Legislature(2015 - 2016)
2016-01-21 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1627 SENATE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE TWENTY-NINTH LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Thursday January 21, 2016 Third Day Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President Meyer at 11:05 a.m. The roll showed eighteen members present. Senators Ellis, McGuire were absent. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that Senator McGuire be excused from a call of the Senate today. Without objection, Senator McGuire was excused. The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Reverend Nancy Campbell, White Fields Church. Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent that the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered. Dear Heavenly Father, O Lord of my heart and ruler of all; I approach your throne on behalf of the Senators as they convene this day. Be merciful to them and bless them. Be their vision; be their wisdom; be their best thought, by day or by night. Be their hearing ear as they consider the presentations put before them this day and give them discernment. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer. And now, I speak this blessing over you: 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1628 "May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; May the name of the God of Jacob defend you; May he send you help from the sanctuary And strengthen you out of Zion." [Psalms 20:1-2] I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen. Senator Micciche led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Certification Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the journals for the first and second legislative days be approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered. Messages from the House Messages dated January 20 were read stating: The House of Representatives respectfully invites the Senate to a Joint Session of the Twenty-Ninth Alaska Legislature at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 10 for the purpose of hearing Chief Justice Craig Stowers' Annual State of the Judiciary Address; at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 17 for the purpose of hearing U.S. Senator Murkowski's Annual Address to the Legislature; and at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, February 29 for the purpose of hearing U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan's Annual Address to the Legislature. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate accept the House invitations to meet in Joint Session. Without objection, it was so ordered. The Secretary was requested to notify the House. 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1629 Communications The following reports are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: Alaska Energy Authority Susitna-Watana Hydro 2015 Report to the Legislature in accordance with AS 44.83.085 Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, 2015 Annual Report in accordance with AS 37.13.170 Joint Armed Services Committee Report, January 19, 2016 in accordance with AS 24.20.675 Legislative Budget and Audit Committee Division of Legislative Finance Reductions in State Expenditures Associated with the Department of Corrections Performance Review Conducted by Sacramento CGL January 7, 2016 in accordance with AS 24.20.231 and AS 44.66.040 Legislative Affairs Agency Division of Legal and Research Services Report Listing Alaska Statutes with Delayed Repeals or Delayed Amendments and Examining Court Decisions and Opinions of the Attorney General Construing Alaska Statutes January 2016 in accordance with AS 24.20.065 SR 4 Senate Special Committee on Federal Overreach Report of the Senate Special Committee on Federal Overreach January 18, 2016 in accordance with Senate Resolve 4, 2015 Office of the Governor Office of Management & Budget Executive Branch Lease Purchase Agreements Report Fiscal Year 2015 in accordance with AS 37.07.040 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1630 Department of Revenue Permanent Fund Dividend Division Report of the 2015 Charitable Contributions through Permanent Fund Dividends January 12, 2016 in accordance with AS 43.23.062 Alaska Retirement Management Board Notification of Availability of Financial Reports and Audited Statements January 19, 2016 from Randall Hoffbeck, Commissioner, Department of Revenue in accordance with AS 37.10.220 Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Alaska Marine Highway Fund Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year 2015 in accordance with AS 19.65.070 The following Budget and Audit Reports were received from Kris Curtis, Legislative Auditor, in accordance with AS 24.20.311 and are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: 2015 Annual Report, Unabridged 2015 Annual Report, Condensed Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Big Game Commercial Services Board August 26, 2015 Department of Health & Social Services Division of Alaska Pioneer Homes May 21, 2015 Department of Health & Social Services Performance Review September 28, 2015 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1631 Department of Health & Social Services Behavioral Health Performance Review September 29, 2015 Department of Health & Social Services Long Term Care Performance Review October 1, 2015 Standing Committee Reports SB 124 The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 124 "An Act extending the termination date of the Alaska Commission on Aging; and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senator Stoltze, Chair; Senators Coghill, Huggins, Wielechowski. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Health and Social Services President Meyer added a Finance Committee referral to the bill. The bill was referred to the Health and Social Services, then Finance Committees. Introduction and Reference of Senate Resolutions SCR 19 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 19 BY SENATOR GARDNER, Proposing an amendment to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature relating to establishing as a standing committee the Ways and Means Committee. was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Rules Committees. 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1632 Introduction and Reference of Senate Bills SB 149 SENATE BILL NO. 149 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled: "An Act relating to the dividends from the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; relating to the meaning of 'mark-to-market fair value,' 'net income,' 'project or development,' and 'unrestricted net income' for purposes of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and Finance Committees. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, indeterminate, Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Governor's transmittal letter dated January 18: Dear President Meyer: Under the authority of Article III, Section 18 of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a bill relating to the dividends the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) pays to the State each year. The bill is intended to clarify or modify accounting matters that affect the calculation of AIDEA's dividends. The overall intent of the bill is to have AIDEA's dividends better reflect the cash-based realized net income of the funds from which AIDEA's dividends are paid. Under AS 44.88.088, AIDEA is required to pay a dividend each year of between 25 and 50 percent of the "net income" of each of its statutorily created funds, but not more than the total "unrestricted net income" of each fund. The terms "net income: and "unrestricted net income" are defined in AS 44.88.088 as meaning the change in net position of each fund as reported in AIDEA's audited financial 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1633 statements each year, excluding consideration of certain designated items. The bill would modify the excluded items that are not to be considered in determining the change in the net position of each of AIDEA's funds. Specifically, the bill proposes to eliminate from consideration in calculating AIDEA's dividends (1) impairment losses on a project or development to the extent financed with state or federal grants or appropriations; (2) any current or future mark-to-market fair value based accounting requirements imposed by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) such as those in Statements No. 31 and No. 72; and (3) non-cash accounting entries related to retirement obligations such as those required under GASB Statement No. 68. The proposed change in language on losses is meant to remove the restriction that the loss must occur with respect to a development project under AS 44.88.172. Under current law, AIDEA may finance different types of projects and developments, not just development projects under AS 44.88.172. It is not logical to restrict the exclusion to just development projects under AS 44.88.172. Instead, the bill's amended language on excluding consideration of losses proposes to tie the losses to the use of State or federal grants or appropriations to finance a project or development. The amended language in the bill means that, when an investment in a project or development is made with State or federal grants or appropriations, a loss as to that investment will not be compounded by having AIDEA's dividend to the State reduced because of it. At the same time, however, a loss on a project or development funded by AIDEA's own cash will be reflected in the calculation of the dividend. The bill's amendments directed at GASB Statements No. 31, No. 72, and No. 68 are meant to exclude unrealized "paper" gains or losses AIDEA must record in its financial statements from impacting AIDEA's dividends. Under GASB Statements No. 31 and No. 72, AIDEA must make accounting entries based on the mark-to-market values of its investments at the close of its fiscal year each year. Given the vagaries of the market, these values can and likely will fluctuate significantly from year to year. Under GASB Statement No. 68, AIDEA must make accounting entries for fluctuating actuarial 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1634 computations on pension obligations. The accounting entries AIDEA must make to comply with these GASB statements do not reflect the actual results of AIDEA's operations, which should be the basis for its dividend to the State. The accounting required by these GASB statements may cause great fluctuations from year to year in the net income of AIDEA's funds. Removing these accounting adjustments from the dividend calculation would stabilize AIDEA's dividend payment to the state and improve predictability as to the amount of the annual dividends. Sincerely, /s/ Bill Walker Governor SB 150 SENATE BILL NO. 150 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled: "An Act adding the commissioner of military and veterans' affairs to the membership of the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault." was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Finance Committees. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Public Safety Governor's transmittal letter dated January 18: Dear President Meyer: Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a bill adding the Commissioner of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to the membership of the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1635 The purpose of the council is to provide for planning and coordination of services to victims of domestic violence or sexual assault or to their families and to perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual assault and to provide for crisis intervention and prevention programs. Since domestic violence pervades all sectors of our society, including our military forces, the input of a person with an understanding of the challenges those in the military face would assist the council's work. With this change, we will continue to work together to eliminate domestic violence and sexual assault in this state. I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure. Sincerely, /s/ Bill Walker Governor SB 151 SENATE BILL NO. 151 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled: "An Act relating to criminal and civil history requirements for individuals and entities licensed or certified by the Department of Health and Social Services; relating to the centralized registry for certain individuals or entities that are licensed or certified by the Department of Health and Social Services or are eligible to receive payment from certain programs of the department; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Health and Social Services and Judiciary Committees. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Health and Social Services Governor's transmittal letter dated January 18: Dear President Meyer: 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1636 Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a bill relating to the criminal history, civil history, and the centralized registry for certain individuals or entities that are licensed or certified by the Department of Health and Social Services or are eligible to receive payment from certain programs of the Department of Health and Social Services. In 2005, AS 47.05.310 - AS 47.05.390 were enacted. The purpose of these statutes was to centralize and formalize the process by which the Department of Health and Social Services conducted criminal background checks for entities and individuals who sought to be licensed providers or who are paid, in whole or in part, by the Department of Health and Social Services to provide services to individuals in the care and custody of the Department of Health and Social Services. Additionally, the Department of Health and Social Services was authorized to create a centralized registry so the State could rely on certain civil findings to bar persons from owning, operating, and being an administrator of certain licensed facilities. Over the ensuing years, certain gaps in the statutes were identified, and this legislation is designed to clarify and amend current statutes to fix those gaps. The changes proposed by the bill are simple amendments to ensure proper application and fairness under the system. In order to protect our vulnerable citizens yet offer appropriate due process and confidentiality protections to individuals, I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure. Sincerely, /s/ Bill Walker Governor SB 152 SENATE BILL NO. 152 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled: "An Act relating to a money services business; relating to transmitting value that substitutes for money; relating to licensing requirements and 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1637 registration through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; relating to surety bonding requirements; authorizing certain licensees to contract to use subdelegates for reloading funds onto stored-value cards; relating to record retention, reporting requirements, and enforcement provisions; relating to exemptions; relating to money services Internet activities; relating to definitions regarding the transmitting value, currency, and money transmission business activities; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce Committee. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Governor's transmittal letter dated January 18: Dear President Meyer: Under the authority of Article III, Section 18 of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a bill relating to money services businesses and modernizing the statutes to reflect new forms of money, payment systems, and technology. The bill would modify AS 06.55 related to money services businesses in order to update the aged money services businesses laws to recognize and support new means of money transmission, including the use of other values that substitute for money. Moreover, the proposed revisions would eliminate redundant or outdated references and practices. Due to the number of changes, the Alaska Uniform Money Services Act would become the Alaska Money Services Act. Currently, AS 06.55 regulates money services businesses, which include money transmitters, issuers of traveler's checks, money orders, or stored value (prepaid cards), sellers or redeemers of traveler's checks, money orders or stored value, and currency exchangers. 