Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2013-04-09 Senate Journal

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2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1057
                                SENATE JOURNAL                                                                               
                           ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                          
                          TWENTY-EIGHTH LEGISLATURE                                                                          
                                FIRST SESSION                                                                                
Juneau, Alaska                     Tuesday                      April 9, 2013                                                 
                               Eighty-fifth Day                                                                              
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President                                                             
Huggins at 11:07 a.m.                                                                                                           
The roll showed twenty members present.                                                                                         
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Senator Kelly. Senator                                                                  
Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent that the prayer be                                                                    
spread. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                   
          Heavenly Father, you are God and there is no other.                                                                   
          You are the Lord, the everlasting God. The Creator of                                                                 
          heaven and earth. You do not grow tired or weak and                                                                   
          no one can plumb the depths of your understanding.                                                                    
          You cause nations to rise and fall by a simple act of                                                                 
          your will and galaxies collide by the mechanisms of                                                                   
          your hand. The vastness of your power is                                                                              
          incomprehensible and the magnitude of your self-                                                                      
          caused existence is beyond our ability to understand.                                                                 
          You are set aside, holy, you cannot be contained in                                                                   
          the universe you placed us in.                                                                                        
          We are tiny                                                                                                           
          And you are infinite.                                                                                                 
          Our lives are but vapor                                                                                               
          And you are eternal.                                                                                                  
          We are defined by mistakes and transgressions                                                                         
          And you are perfect.                                                                                                  
          Yet… for some reason you love us.                                                                                     

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1058
          You offer us peace and a plan for our lives and you                                                                   
          offer it with no cost. You do not require sacrifices or                                                               
          rituals. You only seek relationship, because somehow                                                                  
          you have found a way to love us in the middle of our                                                                  
          If we will accept you, the days of our lives will be                                                                  
          counted in peace. We will know the adventure of a                                                                     
          life fulfilled in the destiny of your perfect plan. And                                                               
          at the end of our days, when we face death, we will                                                                   
          not fear. Because we will live in the House of the                                                                    
                  Lord, forever and ever and ever.    Amen.                                                                    
Senator Fairclough led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.                                                                  
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal                                                              
for the eighty-fourth legislative day and Senate and House Joint                                                                
Journal Supplement No. 6 be approved as certified by the Secretary.                                                             
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                           
                           Messages from the House                                                                           
Message dated April 8 was read stating the House passed and                                                                     
transmitted for consideration:                                                                                                  
                  First Reading and Reference of House Bills                                                                 
HB 104                                                                                                                        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 104(2d JUD) BY THE HOUSE                                                                                  
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                                                                  
          "An Act relating to election practices and procedures;                                                                
          relating to the reporting of election campaign                                                                        
          contributions and expenditures; relating to                                                                           
          identification requirements for a communication paid                                                                  
          for by a political party; relating to public records;                                                                 

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1059
          relating to the election of an advisory school board in                                                               
          a regional educational attendance area; and providing                                                                 
          for an effective date."                                                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.                                                            
HB 147                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 147 BY REPRESENTATIVES SADDLER,                                                                                  
Herron, Isaacson, Tuck, Feige, Chenault, Millett, Pruitt, Lynn,                                                                 
Kerttula, Olson, Stoltze, Holmes, Drummond, Gruenberg, Tarr,                                                                    
          "An Act extending the reporting date for and the                                                                      
          termination date of the Comprehensive Autism Early                                                                    
          Diagnosis and Treatment Task Force; and providing                                                                     
          for an effective date."                                                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce                                                                  
HB 154                                                                                                                        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 154(EDC) BY THE HOUSE                                                                                     
EDUCATION COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                                                                  
          "An Act relating to natural and cultural history                                                                      
was read the first time and referred to the Education Committee.                                                                
HB 198                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 198 am BY THE HOUSE LABOR AND                                                                                    
COMMERCE COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                                                                   
          "An Act relating to the primary period of an oil and                                                                  
          gas or gas only lease and the extension of a lease;                                                                   
          relating to terms to be included in an oil and gas or                                                                 
          gas only lease; relating to rental for an oil and gas or                                                              
          gas only lease; and providing for an effective date."                                                                 
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                  

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1060
                          Standing Committee Reports                                                                         
HB 56                                                                                                                         
The Finance Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 56 "An Act                                                                      
excluding motorcycles and motor-driven cycles from the passenger                                                                
vehicle rental tax; and providing for an effective date." Signing do                                                            
pass: Senator Meyer, Cochair; Senators Fairclough, Bishop, Dunleavy,                                                            
Hoffman, Olson.                                                                                                                 
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
     Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Revenue                                                                                   
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
HB 84                                                                                                                         
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                              
NO. 84(FIN) "An Act relating to applying military education, training,                                                          
and service credit to occupational licensing and certain postsecondary                                                          
education and employment training requirements; providing for a                                                                 
temporary occupational license for qualified military service members;                                                          
and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senators Kelly,                                                          
Meyer, Cochairs; Senators Fairclough, Bishop, Dunleavy, Hoffman.                                                                
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
     Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Education and Early                                                                 
          Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Labor and Workforce                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, University of Alaska                                                                              
          Fiscal Note No. 5, zero, Department of Commerce, Community                                                           
      and Economic Development                                                                                                  
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
HB 94                                                                                                                         
The Finance Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 94 "An Act                                                                      
naming the northbound Chena Flood Channel Crossing Bridge the                                                                   
Nellie Miller Bridge and naming the southbound Chena Flood                                                                      
Channel Crossing Bridge the Con Miller Bridge" and recommended it                                                               
be replaced with                                                                                                                

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1061
          SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 94(FIN) "An                                                                              
          Act naming the northbound Chena Flood Channel                                                                         
          Crossing Bridge the Nellie 'the original Mrs. Claus'                                                                  
          Miller Bridge and naming the southbound Chena                                                                         
          Flood Channel Crossing Bridge the Con 'the original                                                                   
          Santa Claus' Miller Bridge; and designating that                                                                      
          portion of East Blue Lupine Drive in Wasilla                                                                          
          between Hyer Road and Hay Street the Lowell J. Ray                                                                    
          Memorial Corridor."                                                                                                   
          (Title Change SCR forthcoming)                                                                                        
Signing do pass: Senators Kelly, Meyer, Cochairs; Senators Dunleavy,                                                            
Fairclough, Bishop, Hoffman.                                                                                                    
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Transportation and Public                                                                 
     Fiscal Note No. 3, Department of Transportation and Public                                                                 
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
HB 99                                                                                                                         
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                              
NO. 99(RES) "An Act relating to the membership of the Alaska                                                                    
Minerals Commission; and extending the termination date of the                                                                  
Alaska Minerals Commission." Signing do pass: Senators Kelly,                                                                   
Meyer, Cochairs; Senators Hoffman, Olson, Bishop, Fairclough,                                                                   
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
           Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Commerce, Community and                                                            
      Economic Development                                                                                                      
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
HB 130                                                                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 130 "An                                                                   
Act establishing July 21 each year as Jay Hammond Day." Signing do                                                              
pass: Senator Dyson, Chair; Senators Coghill, Giessel.                                                                          

