Legislature(2019 - 2020)

2020-02-26 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1861
                                SENATE JOURNAL                                                                               
                           ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                          
                           THIRTY-FIRST LEGISLATURE                                                                          
                                SECOND SESSION                                                                               
Juneau, Alaska                   Wednesday               February 26, 2020                                                    
                              Thirty-seventh Day                                                                             
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President                                                             
Giessel at 11:07 a.m.                                                                                                           
The roll showed nineteen members present. Senator Costello was                                                                  
excused from a call of the Senate.                                                                                              
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Reverend Nancy Campbell,                                                                
White Fields Church. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous                                                                  
consent the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                             
          Dear Heavenly Father, I invite your presence here,                                                                    
          now, in the Senate as they convene this day. Be their                                                                 
          guide today, be their strong tower, Lord. Be their                                                                    
          eyes and be their ears. Be in their voices as they                                                                    
          reason together for the good of our state.                                                                            
          May each one of them walk in their gifting and                                                                        
          callings as they move forward in this legislative                                                                     
          session; speaking boldly the thoughts and visions                                                                     
          stirring within them.                                                                                                 
          "Be thou my vision, O lord of my heart.                                                                               
          Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art                                                                          
          Thou my best Thought, by day or by night                                                                              
          Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light                                                                             
          Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word                                                                              
          I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord. "                                                                            
          (Traditional Irish hymn)                                                                                              
          Bless them, now, Lord. Bless their families and grant                                                                 
             them good health. I pray this in Jesus name,  Amen.                                                               

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1862
Senator Micciche led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.                                                                    
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the journals for                                                              
the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth legislative days be approved as certified                                                     
by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                         
                          Messages from the Governor                                                                         
Letter dated February 24 was read stating on February 4, 2020, in                                                               
accordance with Article III, Sections 26 and 27, of the Alaska                                                                  
Constitution and Alaska Statute 39.05.080, I submitted a list of                                                                
appointees for confirmation.                                                                                                    
The following appointees have withdrawn their name from                                                                         
consideration, effective immediately:                                                                                           
Alaska Labor Relations Agency                                                                                                 
Misty Steed                                                                                                                     
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Board of Trustees                                                                        
Joey Crum                                                                                                                       
Alaska State Board of Public Accountancy                                                                                      
Glenn “Mike” Prax                                                                                                               
The following report is on file in the Office of the Secretary of the                                                           
Department of Labor and Workforce Development                                                                                   
Alaska Training Program Performance                                                                                             
for Participants Exiting Programs in State Fiscal Year 2018                                                                     
in accordance with AS 23.15.580                                                                                                 

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1863
                          Standing Committee Reports                                                                         
Report dated February 25 was read stating:                                                                                      
In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Labor and Commerce                                                                         
Committee reviewed the following and recommends the appointments                                                                
be forwarded to a joint session for consideration:                                                                              
State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and                                                                    
Land Surveyors                                                                                                                
Robert “Bob” Bell                                                                                                               
Jeffrey Garness                                                                                                                 
Eric Milliken                                                                                                                   
Loren Leman                                                                                                                     
Fishermen’s Fund Advisory and Appeals Council                                                                                 
Marilyn Charles                                                                                                                 
Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers                                                                                     
William Barnes                                                                                                                  
Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                             
Richard Holt                                                                                                                    
This does not reflect an intent by any of the members to vote for or                                                            
against the confirmation of the individuals during any further sessions.                                                        
Signing the report: Senator Bishop, Chair; Senators Gray-Jackson,                                                               
Revak, Stevens.                                                                                                                 
SB 81                                                                                                                         
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered SENATE BILL                                                                         
NO. 81 "An Act relating to electric and telephone cooperatives; and                                                             
relating to telephone service and related telecommunications services"                                                          
and recommended it be replaced with                                                                                             
          CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 81(L&C)                                                                                        
Signing do pass: Senator Bishop, Chair; Senators Gray-Jackson,                                                                  
Stevens, Revak.                                                                                                                 

