Legislature(2019 - 2020)
2020-03-24 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2239 SENATE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE THIRTY-FIRST LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Tuesday March 24, 2020 Sixty-fourth Day Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President Giessel at 11:08 a.m. The roll showed nineteen members present. Senator Costello was absent. The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Senator Bishop. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered. Dear Heavenly Father, We’d like to thank you for this glorious day. We’d like to ask you for wisdom, compassion and grace as we move through the next many hours in this building; to look out for each other and our families and loved ones. Amen. Senator Kiehl led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Certification Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the journal for the sixty-third legislative day be approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2240 Messages from the House SB 55 Message dated March 23 was read stating the House passed and returned: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 55(2d JUD) "An Act relating to judges of the court of appeals; and providing for an effective date." The bill was referred to the Secretary for enrollment. SB 172 Message dated March 23 was read stating the House passed and returned: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 172(L&C) "An Act extending the termination date of the State Medical Board; requiring a report on the State Medical Board's audit compliance; and providing for an effective date." The bill was referred to the Secretary for enrollment. HB 308 Message dated March 23 was read stating the House concurred in the Senate amendment to HOUSE BILL NO. 308 am, thus adopting: SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 308(FIN) "An Act relating to unemployment benefits during a period of state or national emergency resulting from a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak; and providing for an effective date." Messages dated March 23 were read stating the House passed and transmitted for consideration: 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2241 First Reading and Reference of House Resolutions HCR 19 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 19 BY THE HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 120, relating to administration of psychotropic medication to a patient without the patient's informed consent. was read the first time and held on the Secretary's desk. First Reading and Reference of House Bills HB 232 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 232(L&C) BY THE HOUSE LABOR AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE, entitled: "An Act relating to a municipal air quality improvement tax credit; and relating to a municipal energy efficient construction tax credit." was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce Committee. HB 268 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 268(FIN) BY THE HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE, entitled: "An Act relating to the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority." was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2242 Concur Messages SB 120 Message dated March 23 was read stating the House passed and returned for consideration CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 120(HSS) "An Act relating to administration of psychotropic medication to a patient without the patient's informed consent; and providing for an effective date" with the following amendment: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 120(HSS) am H "An Act establishing an alternative to arrest procedure for persons suffering from an acute behavioral health crisis; relating to emergency detention for mental health evaluation; relating to administration of psychotropic medication to a patient without the patient's informed consent; relating to licensure of crisis stabilization centers; and providing for an effective date." (Title Change HCR 19) Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent Senator Costello be excused from a call of the Senate today. Without objection, Senator Costello was excused. SB 120 Senator Hoffman moved the Senate concur in the House amendment. Senator Begich objected, then withdrew his objection. The question being: "Shall the Senate concur in the House amendment?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 120(HSS) am H Shall the Senate Concur in the House Amendment to CSSB 120(HSS)? Effective Date YEAS: 15 NAYS: 4 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Revak, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Nays: Kawasaki, Reinbold, Shower, Wielechowski Excused: Costello 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2243 and so, the Senate concurred in the House amendment, thus adopting CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 120(HSS) am H "An Act establishing an alternative to arrest procedure for persons suffering from an acute behavioral health crisis; relating to emergency detention for mental health evaluation; relating to administration of psychotropic medication to a patient without the patient's informed consent; relating to licensure of crisis stabilization centers; and providing for an effective date." Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on concurrence be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered. The Secretary was requested to notify the House. The bill was referred to the Secretary for enrollment. HCR 19 Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent to take up HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 19, which had been held on the Secretary's desk. Without objection, the resolution was before the Senate on final passage. The question being: "Shall HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 19 Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 120, relating to administration of psychotropic medication to a patient without the patient's informed consent, pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: HCR 19 Final Passage YEAS: 18 NAYS: 1 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Nays: Reinbold Excused: Costello 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2244 