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1062
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Administration                                                                      
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
     Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Legislative Agency                                                                                
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
HB 153                                                                                                                        
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                              
NO. 153(TRA) "An Act designating Minnesota Drive and a portion of                                                               
O'Malley Road in Anchorage the Walter J. Hickel Parkway." Signing                                                               
do pass: Senator Meyer, Cochair; Senators Hoffman, Olson, Bishop,                                                               
Fairclough, Dunleavy.                                                                                                           
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
     Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Transportation and Public                                                                 
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
                        Introduction and Reference of                                                                        
                              Senate Resolutions                                                                             
SCR 7                                                                                                                         
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 7 BY THE SENATE                                                                                
FINANCE COMMITTEE,                                                                                                              
          Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e),                                                                         
          Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature,                                                                        
          concerning House Bill No. 77, relating to the Alaska                                                                  
          Land Act, including certain authorizations, contracts,                                                                
          leases, permits, or other disposals of state land,                                                                    
          resources, property, or interests; relating to                                                                        
          authorization for the use of state land by general                                                                    
          permit; relating to exchange of state land; relating to                                                               
          procedures for certain administrative appeals and                                                                     
          requests for reconsideration to the commissioner of                                                                   
          natural resources; and relating to the Alaska Water                                                                   
          Use Act                                                                                                               
was read the first time and held on the Secretary's desk.                                                                       

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1063
                        Consideration of the Calendar                                                                        
                        Second Reading of Senate Bills                                                                       
SB 62                                                                                                                         
SENATE BILL NO. 62 "An Act relating to grants for school                                                                        
construction" was read the second time.                                                                                         
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be                                                              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final                                                             
passage. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                  
SENATE BILL NO. 62 was read the third time.                                                                                     
Senators Hoffman, Dyson, Stevens, Stedman, McGuire, Meyer,                                                                      
Bishop, Egan, Kelly moved and asked unanimous consent to be shown                                                               
as cosponsors on the bill. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                
The question being: "Shall SENATE BILL NO. 62 "An Act relating to                                                               
grants for school construction" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken                                                            
with the following result:                                                                                                      
SB 62                                                                                                                           
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                                                   
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough,                                                               
French, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                              
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
and so, SENATE BILL NO. 62 passed the Senate and was referred to                                                                
the Secretary for engrossment.                                                                                                  
SB 65                                                                                                                         
SENATE BILL NO. 65 "An Act relating to property exemptions for                                                                  
retirement plans, individual retirement accounts, and Roth IRAs;                                                                
relating to transfers of individual retirement plans; relating to the                                                           
rights of judgment creditors of members of limited liability companies                                                          
and partners of limited liability partnerships; relating to the Uniform                                                         
Probate Code, including pleadings, orders, liability, and notices under                                                         

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1064
the Uniform Probate Code and the Alaska Principal and Income Act,                                                               
the appointment of trust property, the Alaska Uniform Prudent                                                                   
Investor Act, co-trustees, trust protectors, and trust advisors; relating                                                       
to the Alaska Principal and Income Act; relating to the Alaska                                                                  
Uniform Transfers to Minors Act; relating to the disposition of human                                                           
remains; relating to the tax on insurers for life insurance policies;                                                           
relating to insurable interests for certain insurance policies; relating to                                                     
restrictions on transfers of trust interests; relating to discretionary                                                         
interests in irrevocable trusts; relating to the community property of                                                          
married persons; and amending Rule 64, Alaska Rules of Civil                                                                    
Procedure, and Rule 301(a), Alaska Rules of Evidence" was read the                                                              
second time.                                                                                                                    
Senator Coghill, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Judiciary Committee Substitute offered on page 1035.                                                            
Without objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 65(JUD) "An Act                                                                       
relating to property exemptions for retirement plans, individual                                                                
retirement accounts, and Roth IRAs; relating to transfers of individual                                                         
retirement plans; relating to the rights of judgment creditors of                                                               
members of limited liability companies and partners of limited liability                                                        
partnerships; relating to the Uniform Probate Code, including                                                                   
pleadings, orders, liability, and notices under the Uniform Probate                                                             
Code and the Alaska Principal and Income Act, the appointment of                                                                
trust property, the Alaska Uniform Prudent Investor Act, co-trustees,                                                           
trust protectors, and trust advisors; relating to the Alaska Principal and                                                      
Income Act; relating to the Alaska Uniform Transfers to Minors Act;                                                             
relating to the disposition of human remains; relating to insurable                                                             
interests for certain insurance policies; relating to restrictions on                                                           
transfers of trust interests; relating to discretionary interests in                                                            
irrevocable trusts; relating to the community property of married                                                               
persons; and amending Rule 64, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, and                                                             
Rule 301(a), Alaska Rules of Evidence" was adopted.                                                                             
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 65(JUD) will advance to third reading                                                                    
on the April 10 calendar.                                                                                                       
SB 85                                                                                                                         
SENATE BILL NO. 85 "An Act relating to experimental vehicles"                                                                   
was read the second time.                                                                                                       

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1065
Senator Egan, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                                  
adoption of the Transportation Committee Substitute offered on page                                                             
985. Without objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 85(TRA) was                                                                      
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be                                                              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final                                                             
passage. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                  
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 85(TRA) was read the third time.                                                                         
Senators McGuire, Dyson, Micciche, Ellis, Coghill, Egan, Meyer,                                                                 
Hoffman, Gardner, Kelly moved and asked unanimous consent to be                                                                 
shown as cosponsors on the bill. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                          
The question being: "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 85(TRA)                                                                       
"An Act relating to experimental vehicles" pass the Senate?" The roll                                                           
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSSB 85(TRA)                                                                                                                    
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                                                   
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough,                                                               
French, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                              
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 85(TRA) passed the Senate and                                                                    
was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                                                                                  
SB 95                                                                                                                         
SENATE BILL NO. 95 "An Act relating to the compensation,                                                                        
allowances, geographic differentials in pay, and leave of certain public                                                        
officials, officers, and employees not covered by collective bargaining                                                         
agreements; relating to certain petroleum engineers and petroleum                                                               
geologists employed by the Department of Natural Resources; relating                                                            
to increased pay for certain partially exempt employees of the state in                                                         
specific circumstances; making conforming amendments; and                                                                       
providing for an effective date" was read the second time.                                                                      

