Legislature(1999 - 2000)
2000-02-25 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2000-02-25 House Journal Page 2301 HB 159 The Finance Committee has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 159 "An Act granting certain employees in correctional facilities status as peace officers under the public employees' retirement system." and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 159(FIN) "An Act permitting certain employees in state correctional facilities to convert their credited service under the public employees' retirement system to credited service as peace officers." The report was signed by Representatives Therriault and Mulder, Co- chairs, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (2): Davis, Phillips No recommendation (6): Therriault, Bunde, Mulder, Austerman, Grussendorf, Davies Amend (1): Moses The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 159(FIN): Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 2/25/00 HB 159 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar.