Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-04-05 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3001
                             HOUSE JOURNAL                                                       
                       ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                  
              TWENTY-FOURTH LEGISLATURE - SECOND SESSION                                         
Juneau, Alaska                 Wednesday                  April 5, 2006                           
                          Eighty-seventh Day                                                   
Pursuant to adjournment the House was called to order by Speaker                                    
Harris at 10:08 a.m.                                                                                
Roll call showed 35 members present.  Representative Elkins had been                                
previously excused from a call of the House today.  Representatives                                 
Anderson, Gara, and Kohring were absent and their presence was                                      
noted later.                                                                                        
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that                                       
Representative Weyhrauch be excused from a call of the House today                                  
because of illness.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
The invocation was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Patrick Brayton of                               
the Valley Chapel.  Representative Dahlstrom moved and asked                                        
unanimous consent that the invocation be spread on the journal.  There                              
being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                              
    Father in Heaven, we come to You with grateful hearts,                                          
    acknowledging Your loving favor in the past and petitioning                                     
    You for its long continuation.  As Your word declares, "with                                    
    God, all things are possible," but "without (You) we can do                                     
    nothing."  We trust in Your mercy and forgiveness for the sins                                  
    of the past, and we beseech You that Your wisdom and                                            
    blessing will be poured out for us this day.  May those who                                     
    serve us here in the House of Representatives experience                                        
    Your love and walk in Your truth.  May their families also                                      
    experience Your love and protection.  And may all of us who                                     
    call Alaska home benefit from the work done in these                                            
    chambers.  God bless Alaska and keep her in Your path.  In                                      
    Jesus' name.  Amen.                                                                             

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3002
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative Hawker.                                          
                     CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL                                                
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
journal for the 85th and 86th legislative days be approved as certified                             
by the Chief Clerk.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
                               * * * * *                                                         
Representative Samuels introduced Jilli Lindstam, Guest Page, from                                  
Letters of disclosure, as required by AS 24.60, were published in                                   
House Journal Supplement No. 5 and Senate and House Joint Journal                                   
Supplement No. 15.                                                                                  
The following was received:                                                                         
Dept. of Revenue                                                                                    
Treasury Division                                                                                   
Annual Report on the Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund                                             
March 14, 2006                                                                                      
(as required by AS 37.10.430)                                                                       
                    REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES                                               
HB 57                                                                                             
The Finance Committee has considered:                                                               
    SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 57                                                        
    "An Act relating to the sale of certain state land to adjacent                                  
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3003
    CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                                    
    (same title)                                                                                    
The report was signed by Representatives Meyer and Chenault, Co-                                    
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                              
Do pass (9):  Hawker, Holm, Kerttula, Joule, Moses, Weyhrauch,                                      
Foster, Meyer, Chenault                                                                             
No recommendation (2):  Kelly, Stoltze                                                              
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSSSHB 57(FIN):                                               
1.  Indeterminate, Dept. of Natural Resources                                                       
SSHB 57 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                    
**The presence of Representative Anderson was noted.                                                
HB 390                                                                                            
The Community & Regional Affairs Committee has considered:                                          
    HOUSE BILL NO. 390                                                                              
    "An Act limiting the amount that a municipality may charge for an                               
    appeal of a residential real property tax assessment to the                                     
    municipality's board of equalization."                                                          
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 390(CRA)                                                                  
    (same title)                                                                                    
The report was signed by Representatives Thomas and Olson, Co-                                      
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                              

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3004
Do pass (1):  Thomas                                                                                
Do not pass (2):  Cissna, Olson                                                                     
No recommendation (3):  LeDoux, Salmon, Kott                                                        
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 390(CRA):                                                
1.  Zero, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development                                      
HB 390 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                       
HB 419                                                                                            
The Finance Committee has considered:                                                               
    HOUSE BILL NO. 419                                                                              
    "An Act repealing the Board of Storage Tank Assistance, the                                     
    underground storage tank revolving loan fund, and the tank                                      
    cleanup loan program; repealing certain reporting requirements                                  
    relating to underground petroleum storage tank systems; making                                  
     conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date."                                  
The report was signed by Representative Meyer, Co-chair, with the                                   
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (7):  Hawker, Weyhrauch, Holm, Kelly, Moses, Foster, Meyer                                  
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                 
1.  Zero, Dept. of Environmental Conservation                                                       
HB 419 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                     
**The presence of Representative Kohring was noted.                                                 
HB 496                                                                                            
The State Affairs Committee has considered:                                                         

