Legislature(2017 - 2018)
2018-03-08 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2219 SENATE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE THIRTIETH LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Thursday March 8, 2018 Fifty-second Day Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President Kelly at 10:37 a.m. The roll showed eighteen members present. Senators Shower, Wilson were excused from a call of the Senate. The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Major Shane Halverson, The Salvation Army. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent that the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered. Lord, I thank you for another day. I am blessed to live in this wonderful state. I thank you for all the Senators and staff gathered in this room. The book of Proverbs tells us that "for the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright. He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless. For he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones." Today I would pray that you grant them your wisdom, understanding and success, so they may experience prosperity in our land. I also pray that you shield and protect them from any harm that may come their way. May all that is done today be for your glory. Amen. Senator Stedman led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2220 Certification Senator Micciche moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal for the fifty-first legislative day be approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered. Messages from the House Message dated March 7 was read stating the House passed and transmitted for consideration: First Reading and Reference of House Bills HB 274 HOUSE BILL NO. 274 BY REPRESENTATIVES KITO, Josephson, entitled: "An Act extending the termination date of the Board of Psychologist and Psychological Associate Examiners; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and Finance Committees. Communications Letter dated March 5 was received from Gregory P. Razo, Chair of the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission, stating in accordance with AS 44.19.645, the Commission submitted Recommendation 2-2018, regarding the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Social Services as a voting member of the Commission. President Kelly referred the recommendation to the Judiciary Committee. 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2221 The following report is on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: Department of Health and Social Services 2017 Status Report on Health Information Exchange in Alaska in accordance with AS 18.23.315 Standing Committee Reports Report dated March 7 was read stating: In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Health and Social Services Committee reviewed the following and recommends the appointment be forwarded to a joint session for consideration: Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Board of Trustees Verné Boerner - Anchorage This does not reflect an intent by any of the members to vote for or against the confirmation of the individual during any further sessions. Signing the report: Senator Wilson, Chair; Senators Begich, von Imhof, Micciche. Report dated March 7 was read stating: In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Resources Committee reviewed the following and recommends the appointments be forwarded to a joint session for consideration: Big Game Commercial Services Board Adam Trombley - Anchorage Regulatory Commission of Alaska Janis Wilson - Anchorage This does not reflect an intent by any of the members to vote for or against the confirmation of the individuals during any further sessions. Signing the report: Senator Giessel, Chair; Senators Wielechowski, Bishop, von Imhof, Stedman, Meyer. 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2222 Introduction and Reference of Senate Bills SB 211 SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 211 BY SENATOR STEVENS, entitled: "An Act relating to the temporary transfer of limited entry commercial fishing permits; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance Committees. Consideration of the Calendar Second Reading of Senate Bills SB 15 SENATE BILL NO. 15 "An Act relating to possession of an electronic smoking product or a product containing nicotine by a minor and to selling or giving an electronic smoking product to a minor; relating to business license endorsements to sell cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, products containing tobacco, electronic smoking products, or products containing nicotine; and relating to citations for certain offenses concerning tobacco or nicotine products" was read the second time. Senator MacKinnon, Cochair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 2137. Senator Gardner objected, then withdrew her objection. There being no further objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 15(FIN) "An Act relating to possession of an electronic smoking product or a product containing nicotine by a minor and to selling or giving a product containing nicotine or an electronic smoking product to a minor; relating to business license endorsements to sell cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, products containing tobacco, electronic smoking products, or products containing nicotine; and relating to citations for certain offenses concerning tobacco, products containing nicotine, or electronic smoking products" was adopted. 