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1864
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
         Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community,                                                           
          and Economic Development                                                                                              
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
SB 101                                                                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 101 "An                                                                  
Act establishing March 12 of each year as Ashley Johnson-Barr Day."                                                             
Signing do pass: Senator Coghill, Vice Chair; Senators Wilson,                                                                  
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Administration                                                                      
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
SB 115                                                                                                                        
Forthcoming fiscal information (page 1809) for the Finance                                                                      
Committee Substitute for SENATE BILL NO. 115 "An Act relating to                                                                
the motor fuel tax; and providing for an effective date" was published                                                          
 Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Revenue                                                                                       
 Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Administration                                                                                
 Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Transportation and                                                                      
          Public Facilities                                                                                                     
SB 145                                                                                                                        
The Resources Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 145 "An                                                                      
Act relating to the registration of commercial fishing vessels; and                                                             
providing for an effective date" and recommended it be replaced with                                                            
                   CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 145(RES) "An Act                                                                     
           relating to the registration of commercial vessels; and                                                             
          providing for an effective date."                                                                                     
Signing do pass: Senator Micciche, Chair; Senators Kiehl, Revak,                                                                
Bishop. Signing no recommendation: Senators Coghill, Giessel,                                                                   

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1865
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Administration                                                                            
     Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Public Safety                                                                       
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
SB 169                                                                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 169 "An                                                                  
Act relating to special request registration plates celebrating the arts;                                                       
and relating to the Alaska State Council on the Arts." Signing do pass:                                                         
Senator Coghill, Vice Chair. Signing no recommendation: Senators                                                                
Wilson, Kawasaki.                                                                                                               
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
        Fiscal Note No. 1, indeterminate, Department of Administration                                                         
     Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Education and                                                                             
          Early Development                                                                                                     
     Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Law                                                                                 
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
HB 56                                                                                                                         
The State Affairs Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 56 "An                                                                    
Act establishing May 15 of each year as Hmong-American Veterans                                                                 
Day." Signing do pass: Senator Revak, Chair; Senators Coghill,                                                                  
Kawasaki. Signing no recommendation: Senator Wilson.                                                                            
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Administration                                                                      
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
HB 109                                                                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                        
NO. 109(EDC) am "An Act relating to residency requirements for                                                                  
public school enrollment for certain children of active duty military                                                           
and National Guard members." Signing do pass: Senator Coghill, Vice                                                             
Chair; Senators Wilson, Kawasaki.                                                                                               

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1866
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Education and                                                                       
          Early Development                                                                                                     
The bill was referred to the Education Committee.                                                                               
                          Special Committee Reports                                                                          
SB 123                                                                                                                        
The Senate Special Committee on the Railbelt Electric System                                                                    
considered SENATE BILL NO. 123 "An Act relating to the regulation                                                               
of electric utilities and electric reliability organizations; and providing                                                     
for an effective date" and recommended it be replaced with                                                                      
          CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 123(RBE) "An Act                                                                               
          relating to the creation and regulation of electric                                                                   
          reliability organizations; relating to participation of                                                               
          electric utilities in electric reliability organizations;                                                             
          relating to duties of electric reliability organizations;                                                             
          providing for integrated resource planning; requiring                                                                 
          project preapproval for certain interconnected large                                                                  
           energy facilities; and providing for an effective date."                                                            
and further recommended the adoption of a Senate Railbelt Electric                                                              
System Committee Letter of Intent:                                                                                              
                               Letter of Intent                                                                                
It is the intent of the Thirty-First Alaska State Legislature that under                                                        
SB 123, reliability standards, electric reliability organization (ERO)                                                          
tariff standards, planning terms, and project pre-approval requirements                                                         
will ultimately apply across the entire interconnected Railbelt electric                                                        
energy network. Broad application is necessary to achieve the desired                                                           
efficiencies and reliability for Alaskans within the Railbelt.                                                                  
SB 123 does not in any way affect or change the existing relationship                                                           
between the RCA and the Bradley Lake project agreements, contracts,                                                             
and amendments exempt under AS 42.05.43l(c). It is, however, the                                                                
intent of the Alaska State Legislature that after the Bradley Lake                                                              
project debt is satisfied and the AS 42.05.431(c) exemption expires,                                                            
those agreements, contracts, and amendments shall be subject to                                                                 
SB 123.                                                                                                                         