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3005
    HOUSE BILL NO. 496                                                                              
    "An Act relating to contributions from permanent fund dividends                                 
    to certain educational organizations and to certain charitable                                  
    organizations that provide a positive youth development program,                                
    workforce development, aid to the arts, or aid and services to the                              
    elderly, low-income individuals, individuals in emergency                                       
    situations, disabled individuals, or individuals with mental illness;                           
    and providing for an effective date."                                                           
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 496(STA)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to contributions from permanent fund dividends                                 
    to campuses of the University of Alaska, certain educational                                    
    organizations, community foundations, and certain other                                         
    charitable organizations that provide a positive youth development                              
    program, workforce development, aid to the arts, or aid and                                     
    services to the elderly, low-income individuals, individuals in                                 
    emergency situations, disabled individuals, or individuals with                                 
    mental illness; and providing for an effective date."                                           
The report was signed by Representative Seaton, Chair, with the                                     
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (4):  Gardner, Ramras, Gruenberg, Seaton                                                    
No recommendation (1):  Lynn                                                                        
Amend (1):  Gatto                                                                                   
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 496(STA):                                                
1.  Zero, House State Affairs Committee/Dept. of Revenue                                            
HB 496 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                       
SB 218                                                                                            
The Finance Committee has considered:                                                               

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3006
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 218(FIN)                                                                 
    "An Act relating to sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                             
    reporting of sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                                    
    periodic polygraph examinations for sex offenders released on                                   
    probation or parole; relating to sexual abuse of a minor; relating to                           
    the definitions of 'aggravated sex offense' and 'child kidnapping';                             
    relating to penalties for failure to report child abuse or neglect;                             
    relating to sentencing for sex offenders and habitual criminals; and                            
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 218(FIN)                                                    
    "An Act relating to sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                             
    periodic polygraph examinations for sex offenders released on                                   
    probation or parole; relating to sexual abuse of a minor; relating to                           
    the definitions of 'aggravated sex offense' and 'child kidnapping';                             
    relating to penalties for failure to report child abuse or neglect;                             
    relating to sentencing for sex offenders and habitual criminals; and                            
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
    (HCR 40 - title change resolution)                                                              
The report was signed by Representatives Meyer and Chenault, Co-                                    
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                              
Do pass (6):  Holm, Hawker, Kelly, Foster, Meyer, Chenault                                          
No recommendation (3):  Weyhrauch, Joule, Moses                                                     
Amend (1):  Kerttula                                                                                
The following fiscal note(s) apply to HCS CSSB 218(FIN):                                            
1.    Zero, Dept. of Public Safety                                                                  
4.    Indeterminate, Dept. of Law                                                                   
5.    Indeterminate, Alaska Court System                                                            
6.    Indeterminate, Dept. of Administration                                                        
7.    Indeterminate, Dept. of Corrections                                                           

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3007
8.    Fiscal, Dept. of Corrections                                                                  
10.  Zero, Dept. of Public Safety                                                                   
11.  Fiscal, Dept. of Corrections                                                                   
CSSB 218(FIN) is on today's calendar.                                                               
SB 298                                                                                            
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered:                                                      
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 298(JUD)                                                                 
    "An Act relating to loans from trust property; relating to a trustee's                          
    power to appoint the principal of a trust to another trust; relating                            
    to challenges to, claims against, and liabilities of trustees,                                  
    beneficiaries, and creditors of trusts and of trusts and estates;                               
    relating to individual retirement accounts and plans; relating to                               
    certain trusts in divorce and dissolutions of marriage situations;                              
    and providing for an effective date."                                                           
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 298(L&C)                                                    
    (same title)                                                                                    
The report was signed by Representative Anderson, Chair, with the                                   
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (5):  Lynn, Kott, LeDoux, Rokeberg, Anderson                                                
No recommendation (2):  Crawford, Guttenberg                                                        
The following fiscal note(s) apply to HCS CSSB 298(L&C):                                            
1.  Zero, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development                                      
CSSB 298(JUD) was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                              