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1638 A modernization of the existing AS 06.55 would ease access to reloading of prepaid cards to persons in rural Alaska that use these services and provide for the use of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry (NMLS). The NMLS allows states to share important information about licensed money services businesses and their activity, and its use eases the application process for a money services business, both for licensing and subsequent filings, which allows the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (department) to more easily regulate licensees located within and outside of the state. Additionally, the proposed revisions would allow for more effective examinations of money services businesses doing business in the state. The department would be able to respond quicker to complaints filed by the Alaska public against money services businesses by eliminating a lengthy pre-exam notification. The bill would establish higher bonding limits for licensees. Additionally, the language would clarify that all persons, licensed or not, that engage in money services are subject to daily penalties for violations of the Alaska Money Services Act. This would ensure that the State holds violators accountable and increases protection for consumers. Since its adoption in 2007, the money services business world has changed dramatically to include new technology and advanced means of transmitting funds between parties, including virtual currencies such as bitcoin. The proposed revisions would provide a new definition for "money transmission" that includes the transmission of other values that substitute for money. This broad definition would allow the department to continue its regulation of emerging payment systems and respond to potential violations of AS 06.55 quickly. I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure. Sincerely, /s/ Bill Walker Governor 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1639 SB 153 SENATE BILL NO. 153 BY SENATOR GARDNER, entitled: "An Act relating to the State Commission for Human Rights authority and procedures; relating to and prohibiting wage discrimination based on the sex of an employee; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and State Affairs Committees. SB 154 SENATE BILL NO. 154 BY THE SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE BY REQUEST, entitled: "An Act relating to special registration plates commemorating the Blood Bank of Alaska." was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Finance Committees. Consideration of the Calendar Citations Honoring - Jason Metrokin Senator(s) Meyer, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze, Wielechowski Representative(s) Lynn In Memoriam - Mildred Post Boesser Representative(s) Kito, Munoz Senator(s) Egan, Meyer, Bishop, Costello, Dunleavy, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1640 In Memoriam - Michael J. Burns Representative(s) Kito, Munoz Senator(s) Egan, Meyer, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze, Wielechowski Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred to the Secretary for transmittal. Unfinished Business SB 124 Senators Wielechowski, Olson, Costello, Egan moved and asked unanimous consent to be shown as cosponsors on SENATE BILL NO. 124 "An Act extending the termination date of the Alaska Commission on Aging; and providing for an effective date." Without objection, it was so ordered. Recess Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate stand in recess to the Joint Session. Without objection, the Senate recessed at 11:32 a.m. After Recess Joint Session in the House Speaker Chenault called the House to order and in accordance with Uniform Rule 51 turned the gavel over to President Meyer, who called the Joint Session to order at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the Joint Session was to hear an address by the Honorable Bill Walker, Governor. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call of the Senate be waived and all members be shown as present. Without objection, it was so ordered. 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1641 Representative Millett moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call of the House be waived and all members be shown as present. Without objection, it was so ordered. President Meyer appointed Representative Talerico and Senator Giessel to escort Governor Walker to the Joint Session. The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, Grace Ellsworth, announced the Honorable Bill Walker's entrance to the House Chamber. The Honorable Bill Walker was escorted to the rostrum and welcomed by President Meyer. Governor Walker delivered his address. This address appears in Senate and House Joint Journal Supplement No. 10. Governor Walker received a standing ovation and was escorted from the chamber by Senator Giessel and Representative Talerico. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Joint Session stand in adjournment. Without objection, President Meyer adjourned the Joint Session at 7:50 p.m. After Recess In the Senate The Senate reconvened at 7:57 p.m. Announcements Announcements are at the end of the journal. 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1642 Adjournment Senator Huggins, Acting Majority Leader, moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate stand in adjournment until 10:00 a.m., January 22, 2016. Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Liz Clark Secretary of the Senate 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1643 Announcements Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD. STANDING COMMITTEES + indicates teleconference = indicates bill previously heard/scheduled COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS Jan 21 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Jan 26 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Jan 28 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 3:30 PM += SB 100 NORTH SLOPE GAS PROJ PROP TAX;ASSESSMENT Overview and Update by Randall Hoffbeck Commissioner, Department of Revenue -- Public Testimony -- ---------------------------------------- EDUCATION Jan 21 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Jan 26 Tuesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Jan 27 Wednesday Capitol 106 8:00 AM Joint with House Education Committee AMP Assessment and Accountability with Lisa Parady and Alaskan Superintendents ANSEP Presentation: Herb Schroeder, PhD 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1644 EDUCATION (continued) Jan 28 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- FINANCE Jan 21 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Presentation: Overview FY17 Operating Budget David Teal, Director, Legislative Finance Division + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Jan 22 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM -- MEETING CANCELED -- + Presentation: 2015 Fall Forecast and S&P Report Randall Hoffbeck, Commissioner, Department of Revenue + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Jan 25 Monday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + Presentation: 2015 Fall Forecast and Standard & Poor's Report Commissioner Randall Hoffbeck, Department of Revenue + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Jan 26 Tuesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM No Meeting Scheduled Jan 27 Wednesday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + SB 78 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE COVERAGE; REFORM SB 74 MEDICAID REFORM/PFD/HSAS/ER USE/STUDIES + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Jan 28 Thursday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM + SB 140 APPROP: MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET + Presentation: Jeff Jessee, Chief Executive Officer Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1645 FINANCE (continued) Jan 29 Friday Senate Finance 532 9:00 AM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Jan 22 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled Jan 25 Monday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM += SB 98 PRESCRIPTION WITHOUT PHYS. EXAM. + SB 112 ADOPTION OF CHILD IN STATE CUSTODY + HB 76 GOV COUNCIL ON DISABILITIES/SPECIAL ED Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Jan 27 Wednesday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM = SB 145 DAY CARE ASSISTANCE & CHILD CARE GRANTS += SB 147 SENIOR BENEFITS PROG. ELIGIBILITY Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled **Streamed live on AKL.tv** Jan 29 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- JUDICIARY Jan 25 Monday Capitol 120 1:30 PM -- Please Note Location Change -- -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- Joint with House Judiciary Committee + Presentation by Mike O'Brien, Associate General Counsel, University of Alaska Fairbanks Overview of Title IX & University Policy + Overview by Commissioner Walt Monegan Department of Corrections DOC Administrative Report 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1646 JUDICIARY (continued) Jan 27 Wednesday Capitol 120 1:30 PM -- Please Note Location Change -- -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- Joint with House Judiciary Committee + Presentation by Jeff Jesse, Executive Director, Alaska Health Trust Authority Alaska Criminal Justice Commission Reinvestment Report and Recommendations Jan 29 Friday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled ---------------------------------------- LABOR & COMMERCE Jan 21 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + Presentation: Marijuana Control Board Update Board and Commission Appointees: Marijuana Control Board + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled -- Public Testimony -- Jan 26 Tuesday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + SB 121 SECURITY FREEZE ON MINOR'S CREDIT REPORT Department Hearings - Department of Labor & Workforce Development + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled -- Public Testimony -- Jan 28 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 1:30 PM + HB 155 FEES; WAIVERS; CREDITS; DEDUCTIONS;TAXES += HB 12 MORTGAGE LENDING AND LOAN ORIGINATORS + SB 111 LIMIT FLAME RETARDANT ITEMS/FURNITURE + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled -- Public Testimony -- ---------------------------------------- RESOURCES Jan 22 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM No Meeting Scheduled 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1647 RESOURCES (continued) Jan 25 Monday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + AK LNG Update: Project Update, AK LNG Project Manager Steve Butt Jan 27 Wednesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + AK LNG Update: Fiscal Team Update, AK LNG Fiscal Team Jan 29 Friday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + AK LNG Update: State of Alaska Gas Team Update ---------------------------------------- STATE AFFAIRS Jan 21 Thursday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM + SB 124 EXTEND SUNSET ON AK COMMISSION ON AGING + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Jan 26 Tuesday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM + SB 128 PERM. FUND:DEPOSITS;DIVIDEND;EARNINGS + Presentation by Governor's Administration Making Appropriations from the Permanent Fund/Permanent Fund Dividend -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled Jan 28 Thursday Butrovich 205 9:00 AM += SB 128 PERM. FUND:DEPOSITS;DIVIDEND;EARNINGS -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION Jan 21 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:00 PM No Meeting Scheduled 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1648 TRANSPORTATION (continued) Jan 26 Tuesday Butrovich 205 