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2223 Senator Micciche moved and asked unanimous consent the bill be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. Without objection, it was so ordered. CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 15(FIN) was read the third time. The question being: "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 15(FIN) "An Act relating to possession of an electronic smoking product or a product containing nicotine by a minor and to selling or giving a product containing nicotine or an electronic smoking product to a minor; relating to business license endorsements to sell cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, products containing tobacco, electronic smoking products, or products containing nicotine; and relating to citations for certain offenses concerning tobacco, products containing nicotine, or electronic smoking products" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 15(FIN) Third Reading - Final Passage YEAS: 18 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Egan, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Kelly, MacKinnon, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski Excused: Shower, Wilson and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 15(FIN) passed the Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment. Citations Honoring - Samantha Mack Senator(s) von Imhof, Kelly, Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Egan, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, MacKinnon, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski, Wilson Representative(s) Tuck 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2224 Honoring - Carl F. Brady Sr. Senator(s) Coghill, Costello, Kelly, Begich, Bishop, Egan, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, MacKinnon, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson In Memoriam - John Calvin Eads Representative(s) Chenault Senator(s) Micciche, Kelly, Begich, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Egan, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, MacKinnon, Meyer, Olson, Shower, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof, Wielechowski, Wilson Senator Micciche moved and asked unanimous consent the citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to the Secretary for transmittal. Unfinished Business Senator Bishop moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from morning plane time, March 9 through evening plane time, March 11. Without objection, Senator Bishop was excused. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from evening plane time, March 8 through evening plane time, March 11. Without objection, Senator Coghill was excused. Senator Micciche moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from morning plane time, March 9 through evening plane time, March 10. Without objection, Senator Micciche was excused. Senator Gardner moved to take up the Sense of the Senate that had been tabled February 12 (page 1997). There was objection. 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2225 The question being: "Shall the Senate take up the Sense of the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: Shall the Senate take up the Sense of the Senate? YEAS: 5 NAYS: 13 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Begich, Egan, Gardner, Olson, Wielechowski Nays: Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Giessel, Hoffman, Hughes, Kelly, MacKinnon, Meyer, Micciche, Stedman, Stevens, von Imhof Excused: Shower, Wilson and so, the Sense of the Senate failed to be taken up. Senator Stedman moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from morning plane time, March 13 through plane time, March 19. Without objection, Senator Stedman was excused. Announcements Announcements are at the end of the journal. Engrossment SB 15 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 15(FIN) "An Act relating to possession of an electronic smoking product or a product containing nicotine by a minor and to selling or giving a product containing nicotine or an electronic smoking product to a minor; relating to business license endorsements to sell cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, products containing tobacco, electronic smoking products, or products containing nicotine; and relating to citations for certain offenses concerning tobacco, products containing nicotine, or electronic smoking products" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration. 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2226 Adjournment Senator Micciche moved and asked unanimous consent the Senate stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., March 12, 2018. Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:24 a.m. Liz Clark Secretary of the Senate 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2227 Announcements Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD. STANDING COMMITTEES + indicates teleconference = indicates bill previously heard/scheduled COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS Mar 08 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 13 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM += HB 7 MARKED BALLOT PHOTOS; PERSUASION AT POLLS Mar 15 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- EDUCATION Mar 09 Friday Butrovich 205 10:30 AM -- Please Note Time Change -- + SCR 15 MARCH 27, 2018:AK EDUCATION & SHARING DAY -- Testimony <Invited and Public> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Mar 12 Monday Capitol 106 8:00 AM -- Location Change -- Joint with House Education Committee + Presentation: "Educator Workforce Pilot Study" - Sarah Sledge, Coalition for Education Equity - Dr. Barbara Adams, Adams Analytic Solutions - Jerry Covey, JSC Consulting -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2228 EDUCATION (continued) Mar 14 Wednesday Butrovich 205 8:00 AM += SB 185 REEMPLOYMENT OF RETIRED TEACHERS & ADMIN -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** += SCR 15 MARCH 27, 2018:AK EDUCATION & SHARING DAY -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 16 Friday Butrovich 205 8:00 AM += HB 214 BREE'S LAW; DATING VIOLENCE PROGRAMS -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- FINANCE Mar 08 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM += HB 321 APPROP: SUPPLEMENTAL OP.; FUND; AMENDING <Bill Hearing Canceled> += SB 92 VESSELS: REGISTRATION/TITLES; DERELICTS + SB 158 OIL/HAZARDOUS SUB.:CLEANUP/REIMBURSEMENT + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 09 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 12 Monday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM += SB 158 OIL/HAZARDOUS SUB.:CLEANUP/REIMBURSEMENT += HB 131 RELOCATION ASSISTANCE FOR FED. PROJ/PROG + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 13 Tuesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Power Cost Equalization and Community Assistance Overview David Teal, Director, Legislative Finance Division + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2229 FINANCE (continued) Mar 14 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + HB 114 BOILER/PRESSURE VESSEL INSPECTION REPORTS + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 15 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM += HB 321 APPROP: SUPPLEMENTAL OP.; FUND; AMENDING + SB 196 APPROPRIATION LIMIT + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 16 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Mar 09 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 12 Monday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM + Presentation: Randall Burns, Director, DHSS Division of Behavioral Health "Behavioral Health Continuum of Care and the Alaska Psychiatric Institution" -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + SB 193 MED. ASSISTANCE WORK REQUIREMENT -- Testimony <Invited and Public> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 14 Wednesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM + HB 138 MARCH: SOBRIETY AWARENESS MONTH -- Testimony <Invited and Public> -- Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += SB 81 DHSS CENT. REGISTRY;LICENSE;BCKGROUND CHK Mar 16 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM + HB 123 DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH CARE COSTS -- Testimony <Invited and Public> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2230 JUDICIARY Mar 09 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- += SB 124 ABORTION PROCEDURES; CHILD SURRENDER + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 12 Monday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + SB 122 OCS CITIZEN REVIEW PANEL += SB 124 ABORTION PROCEDURES; CHILD SURRENDER -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 14 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM += SB 124 ABORTION PROCEDURES; CHILD SURRENDER + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 16 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM += SB 124 ABORTION PROCEDURES; CHILD SURRENDER += SJR 14 CONST. AM: PARENTAL CONSENT TO ABORTION + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- LABOR & COMMERCE Mar 08 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM += HB 157 LIFE & HEALTH INSURANCE GUARANTY ASSN. <Bill Hearing Canceled> -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += SB 205 TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION/EXEMPTIONS += SB 62 REPEAL CERTIFICATE OF NEED PROGRAM += HB 86 STUDENT LOAN DEFAULT/OCC. LICENSE RENEWAL += SB 112 WORKERS COMPENSATION;DRUG DATABASE & TEST Mar 13 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Presentation: Update of the 2020 Census Operations Jamey Christy, Regional Director & Julie Lam Assistant Regional Director, US Census Bureau -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + SB 76 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL; ALCOHOL REG -- Public Testimony on Chapters 6, 16 and 21-- Overview of Chapter 6, pages 1-5 Chapter 16, pages 79-97 and Chapter 21, pages 97-104 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2231 LABOR & COMMERCE (continued) Mar 15 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- RESOURCES Mar 09 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 12 Monday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + SB 211 TEMP. TRANSFER OF COMM. FISHING PERMITS -- Public Testimony -- + SJR 13 URGING CO-MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SEA OTTERS -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 14 Wednesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Consideration of Governor's Appointees Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission: -Commissioner Designee Dale Kelley -Commissioner Designee Vance Fate Putman -- Public Testimony on Appointees -- Mar 16 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- STATE AFFAIRS Mar 08 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + SB 186 VOTER REGISTRATION & PFD APP REGISTRATION -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 13 Tuesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + SB 163 DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2232 STATE AFFAIRS (continued) Mar 15 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + HB 150 PAY, ALLOWANCES, BENEFITS FOR MILITIA MEM -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION Mar 08 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled += HB 204 OVERTAKING/PASSING ROAD WORK VEHICLES Mar 13 Tuesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 15 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES ADMINISTRATION Mar 14 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Teleconference <Invitation Only> -- Budget Subcommittee Closeout ---------------------------------------- COMMERCE, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV Mar 13 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 8:15 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- Closeout ---------------------------------------- 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2233 FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued) EDUCATION & EARLY DEVELOPMENT Mar 13 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 5:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Teleconference <Invitation Only> -- Budget Subcommittee Closeout ---------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Mar 13 Tuesday Fahrenkamp 203 2:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- FY19 Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- FISH & GAME Mar 13 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 8:00 AM Close-Out Mar 14 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 8:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- Close-out ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Mar 08 Thursday Butrovich 205 5:15 PM + Pioneer Homes, Seniors and Disabilities Service -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- Mar 13 Tuesday Butrovich 205 5:15 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Closeout -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- ---------------------------------------- 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2234 FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued) JUDICIARY Mar 13 Tuesday Fahrenkamp 203 4:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- FY19 Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- LABOR & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Mar 13 Tuesday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out, if Necessary ---------------------------------------- LAW Mar 13 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 4:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Teleconference <Invitation Only> -- Budget Subcommittee Closeout ---------------------------------------- NATURAL RESOURCES Mar 08 Thursday Butrovich 205 12:00 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out <Above Item Rescheduled to 3/13/18> <New Item Added Below> + Committee Questions Mar 13 Tuesday Butrovich 205 12:00 PM + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out --Above Item Rescheduled from 03/08/18 -- <Above Item Removed from Agenda> + Committee Questions -- Above Item Rescheduled from 03/08/18 -- < New Item Added Below> + Subjects Previously Heard or Scheduled 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2235 NATURAL RESOURCES (continued) Mar 15 Thursday Butrovich 205 12:00 PM + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out, if Needed --Above Item Rescheduled to 3/20/1-- < New Item Added Below> + Subjects Previously Heard or Scheduled Mar 20 Tuesday Butrovich 205 12:00 PM + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out --Above Item Rescheduled from 3/15/18-- Mar 22 Thursday Butrovich 205 12:00 PM + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out, if Necessary ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES Mar 08 Thursday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- -- Agenda Change -- + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out <Above Item Rescheduled to 03/15/18> <Below Items Rescheduled from 03/06/18> + Alaska Marine Highway System Committee Questions Mar 13 Tuesday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM <Below Items Rescheduled from 03/08/18> + Alaska Marine Highway System Committee Questions Mar 15 Thursday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM -- Agenda Change -- + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out <Above Item Rescheduled to 3/20/18> <New Item Added Below> Committee Questions Mar 20 Tuesday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out <Above Item Rescheduled from 3/15/18> 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2236 TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES (continued) Mar 22 Thursday Butrovich 205 11:00 AM + Budget Subcommittee Close-Out, if Necessary ---------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA Mar 14 Wednesday Fahrenkamp 203 7:45 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- FY19 Budget Closeout ---------------------------------------- JOINT COMMITTEES ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Mar 22 Thursday Senate Finance 532 11:30 AM Briefings by: + Lieutenant General Kenneth S. Wilsbach Commander, Alaska North American Aerospace Command Region Commander, Alaska Command, U.S. Northern Command Commander, Eleventh Air Force + Major General Mark O'Neil Commanding General, U.S. Army Alaska + Rear Admiral Michael F. McAllister Commander, Seventeenth U.S. Coast Guard District + Major General Laurel J. Hummel The Adjutant General, Alaska National Guard Commissioner, Alaska Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs ---------------------------------------- SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS Mar 08 Thursday Capitol 106 9:30 AM Senate Subcommittee + Public Comment EXECUTIVE SESSION Public Session 2018-03-08 Senate Journal Page 2237 SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS (continued) Mar 08 Thursday Capitol 106 10:30 AM + Approval of January Minutes Public Comment Chair/Staff Report a. Outside Counsel Contract b. Private Investigator Contract c. Personnel EXECUTIVE SESSION Public Session Other Business ---------------------------------------- VICTIMS ADVOCATE SELECTION COMMITTEE Mar 16 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 7:45 AM EXECUTIVE SESSION Victims' Advocate Selection Process ---------------------------------------- OTHER MEETINGS COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Mar 08 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM -- MEETING CANCELED -- ---------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS Mar 08 Thursday Capitol 106 12:00 PM Lunch & Learn: Ethics in Action in the Alaska Legislature Presenter: Dr. Charla Brown, Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, University of Alaska Southeast Sponsored by Representative Kito