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3008
                     REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES                                               
HB 149                                                                                            
The Conference Committee considering:                                                               
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 149(FIN) am                                                               
    "An Act relating to controlled substances; relating to the crimes of                            
    manslaughter, endangering the welfare of a child, and misconduct                                
    involving a controlled substance; relating to the manufacture of                                
    methamphetamine and to the sale, possession, and delivery of                                    
    certain substances and precursors used in the manufacture of                                    
    methamphetamine; relating to listing certain anabolic steroids as                               
    controlled substances; and providing for an effective date."                                    
           SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 149(FIN) am S                                       
    (ct rule fld S)                                                                                 
    (same title)                                                                                    
requests limited powers of free conference on the following specific                                
    Page 15, line 31, through Page 17, line 26 (Senate version);                                    
    Page 17, following line 26 (Senate version);                                                    
    Page 18, line 21 (Senate version);                                                              
    Page 18, line 22 (Senate version);                                                              
    Page 18, line 23 (Senate version).                                                              
The request was signed by Representatives Coghill (Co-chair), Stoltze,                              
Crawford; and Senators Seekins (Co-chair), Bunde, French.                                           
The Speaker granted the limited powers of free conference as                                        

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3009
The Chief Clerk notified the Senate.                                                                
**The presence of Representative Gara was noted.                                                    
SB 232                                                                                            
The Conference Committee considering:                                                               
           HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 232(FIN) am H                                       
    "An Act making appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and                                 
    capital appropriations; amending appropriations and funding                                     
    sources; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing                               
    for an effective date."                                                                         
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 232(FIN)                                                                 
    (same title)                                                                                    
requests limited powers of free conference on the following specific                                
point(s) [in HCS CSSB 232(FIN) am H]:                                                               
    Section 5 - "Arctic Winter Games Grant.  The sum of $500,000 is                                 
    appropriated from the general fund to the Department of                                         
    Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment                                       
    as a capital grant under AS 37.05.316 to the 2006 Arctic Winter                                 
    Games Host Society for costs of the 2006 Arctic Winter Games."                                  
    Section 6(e) - "The sum of $500,000 is appropriated from the                                    
    general fund to the Department of Commerce, Community, and                                      
    Economic Development, community advocacy, for emergency                                         
    bulk fuel loans to small communities, for the fiscal year ending                                
    June 30, 2006."                                                                                 
    Section 15 - "POWER COST EQUALIZATION.  (a) The sum of                                          
    $3,320,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the power                                   
    cost equalization and rural electric capitalization fund                                        
    (AS 42.45.100).                                                                                 
    (b)  The sum of $3,320,000 is appropriated from the power cost                                  
    equalization and rural electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100)                              
    to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic                                          

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3010
    Development, Alaska Energy Authority power cost equalization,                                   
    for partial payment of Power Cost Equalization under                                            
    AS 42.45.110 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006."                                         
The request was signed by Representatives Chenault (Vice Chair),                                    
Meyer, Joule; and Senators Wilken (Chair), Green, Hoffman.                                          
The Speaker granted the limited powers of free conference as                                        
The Chief Clerk notified the Senate.                                                                
                       INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS                                                 
The following citations were introduced and referred to the Rules                                   
Committee for placement on the calendar:                                                            
Honoring - Alaska Army National Guard                                                               
District 5 of Southeast Alaska                                                                      
By Representative Thomas; Senator Kookesh                                                           
In Memoriam - Robert "Bob" Gabel                                                                    
By Representative Kohring                                                                           
In Memoriam - Stuart Campen Hall                                                                    
By Representative Gara; Senator Ellis                                                               
In Memoriam - Ramona Pugh                                                                           
By Representative Stoltze; Senator Huggins                                                          
In Memoriam - Margaret Dorothy "Mickey" Duros                                                       
By Senator Gary Stevens; Representative LeDoux                                                      
              INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                         
                         OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                                                    
HCR 40                                                                                            
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 40 by the House                                                     
Finance Committee:                                                                                  