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1867
Should Bradley Lake project agreements, contracts, and amendments                                                               
receive a future extension of the AS 42.05.431(c) exemptions, the                                                               
Thirty-First Alaska State Legislature urges consideration of the                                                                
relationship between Bradley Lake and associated infrastructure and                                                             
projects, the Railbelt network, and the electric reliability organization,                                                      
and emphasizes the intent to subject all interconnected network users,                                                          
owners, or operators to the reliability standards, an electric reliability                                                      
organization tariff, planning, and project pre-approval requirements.                                                           
Signing do pass: Senator Coghill, Chair; Senator Gray-Jackson.                                                                  
Signing no recommendation: Senator Micciche.                                                                                    
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce,                                                                           
          Community, and Economic Development                                                                                   
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
                        Introduction and Reference of                                                                        
                              Senate Resolutions                                                                             
SCR 11                                                                                                                        
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 11 BY THE                                                                                      
SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE,                                                                                                 
             Relating to awarding the Alaska Decoration of Honor                                                               
          to Gabriel David Conde.                                                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.                                                            
                        Consideration of the Calendar                                                                        
                        Third Reading of Senate Bills                                                                        
SB 52                                                                                                                         
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 52(FIN) "An Act relating to alcoholic                                                                    
beverages; relating to the regulation of manufacturers, wholesalers,                                                            
and retailers of alcoholic beverages; relating to licenses, endorsements,                                                       

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1868
and permits involving alcoholic beverages; relating to common carrier                                                           
approval to transport or deliver alcoholic beverages; relating to the                                                           
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; relating to offenses involving                                                                
alcoholic beverages; amending Rule 17(h), Alaska Rules of Minor                                                                 
Offense Procedure; and providing for an effective date" was read the                                                            
third time.                                                                                                                     
Senator Wilson moved the bill be returned to second reading for the                                                             
purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 2.                                                                    
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                                                     
Senator Wilson offered Amendment No. 2 :                                                                                         
Page 74, line 9:                                                                                                                
          Delete "three years"                                                                                                  
          Insert "year"                                                                                                         
Senator Wilson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2. Senator                                                               
von Imhof objected, then withdrew her objection. There being no                                                                 
further objection, Amendment No. 2 was adopted.                                                                                 
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 52(FIN) am was automatically in third                                                                    
Senator Hughes moved the bill be returned to second reading for the                                                             
purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 1.                                                                    
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                                                     
Senator Hughes offered Amendment No. 1 :                                                                                         
Page 106, line 10, following "course":                                                                                          
          Insert "and allow a licensee, permittee, agent, or employee                                                       
to complete an alcohol server education course online or in                                                                 
Page 106, line 17, following "test":                                                                                            
  Insert ", online or in person,"                                                                                           
Senator Hughes moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                                                                       
Objections were heard.                                                                                                          

