Legislature(2009 - 2010)
2009-04-15 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2009-04-15 House Journal Page 1011 SJR 17 The following was read the second time: SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 17 Designating 2009 as the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United States Army. with the: Journal Page RLS RPT 6DP (HJR 29 SIMILAR BILL) 893 FN1: ZERO(S.STA) 894 Representative Johansen moved and asked unanimous consent that SJR 17 be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. SJR 17 was read the third time. The question being: "Shall SJR 17 pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: SJR 17 Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 38 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Buch, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Dahlstrom, Doogan, Edgmon, Fairclough, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gruenberg, Harris, Hawker, Herron, Holmes, Johansen, Johnson, 2009-04-15 House Journal Page 1012 Joule, Kawasaki, Keller, Kelly, Kerttula, Lynn, Millett, Munoz, Neuman, Olson, Petersen, Ramras, Salmon, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Tuck, Wilson Excused: Gatto Absent: Guttenberg And so, SJR 17 passed the House, was signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk, and returned to the Senate.