1:00 PM + SB 132 ELECTRONIC TAX RETURNS & MOTOR FUEL TAX -- Public Testimony -- Jan 28 Thursday Butrovich 205 1:00 PM + Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled ---------------------------------------- FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES ADMINISTRATION Jan 21 Thursday Butrovich 205 4:30 PM -- Time Change -- + Status of the FY16 Operating Budget Overview of the Governor's Proposed FY17 Operating Budget Sheldon Fisher, Commissioner Jon Boucher, Deputy Commissioner Cheri Lowenstein, Director Division of Administrative Services ---------------------------------------- EDUCATION & EARLY DEVELOPMENT Jan 26 Tuesday Butrovich 205 3:30 PM Status of the FY16 Operating Budget Overview of the Governor's Proposed FY17 Operating Budget Mike Hanley, Commissioner Heidi Teshner, Director Division of Administrative Services ---------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Jan 22 Friday Senate Finance 532 1:00 PM + FY17 Budget Overview ---------------------------------------- 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1649 FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued) FISH & GAME Jan 22 Friday Butrovich 205 1:30 PM -- Date & Time Change -- + Status of the FY16 Operating Budget Overview of the Governor's Proposed FY17 Operating Budget Sam Cotten, Commissioner Kevin Brooks, Deputy Commissioner Carol Petraborg, Director, Division of Administrative Services ---------------------------------------- HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Jan 27 Wednesday Butrovich 205 5:00 PM Department of Health & Social Services ---------------------------------------- JUDICIARY SUBCOMMITTEE Jan 22 Friday Senate Finance 532 2:00 PM FY17 Budget Proposal Overview ---------------------------------------- LAW Jan 21 Thursday Senate Finance 532 2:00 PM + FY17 Budget Overview ---------------------------------------- REVENUE Jan 25 Monday Senate Finance 532 2:00 PM + FY17 Budget Overview ---------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES Jan 21 Thursday Butrovich 205 3:00 PM Department of Transportation & Public Facilities 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1650 JOINT COMMITTEES ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION REVIEW Jan 28 Thursday Beltz 105 (tsbldg) 9:00 AM -- Public Testimony -- + Department of Environmental Conservation Proposed Cleanup Level Amendments for 18 AAC 75 Kristin Ryan, Director of Spill Prevention and Response ---------------------------------------- ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Feb 09 Tuesday Senate Finance 532 1:00 PM -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- + AGENDA: Lieutenant General Russel J. Handy, U.S. Air Force; Commander, Alaska Command U.S. Northern Command Major General Bryan Owens, U.S. Army Commanding General, U.S. Army Alaska Commissioner Laurie Hummel, Col. (R) U.S. Army Adjutant General, Alaska National Guard and Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Military & Veterans Affairs Rear Admiral Daniel B. Abel, U.S. Coast Guard Commander, Seventeenth Coast Guard District ---------------------------------------- LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT Jan 29 Friday House Finance 519 7:30 AM -- Testimony <Invitation Only> -- enalytica Contract Renewal Other Committee Business ---------------------------------------- 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1651 JOINT COMMITTEES (continued) SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS Jan 25 Monday Capitol 106 8:30 AM FULL COMMITTEE: Open Session PUBLIC COMMENT ELECTIONS OF NEW 2016 COMMITTEE CHAIRS CHAIR/STAFF REPORT a. Informal Advice Staff Report b. Update: Public Member Committee Appointments c. 2016 Ethics Training - AS 24.60.150(a)(3)& (4) Update 2016 Training d. Ethics Disclosures Entering of Handwritten Disclosures ii. Updating the Disclosures Database e. COGEL Conference Report f. Update: Payment for Fines g. Statutory Publications i. No Advisory Opinions Published in 2015 ii. Standards of Conduct Handbook for 2016 Will Remain the Same as the 2015 Version h. Campaign Year Oversight Activities ANNUAL BENEFIT AND LOAN REVIEW AND DISCUSSION a. No Additions or Deletions to List Other Than Those Under Consideration from January 2015 b. Report by Rep. Vasquez and Administrator AS 24.60.050(b) BUDGET a. FY16 Budget Update b. FY17 Submitted Budget Update 2015/2016 LEGISLATION UPDATE a. Senator Gardner APOC Report Notification Under AS. 24.60.220 ADVISORY OPINION 15-02 - Lunch and Learn Sessions RULES OF PROCEDURE PROPOSED CHANGES Motion for EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION PUBLIC SESSION OTHER BUSINESS ---------------------------------------- 2016-01-21 Senate Journal Page 1652 JOINT COMMITTEES (continued) TASK FORCE ON UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Jan 26 Tuesday Fahrenkamp 203 4:00 PM + News Review and Task Force Updates FAA Reauthorization FAA Notice UAS 7210 891 November 25, 2015 FAA UAS Fact Sheet Remarks from Academy of Model Aeronautics Representative Alaska UAS Laws and Resolution for Consideration -- Public Testimony -- **Streamed live on AKL.tv** ---------------------------------------- OTHER MEETINGS JOINT SESSION Jan 21 Thursday House Chamber 7:00 PM State of the State Address by the Honorable Bill Walker, Governor of Alaska Feb 10 Wednesday House Chamber 11:00 AM + State of the Judiciary Address by the Honorable Craig Stowers, Chief Justice Feb 17 Wednesday House Chamber 11:00 AM + Annual Address by the Honorable Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senator Feb 29 Monday House Chamber 11:00 AM + Annual Address by the Honorable Dan Sullivan, U.S. Senator