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1066
Senator Meyer, Cochair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 1041.                                                              
Senator Ellis objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no                                                             
further objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 95(FIN) "An Act                                                                       
relating to the compensation, allowances, geographic differentials in                                                           
pay, and leave of certain public officials, officers, and employees not                                                         
covered by collective bargaining agreements; relating to the                                                                    
compensation and geographic differentials in pay of certain justices                                                            
and judges; relating to certain petroleum engineers and petroleum                                                               
geologists employed by the Department of Natural Resources; relating                                                            
to increased pay for certain partially exempt employees of the state in                                                         
specific circumstances; making conforming amendments; and                                                                       
providing for an effective date" was adopted.                                                                                   
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 95(FIN) will advance to third reading on                                                                 
the April 10 calendar.                                                                                                          
                        Second Reading of House Bills                                                                        
HB 33                                                                                                                         
HOUSE BILL NO. 33 "An Act adding definitions of 'gravity knife'                                                                 
and 'switchblade' to the criminal law; and relating to reserving the                                                            
authority to regulate knives to the state with limited exceptions for                                                           
municipalities to regulate knives" was read the second time.                                                                    
Senator Coghill, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Judiciary Senate Committee Substitute offered on page                                                           
961. Senator Ellis objected, then withdrew his objection. There being                                                           
no further objection, SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 33(JUD)                                                                      
"An Act amending certain provisions of criminal law prohibiting the                                                             
manufacture, sale, transfer, or possession of switchblades and gravity                                                          
knives; adding definitions of 'gravity knife' and 'switchblade' to the                                                          
criminal law; and reserving to the state, with limited exceptions for                                                           
municipalities, the authority to regulate knives" (Title Change SCR 4)                                                          
was adopted.                                                                                                                    
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be                                                              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final                                                             
passage. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                  

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1067
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 33(JUD) was read the third                                                                         
The question being: "Shall SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                             
NO. 33(JUD) "An Act amending certain provisions of criminal law                                                                 
prohibiting the manufacture, sale, transfer, or possession of                                                                   
switchblades and gravity knives; adding definitions of 'gravity knife'                                                          
and 'switchblade' to the criminal law; and reserving to the state, with                                                         
limited exceptions for municipalities, the authority to regulate knives"                                                        
pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                 
SCS HB 33(JUD)                                                                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                                                   
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough,                                                               
French, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                              
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
and so, SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 33(JUD) passed the                                                                         
Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                                                                       
SCR 4                                                                                                                         
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent to take up                                                                    
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4, which had been                                                                              
held on the Secretary's desk (page 963). Without objection, the                                                                 
resolution was before the Senate on final passage.                                                                              
The question being: "Shall SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION                                                                         
NO. 4 Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of                                                            
the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 33, adding                                                              
definitions of "gravity knife" and "switchblade" to the criminal law;                                                           
and relating to reserving the authority to regulate knives to the state                                                         
with limited exceptions for municipalities to regulate knives, pass the                                                         
Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                          

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1068
SCR 4                                                                                                                           
Final Passage                                                                                                                   
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough,                                                               
French, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                              
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
and so, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4 passed the                                                                           
Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                                                                       
HB 69                                                                                                                         
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 69(JUD) "An Act exempting certain                                                                         
firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in this state from                                                                
federal regulation; declaring certain federal statutes, regulations, rules,                                                     
and orders unconstitutional under the Constitution of the United States                                                         
and unenforceable in this state; providing criminal penalties for federal                                                       
officials who enforce or attempt to enforce a federal statute,                                                                  
regulation, rule, or order regulating certain firearms and firearm                                                              
accessories in this state; and providing for an effective date" was read                                                        
the second time.                                                                                                                
Senator Coghill, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Judiciary Senate Committee Substitute offered on page                                                           
1008. Without objection, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                        
NO. 69(JUD) "An Act prohibiting state and municipal agencies from                                                               
using assets to implement or aid in the implementation of the                                                                   
requirements of certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders                                                        
that are applied to infringe on a person's right to bear arms or right to                                                       
due process or that implement or aid in the implementation of the                                                               
federal REAL ID Act of 2005; exempting certain firearms, firearm                                                                
accessories, and ammunition in this state from federal regulation;                                                              
declaring certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders                                                              
unconstitutional under the Constitution of the United States and                                                                
unenforceable in this state; requiring the attorney general to file any                                                         
legal action to prevent implementation of a federal statute, regulation,                                                        
rule, or order that violates the rights of a resident of the state; and                                                         
providing for an effective date" (Title Change SCR 6) was adopted.                                                              

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1069
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 69(JUD) will advance                                                                        
to third reading on the April 10 calendar.                                                                                      
HB 77                                                                                                                         
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 77(RES) "An Act relating to the Alaska                                                                    
Land Act, including certain authorizations, contracts, leases, permits,                                                         
or other disposals of state land, resources, property, or interests;                                                            
relating to authorization for the use of state land by general permit;                                                          
relating to exchange of state land; relating to procedures for certain                                                          
administrative appeals and requests for reconsideration to the                                                                  
commissioner of natural resources; relating to the Alaska Water Use                                                             
Act; and providing for an effective date" was read the second time.                                                             
Senator Meyer, Cochair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Finance Senate Committee Substitute offered on page                                                             
1037. Senator Ellis objected, then withdrew his objection. There being                                                          
no further objection, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                           
NO. 77(FIN) "An Act relating to the Alaska Land Act, including                                                                  
certain authorizations, contracts, leases, permits, or other disposals of                                                       
state land, resources, property, or interests; relating to authorization for                                                    
the use of state land by general permit; relating to exchange of state                                                          
land; establishing that performance of a feasibility study for the                                                              
development and operation of a hydroelectric site at Chikuminuk Lake                                                            
is not considered an incompatible use of the Wood-Tikchik State Park;                                                           
relating to procedures for certain administrative appeals and requests                                                          
for reconsideration to the commissioner of natural resources; relating                                                          
to the Alaska Water Use Act; and providing for an effective date"                                                               
(Title Change SCR 7) was adopted.                                                                                               
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 77(FIN) will advance                                                                        
to third reading on the April 10 calendar.                                                                                      
HB 87                                                                                                                         
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 87(FIN) "An Act relating to the                                                                           
governing board and duties of the special education service agency;                                                             
relating to allocations to the special education service agency;                                                                
extending the special education service agency; and providing for an                                                            
effective date" was read the second time.                                                                                       

