Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2009-08-10 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2009-08-10                     House Journal                      Page 1253
HB 199                                                                                                                        
Senator Ellis moved that the appropriation on page 12, lines 28-29                                                              
(AHFC State Energy Program) of:                                                                                                 
    SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 199(FIN)                                                                                
    "An Act making appropriations, including supplemental                                                                       
    appropriations and capital appropriations; amending                                                                         
    appropriations; and providing for an effective date."                                                                       
become law notwithstanding the Governor's line item veto.                                                                       
The question being: "Shall the appropriation on page 12, lines 28-29                                                            
of SCS CSHB 199(FIN) become law notwithstanding the Governor's                                                                  
line item veto?"  The roll of the House was called with the following                                                           

2009-08-10                     House Journal                      Page 1254
SCS CSHB 199(FIN)                                                                                                               
Override Line Item Veto                                                                                                         
Page 12, lines 28-29                                                                                                            
YEAS:  30   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                                                                                 
Yeas:  Buch, Cissna, Crawford, Dahlstrom, Doogan, Edgmon, Gara,                                                                 
Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Harris, Hawker, Herron,                                                                  
Holmes, Johansen, Joule, Kawasaki, Kerttula, Millett, Munoz, Olson,                                                             
Petersen, Ramras, Salmon, Seaton, Thomas, Tuck, Wilson, Chenault                                                                
Nays:  Coghill, Fairclough, Johnson, Keller, Kelly, Lynn, Neuman,                                                               
Stoltze, Austerman                                                                                                              
Excused:  Foster                                                                                                                
The roll of the Senate was called with the following result:                                                                    
SCS CSHB 199(FIN)                                                                                                               
Override Line Item Veto                                                                                                         
Page 12, lines 28-29                                                                                                            
YEAS:  15   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                                 
Yeas:  Davis, Egan, Ellis, French, Hoffman, Kookesh, McGuire,                                                                   
Menard, Meyer, Olson, Paskvan, Stedman, Thomas, Wielechowski,                                                                   
Nays:  Dyson, Huggins, Therriault, Wagoner, Bunde                                                                               
TOTALS:  YEAS:  45   NAYS:  14   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                                                                     
And so, the Governor's line item veto was overridden.                                                                           
The Chief Clerk notified the Office of the Governor.