and so, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 19 passed the Senate, was signed by the President and Secretary and returned to the House. Recede Messages HB 205 Message dated March 23 was read stating the House failed to concur in the Senate amendments to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 205(FIN)(Corrected) am(brf sup maj fld) "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; making supplemental appropriations; and providing for an effective date" and respectfully requests the Senate to recede from its amendments, namely: SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 205(FIN) am S "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; making capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and reappropriations; making appropriations for the operating and capital expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date." In the event the Senate fails to recede, the Speaker has appointed the following members to a Conference Committee to meet with a like committee from the Senate to consider the bills: Representative Foster, Chair Representative Johnston Representative Tilton Senator Hoffman moved the Senate recede from its amendments and recommended the body vote no. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2245 The question being: "Shall the Senate recede from its amendments?" The roll was taken with the following result: SCS CSHB 205(FIN) am S Shall the Senate Recede from its Amendments to CSHB 205(FIN)(Corrected) am(brf sup maj fld)? YEAS: 0 NAYS: 19 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Nays: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Excused: Costello and so, the Senate failed to recede. President Giessel appointed the following members to a Conference Committee to meet with the like committee from the House: Senator Stedman, Chair Senator von Imhof Senator Olson The Secretary was requested to notify the House. Standing Committee Reports SB 184 The Resources Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 184 "An Act extending the fishery resource landing tax credit for certain taxpayers that harvest fishery resources under the provisions of a community development quota; providing for an effective date by amending the effective date of sec. 36, ch. 61, SLA 2014; and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senator Micciche, Chair; Senators Kiehl, Bishop, Coghill, Kawasaki. Signing no recommendation: Senator Revak. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Revenue The bill was referred to the Finance Committee. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2246 SB 241 Forthcoming fiscal information (page 2227) for the Rules Committee Substitute for SENATE BILL NO. 241 "An Act extending the March 11, 2020, governor's declaration of a public health disaster emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; relating to the powers of the director of insurance; relating to standing orders issued by the chief medical officer; relating to professional licensing; relating to telemedicine and telehealth; relating to board of nursing fingerprint requirements; relating to the 2020 primary and general elections; relating to permanent fund dividend applications; relating to automatic voter registration; relating to tax; relating to shareholder meetings; and providing for an effective date" was published today: Fiscal Note No. 10, Department of Revenue Fiscal Note No. 11, zero, Department of Revenue Fiscal Note No. 12, zero, Department of Health and Social Services Fiscal Note No. 13, zero, Department of Health and Social Services Fiscal Note No. 14, zero, Office of the Governor Fiscal Note No. 15, zero, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Fiscal Note No. 16, zero, Office of the Governor HB 197 The Finance Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 197 "An Act extending the Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety Commission; and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senator Stedman, Cochair; Senators Hoffman, Wielechowski, Bishop. Signing no recommendation: Senators Wilson, Olson. The following previously published fiscal information applies: Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Natural Resources The bill was referred to the Rules Committee. HB 203 The Resources Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 203(FSH) "An Act relating to transportation of live crab." Signing do pass: Senator Micciche, Chair; Senators Kiehl, Bishop, Coghill. Signing no recommendation: Senators Revak, Kawasaki. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2247 The following previously published fiscal information applies: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Fish and Game Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Public Safety The bill was referred to the Rules Committee. SJR 15 The Resources Committee considered SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 15 Requesting the United States Congress to repeal sec. 20001(b)(5) of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to honor the Alaska Statehood Act with respect to the state's share of bonuses, royalties, and rentals from exploration and development in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Signing do pass: Senator Micciche, Chair; Senators Kiehl, Revak, Bishop, Kawasaki, Coghill. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Legislative Agency The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee. Consideration of the Calendar President Giessel stated in accordance with Rule 43(b), Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules, engrossment may be waived on all bills transmitted to the House this legislative day. Second Reading of Senate Bills SB 150 SENATE BILL NO. 150 "An Act repealing the termination date for the intensive management hunting license surcharge" was read the second time. President Giessel stated SENATE BILL NO. 150 will advance to third reading on the March 25 calendar. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2248 Third Reading of Senate Bills SB 241 Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent SENATE BILL NO. 241 "An Act extending the March 11, 2020, governor's declaration of a public health disaster emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; relating to the powers of the director of insurance; relating to standing orders issued by the chief medical officer; relating to professional licensing; relating to telemedicine and telehealth; relating to board of nursing fingerprint requirements; relating to the 2020 primary and general elections; relating to permanent fund dividend applications; relating to automatic voter registration; relating to tax; relating to shareholder meetings; and providing for an effective date" be moved to the bottom of today's calendar. Without objection, it was so ordered. Third Reading of House Bills HB 96 SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 96(FIN) "An Act relating to Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home payments, rates, and services; and providing for an effective date" was read the third time. Corrected fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 9, Department of Health and Social Services The question being: "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 96(FIN) "An Act relating to Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home payments, rates, and services; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: SCS CSHB 96(FIN) Third Reading - Final Passage Effective Dates 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2249 YEAS: 19 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Excused: Costello and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 96(FIN) passed the Senate. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was referred to the Secretary for engrossment. HB 106 HOUSE BILL NO. 106 "An Act relating to school bond debt reimbursement" was read the third time. Senator Kawasaki moved the bill be returned to second reading for the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 1. Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading. Senator Kawasaki offered Amendment No. 1 : Page 7, line 3: Delete "50" Insert "70 [50]" Page 7, line 10: Delete "40" Insert "60 [40]" Senator Kawasaki moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1. Senator Reinbold objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2250 HB 106 Second Reading Amendment No. 1? YEAS: 6 NAYS: 13 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello and so, Amendment No. 1 failed. HOUSE BILL NO. 106 was automatically in third reading. The question being: "Shall HOUSE BILL NO. 106 "An Act relating to school bond debt reimbursement" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: HB 106 Third Reading - Final Passage YEAS: 13 NAYS: 6 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Nays: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Wielechowski Excused: Costello and so, HOUSE BILL NO. 106 passed the Senate, was signed by the President and Secretary and returned to the House. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate return to Messages from the House. Without objection, the Senate returned to: Messages from the House Message dated March 24 was read stating the House passed and transmitted for consideration: 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2251 First Reading and Reference of House Bills HB 247 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 247(FSH) BY THE HOUSE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES, entitled: "An Act relating to the fish and game fund; relating to a sport fishing surcharge; providing for an effective date by amending the effective date of sec. 21, ch. 18, SLA 2016; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee. Consideration of the Calendar (continued) Third Reading of House Bills (continued) HB 235 SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 235(FIN) "An Act relating to allocations of funding for the Alaska Workforce Investment Board; and providing for an effective date" was read the third time. The question being: "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 235(FIN) "An Act relating to allocations of funding for the Alaska Workforce Investment Board; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: SCS CSHB 235(FIN) Third Reading - Final Passage Effective Date YEAS: 19 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Excused: Costello and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 235(FIN) passed the Senate. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2252 Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was referred to the Secretary for engrossment. Recess President Giessel stated the Senate would stand in recess to a call of the Chair. There being no objection, the Senate recessed at 12:15 p.m. After Recess The Senate reconvened at 1:48 p.m. Consideration of the Calendar (continued) Citations Honoring – Ardy Robertson Senator Costello Representative Claman Honoring – Angela Rodell Senators Giessel, von Imhof Representative Johnston Honoring – Dr. Rhonda M. Johnson Representative Tarr Senator Begich Honoring – U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team Representative Tarr Honoring – Richard Iannolino Representatives Hannan, Story Senator Kiehl Honoring – Shelley Lynn Biss Representative Rasmussen Senator Costello 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2253 Honoring – Credit Union 1 Representative Rasmussen In Memoriam – Linda Jean Cook Clement Senator Stedman Representative Ortiz In Memoriam – Llewellyn Morris Williams III Senator Stedman Representative Ortiz In Memoriam – Barbara Ann McNeil Representative Rasmussen Senator Costello In Memoriam – Alice Lawrence Representative Tarr Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to the Secretary for transmittal. Third Reading of Senate Bills SB 241 SENATE BILL NO. 241 "An Act extending the March 11, 2020, governor's declaration of a public health disaster emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; relating to the powers of the director of insurance; relating to standing orders issued by the chief medical officer; relating to professional licensing; relating to telemedicine and telehealth; relating to board of nursing fingerprint requirements; relating to the 2020 primary and general elections; relating to permanent fund dividend applications; relating to automatic voter registration; relating to tax; relating to shareholder meetings; and providing for an effective date" which had been moved to the bottom of the calendar, was read the third time. Senator Coghill moved the bill be returned to second reading for all amendments offered today. Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2254 Senator Coghill, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption of the Rules Committee Substitute offered on page 2227. Senator Begich objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(RLS) "An Act extending the March 11, 2020, governor's declaration of a public health disaster emergency in response to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic; relating to the COVID-19 outbreak; relating to a financing plan; relating to standing orders of the chief medical officer; relating to occupational and professional licensing; relating to telemedicine and telehealth; relating to fingerprinting requirements; relating to elections in calendar year 2020; relating to permanent fund dividend applications; relating to automatic voter registration; relating to tax filings, payments, and penalties; relating to shareholder meetings; and providing for an effective date" was adopted. Senator Reinbold offered Amendment No. 1 : Page 5, lines 29 - 30: Delete "the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives" Insert "each legislator" Senator Reinbold moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1. Objections were heard. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) Second Reading Amendment No. 1? YEAS: 8 NAYS: 11 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Hughes, Kawasaki, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Shower, Wielechowski, Wilson Nays: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Kiehl, Revak, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof Excused: Costello and so, Amendment No. 1 failed. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2255 Senator Olson offered Amendment No. 2 : Page 7, following line 5: Insert "(4) not increasing licensing fees." Senator Olson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2. Senator Coghill objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment No. 2 was adopted. Senators Olson, Hughes offered Amendment No. 3 : Page 7, line 29, following "certification;": Insert "and" Page 7, line 30, through page 8, line 2: Delete all material. Renumber the following paragraph accordingly. Senator Olson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 3. Senator Coghill objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment No. 3 was adopted. Senator Begich offered Amendment No. 4 : Page 9, following line 3: Insert a new subsection to read: "(b) It is the intent of the legislature that the division of elections partner with the University of Alaska and private sector colleges to recruit a younger election workforce." Reletter the following subsection accordingly. Senator Begich moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 4. Senator Coghill objected. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent Senator Reinbold be excused from a call of the Senate today. Without objection, Senator Reinbold was excused. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2256 SB 241 The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 4 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 4? YEAS: 7 NAYS: 11 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Stevens, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Revak, Shower, Stedman, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello, Reinbold and so, Amendment No. 4 failed. Senator Begich offered Amendment No. 5 : Page 9, following line 3: Insert a new subsection to read: "(b) It is the intent of the legislature that the division of elections develop procedures for absentee and questioned ballot review and recounts that allow for social distancing while maintaining a rigorous and transparent process that gives voters, candidates, and parties faith in the integrity of the election." Reletter the following subsection accordingly. Senator Begich moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 5. Senator Coghill objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 5 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 5? 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2257 YEAS: 6 NAYS: 12 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello, Reinbold and so, Amendment No. 5 failed. Senator Begich offered Amendment No. 6 : Page 9, following line 3: Insert a new subsection to read: "(b) The director of the division of elections shall make reasonable efforts to provide secure roadside ballot deposit boxes for all elections by mail held in the state in calendar year 2020 during the public health disaster emergency declared by the governor under AS 26.23.020 on March 11, 2020, as extended by sec. 2 of this Act." Reletter the following subsection accordingly. Senator Begich moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 6. Senator Coghill objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 6 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 6? YEAS: 6 NAYS: 12 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello, Reinbold and so, Amendment No. 6 failed. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2258 Senator Begich offered Amendment No. 7 : Page 9, following line 3: Insert a new subsection to read: "(b) Notwithstanding AS 15.20.081(d) or another provision of law, during the public health disaster emergency declared by the governor under AS 26.23.020 on March 11, 2020, as extended by sec. 2 of this Act, a voter voting in an election by mail held under this section may, without a witness, certify, as prescribed in AS 09.63.020, under penalty of perjury, that the statements in the voter's certification are true." Reletter the following subsection accordingly. Senator Begich moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 7. Senator Coghill objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 7 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 7? YEAS: 6 NAYS: 12 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello, Reinbold and so, Amendment No. 7 failed. Senator Kawasaki offered Amendment No. 8 : Page 8, line 31, through page 9, line 2: Delete "the lieutenant governor may, after consultation with the commissioner of health and social services, direct that a primary or statewide special election to be held in the state in calendar year 2020 be held" Insert "for the duration of the public health disaster emergency declaration issued by the governor on March 11, 2020, the director of the division of elections shall conduct all elections" 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2259 Senator Kawasaki moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 8. Senator Coghill objected. Senator Micciche rose to a point of order. President Giessel cautioned members to proceed in order. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 8 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 8? YEAS: 6 NAYS: 12 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Micciche, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello, Reinbold and so, Amendment No. 8 failed. Senator Kawasaki offered Amendment No. 9 : Page 9, lines 9 - 11: Delete "An application received after March 31, 2020, is exempt from automatic voter registration under AS 15.07.070(i) - (m)." Senator Kawasaki moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 9. Senator Wilson objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment No. 9 was adopted. Senator Wielechowski offered Amendment No. 10 : Page 1, line 6, following "applications;": Insert "relating to repossession of motor vehicles;" Page 9, following line 11: Insert a new section to read: "* Sec. 11. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to read: 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2260 REPOSSESSION OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Notwithstanding another provision of law to the contrary, during the public health disaster emergency declared by the governor under AS 26.23.020 on March 11, 2020, as extended by sec. 2 of this Act, a creditor or a person acting on behalf of a creditor may not repossess or otherwise take possession of a motor vehicle solely because the debtor is in default under a loan or security agreement or is unable to make a loan or other agreed on payment. In this section, "motor vehicle" has the meaning given AS 28.90.990." Renumber the following bill sections accordingly. Page 10, line 4: Delete "6 - 12" Insert "6 - 13" Senator Wielechowski moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 10. Senator Coghill objected. Senator Wielechowski moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw Amendment No. 10. Without objection, Amendment No. 10 was withdrawn. Amendment No. 11 was not offered. Senator Gray-Jackson offered Amendment No. 12 : Page 1, line 8, following "meetings;": Insert "relating to the teachers' retirement system and the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska;" Page 10, following line 3: Insert a new bill section to read: "* Sec. 13. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to read: COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS UNDER THE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF ALASKA. (a) Notwithstanding AS 14.25.142(b) and to the extent consistent with 26 U.S.C. 401(a) and 414(d) (Internal Revenue Code), during the public health disaster emergency declared by the governor under AS 26.23.020 on March 11, 2020, as extended by sec. 2 of this Act, a person receiving a 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2261 cost-of-living allowance under AS 14.25.142 who has notified the commissioner of administration or the commissioner's designee that the person expects to be absent from the state for a continuous period that first exceeds 90 days on or after March 11, 2020, remains entitled to receive the allowance after the 90-day period for as long as the person is absent from the state because of protective measures, including a voluntary or compulsory quarantine, related to avoiding or preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). (b) Notwithstanding AS 39.35.480(b) and to the extent consistent with 26 U.S.C. 401(a) and 414(d) (Internal Revenue Code), during the public health disaster emergency declared by the governor under AS 26.23.020 on March 11, 2020, as extended by sec. 2 of this Act, a person receiving a cost-of-living allowance under AS 39.35.480 who has notified the commissioner of administration or the commissioner's designee that the person expects to be absent from the state for a continuous period that first exceeds 90 days on or after March 11, 2020, remains entitled to receive the allowance after the 90-day period for as long as the person is absent from the state because of protective measures, including a voluntary or compulsory quarantine, related to avoiding or preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)." Renumber the following bill sections accordingly. Page 10, line 4: Delete "6 - 12" Insert "6 - 13" Senator Gray-Jackson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 12. Objections were heard. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 12 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 12? 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2262 YEAS: 19 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Excused: Costello and so, Amendment No. 12 was adopted. Amendment No. 13 was not offered. Senator Kiehl offered Amendment No. 14 : Page 5, line 4, following "(COVID-19).": Insert "The chief medical officer may issue standing orders establishing sanitation procedures for retail sellers." Page 5, line 24, following "section,": Insert "(1)" Page 5, line 25, following "AS 18.15.395": Insert "; (2) "retail seller" includes (A) a market, grocery store, convenience store, drug store, or similar establishment that (i) is located in a permanent building; and (ii) sells to consumers household supplies, perishable items, or food merchandise, including meat, produce, dairy products, or snack foods" Senator Kiehl moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 14. Senator Coghill objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment No. 14 was adopted. Senator Gray-Jackson offered Amendment No. 15 : Page 1, line 8, following "meetings;": Insert "providing for electronic and videoconference notification, verification, and acknowledgment of documents" 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2263 Page 9, line 27: Delete "MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS; NOTICE OF SHAREHOLDER MEETINGS." Insert "ELECTRONIC AND VIDEOCONFERENCE COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORIZED." Page 