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1070
Senator Stevens, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Education Senate Committee Substitute offered on                                                                
page 989. Without objection, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                                                                         
BILL NO. 87(EDC) "An Act relating to allocations to the special                                                                 
education service agency and extending the special education service                                                            
agency; and providing for an effective date" (Title Change SCR 5) was                                                           
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be                                                              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final                                                             
passage. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                  
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 87(EDC) was read the                                                                        
third time.                                                                                                                     
The question being: "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                      
NO. 87(EDC) "An Act relating to allocations to the special education                                                            
service agency and extending the special education service agency;                                                              
and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was                                                             
taken with the following result:                                                                                                
SCS CSHB 87(EDC)                                                                                                                
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                                                   
Effective Date                                                                                                                  
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  1                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough, French,                                                              
Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                                      
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
Absent:  Dyson                                                                                                                  
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 87(EDC)                                                                             
passed the Senate.                                                                                                              
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on                                                              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date                                                            
clause. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                   
Senator Stevens gave notice of reconsideration.                                                                                 

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1071
SCR 5                                                                                                                         
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent to take up                                                                    
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5, which had been                                                                              
held on the Secretary's desk (page 991). Without objection, the                                                                 
resolution was before the Senate on final passage.                                                                              
The question being: "Shall SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION                                                                         
NO. 5 Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of                                                            
the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 87, relating to                                                         
the governing board and duties of the special education service                                                                 
agency; relating to allocations to the special education service agency;                                                        
and extending the special education service agency, pass the Senate?"                                                           
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                   
SCR 5                                                                                                                           
Final Passage                                                                                                                   
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough,                                                               
French, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                              
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
and so, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5 passed the                                                                           
Senator Stevens gave notice of reconsideration.                                                                                 
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate                                                               
stand in recess to 1:00 p.m. Without objection, the Senate recessed at                                                          
11:54 a.m.                                                                                                                      
                                 After Recess                                                                                
The Senate reconvened at 1:08 p.m.                                                                                              

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1072
                        Third Reading of Senate Bills                                                                        
SB 49                                                                                                                         
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 49 "An Act                                                                               
defining 'medically necessary abortion' for purposes of making                                                                  
payments under the state Medicaid program" was read the third time.                                                             
Senator Gardner moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                                                           
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 1.                                                                
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                                                     
Senators Gardner, Ellis offered Amendment No. 1 :                                                                                
Page 1, line 1, following "Act":                                                                                              
     Insert "relating to women's health services and"                                                                         
Page 1, following line 3:                                                                                                       
 Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                             
"* Section 1. AS 47.07.030 is amended by adding a new subsection                                                              
to read:                                                                                                                        
          (g)  The department shall make available to eligible recipients                                                       
     a program for women's health for the purpose of providing family                                                           
     planning services, health screening examinations, and related                                                              
Page 1, line 4:                                                                                                                 
     Delete "Section 1"                                                                                                       
     Insert "Sec. 2"                                                                                                          
Page 3, following line 5:                                                                                                       
     Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                         
   "* Sec. 3. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by                                                         
adding a new section to read:                                                                                                   
     WOMEN'S HEALTH PROGRAM UNDER STATE MEDICAID.                                                                               
The Department of Health and Social Services shall immediately                                                                  
prepare and submit to the United States Department of Health and                                                                
Human Services, for approval in accordance with the provisions of 42                                                            
U.S.C. 1396a (Title XIX, Social Security Act), an amendment to the                                                              
state plan consistent with AS 47.07.030, enacted by sec. 1 of this Act."                                                        

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1073
Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                                                                      
Senator Coghill objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no                                                           
further objection, Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                                                                 
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 49 am "An Act                                                                            
relating to women's health services and defining 'medically necessary                                                           
abortion' for purposes of making payments under the state Medicaid                                                              
program" was automatically in third reading.                                                                                    
Senator Gardner  moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                                                          
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 2.                                                                
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                                                     
Senators Gardner, Ellis offered Amendment No. 2 :                                                                                
Page 1, line 1, following "Act":                                                                                              
     Insert "relating to Medicaid funding; and"                                                                               
Page 3, following line 5:                                                                                                       
     Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                         
"* Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by                                                            
adding a new section to read:                                                                                                   
     STATE MEDICAID FUNDING FOR FAMILY PLANNING                                                                                 
SERVICES. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the                                                                       
Department of Health and Social Services shall pay, for additional                                                              
family planning services for eligible medical assistance recipients                                                             
under AS 47.07.020, an amount equal to the difference between the                                                               
amount paid from the general fund for abortion services covered under                                                           
AS 47.07.030 in the 12 months immediately preceding the first date on                                                           
which this Act is first implemented and the amount paid from the                                                                
general fund for abortion services under AS 47.07.030 in the 12                                                                 
months immediately following the first date on which this Act is first                                                          
implemented. The amount paid for family planning services under this                                                            
section may not supplant funds available from any other source for                                                              
family planning services for the same period."                                                                                  
Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2.                                                                      
Senator Coghill objected.                                                                                                       

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1074
Senator Gardner moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw                                                                   
Amendment No. 2. Without objection, Amendment No. 2 was                                                                         
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 49 am was                                                                                
automatically in third reading.                                                                                                 
Senator Wielechowski moved that the bill be returned to second                                                                  
reading for the purpose of a specific amendment, that being                                                                     
Amendment No. 3. Without objection, the bill was returned to second                                                             
Senator Wielechowski offered Amendment No. 3 :                                                                                   
Page 1, line 1:                                                                                                                 
     Delete "defining 'medically necessary abortions' for purposes                                                            
of making payments"                                                                                                           
     Insert "establishing standards for payment for abortion                                                                  
Page 1, line 5, through page 3, line 5:                                                                                         
     Delete all material and insert:                                                                                            
          "Sec. 47.07.068. Payment for abortion services. (a) The                                                             
     department shall pay a provider for abortion services provided to a                                                        
     recipient of medical assistance under this chapter if the provider                                                         
     submits a completed form approved by the department that                                                                   
     certifies, based on all of the information available to the provider,                                                      
     that the abortion services were                                                                                            
              (1)  provided to a recipient whose pregnancy was the                                                              
     result of an act of rape or incest;                                                                                        
              (2)  necessary because of a physical disorder, physical                                                           
     injury, or physical illness, including a life-endangering physical                                                         
     condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that                                                             
     would have placed the woman in danger of death had the abortion                                                            
     not been performed; or                                                                                                     
              (3)  medically necessary for reasons other than the                                                               
     conditions in (a)(1) and (2) of this section.                                                                              
          (b)  The department shall seek federal funding available for                                                          
     abortion services provided for reasons specified in (a)(1) and (2)                                                         
     of this section."                                                                                                          