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1869
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?"  The roll                                                              
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSSB 52(FIN) am                                                                                                                 
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 1?                                                                                                                
YEAS:  7   NAYS:  12   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Gray-Jackson, Hughes, Kawasaki, Olson, Shower, Stedman,                                                                  
Nays:  Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Hoffman, Kiehl, Micciche,                                                              
Reinbold, Revak, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski                                                                               
Excused:  Costello                                                                                                              
and so, Amendment No. 1 failed.                                                                                                 
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 52(FIN) am was automatically in third                                                                    
The question being: "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 52(FIN) am                                                                    
"An Act relating to alcoholic beverages; relating to the regulation of                                                          
manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of alcoholic beverages;                                                               
relating to licenses, endorsements, and permits involving alcoholic                                                             
beverages; relating to common carrier approval to transport or deliver                                                          
alcoholic beverages; relating to the Alcoholic Beverage Control                                                                 
Board; relating to offenses involving alcoholic beverages; amending                                                             
Rule 17(h), Alaska Rules of Minor Offense Procedure; and providing                                                              
for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the                                                            
following result:                                                                                                               
CSSB 52(FIN) am                                                                                                                 
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                                                   
Court Rule  Effective Dates                                                                                                     
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Giessel, Gray-Jackson, Hoffman,                                                                 
Hughes, Kawasaki, Kiehl, Micciche, Olson, Reinbold, Revak, Shower,                                                              
Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson                                                                               
Excused:  Costello                                                                                                              
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 52(FIN) am passed the Senate.                                                                    

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1870
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on the                                                               
passage of the bill be considered the vote on the Court Rule change.                                                            
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                           
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the vote on the                                                               
passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date clauses.                                                       
Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was referred to the                                                           
Secretary for engrossment.                                                                                                      
Honoring – Kodiak Shakesbears 2020 State Champions in Drama and                                                                 
Senator Stevens                                                                                                                 
Representative Stutes                                                                                                           
Honoring – Joe Usibelli, Jr.                                                                                                    
Senators Kawasaki, Bishop                                                                                                       
Representative LeBon                                                                                                            
Honoring – Quinn Christopherson                                                                                                 
Senator Begich                                                                                                                  
Representatives Fields, Drummond                                                                                                
Honoring – League of Women Voters 100 Anniversary                                                                               
Representatives Hannan, Story                                                                                                   
Senator Kiehl                                                                                                                   
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the citations be                                                              
adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to                                                          
the Secretary for transmittal.                                                                                                  
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the following                                                                 
citation be made a special order of business. Without objection, it was                                                         
so ordered.                                                                                                                     
                          Special Order of Business                                                                          
Honoring – Carnard Israel Davis                                                                                                 
Representative Tarr                                                                                                             
Senator Begich                                                                                                                  

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1871
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the citation be                                                               
adopted. Without objection, the citation was adopted and referred to                                                            
the Secretary for transmittal.                                                                                                  
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                                                                    
SB 52                                                                                                                         
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 52(FIN) am "An Act relating to                                                                           
alcoholic beverages; relating to the regulation of manufacturers,                                                               
wholesalers, and retailers of alcoholic beverages; relating to licenses,                                                        
endorsements, and permits involving alcoholic beverages; relating to                                                            
common carrier approval to transport or deliver alcoholic beverages;                                                            
relating to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; relating to offenses                                                          
involving alcoholic beverages; amending Rule 17(h), Alaska Rules of                                                             
Minor Offense Procedure; and providing for an effective date" was                                                               
engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to                                                             
the House for consideration.                                                                                                    
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate                                                                    
stand in adjournment until 10:30 a.m., February 28, 2020. Without                                                               
objection, the Senate adjourned at 12:08 p.m.                                                                                   
                                                                    Liz Clark                                                   
                                                     Secretary of the Senate                                                    