10, following line 3: Insert "(c) Notwithstanding the requirement for in-person notarization, verification, and acknowledgment of a document required by law to be notarized, verified, or acknowledged under AS 09.63, AS 13.26.600, AS 13.52.010, and AS 13.75.010, and notwithstanding the prohibitions under AS 44.50.062, a document may be notarized, verified, or acknowledged by video conferencing between the person who executes the document and the person notarizing, verifying, or acknowledging it. (d) Notwithstanding AS 13.12.502, a will may be signed, witnessed, and acknowledged in person or by videoconference. Within 60 days after the execution of a will by videoconference, each witness shall sign either the original will signed by the testator or an exact facsimile of the will signed by the testator. (e) In (c) and (d) of this section, "videoconference" means a conference using technology that enables the testator, notary, or the person making the acknowledgment and the person executing the document and witnesses to, while in different locations, simultaneously communicate orally and maintain visual contact." Senator Gray-Jackson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 15. Senator Coghill objected. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 15 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Second Reading Amendment No. 15? YEAS: 10 NAYS: 9 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Gray-Jackson, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Olson, Reinbold, Shower, Stevens, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Micciche, Revak, Stedman, von Imhof, Wilson Excused: Costello 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2264 and so, Amendment No. 15 was adopted. Amendment No. 16 was not offered. Amendment No. 17 was not offered. CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(RLS) am was automatically in third reading. Senator Hughes moved and asked unanimous consent to abstain from voting due to a conflict of interest. Senator Hoffman objected and Senator Hughes was required to vote. Senator Olson moved and asked unanimous consent to abstain from voting due to a conflict of interest. Senator Hoffman objected and Senator Olson was required to vote. The question being: "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(RLS) am "An Act extending the March 11, 2020, governor's declaration of a public health disaster emergency in response to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic; relating to the COVID-19 outbreak; relating to a financing plan; relating to standing orders of the chief medical officer; relating to occupational and professional licensing; relating to telemedicine and telehealth; relating to fingerprinting requirements; relating to elections in calendar year 2020; relating to permanent fund dividend applications; relating to automatic voter registration; relating to tax filings, payments, and penalties; relating to shareholder meetings; relating to the teachers' retirement system and the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska; providing for electronic and videoconference notification, verification, and acknowledgment of documents; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(RLS) am Third Reading - Final Passage Effective Date 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2265 YEAS: 19 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman, Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Excused: Costello and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(RLS) am passed the Senate. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Begich gave notice of reconsideration. Announcements Rule 23(d) of the Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules is currently in effect. Announcements are at the end of the journal. Engrossment HB 96 SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 96(FIN) "An Act relating to Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home payments, rates, and services; and providing for an effective date" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and returned to the House for consideration. HB 235 SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 235(FIN) "An Act relating to allocations of funding for the Alaska Workforce Investment Board; and providing for an effective date" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and returned to the House for consideration. 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2266 Enrollment SB 74 HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 74(FIN) "An Act relating to funding for Internet services for school districts" was enrolled, signed by the President and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and the engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 5:40 p.m., March 24, 2020. Adjournment Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., March 25, 2020. Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 3:48 p.m. Liz Clark Secretary of the Senate 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2267 Announcements Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD. STANDING COMMITTEES + indicates teleconference = indicates bill previously heard/scheduled COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS Mar 24 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 26 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- EDUCATION Mar 24 Tuesday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 26 Thursday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 27 Friday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2268 FINANCE Mar 24 Tuesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + HB 247 SPORT FISHING ENHANCEMENT SURCHARGE Uniform Rule 23 Waived **Please Note: All Public Testimony Will be via Telephone Only. No In-Person Testimony. From Juneau: 586-9085, Anchorage: 563-9085 Outside Juneau or Anchorage: 844-586-9085 Written Testimony Will be Accepted at: [email protected] + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += HB 41 SHELLFISH PROJECTS; HATCHERIES; FEES += HB 197 EXTEND SEISMIC HAZARDS SAFETY COMMISSION Mar 25 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM += HB 247 SPORT FISHING ENHANCEMENT SURCHARGE **Please Note: All Public Testimony Will be via Telephone Only. No In-Person Testimony. From Juneau: 