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3011
    Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of                                  
    the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 218, sex                               
    offenses and child kidnapping, crimes, and sentencing.                                          
was read the first time and is on today's calendar.                                                 
              INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                         
                            OF HOUSE BILLS                                                       
HB 499                                                                                            
HOUSE BILL NO. 499 by the House Labor and Commerce                                                  
Committee by request, entitled:                                                                     
    "An Act relating to the delegation of duties by a dentist."                                     
was read the first time and referred to the Labor & Commerce and                                    
Health, Education & Social Services Committees.                                                     
                  CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                                            
                     SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                                               
HB 334                                                                                            
The following was read the second time:                                                             
    HOUSE BILL NO. 334                                                                              
    "An Act relating to an exemption from and deferral of municipal                                 
    property taxes for certain types of deteriorated property."                                     
with the:                                                  Journal Page                             
 CRA RPT 2DP 5NR                                                  2394                              
 FN1: ZERO(CED)                                                   2394                              
 FIN RPT CS(FIN) 2DP 5NR                                          2604                              
 FN1: ZERO(CED)                                                   2604                              
 FN2: ZERO(GOV/ALL DEPTS)                                         2604                              
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:                             

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3012
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 334(FIN)                                                                  
    (same title)                                                                                    
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                        
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that                                       
CSHB 334(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading,                                   
and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was so                                   
CSHB 334(FIN) was read the third time.                                                              
Representative Kohring moved and asked unanimous consent that he                                    
be allowed to abstain from voting because of a conflict of interest.                                
Objection was heard, and Representative Kohring was required to                                     
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 334(FIN) pass the House?"  The                                     
roll was taken with the following result:                                                           
CSHB 334(FIN)                                                                                       
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  38   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  2   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford,                                    
Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg,                                          
Guttenberg, Harris, Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kelly, Kerttula,                                  
Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Moses, Neuman,                                         
Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas,                                  
Excused:  Elkins, Weyhrauch                                                                         
And so, CSHB 334(FIN) passed the House and was referred to the                                      
Chief Clerk for engrossment.                                                                        
HB 439                                                                                            
The following was read the second time:                                                             

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3013
    HOUSE BILL NO. 439                                                                              
    "An Act relating to authorizing the state to join with other states                             
    entering into the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact                               
    and authorizing the compact to supersede existing statutes by                                   
    approving standards, rules, or other action under the terms of the                              
with the:                                                  Journal Page                             
 L&C RPT CS(L&C) NT 3DP 3NR                                       2687                              
 FN1: ZERO(H.L&C/CED)                                             2688                              
 JUD RPT CS(L&C) NT 4DP 2AM                                       2918                              
 FN2: ZERO(CED)                                                   2919                              
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:                             
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 439(L&C)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to authorizing the state to join with other states in                          
    entering into the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation                                       
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                        
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representative Gara:                                                 
Page 1, line 4:                                                                                     
 Delete "a new section"                                                                             
 Insert "new sections"                                                                              
Page 23, following line 14:                                                                         
 Insert a new section to read:                                                                      
     "Sec. 21.42.705. Opt-out duties, guidelines, remedies. (a)                                   
    As a participant in the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation                                 
    Compact, it is the policy of the state to opt out, and the director                             
    shall opt out, of any Uniform Standard that provides a materially                               
    lower level of protection for or materially diminishes the rights of                            
    Alaska policyholders or policy applicants.                                                      
     (b)  If the director or a court of competent jurisdiction finds                                
    that the policy set out in (a) of this section has been violated,                               

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3014
    notice of the violation shall be given to the legislature, and                                  
    reasonable and prompt measures shall be taken to opt out of the                                 
    Uniform Standard that does not comply with the policy statement                                 
    set out in (a) of this section to the extent that such action is                                
    permissible under the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation                                   
Representative Gara moved and asked unanimous consent that                                          
Amendment No. 1 be adopted.                                                                         
Representative Coghill objected.                                                                    
Amendment to Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representative                                          
Following "applicants":                                                                             
 Insert "under Alaska law"                                                                          
Representative Gara moved and asked unanimous consent that                                          
Amendment to Amendment No. 1 be adopted.  There being no                                            
objection, it was so ordered.                                                                       
Representative Coghill withdrew the objection.  There being no further                              
objection, Amendment No. 1 as amended was adopted.                                                  
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that                                       
CSHB 439(L&C) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third                                         
reading, and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was                             
so ordered.                                                                                         
CSHB 439(L&C) am was read the third time.                                                           
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 439(L&C) am pass the House?"                                       
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                       
CSHB 439(L&C) am                                                                                    
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  37   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  2   ABSENT:  1                                                   