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1075
Senator Wielechowski moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 3.                                                                 
Senator Coghill objected.                                                                                                       
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 3 be adopted?" The roll                                                                
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
SSSB 49 am                                                                                                                      
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 3                                                                                                                 
YEAS:  7   NAYS:  13   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Egan, Ellis, French, Gardner, Hoffman, Stedman,                                                                          
Nays:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Fairclough, Giessel,                                                                   
Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stevens                                                                        
and so, Amendment No. 3 failed.                                                                                                 
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 49 am was                                                                                
automatically in third reading.                                                                                                 
Senator Wielechowski moved that the bill be returned to second                                                                  
reading for the purpose of a specific amendment, that being                                                                     
Amendment No. 4. Without objection, the bill was returned to second                                                             
Senators Wielechowski, Ellis, French, Gardner offered Amendment                                                                 
No. 4 :                                                                                                                          
Page 1, line 1, following "Act":                                                                                              
     Insert "relating to eligibility requirements for medical                                                                 
assistance for certain children and pregnant women;"                                                                          
Page 1, line 3, following "program":                                                                                          
     Insert "; and providing for an effective date"                                                                           

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1076
Page 1, following line 3:                                                                                                       
     Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                          
"* Section 1. AS 47.07.020(b) is amended to read:                                                                             
          (b)  In addition to the persons specified in (a) of this section,                                                     
     the following optional groups of persons for whom the state may                                                            
     claim federal financial participation are eligible for medical                                                             
              (1)  persons eligible for but not receiving assistance under                                                      
     any plan of the state approved under 42 U.S.C. 1381 - 1383c                                                                
     (Title XVI, Social Security Act, Supplemental Security Income)                                                             
     or a federal program designated as the successor to the aid to                                                             
     families with dependent children program;                                                                                  
              (2)  persons in a general hospital, skilled nursing facility,                                                     
     or intermediate care facility, who, if they left the facility, would be                                                    
     eligible for assistance under one of the federal programs specified                                                        
     in (1) of this subsection;                                                                                                 
              (3)  persons under 21 years of age who are under                                                                  
     supervision of the department, for whom maintenance is being                                                               
     paid in whole or in part from public funds, and who are in foster                                                          
     homes or private child-care institutions;                                                                                  
              (4)  aged, blind, or disabled persons, who, because they                                                          
     do not meet income and resources requirements, do not receive                                                              
     supplemental security income under 42 U.S.C. 1381 - 1383c (Title                                                           
     XVI, Social Security Act), and who do not receive a mandatory                                                              
     state supplement, but who are eligible, or would be eligible if they                                                       
     were not in a skilled nursing facility or intermediate care facility                                                       
     to receive an optional state supplementary payment;                                                                        
              (5)  persons under 21 years of age who are in an                                                                  
     institution designated as an intermediate care facility for the                                                            
     mentally retarded and who are financially eligible as determined                                                           
     by the standards of the federal program designated as the                                                                  
     successor to the aid to families with dependent children program;                                                          
              (6)  persons in a medical or intermediate care facility                                                           
     whose income while in the facility does not exceed 300 percent of                                                          
     the supplemental security income benefit rate under 42 U.S.C.                                                              
     1381 - 1383c (Title XVI, Social Security Act) but who would not                                                            
     be eligible for an optional state supplementary payment if they left                                                       
     the hospital or other facility;                                                                                            

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1077
              (7)  persons under 21 years of age who are receiving                                                              
     active treatment in a psychiatric hospital and who are financially                                                         
     eligible as determined by the standards of the federal program                                                             
     designated as the successor to the aid to families with dependent                                                          
     children program;                                                                                                          
              (8)  persons under 21 years of age and not covered under                                                          
     (a) of this section [,] who would be eligible for benefits under the                                                       
     federal program designated as the successor to the aid to families                                                         
     with dependent children program [,] except that they have the care                                                         
     and support of both their natural and adoptive parents;                                                                    
              (9)  pregnant women not covered under (a) of this section                                                         
     and who meet the income and resource requirements of the federal                                                           
     program designated as the successor to the aid to families with                                                            
     dependent children program;                                                                                                
              (10)  persons under 21 years of age not covered under (a)                                                         
     of this section who the department has determined cannot be                                                                
     placed for adoption without medical assistance because of a                                                                
     special need for medical or rehabilitative care and who the                                                                
     department has determined are hard-to-place children eligible for                                                          
     subsidy under AS 25.23.190 - 25.23.210;                                                                                    
              (11)  persons who can be considered under 42 U.S.C.                                                               
     1396a(e)(3) (Title XIX, Social Security Act, Medical Assistance)                                                           
     to be individuals with respect to whom a supplemental security                                                             
     income is being paid under 42 U.S.C. 1381 - 1383c (Title XVI,                                                              
     Social Security Act) because they meet all of the following                                                                
                   (A)  they are 18 years of age or younger and qualify                                                         
          as disabled individuals under 42 U.S.C. 1382c(a) (Title XVI,                                                          
          Social Security Act);                                                                                                 
                   (B)  the department has determined that                                                                      
                        (i)  they require a level of care provided in a                                                         
              hospital, nursing facility, or intermediate care facility for                                                     
              the mentally retarded;                                                                                            
                        (ii)  it is appropriate to provide their care outside                                                   
              of an institution; and                                                                                            
                        (iii)  the estimated amount that would be spent                                                         
              for medical assistance for their individual care outside an                                                       
              institution is not greater than the estimated amount that                                                         
              would otherwise be expended individually for medical                                                              
              assistance within an appropriate institution;                                                                     

