Legislature(2015 - 2016)
2016-03-21 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2181 SENATE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE TWENTY-NINTH LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Monday March 21, 2016 Sixty-third Day Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President Meyer at 11:06 a.m. The roll showed eighteen members present. Senator Stedman was excused from a call of the Senate. Senator McGuire was absent. The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Dan Wiese, Church of the Nazarene. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent that the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered. O God of all Creation, you have so richly blessed us who live in this great state of Alaska. We truly are blessed to call this incredible land our home. You have granted us to be stewards of this great state and all of its resources. You have granted us the privilege of enjoying its beauty and recreation and the freedoms we have in this state. And God I thank you for these men and women who are elected to serve in the Alaska State Senate. They are servants before you of the people who call this state home. And Lord, they are tasked with great responsibilities to govern this state, to pass laws and make decisions that affect the lives of their constituents. So, Lord I pray for your wisdom and guidance to lead them. I pray for the challenges they face and the problems they are seeking resolution. I pray for compassion and discernment. I pray for 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2182 conviction to do the right thing and make the right decisions for the betterment of our state and the future of blessing that we seek. And, Lord, I would also pray for their families. Bless them. Watch over them and protect them. Be near to the concerns of their hearts. Give them your peace that passes all understanding. And in this Holy Week, I can't help but reflect on the grace of God through my Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us all. In His name I pray, Amen. Senator Costello led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Certification Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the journals for the sixtieth through sixty-second legislative days be approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent Senator McGuire be excused from a call of the Senate today. Without objection, Senator McGuire was excused. Messages from the House Message dated March 18 was read stating the House passed and transmitted for consideration: First Reading and Reference of House Bills HB 38 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 38(RES) BY THE HOUSE RESOURCES COMMITTEE, entitled: "An Act relating to the response to, and control of, aquatic invasive species and establishing the aquatic invasive species response fund." was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Resources Committees. 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2183 Consideration of the Calendar Second Reading of Senate Bills SB 125 SENATE BILL NO. 125 "An Act adding legislative nonvoting members to the board of directors of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation" was read the second time. Senator Giessel, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption of the Resources Committee Substitute offered on page 2028. Senator Gardner objected, then withdrew her objection. There being no further objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 125(RES) was adopted. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. Senator Gardner objected. CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 125(RES) will be on the March 23 calendar. Citations Honoring - Nicholas Mastrodicasa Senator(s) Giessel, McGuire, Meyer, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze, Wielechowski Honoring - Kenai Central High School Varsity Girls Cross-Country Running Team 2015 State Champions Senator(s) Micciche, Meyer, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze, Wielechowski Representative(s) Olson 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2184 Honoring - Bob Roses Representative(s) LeDoux Senator(s) Wielechowski, Meyer, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze In Memoriam - Jon C. Deisher Representative(s) Claman, LeDoux Senator(s) Costello, Wielechowski, Meyer, Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to the Secretary for transmittal. Unfinished Business Senators Gardner, Huggins moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, March 25 through evening plane time, March 27. Without objection, Senators Gardner, Huggins were excused. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent President Meyer be excused from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, March 25 through evening plane time, March 27. Without objection, Senator Meyer was excused. Senator MacKinnon moved and asked unanimous consent to amend a prior excusal (page 2014) in order to be excused from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, March 23 through evening plane time, March 28. Without objection, Senator MacKinnon was excused. Senator Bishop moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, March 25 through morning plane time, March 27. Without objection, Senator Bishop was excused. 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2185 SB 125 Senators MacKinnon, Coghill, Micciche, Bishop, Giessel, Huggins, Kelly, Meyer moved and asked unanimous consent to be shown as cosponsors on CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 125(RES) "An Act adding legislative nonvoting members to the board of directors of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation." Without objection, it was so ordered. SB 191 Senators Stoltze, Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent to be shown as cosponsors on SENATE BILL NO. 191 "An Act relating to disciplinary sanctions imposed by the State Medical Board; restricting employees and representatives of abortion services providers, and affiliates of abortion services providers, from delivering instruction or distributing materials in public schools and providing civil penalties for violations; relating to revocation or suspension of teacher certificates; relating to the receipt of state funds by teachers and school board members; and providing for an effective date." Without objection, it was so ordered. Announcements Announcements are at the end of the journal. Adjournment Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., March 23, 2016. Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Liz Clark Secretary of the Senate 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2186 Announcements Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD. STANDING COMMITTEES + indicates teleconference = indicates bill previously heard/scheduled COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS Mar 22 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 24 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM += SB 88 TEACHERS & PUB EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS -- Public Testimony -- ---------------------------------------- EDUCATION Mar 22 Tuesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + SB 200 MANDATORY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN SCHOOLS -- Public Testimony -- Mar 24 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Confirmation Hearings: Board of Education & Early Development Professional Teaching Practices Commission University of Alaska Board of Regents Mar 25 Friday Capitol 106 8:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- Joint with the House Education Committee + Common Core Funding ---------------------------------------- 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2187 FINANCE Mar 21 Monday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + SB 128 PERM. FUND:DEPOSITS;DIVIDEND;EARNINGS + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += SB 1 REGULATION OF SMOKING Mar 22 Tuesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + SB 114 PERM FUND: EARNINGS, DEPOSITS, ACCOUNTS + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 23 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + David Teal, Director, Legislative Finance Division += SB 114 PERM FUND: EARNINGS, DEPOSITS, ACCOUNTS += SB 128 PERM. FUND:DEPOSITS;DIVIDEND;EARNINGS -- Public Testimony <Limited to 2 Minutes> -- 1:30 - 2:15 Juneau 2:15 - 2:45 Bethel, Nome, Kotzebue, Unalaska 2:45 - 3:15 Barrow, Tok, Delta Junction 3:15 - 3:45 Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg 3:45 - 4:15 Sitka, Cordova, Valdez 4:15 - 5:15 Statewide Teleconference - Offnet Sites + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 24 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + SB 91 OMNIBUS CRIM LAW & PROCEDURE; CORRECTIONS <Bill Hearing Canceled> + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += SB 114 PERM FUND: EARNINGS, DEPOSITS, ACCOUNTS += SB 128 PERM. FUND:DEPOSITS;DIVIDEND;EARNINGS -- Public Testimony <Limited to 2 Minutes> -- 9:00 - 10:00 Anchorage 10:00 - 10:30 Glennallen, Seward, Homer 10:30 - 11:30 Fairbanks, Mat-Su 11:30 - 12:15 Kenai, Kodiak, Dillingham Mar 24 Thursday Senate Finance 532 1:30 PM + SB 174 REG. OF FIREARMS/KNIVES BY UNIV. OF AK -- Public Testimony 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.-- -- Public Testimony Limited to 3 Minutes -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2188 FINANCE (continued) Mar 25 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM += SB 91 OMNIBUS CRIM LAW & PROCEDURE; CORRECTIONS <Pending Referral> + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Mar 21 Monday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 23 Wednesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 25 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- JUDICIARY Mar 21 Monday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: += SB 91 OMNIBUS CRIM LAW & PROCEDURE; CORRECTIONS **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Mar 23 Wednesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM += SB 8 INDUSTRIAL HEMP PRODUCTION LICENSES + SB 165 ALCO. BEV. CONT. BOARD; MINORS; ALCOHOL + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Mar 25 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** ---------------------------------------- 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2189 LABOR & COMMERCE Mar 22 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: Marijuana Control Board Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Big Game Commercial Services Board + SB 202 INS. FOR DEPENDS. OF DECEASED FIRE/POLICE <Bill Hearing Canceled> + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: -- Public Testimony -- += SB 104 PERSON W/DISABILITY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Mar 24 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + SB 203 MEDI-VAC FLIGHT CREW OVERTIME PAY + Consideration of Governor's Appointees: Alaska Labor Relations Agency Alaska Workers' Compensation Board Board of Barbers & Hairdressers Board of Chiropractic Examiners Board of Nursing Board of Psychologists & Psychological Examiners Board of Registration Architects, Engineers & Land Surveyors Board of Social Work Examiners Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Board Workers' Compensation Appeals Commission + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled -- Public Testimony -- ---------------------------------------- RESOURCES Mar 21 Monday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM Consideration of Governor's Appointee: Board of Fisheries, Israel Payton -- Public Testimony on Appointee -- += HB 100 UREA/AMMONIA/GAS-LIQ FACILITY; TAX CREDIT -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2190 RESOURCES (continued) Mar 23 Wednesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM += HB 137 HUNT/FISH/TRAP: FEES;LICENSES;EXEMPTIONS -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 25 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- STATE AFFAIRS Mar 22 Tuesday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM + SB 204 KENNY & PATTI BARBER SHOOTING RANGE -- Public Testimony -- + SB 150 MVA COMMISSIONER MEMBER OF CDVSA -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Mar 24 Thursday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM + SB 154 BLOOD BANK OF ALASKA LICENSE PLATES -- Public Testimony -- += SCR 16 SPECIAL SESSION TO BE HELD ON ROAD SYSTEM -- Public Testimony -- + HB 175 ESTABLISH MILITARY FAMILY DAY -- Public Testimony -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION Mar 22 Tuesday Butrovich 205 1:00 PM No Meeting Scheduled Mar 24 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:00 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- 2016-03-21 Senate Journal Page 2191 OTHER MEETINGS JOINT SESSION Apr 15 Friday House Chamber 11:00 AM Consideration of Governor's Appointees ---------------------------------------- JOINT VETERANS CAUCUS Mar 22 Tuesday Fahrenkamp 203 7:30 AM Joint Veterans' Caucus Agenda Forthcoming