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3015
Yeas:  Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft,                                       
Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg,                                     
Harris, Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kelly, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott,                               
LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Moses, Neuman, Olson, Ramras,                                         
Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                          
Excused:  Elkins, Weyhrauch                                                                         
Absent:  Anderson                                                                                   
And so, CSHB 439(L&C) am passed the House and was referred to                                       
the Chief Clerk for engrossment.                                                                    
                    SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                                               
SB 218                                                                                            
The following was read the second time:                                                             
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 218(FIN)                                                                 
    "An Act relating to sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                             
    reporting of sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                                    
    periodic polygraph examinations for sex offenders released on                                   
    probation or parole; relating to sexual abuse of a minor; relating to                           
    the definitions of 'aggravated sex offense' and 'child kidnapping';                             
    relating to penalties for failure to report child abuse or neglect;                             
    relating to sentencing for sex offenders and habitual criminals; and                            
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
with the:                                                  Journal Page                             
 FIN RPT HCS(FIN) NT 6DP 3NR 1AM                                  3005                              
 FN1: ZERO(DPS)                                                   3006                              
 FN4: INDETERMINATE(LAW)                                          3006                              
 FN5: INDETERMINATE(CRT)                                          3006                              
 FN6: INDETERMINATE(ADM)                                          3006                              
 FN7: INDETERMINATE(COR)                                          3006                              
 FN8: (COR)                                                       3006                              
 FN10: ZERO(DPS)                                                  3006                              
 FN11: (COR)                                                      3006                              

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3016
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:                             
    HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 218(FIN)                                                    
    "An Act relating to sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                             
    periodic polygraph examinations for sex offenders released on                                   
    probation or parole; relating to sexual abuse of a minor; relating to                           
    the definitions of 'aggravated sex offense' and 'child kidnapping';                             
    relating to penalties for failure to report child abuse or neglect;                             
    relating to sentencing for sex offenders and habitual criminals; and                            
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
    (HCR 40 - title change resolution)                                                              
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                        
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that HCS                                   
CSSB 218(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading,                                   
and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was so                                   
HCS CSSB 218(FIN) was read the third time.                                                          
The question being:  "Shall HCS CSSB 218(FIN) pass the House?"                                      
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                       
HCS CSSB 218(FIN)                                                                                   
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  35   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  2   ABSENT:  3                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford,                                    
Croft, Dahlstrom, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Harris,                                    
Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn,                                   
McGuire, Meyer, Moses, Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon,                                     
Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                                            
Excused:  Elkins, Weyhrauch                                                                         
Absent:  Foster, Gara, Kerttula                                                                     
And so, HCS CSSB 218(FIN) passed the House.                                                         

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3017
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the                             
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                
HCS CSSB 218(FIN) was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.                                  
                     THIRD READING OF HOUSE BILLS                                                
HB 409                                                                                            
The following, which was advanced to third reading from the April 3,                                
2006, calendar (page 2991), was read the third time:                                                
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 409(L&C)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to excluding qualified real estate licensees from                              
    workers' compensation coverage."                                                                
Representatives Lynn and Rokeberg moved and asked unanimous                                         
consent that they be allowed to abstain from voting because of a                                    
conflict of interest.  Objection was heard, and they were required to                               
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 409(L&C) pass the House?"  The                                     
roll was taken with the following result:                                                           
CSHB 409(L&C)                                                                                       
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  29   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  2   ABSENT:  3                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Chenault, Coghill, Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster,                                       
Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Harris, Hawker, Joule, Kelly, Kerttula,                                  
Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Moses, Neuman,                                         
Olson, Rokeberg, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                           
Nays:  Berkowitz, Cissna, Crawford, Gara, Guttenberg, Salmon                                        
Excused:  Elkins, Weyhrauch                                                                         
Absent:  Holm, Kapsner, Ramras                                                                      
And so, CSHB 409(L&C) passed the House and was referred to the                                      
Chief Clerk for engrossment.                                                                        

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3018
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that                                       
Representative LeDoux be excused from a call of the House from                                      
11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. today.  There being no objection, it was so                                 
HB 471                                                                                            
The following, which was advanced to third reading from the April 3,                                
2006, calendar (page 2993), was read the third time:                                                
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 471(FIN) am                                                               
    "An Act amending the Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority Act                                     
    and the powers and authority of the authority to finance                                        
    construction and maintenance of the Knik Arm Bridge, to set and                                 
    collect tolls, and to carry out its duties, and making conforming                               
    changes to statutes relating to issuance, renewal, or reinstatement                             
    of driver's licenses; and providing for an effective date."                                     
Representative Seaton moved and asked unanimous consent that                                        
CSHB 471(FIN) am be returned to second reading for the specific                                     
purpose of considering Amendment No. 3.  There being no objection,                                  
it was so ordered.                                                                                  
Amendment No. 3 was offered  by Representatives Seaton and Stoltze:                                  
Page 1, lines 4 - 5 (title amendment):                                                              
 Delete ", and making conforming changes to issuance, renewal,                                    
or reinstatement of driver's licenses and"                                                        
Page 10, lines 20 - 24:                                                                             
 Delete all material.                                                                               
Page 11, lines 7 - 31:                                                                              
 Delete all material.                                                                               
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                   
Representative Seaton moved and asked unanimous consent that                                        
Amendment No. 3 be adopted.                                                                         

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3019
There was objection.                                                                                
Amendment to Amendment No. 3 was offered  by Representative                                          
Following "changes":                                                                              
 Insert "to statutes relating"                                                                    
Following "licenses":                                                                             
 Delete "and"                                                                                     
Representative Seaton moved and asked unanimous consent that                                        
Amendment to Amendment No. 3 be adopted.  There being no                                            
objection, it was so ordered.                                                                       
There being no further objection, Amendment No. 3 as amended was                                    
adopted, and the new title follows:                                                                 
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 471(FIN) am                                                               
    "An Act amending the Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority Act                                     
    and the powers and authority of the authority to finance                                        
    construction and maintenance of the Knik Arm Bridge, to set and                                 
    collect tolls, and to carry out its duties; and providing for an                                
    effective date."                                                                                
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 471(FIN) am pass the House?"  The                                  
roll was taken with the following result:                                                           
CSHB 471(FIN) am                                                                                    
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  28   NAYS:  7   EXCUSED:  3   ABSENT:  2                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford,                                    
Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Harris, Kapsner,                               
Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Lynn, McGuire, Neuman, Olson, Ramras,                                         
Rokeberg, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                                  
Nays:  Gara, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Kerttula, Moses, Salmon                                      
Excused:  Elkins, LeDoux, Weyhrauch                                                                 

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3020
Absent:  Joule, Meyer                                                                               
And so, CSHB 471(FIN) am passed the House.                                                          
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the                             
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                
Representative Guttenberg gave notice of reconsideration of the vote                                
on CSHB 471(FIN) am.                                                                                
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that                                       
Representative Meyer be excused from a call of the House from 12:15                                 
p.m. to 1:15 p.m. today.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                              
                  SECOND READING OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                                            
HCR 40                                                                                            
The following was read the second time:                                                             
    HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 40                                                              
    Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of                                  
    the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 218, sex                               
    offenses and child kidnapping, crimes, and sentencing.                                          
The question being:  "Shall HCR 40 pass the House?"  The roll was                                   
taken with the following result:                                                                    
HCR 40                                                                                              
Second Reading                                                                                      
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  34   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  2                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft,                                       
Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg,                                     
Harris, Hawker, Holm, Kapsner, Kelly, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, Lynn,                                
McGuire, Moses, Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon,                                            
Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                                            
Excused:  Elkins, LeDoux, Meyer, Weyhrauch                                                          