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1078
                   (C)  if they were in a medical institution, they would                                                       
          be eligible for medical assistance under other provisions of                                                          
          this chapter; and                                                                                                     
                   (D)  home and community-based services under a                                                               
          waiver approved by the federal government are either not                                                              
          available to them under this chapter or would be inappropriate                                                        
          for them;                                                                                                             
              (12)  disabled persons, as described in 42 U.S.C.                                                                 
     1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XIII), who are in families whose income, as                                                            
     determined under applicable federal regulations or guidelines, is                                                          
     less than 250 percent of the official poverty line applicable to a                                                         
     family of that size according to the United States Department of                                                           
     Health and Human Services, and who, but for earnings in excess                                                             
     of the limit established under 42 U.S.C. 1396d(q)(2)(B), would be                                                          
     considered to be individuals with respect to whom a supplemental                                                           
     security income is being paid under 42 U.S.C. 1381 - 1383c; a                                                              
     person eligible for assistance under this paragraph who is not                                                             
     eligible under another provision of this section shall pay a                                                               
     premium or other cost-sharing charges according to a sliding fee                                                           
     scale that is based on income as established by the department in                                                          
              (13)  persons under 19 years of age who are not covered                                                           
     under (a) of this section and whose household income does not                                                              
     exceed 200 [175] percent of the federal poverty line as defined by                                                     
     the United States Department of Health and Human Services and                                                              
     revised under 42 U.S.C. 9902(2);                                                                                           
              (14)  pregnant women who are not covered under (a) of                                                             
     this section and whose household income does not exceed 200                                                            
     [175] percent of the federal poverty line as defined by the United                                                         
     States Department of Health and Human Services and revised                                                                 
     under 42 U.S.C. 9902(2);                                                                                                   
              (15)  persons who have been diagnosed with breast or                                                              
     cervical cancer and who are eligible for coverage under 42 U.S.C.                                                          
   * Sec. 2. AS 47.07.042(d) is amended to read:                                                                              
          (d)  In addition to the requirements established under (a) and                                                        
     (b) of this section, the department may require premiums or cost-                                                          
     sharing contributions from recipients who are eligible for benefits                                                        
     under AS 47.07.020(b)(13) and whose household income is                                                                    
     between 150 and 200 [175] percent of the federal poverty line. If                                                      

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1079
     the department requires premiums or cost-sharing contributions                                                             
     under this subsection, the department                                                                                      
              (1)  shall adopt in regulation a sliding scale for those                                                          
     premiums or contributions based on household income;                                                                       
              (2)  may not exceed the maximums allowed under federal                                                            
     law; and                                                                                                                   
              (3)  shall implement a system by which the department or                                                          
     its designee collects those premiums or contributions."                                                                    
Page 1, line 4:                                                                                                                 
     Delete "Section 1"                                                                                                       
     Insert "Sec. 3"                                                                                                          
Renumber the following bill section accordingly.                                                                                
Page 3, following line 5:                                                                                                       
     Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                         
"* Sec. 4. Sections 1 and 2 of this Act take effect immediately under                                                         
AS 01.10.070(c)."                                                                                                               
Senator Wielechowski moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 4.                                                                 
Senator Coghill objected.                                                                                                       
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 4 be adopted?" The roll                                                                
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
SSSB 49 am                                                                                                                      
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 4                                                                                                                 
YEAS:  6   NAYS:  14   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Egan, Ellis, French, Gardner, Stedman, Wielechowski                                                                      
Nays:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Fairclough, Giessel,                                                                   
Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stevens                                                               
and so, Amendment No. 4 failed.                                                                                                 
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 49 am was                                                                                
automatically in third reading.                                                                                                 

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1080
The question being: "Shall SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE                                                                        
BILL NO. 49 am "An Act relating to women's health services and                                                                  
defining 'medically necessary abortion' for purposes of making                                                                  
payments under the state Medicaid program" pass the Senate?" The                                                                
roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                       
SSSB 49 am                                                                                                                      
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                                                   
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Fairclough, Giessel,                                                                   
Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stevens                                                               
Nays:  Egan, Ellis, French, Gardner, Stedman, Wielechowski                                                                      
and so, SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 49 am                                                                            
passed the Senate.                                                                                                              
Senator Coghill gave notice of reconsideration.                                                                                 
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate                                                               
return to Standing Committee Reports. Without objection, the Senate                                                             
returned to:                                                                                                                    
                          Standing Committee Reports                                                                         
SB 64                                                                                                                         
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 64 "An                                                                   
Act establishing the Alaska Sentencing Commission; relating to jail-                                                            
time credit for offenders in court-ordered treatment programs;                                                                  
allowing a reduction of penalties for offenders successfully completing                                                         
court-ordered treatment programs for persons convicted of driving                                                               
while under the influence or refusing to submit to a chemical test;                                                             
relating to court termination of a revocation of a person's driver's                                                            
license; relating to limitation of drivers' licenses; relating to conditions                                                    
of probation and parole; and providing for an effective date" and                                                               
recommended it be replaced with                                                                                                 
                    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 64(STA) "An Act                                                                     
                establishing the Alaska Sentencing Commission;                                                                 
             relating to jail-time credit for offenders in court-                                                              

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1081
          ordered treatment programs; allowing a reduction of                                                                   
          penalties for offenders successfully completing court-                                                                
          ordered treatment programs for persons convicted of                                                                   
          driving while under the influence or refusing to                                                                      
          submit to a chemical test; relating to court                                                                          
          termination of a revocation of a person's driver's                                                                    
          license; relating to limitation of drivers' licenses;                                                                 
          relating to restoration of a driver's license; relating to                                                            
          conditions of probation and parole; and providing for                                                                 
          an effective date."                                                                                                   
Signing do pass: Senator Dyson, Chair. Signing no recommendation:                                                               
Senator Giessel. Signing amend: Senator Coghill.                                                                                
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 1, Alaska Court System                                                                                     
     Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Corrections                                                                         
     Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Administration                                                                      
     Fiscal Note No. 4, zero, Department of Administration                                                                      
     Fiscal Note No. 5, zero, Department of Administration                                                                      
The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                                                               
SB 73                                                                                                                         
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 73 "An                                                                   
Act authorizing municipalities to exempt from tax, by ordinance                                                                 
approved by the voters in the municipality, the real property that is the                                                       
primary residence of a resident who is the widow or widower of a                                                                
person who was killed while in the military service of the United                                                               
States; and providing for an effective date" and recommended it be                                                              
replaced with                                                                                                                   
          CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 73(STA) "An Act                                                                                
          relating to a municipal property tax exemption for                                                                    
          real property that is the primary residence of certain                                                                
          widows and widowers; and providing for an effective                                                                   
Signing do pass: Senator Dyson, Chair. Signing no recommendation:                                                               
Senators Coghill, Giessel.                                                                                                      

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1082
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
          Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community                                                           
      and Economic Development                                                                                                  
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                                                   
                  Consideration of the Calendar (continued)                                                                  
Honoring - New Hope on the Last Frontier                                                                                        
Senator(s) Ellis, Huggins, Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan,                                                              
Fairclough, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                                   
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
Honoring - Bruce Robb                                                                                                           
Senator(s) Coghill, Huggins, Bishop, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis,                                                              
Fairclough, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                                   
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
Representative(s) Isaacson                                                                                                      
Honoring - Jimmie G. Arkanakyak                                                                                                 
Representative(s) Edgmon, Herron                                                                                                
Senator(s) Stevens, Hoffman, Huggins, Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy,                                                                
Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough, Gardner, Giessel, Kelly, McGuire,                                                               
Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Wielechowski                                                                                   
In Memoriam - Robert Jean Thibodeau                                                                                             
Senator(s) Egan, Huggins, Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Ellis,                                                              
Fairclough, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                                   
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
Representative(s) Kerttula, Munoz                                                                                               
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the citations                                                            
be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and referred                                                          
to the Secretary for transmittal.                                                                                               

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1083
                             Unfinished Business                                                                             
                        Reconsideration of House Bills                                                                       
HB 87                                                                                                                         
Senator Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                      
reconsideration on SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                              
NO. 87(EDC) be taken up the same day. Without objection, the bill                                                               
was before the Senate on reconsideration.                                                                                       
The question to be reconsidered: "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR                                                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 87(EDC) "An Act relating to allocations to the                                                                   
special education service agency and extending the special education                                                            
service agency; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?"                                                          
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                   
SCS CSHB 87(EDC)                                                                                                                
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                                                                              
Effective Date                                                                                                                  
YEAS:  18   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  2                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough, French,                                                              
Gardner, Giessel, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer, Micciche, Olson,                                                              
Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                                  
Absent:  Dyson, Hoffman                                                                                                         
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 87(EDC)                                                                             
passed the Senate on reconsideration.                                                                                           
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on                                                              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date                                                            
clause. Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was signed by                                                         
the President and Secretary and was referred to the Secretary for                                                               
                    Reconsideration of Senate Resolutions                                                                    
SCR 5                                                                                                                         
Senator Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                      
reconsideration on SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5                                                                           
be taken up the same day. Without objection, the resolution was before                                                          
the Senate on reconsideration.                                                                                                  

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1084
The question to be reconsidered: "Shall SENATE CONCURRENT                                                                       
RESOLUTION NO. 5 Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e),                                                                  
Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill                                                            
No. 87, relating to the governing board and duties of the special                                                               
education service agency; relating to allocations to the special                                                                
education service agency; and extending the special education service                                                           
agency, pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                                         
SCR 5                                                                                                                           
On Reconsideration                                                                                                              
YEAS:  18   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  2                                                                               
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough, French,                                                              
Gardner, Giessel, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer, Micciche, Olson,                                                              
Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                                  
Absent:  Dyson, Hoffman                                                                                                         
and so, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5 passed the                                                                           
Senate on reconsideration and was referred to the Secretary for                                                                 
President Huggins made the following appointments to the Council of                                                             
State Governments:                                                                                                              
Governing Board                                                                                                               
Senator Coghill                                                                                                                 
Senator Ellis                                                                                                                   
Senator Huggins                                                                                                                 
Intergovernmental Affairs Committee                                                                                           
Senator Coghill                                                                                                                 
Suggested State Legislation Committee                                                                                         
Senator Egan (Legislative Appointment)                                                                                          
Deborah Grundmann (Legislative Staff Appointment)                                                                               
Education Public Policy Committee                                                                                             
Senator Gardner                                                                                                                 

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1085
Energy and Environment Public Policy Committee                                                                                
Senator Huggins                                                                                                                 
Fiscal and Economic Development Public Policy Committee                                                                       
Senator Fairclough                                                                                                              
Health Public Policy Committee                                                                                                
Senator Wielechowski                                                                                                            
Transportation Public Policy Committee                                                                                        
Senator Egan                                                                                                                    
HB 69                                                                                                                         
Senators Giessel, Meyer, Micciche moved and asked unanimous                                                                     
consent to be shown as cross sponsors on SENATE CS FOR CS FOR                                                                   
HOUSE BILL NO. 69(JUD) "An Act prohibiting state and municipal                                                                  
agencies from using assets to implement or aid in the implementation                                                            
of the requirements of certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and                                                        
orders that are applied to infringe on a person's right to bear arms or                                                         
right to due process or that implement or aid in the implementation of                                                          
the federal REAL ID Act of 2005; exempting certain firearms, firearm                                                            
accessories, and ammunition in this state from federal regulation;                                                              
declaring certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders                                                              
unconstitutional under the Constitution of the United States and                                                                
unenforceable in this state; requiring the attorney general to file any                                                         
legal action to prevent implementation of a federal statute, regulation,                                                        
rule, or order that violates the rights of a resident of the state; and                                                         
providing for an effective date." Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                         
HB 147                                                                                                                        
Senators Micciche, Ellis, Egan moved and asked unanimous consent                                                                
to be shown as cross sponsors on HOUSE BILL NO. 147 "An Act                                                                     
extending the reporting date for and the termination date of the                                                                
Comprehensive Autism Early Diagnosis and Treatment Task Force;                                                                  
and providing for an effective date." Without objection, it was so                                                              

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1086
Rule 23(d) of the Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules is currently                                                           
in effect.                                                                                                                      
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                                                                    
SB 62                                                                                                                         
SENATE BILL NO. 62 "An Act relating to grants for school                                                                        
construction" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary                                                              
and transmitted to the House for consideration.                                                                                 
SB 85                                                                                                                         
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 85(TRA) "An Act relating to                                                                              
experimental vehicles" was engrossed, signed by the President and                                                               
Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration.                                                                       
HB 33                                                                                                                         
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 33(JUD) "An Act amending                                                                           
certain provisions of criminal law prohibiting the manufacture, sale,                                                           
transfer, or possession of switchblades and gravity knives; adding                                                              
definitions of 'gravity knife' and 'switchblade' to the criminal law; and                                                       
reserving to the state, with limited exceptions for municipalities, the                                                         
authority to regulate knives" was engrossed, signed by the President                                                            
and Secretary and returned to the House for consideration.                                                                      
HB 87                                                                                                                         
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 87(EDC) "An Act                                                                             
relating to allocations to the special education service agency and                                                             
extending the special education service agency; and providing for an                                                            
effective date" was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary                                                            
and returned to the House for consideration.                                                                                    
SCR 4                                                                                                                         
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4 Suspending Rules                                                                             
24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State                                                                  
Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 33, adding definitions of                                                                