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1872
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require                                                  
special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access                                                            
committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the                                                          
Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance                                                           
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the                                                  
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                                                                 
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                                                                             
+ indicates teleconference                                                                                                      
= indicates bill previously heard/scheduled                                                                                     
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                                                                        
Feb 27        Thursday                    Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Feb 27        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           9:00 AM                                                 
              -- Teleconference <Listen Only> --                                                                                
+= SB 136 STATE-TRIBAL EDUCATION COMPACT SCHOOLS                                                                                
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
              Agenda to be Announced                                                                                            
              **Streamed live on AKL.tv**                                                                                       
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Feb 28        Friday                          Butrovich 205           9:00 AM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Feb 26        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+ SB   6 PRE-K/ELEM ED PROGRAMS/FUNDING; READING                                                                                
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1873
                             FINANCE (continued)                                                                             
Feb 27        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+             OMB Review of Governor's FY 21 & FY 20                                                                            
              Supplemental Amendments                                                                                           
+ SB 152 APPROP: OPERATING BUDGET/LOANS/FUNDS                                                                                   
+ SB 153 APPROP: MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET                                                                                           
+ SB 154 APPROP: CAPITAL; SUPP; OTHER APPROP.                                                                                   
+= SB 174 APPROP:SUPP; REAPPROP; CAP; AMEND; CBR                                                                                
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Feb 28        Friday                    Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+ SB  50 EMPLOYMENT TAX FOR EDUCATION FACILITIES                                                                                
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                          
Feb 26        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
+ SJR 13 CONST. AM: PROHIBIT ABORTION/FUNDING                                                                                   
              -Invited Testimony Followed by Public Testimony-                                                                  
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled:                                                                                 
+= SB 173 LICENSE MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE PARAMEDICS                                                                              
+= SB 134 MEDICAID COVERAGE OF LIC. COUNSELORS                                                                                  
Feb 28        Friday                          Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
+ SB 120 ADMINISTRATION OF PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION                                                                              
              -Invited Testimony Followed by Public Testimony-                                                                  
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled:                                                                                 
+ SB 179 NURSING: LICENSURE; MULTISTATE COMPACT                                                                                 
              <Bill Hearing Rescheduled from 2/24/2020>                                                                         
              -Invited Testimony Followed by Public Testimony-                                                                  
Feb 26        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          1:30 PM                                                 
+= SB  55 TEMP. APPOINTMENTS TO COURT OF APPEALS                                                                                
+ SB 191 TRUSTS, TRUSTEES, COMMUNITY PROPERTY                                                                                   
+ SB 192 FIDUCIARY'S ALLOCATION OF CAPITAL GAINS                                                                                
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
Feb 28        Friday                      Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          1:30 PM                                                 
+= SB 191 TRUSTS, TRUSTEES, COMMUNITY PROPERTY                                                                                  
+= SB 192 FIDUCIARY'S ALLOCATION OF CAPITAL GAINS                                                                               
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1874
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                                                                              
Feb 27        Thursday                    Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          1:30 PM                                                 
+             Consideration of Governor's Appointees:                                                                           
              Workers' Compensation Board                                                                                       
              - Nancy Shaw                                                                                                      
              Board of Architects, Engineers & Land Surveyors                                                                   
              - Catherine Fritz                                                                                                 
              -- Public Testimony on All Appointees --                                                                          
+ SB 182 AGE FOR NICOTINE/E-CIG; TAX E-CIG.                                                                                     
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
+             Presentation:                                                                                                     
              "Alaska Hire: Zones of Underemployment" by                                                                        
              Dan Robinson, DOLWD Research & Analysis                                                                           
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Feb 26        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                                                 
+             Consideration of Governor's Appointees:                                                                           
              Jeremy Price - AOGCC                                                                                              
              -- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --                                                                    
              **Streamed live on AKL.tv**                                                                                       
Feb 26        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            5:00 PM                                                 
              -- Please Note Time & Location --                                                                                 
              - Joint Meeting with House Resources Committee -                                                                  
+             Overview:                                                                                                         
              BP/Hilcorp Transaction                                                                                            
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
              **Streamed live on AKL.tv**                                                                                       
Feb 28        Friday                          Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                                                 
+ SB 159 SALT WATER FISHING: OPERATORS/GUIDES                                                                                   
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
+ SB 189 SPORT FISHING ENHANCEMENT SURCHARGE                                                                                    
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
              **Streamed live on AKL.tv**                                                                                       
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1875
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                                                                
Feb 27 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM                                                                                         
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Feb 27 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM                                                                                         
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Mar 03 Tuesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM                                                                                          
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Mar 05 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM                                                                                         
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
                            FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES                                                                            
                      COMMERCE, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV                                                                     
Feb 27 Thursday Senate Finance 532 5:30 PM                                                                                    
+             Department of Commerce, Community & Economic                                                                      
              Development Budget Presentation                                                                                   
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 27 Thursday Senate Finance 532 7:45 AM                                                                                    
+             Population Management                                                                                             
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                          
Feb 28 Friday Senate Finance 532 7:45 AM                                                                                      
+             Division of Public Assistance                                                                                     
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1876
                        LABOR & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT                                                                        
Feb 27 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM                                                                                    
              -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                            
+             FY21 Agency Budget                                                                                                
Mar 05 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM                                                                                    
+             FY21 Agency Budget                                                                                                
Mar 12 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM                                                                                    
+             FY21 Agency Budget                                                                                                
Mar 19 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM                                                                                    
              Will Meet if Needed                                                                                               
Feb 27 Thursday Butrovich 205 8:00 AM                                                                                         
+             FY 2021 Budget - Continuation as Needed, Other                                                                    
              Increments, Governor's Amendments & FY 2020                                                                       
              Legislative Intent                                                                                                
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                              NATURAL RESOURCES                                                                              
Feb 27 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:00 PM                                                                                    
+             FY21 Agency Budget: "Wildfires"                                                                                   
              - 2019 Wildfire Season                                                                                            
              - 2020 Wildfire Cost Estimate                                                                                     
              - How to Prevent Future Costs Associated with                                                                     
              - How Firefighting Efforts are Funded                                                                             
              - Fire Suppression Preparedness vs Fire                                                                           
              Suppression Activity                                                                                              
Mar 05 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:00 PM                                                                                    
+             FY21 Agency Budget                                                                                                
Mar 12 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:00 PM                                                                                    
+             FY21 Agency Budget                                                                                                
Mar 19 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:00 PM                                                                                    
              Will Meet if Needed                                                                                               

