before the Senate on final passage. 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2386 The question being: "Shall SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 Suspending Rules 16, 24(a), 27(c), and 34(c), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; authorizing the presiding officers to allow members to attend a session to address matters related to the COVID-19 public health disaster emergency by videoconference or teleconference in certain circumstances related to the COVID-19 public health disaster emergency; and relating to sessions where members are authorized to attend a session by videoconference or teleconference, pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: SCR 16 Final Passage YEAS: 20 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson and so, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 passed the Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate return to Messages from the House. Without objection, the Senate returned to: Messages from the House Message dated May 19 was read stating the House passed and transmitted for consideration: First Reading and Reference of House Bills HB 313 HOUSE BILL NO. 313 BY THE HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE, entitled: 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2387 "An Act approving and ratifying the actions of the governor and executive branch in expending certain federal receipts and of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee in approving the expenditure of certain federal receipts during fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Rules Committee. Unfinished Business Senator Wilson moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from July 10 through July 18, and from August 15 through September 30. Without objection, Senator Wilson was excused. Announcements HB 313 Senator Coghill, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent Uniform Rule 23 be waived on HOUSE BILL NO. 313 "An Act approving and ratifying the actions of the governor and executive branch in expending certain federal receipts and of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee in approving the expenditure of certain federal receipts during fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and providing for an effective date" for a Rules Committee meeting on May 19 at 11:00 a.m. Without objection, it was so ordered. Rule 23(d) of the Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules is currently in effect. Announcements are at the end of the journal. 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2388 Engrossment SB 243 SENATE BILL NO. 243 "An Act approving and ratifying the actions of the governor and executive branch in expending certain federal receipts and of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee in approving the expenditure of certain federal receipts during fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and providing for an effective date" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration. SCR 16 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 Suspending Rules 16, 24(a), 27(c), and 34(c), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; authorizing the presiding officers to allow members to attend a session to address matters related to the COVID-19 public health disaster emergency by videoconference or teleconference in certain circumstances related to the COVID-19 public health disaster emergency; and relating to sessions where members are authorized to attend a session by videoconference or teleconference, was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration. Adjournment Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate stand in adjournment until 8:30 a.m., May 20, 2020. Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 10:06 a.m. Liz Clark Secretary of the Senate 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2389 Announcements Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD. STANDING COMMITTEES + indicates teleconference = indicates bill previously heard/scheduled FINANCE May 19 Tuesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- += SB 243 RATIFYING RPLS/COVID-19 FUNDING -- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled May 20 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- += SB 243 RATIFYING RPLS/COVID-19 FUNDING -- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- RULES May 19 Tuesday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM + HB 313 RATIFYING RPLS/COVID-19 FUNDING Uniform Rule 23 Waived 2020-05-19 Senate Journal Page 2390 JOINT COMMITTEES SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS May 27 Wednesday 10:00 AM -- Telephonic Only -- -- Senate Subcommittee -- - Anchorage Only: 563-9085 - - Juneau Only: 586-9085 - - Outside Anchorage or Juneau: 1-844-586-9085 - - Public Comment - Motion to go into Executive Session to Discuss Matters which by Law Must Remain Confidential under AS.24.60.160, Uniform Rule 22(b) Regarding Executive Sessions, and Rules of Procedure Section 5: Executive Session and Discussion of Matters, the Immediate Knowledge of Would Adversely affect the Finances of a Governmental Unit, and Discussion of Subjects that Tend to Prejudice the Reputation and Character of a Person - Executive Session - Public Session - Other Business