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3021
Absent:  Chenault, Joule                                                                            
And so, HCR 40 passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk                                 
for engrossment.                                                                                    
                         LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS                                                   
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
House approve the citations on the calendar.  There being no                                        
objection, the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling:                             
Honoring - Greg McCullough                                                                          
By Representatives Seaton, Harris, Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault,                                   
Cissna, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg,                                
Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott,                                  
LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg,                                      
Salmon, Samuels, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                                            
Honoring - Sigurd L. Edwards                                                                        
By Senator Kookesh; Representatives Thomas, Harris, Anderson,                                       
Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom, Gara,                                      
Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Joule,                                         
Kapsner, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer,                                     
Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze,                                  
Honoring - West High School Boys' 'C' Basketball Team Winners,                                      
2006 Citywide C/JV Tournament                                                                       
By Senator French; Representatives Rokeberg, Harris, Anderson,                                      
Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom,                                   
Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Joule,                                   
Kapsner, Kelly, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire,                                     
Meyer, Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze,                                     
Thomas, Wilson                                                                                      
In Memoriam - Violet Elizabeth Redington, First Lady of the Iditarod                                
By Representatives Neuman, Harris, Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault,                                   
Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner,                                 
Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kelly,                                  
Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Olson,                                       
Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas,                                         

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3022
In Memoriam - John Patrick Killoran                                                                 
By Representatives Stoltze, Harris, Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault,                                  
Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner,                                 
Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kelly,                                  
Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Neuman,                                      
Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Thomas, Wilson;                                   
Senator Dyson                                                                                       
In Memoriam - Fritz J. Willie                                                                       
By Senator Hoffman; Representatives Harris, Anderson, Berkowitz,                                    
Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara,                                
Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm, Joule,                                         
Kapsner, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer,                                     
Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze,                                  
Thomas, Wilson                                                                                      
In Memoriam - Kevin O'Brien                                                                         
By Senator Kookesh; Representatives Thomas, Harris, Anderson,                                       
Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford, Croft, Dahlstrom,                                   
Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Holm,                                  
Joule, Kapsner, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire,                                     
Meyer, Neuman, Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton,                                    
Stoltze, Wilson                                                                                     
                      CONCUR IN SENATE AMENDMENTS                                                
HB 92                                                                                             
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
House consider the Senate message (page 2979) on the following:                                     
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 92(JUD)                                                                   
    "An Act relating to the purchase of interests in nonprofit                                      
    corporations by the University of Alaska."                                                      
           SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 92(JUD) am S                                        
    "An Act relating to the purchase of interests in corporations,                                  
    including limited liability companies, by the University of                                     
 (SCR 24 - title change resolution)                                                                 

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3023
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                        
Representative Coghill moved that the House concur in the Senate                                    
amendment to CSHB 92(JUD), thus adopting SCS CSHB 92(JUD)                                           
am S, and recommended that the members vote yes.                                                    
The question being:  "Shall the House concur in the Senate                                          
amendment to CSHB 92(JUD)?"  The roll was taken with the                                            
following result:                                                                                   
SCS CSHB 92(JUD) am S                                                                               
YEAS:  33   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  3                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford,                                    
Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg,                                          
Guttenberg, Harris, Hawker, Holm, Kelly, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott,                                   
Lynn, McGuire, Moses, Neuman, Olson, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels,                                     
Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                                                     
Excused:  Elkins, LeDoux, Meyer, Weyhrauch                                                          
Absent:  Joule, Kapsner, Ramras                                                                     
And so, the House concurred in the Senate amendment, thus adopting                                  
SCS CSHB 92(JUD) am S.                                                                              
The Chief Clerk notified the Senate.                                                                
SCS CSHB 92(JUD) am S was referred to the Chief Clerk for                                           
                       SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS                                                 
SCR 24                                                                                            
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
following be taken up as a Special Order of Business:                                               
    SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 24                                                             
    Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of                                  
    the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 92,                                     