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1877
                                PUBLIC SAFETY                                                                                
Feb 26        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
+             FY 2021 Budget - Other Increments, Governor's                                                                     
              Amendments & FY 2020 Legislative Intent                                                                           
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 26        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           5:30 PM                                                 
              -- Please Note Location Change --                                                                                 
+             Department of Revenue Budget Overview                                                                             
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                      TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES                                                                     
Feb 26        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            7:30 AM                                                 
+             Roads/Highways/Bridges                                                                                            
              -- Below Item Rescheduled to 3/4/2020 --                                                                          
+             Aviation - International & Rural Airports                                                                         
Mar 04        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            7:30 AM                                                 
              -- Rescheduled from 2/26/2020 --                                                                                  
+             Aviation - International & Rural Airports                                                                         
                              SPECIAL COMMITTEES                                                                             
                           RAILBELT ELECTRIC SYSTEM                                                                          
Feb 26        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           9:00 AM                                                 
              -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                            
+= SB 123 ELECTRIC RELIABILITY ORGANIZATIONS                                                                                    
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
Feb 28        Friday                          Butrovich 205           9:00 AM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1878
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                                                                              
                          LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT                                                                         
Feb 28        Friday                             Adams 519            7:00 AM                                                 
              -- Teleconference Listen Only --                                                                                  
              FY 19 Audit of the Alaska State Legislature                                                                       
              Executive Session                                                                                                 
              - Preliminary Audit: FY 19 Statewide Single Audit                                                                 
              Other Committee Business                                                                                          
                                OTHER MEETINGS                                                                               
                            MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS                                                                           
Feb 28        Friday                               Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              "The History & Operations of Gavel Alaska, How                                                                    
              they Provide Coverage of State Government - A                                                                     
              Discussion of Funding, Partnerships & Music" by                                                                   
              Bill Legere & Jeremy Hsieh of KTOO                                                                                
              Presentation Will be Followed by a Q&A Session                                                                    
              Sponsored by Representative Story                                                                                 
Mar 03        Tuesday                              Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              "Discussion on the Challenges Facing the                                                                          
              Workforce that Helps Seniors & People with                                                                        
              Disabilities & the Solutions the Mental Health                                                                    
              Trust & Partner Organizations are Implementing"                                                                   
              - Eric Boyer, Alaska Mental Health Trust                                                                          
              - Kim Champney, Champney Consulting                                                                               
              - April Kyle, Alaska Behavioral Health                                                                            
              - Michael Bailey, Alaska Association on                                                                           
              Developmental Disabilities                                                                                        
              The Presentation Will be Followed by a Q&A                                                                        
              Sponsored by Representative Story                                                                                 

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1879
Mar 04        Wednesday                            Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              Alaska Outdoor Alliance - Presenters & Subjects:                                                                  
              - Lee Hart, Statewide Outdoor Recreation                                                                          
              - Chris Beck, Statewide Trails Initiative                                                                         
              - Natalie Dawson, New Tourism Products &                                                                          
              Regenerative Tourism                                                                                              
              - Dan Blanchard, Adventure Tourism Business                                                                       
              - Michele Stevens, Snowmachine Community                                                                          
              Sponsored by Representative Kreiss-Tomkins                                                                        
Mar 05        Thursday                             Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              "Shining a Light on Youth Mental Illness" by:                                                                     
              - Dr. Joanne Gartenberg, Behavioral Health                                                                        
              Medical Director at Bartlett Regional Hospital                                                                    
              - Rachael Woods, MS Juneau Youth Services                                                                         
              - Jason Lessard, NAMI Anchorage Executive                                                                         
              - Natalie Fraser & Zoe Kaplan, Co-Founders of                                                                     
              Mental Health Advocacy Through Storytelling                                                                       
              Sponsored by Representative Hannan                                                                                
Mar 10        Tuesday                              Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              "American Red Cross of Alaska - Sleeves Up,                                                                       
              Hearts Open, All In!" by Tanguy Libbrecht,                                                                        
              Regional Executive & Buddy Custard, Board Chair                                                                   
              of Red Cross of Alaska                                                                                            
              Discussion  on the Wide Variety of Work Done by                                                                   
              Red Cross Volunteers & Employees                                                                                  
              Sponsored by Representative LeBon                                                                                 
Mar 11        Wednesday                            Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              "Maritime Operations: Present & Future Impact on                                                                  
              Alaska's Economy & Welfare" by Captain Ed Page                                                                    
              Sponsored by Representative Hannan                                                                                

2020-02-26                     Senate Journal                      Page 1880
Mar 17        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205          12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              "Is Nuclear Energy an Option for Alaska? An                                                                       
              Overview of Micro Reactors Technology Trends &                                                                    
              Possible Alaska Applications" by Gwen Holdmann,                                                                   
              Director of the Alaska Center for Energy & Power                                                                  
              of the University of Alaska Fairbanks                                                                             
              The Overview Will Discuss the Possible                                                                            
              Applications of Micro-Nuclear Reactors in                                                                         
              Alaska; as they are Compact, Location-Flexible,                                                                   
              No-Emissions, High-Reliability Sources of Heat &                                                                  
              Sponsored by Representative Wool &                                                                                
              Senator Hoffman                                                                                                   
Mar 18        Wednesday                            Davis 106         12:00 PM                                                 
              Lunch & Learn:                                                                                                    
              Aerospace Day in the Capitol: "Alaska Aerospace                                                                   
              Corporation, Poker Flats, ACUASI" by Mark Lester,                                                                 
              AAC President & CEO and Ross Garelick Bell,                                                                       
              Executive Director of the Aerospace States                                                                        
              Sponsored by Senator Stevens