586-9085, Anchorage: 563-9085 Outside Juneau or Anchorage: 844-586-9085 Written Testimony Will be Accepted at: [email protected] + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 26 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM **Please Note: All Public Testimony Will be via Telephone Only. No In-Person Testimony. From Juneau: 586-9085, Anchorage: 563-9085 Outside Juneau or Anchorage: 844-586-9085 Written Testimony Will be Accepted at: [email protected] + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 27 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM **Please Note: All Public Testimony Will be via Telephone Only. No In-Person Testimony. From Juneau: 586-9085, Anchorage: 563-9085 Outside Juneau or Anchorage: 844-586-9085 Written Testimony Will be Accepted at: [email protected] + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2269 FINANCE (continued) Mar 28 Saturday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM **Please Note: All Public Testimony Will be via Telephone Only. No In-Person Testimony. From Juneau: 586-9085, Anchorage: 563-9085 Outside Juneau or Anchorage: 844-586-9085 Written Testimony Will be Accepted at: [email protected] + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 29 Sunday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM **Please Note: All Public Testimony Will be via Telephone Only. No In-Person Testimony. From Juneau: 586-9085, Anchorage: 563-9085 Outside Juneau or Anchorage: 844-586-9085 Written Testimony Will be Accepted at: [email protected] + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Mar 25 Wednesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: State Medical Board - Larry Daugherty += HB 133 JUVENILES: JUSTICE,FACILITES,TREATMENT += SB 238 INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT;PROTECTIVE CUSTODY + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 27 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- JUDICIARY Mar 25 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled -- Teleconference -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2270 JUDICIARY (continued) Mar 27 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled -- Teleconference -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** ---------------------------------------- LABOR & COMMERCE Mar 24 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM -- Meeting Postponed to 3/25 at 1:30 p.m. -- + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: Board of Massage Therapists - Kristin Tri Labor Relations Agency - Patty Burley Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers - Wendy Lawrence Real Estate Commission - Samuel Goldman Board of Professional Counselors - Laura Patin + HB 301 ELECTRICIAN & PLUMBER APPRENTICESHIPS Uniform Rule 23 Waived + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 25 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM -- Meeting Postponed from 3/24 at 1:30 p.m. -- + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: Board of Massage Therapists - Kristin Tri Labor Relations Agency - Patty Burley Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers - Wendy Lawrence Real Estate Commission - Samuel Goldman Board of Professional Counselors - Laura Patin + HB 301 ELECTRICIAN & PLUMBER APPRENTICESHIPS Uniform Rule 23 Waived + HB 232 MUNICIPAL TAX CREDITS -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 26 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2271 RESOURCES Mar 25 Wednesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: Big Game Commercial Services Board - Peter Buist Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Robert Pickett -- Public Testimony on All Appointees -- += SB 160 FOREST LAND USE PLANS; TIMBER SALES -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** - Continue to Access Meeting Through akleg.gov - All Off-Net Callers Must Hang Up Immediately After Testifying to Keep Lines Open + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 27 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: Board of Fisheries - John Wood += SB 70 REPEAL OCEAN POLLUTION MONITORS/FEE -- Public Testimony -- + SB 214 HUNTING/FISHING ID CARDS: DISABLED VETS -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- += SB 194 ADVANCED NUCLEAR REACTORS -- Public Testimony -- += HB 203 TRANSPORTATION OF LIVE CRAB -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** - Continue to Access Meeting Through akleg.gov - All Off-Net Callers Must Hang Up Immediately After Testifying to Keep Lines Open + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- STATE AFFAIRS Mar 24 Tuesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + HB 115 ABSENTEE VOTING -- Public Testimony -- + HB 113 MILITARY FAMILY EMPLOYMENT PREFERENCE -- Public Testimony -- + HB 221 STATE RECOGNITION OF TRIBES + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2272 STATE AFFAIRS (continued) Mar 26 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION Mar 24 Tuesday Fahrenkamp 203 8:15 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Please Note Time & Location -- + HB 208 RENAMING COLLEGE RD AS ALAN BORAAS RD **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Mar 26 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES LABOR & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Mar 26 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Budget Closeout Apr 02 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- Will Meet if Needed ---------------------------------------- NATURAL RESOURCES Mar 26 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Budget Closeout Apr 02 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- Will Meet if Needed ---------------------------------------- 2020-03-24 Senate Journal Page 2273 TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES Mar 25 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 7:30 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Alaska Marine Highway System ---------------------------------------- JOINT COMMITTEES LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT Mar 30 Monday Adams 519 7:00 AM -- Teleconference <Listen Only> -- + Executive Session - Final Audit Release: FY19 Statewide Single Audit Special Audit Requests - Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority - Alaska State Commission on Human Rights Other Committee Business