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3024
    relating to the purchase of interests in nonprofit corporations by                              
    the University of Alaska.                                                                       
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                        
The question being:  "Shall SCR 24 pass the House?"  The roll was                                   
taken with the following result:                                                                    
SCR 24                                                                                              
Special Order of Business                                                                           
YEAS:  33   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  3                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford,                                    
Croft, Dahlstrom, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg,                                          
Guttenberg, Harris, Hawker, Holm, Kelly, Kerttula, Kohring, Kott,                                   
Lynn, McGuire, Moses, Neuman, Olson, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels,                                     
Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas, Wilson                                                                     
Excused:  Elkins, LeDoux, Meyer, Weyhrauch                                                          
Absent:  Joule, Kapsner, Ramras                                                                     
And so, SCR 24 passed the House, was signed by the Speaker and                                      
Chief Clerk and returned to the Senate.                                                             
                          UNFINISHED BUSINESS                                                    
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
following member be excused from a call of the House.  There being                                  
no objection, the member was excused as noted:                                                      
Representative Thomas - from 9:00 a.m., April 6 to 10:00 p.m., April                                
9, 2006                                                                                             
HB 45                                                                                             
Representative Seaton added his name as cosponsor to:                                               
    HOUSE BILL NO. 45                                                                               
    "An Act amending the definition of the term 'lobbyist' in the                                   
    Regulation of Lobbying Act; and providing for an effective date."                               

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3025
HB 57                                                                                             
Representative Foster added his name as cosponsor to:                                               
    SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 57                                                        
    "An Act relating to the sale of certain state land to adjacent                                  
HB 334                                                                                            
Representative Croft added his name as cosponsor to:                                                
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 334(FIN)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to an exemption from and deferral of municipal                                 
    property taxes for certain types of deteriorated property."                                     
HB 387                                                                                            
Representative Foster added his name as cosponsor to:                                               
    HOUSE BILL NO. 387                                                                              
    "An Act providing for a partial tuition waiver for families of                                  
    members of the Alaska National Guard; and directing the                                         
    executive director of the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary                                    
    Education to seek additional funding to support tuition waivers."                               
HB 419                                                                                            
Representative Kelly added his name as cosponsor to:                                                
    HOUSE BILL NO. 419                                                                              
    "An Act repealing the Board of Storage Tank Assistance, the                                     
    underground storage tank revolving loan fund, and the tank                                      
    cleanup loan program; repealing certain reporting requirements                                  
    relating to underground petroleum storage tank systems; making                                  
     conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date."                                  
SB 112                                                                                            
Representative Gatto added his name as cross sponsor to:                                            
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 112(FIN) am                                                              
    "An Act relating to a tax on residents of and individuals employed                              
    in regional educational attendance areas; relating to permanent                                 

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3026
    fund dividend applications; relating to regional educational                                    
    attendance area grants; and providing for an effective date."                                   
SB 218                                                                                            
Representatives Ramras, LeDoux, Chenault, Olson, and Croft added                                    
their names as cross sponsors to:                                                                   
    HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 218(FIN)                                                    
    "An Act relating to sex offenders and child kidnappers; relating to                             
    periodic polygraph examinations for sex offenders released on                                   
    probation or parole; relating to sexual abuse of a minor; relating to                           
    the definitions of 'aggravated sex offense' and 'child kidnapping';                             
    relating to penalties for failure to report child abuse or neglect;                             
    relating to sentencing for sex offenders and habitual criminals; and                            
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
HCR 40                                                                                            
HCR 40 was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and                                     
transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                                        
HB 334                                                                                            
CSHB 334(FIN) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief                                        
Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                              
HB 409                                                                                            
CSHB 409(L&C) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief                                        
Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                              
HB 439                                                                                            
CSHB 439(L&C) am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief                                     
Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                              
SB 218                                                                                            
HCS CSSB 218(FIN) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief                                    
Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                              

2006-04-05                     House Journal                      Page 3027
House committee schedules are published daily under separate cover.                                 
The following meetings today have been changed as indicated:                                        
Judiciary Committee                                                                                 
CHANGED TO:                                                   1:30 p.m.                             
Resources Committee                                                                                 
CHANGED TO:                                                   1:15 p.m.                             
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
House adjourn until 10:00 a.m., April 6, 2006.  There being no                                      
objection, the House adjourned at 12:40 p.m.                                                        
                                           Suzi Lowell                                              
                                           Chief Clerk