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1087
"gravity knife" and "switchblade" to the criminal law; and relating to                                                          
reserving the authority to regulate knives to the state with limited                                                            
exceptions for municipalities to regulate knives, was engrossed, signed                                                         
by the President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for                                                                 
SCR 5                                                                                                                         
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5 Suspending Rules                                                                             
24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State                                                                  
Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 87, relating to the governing                                                            
board and duties of the special education service agency; relating to                                                           
allocations to the special education service agency; and extending the                                                          
special education service agency, was engrossed, signed by the                                                                  
President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for                                                                        
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate                                                               
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., April 10, 2013. Without                                                                  
objection, the Senate adjourned at 3:13 p.m.                                                                                    
                                                                    Liz Clark                                                   
                                                     Secretary of the Senate                                                    

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1088
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require                                                  
special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access                                                            
committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the                                                          
Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance                                                           
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the                                                  
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                                                                 
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                                                                             
+ indicates teleconference                                                                                                      
= indicates bill previously heard/scheduled                                                                                     
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                                                                        
Apr 09        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205           4:00 PM                                                 
+ HB 131 ABANDONED AND DERELICT VESSELS                                                                                         
Apr 10        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          8:00 AM                                                 
+= SB  91 HAZING                                                                                                                
+ SB  89 TAX CREDITS FOR EDUCATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS                                                                              
+ SB 100 CORRESPONDENCE STUDY PROGRAM; ALLOTMENTS                                                                               
+ HB 154 MUSEUM OF THE NORTH                                                                                                    
              Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Apr 09        Tuesday                   Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+= HB  30 STATE AGENCY PERFORMANCE AUDITS                                                                                       
+= SB  96 OIL AND GAS AND GAS ONLY LEASES                                                                                       
+ HB  94 CON AND NELLIE MILLER BRIDGES                                                                                          
+ HB  84 MILITARY TRAINING CREDIT/TEMP. LICENSE                                                                                 
+ HB  99 EXTEND ALASKA MINERALS COMMISSION                                                                                      
+ HB 153 NAMING WALTER J. HICKEL PARKWAY                                                                                        
+ HB  56 PASSENGER VEHICLE RENTAL TAX                                                                                           
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1089
                             FINANCE (continued)                                                                             
Apr 09        Tuesday                   Senate Finance 532            3:30 PM                                                 
              -- Please Note Time Change --                                                                                     
+= HB   4 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORP; RCA                                                                                  
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
= HB  30 STATE AGENCY PERFORMANCE AUDITS                                                                                        
Apr 10        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+ HB 198 OIL AND GAS AND GAS ONLY LEASES                                                                                        
+ SB  87 NEWBORN SCREENING FOR HEART DEFECTS                                                                                    
+= HB  52 PFD ALLOWABLE ABSENCE                                                                                                 
+ SB  90 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE                                                                              
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Apr 10        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            1:30 PM                                                 
+= HB   4 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORP; RCA                                                                                  
+= SB  13 KNIK ARM BRIDGE AND TOLL AUTHORITY                                                                                    
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Apr 10        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          1:30 PM                                                 
+ SB  51 EXTEND BAR ASS'N BOARD OF GOVERNORS                                                                                    
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+ SCR  3 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FEDERAL OVERREACH                                                                                   
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1090
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                                                                              
Apr 09        Tuesday                     Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          5:30 PM                                                 
              -- Please Note Time Change --                                                                                     
+= HB 175 ELECTRONIC POSTING OF INSURANCE POLICIES                                                                              
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+= HB 168 TRAVEL INSURANCE                                                                                                      
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+= SB  79 SPORT FISHING GUIDING SERVICES                                                                                        
              <Bill Hearing Canceled>                                                                                           
+= HB  50 MULTI-UNIT HOUSING: COMMERCIAL USE                                                                                    
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+ HB 125 TOPICAL EYE MEDS PRESCRIPTION REFILLS                                                                                  
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
              Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Apr 10        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          4:30 PM                                                 
+ HB  50 MULTI-UNIT HOUSING: COMMERCIAL USE                                                                                     
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+ HB 125 TOPICAL EYE MEDS PRESCRIPTION REFILLS                                                                                  
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+ HB 147 EXTEND AUTISM EARLY DIAGNOSIS TASK FORCE                                                                               
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Apr 10        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                                                 
              -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                            
              To Be Announced                                                                                                   
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                                                                
Apr 09        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205           9:00 AM                                                 
              -- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --                                                                    
+= SB  64 OMNIBUS CRIME/CORRECTIONS BILL                                                                                        
+ HB 130 JAY HAMMOND DAY                                                                                                        
+= SB  73 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION/MILITARY WIDOW(ER)                                                                             
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1091
                          STATE AFFAIRS (continued)                                                                          
Apr 11        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           9:00 AM                                                 
              -- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --                                                                    
+ HB 104 ELECTION PROCEDURES; REAA ADVISORY BOARDS                                                                              
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Apr 09        Tuesday                      Fahrenkamp 203             1:30 PM                                                 
              -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                            
+ HB 146 PROOF OF MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE                                                                                       
+ HJR 13 COAST GUARD NAT'L SECURITY CUTTER FUNDING                                                                              
Apr 11        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                                                                              
                             LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                                             
Apr 09        Tuesday                   Senate Finance 532            8:00 AM                                                 
              -- Teleconference <Listen Only> --                                                                                
              Ratification of Charity Events                                                                                    
              Midnight Sun Charity Shoot                                                                                        
              JACC Wine Tasting                                                                                                 
              21st Annual Coal Classic Golf Tournament                                                                          
              Contract Approvals                                                                                                
              ITB 589: Capitol Stair Landing                                                                                    
              ITB 590: Alaska State Capitol Seismic Retrofit &                                                                  
              Exterior Renovation Phase I                                                                                       
              Other Committee Business                                                                                          
              Information Services 2013 Hardware Refresh                                                                        

2013-04-09                     Senate Journal                      Page 1092
                            CONFERENCE COMMITTEES                                                                            
                   CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ON HB  65 AND HB 66                                                                  
Apr 09        Tuesday                   Senate Finance 532            4:00 PM                                                 
              --Delayed Until 5:30 p.m.--                                                                                       
= HB  65 APPROP: OPERATING BUDGET/LOANS/FUNDS                                                                                   
= HB  66 APPROP: MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET                                                                                           
Apr 10        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            4:00 PM                                                 
= HB  65 APPROP: OPERATING BUDGET/LOANS/FUNDS