Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1997-05-07 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1775
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                     TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE - FIRST SESSION                     
Juneau, Alaska                                                                 
                           One Hundred Fifteenth Day                           
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Miller at 11:10 a.m.                                                           
The roll showed thirteen members present.  Senator Kelly was                   
excused from a call of the Senate.  Senators Donley, Ellis, Parnell,           
Pearce, Phillips, Sharp were absent.                                           
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Major Neil Timpson of the              
Salvation Army.  Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous                     
consent that the prayer be spread.  Without objection, it was so               
		You come disguised, but still                                                
		I know its You.                                                              
		Today Your eyes are black,                                                   
		Tomorrow blue;                                                               
		Your skin is sometimes yellow,                                               
		Sometimes brown;                                                             
		You wear a loin cloth or a tattered gown;                                    
		Your bony hand is held                                                       
		Before Your face,                                                            
		But Id know You, my Lord,                                                    
		In any case.                                                                 
		You grin at me                                                               
		Through leprous-eaten jaws.                                                  
		The twisted limbs,                                                           
		The bloated belly?--Yours!                                                   
		You ring the changes, Lord,                                                  
		But I see through.                                                           
		I know that evry soul in need is You.                                        
		(Poem by John Gowans)                                                        

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1776
Help us to realize that those who come to us in                               
need arent just disruptions, but You at our door.                              
And Lord, bless these fine people today who will                               
decide on the needs of this great state.  Give them                            
wisdom for the task.                          Amen.                            
Senator Ward led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal              
for the one hundred fourteenth legislative day be approved as                  
certified by the Secretary.  Without objection, it was so ordered.             
The presence of Senators Donley, Ellis, Pearce, Parnell was noted.             
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
SJR 25                                                                       
Message of May 6 was read, stating the House passed and returned:              
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 25 Supporting                                     
enhancement of visitor access to Denali National                               
Park and Preserve through development of a                                     
northern railroad route corridor access to the vicinity                        
of Wonder Lake.                                                                
The resolution was referred to the Secretary for enrollment.                   
SB 175                                                                       
Message of May 6 was read, stating the House passed and returned:              
SENATE BILL NO. 175 An Act relating to                                        
revenue bonds issued by the Alaska Industrial                                  
Development and Export Authority for interties                                 
between Healy and Fairbanks and between                                        
Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula; and providing                               
for an effective date.                                                         

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1777
SB 175                                                                       
The bill was referred to the Secretary for enrollment.                         
HB 6                                                                         
Message of May 6 was read, stating the House concurred in the                  
Senate amendment to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 6(FIN) am An                         
Act relating to minors and amending laws relating to the disclosure            
of information relating to certain minors, thus adopting:                      
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
6(FIN) am S An Act relating to minors and                                      
amending laws relating to the disclosure of                                    
information relating to certain minors; and amending                           
Rule 3(c), Alaska Delinquency Rules.                                           
HB 18                                                                        
Message of May 6 was read, stating the House concurred in the                  
Senate amendment to HOUSE BILL NO. 18, thus adopting:                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 18 am S An Act extending to                                    
certain partnerships and corporations the 10 percent                           
procurement preference currently given to certain                              
sole proprietorships who are Alaska bidders and                                
owned by persons with disabilities.                                            
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
SB 25                                                                        
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 25 An Act                     
relating to authorizing the Department of Corrections to provide an            
automated victim notification and prisoner information system and              
recommended it be replaced with                                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 25(FIN) An Act                                         
relating to the Department of Corrections providing                            
an automated victim notification and prisoner                                  
information system.                                                            

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1778
SB 25                                                                        
Signing do pass:  Senator Pearce, Cochair, Senators Phillips, Parnell,         
Adams, Torgerson, Donley.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator                 
Sharp, Cochair.                                                                
Previous zero and fiscal notes apply to the committee substitute.              
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
The presence of Senator Phillips was noted.                                    
SB 139                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 139 An                        
Act relating to state aid to volunteer fire departments; and providing         
for an effective date and recommended the adoption of the                      
Community and Regional Affairs Committee Substitute offered on                 
page 1050.  Signing do pass:  Senators Sharp, Pearce, Cochairs,                
Senators Phillips, Torgerson.  Signing no recommendation:  Senators            
Parnell, Adams, Donley.                                                        
Zero fiscal note for the Community and Regional Affairs Committee              
Substitute published today from Department of Health and Social                
Services.  Previous zero and fiscal notes.                                     
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
SB 142                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
SENATE BILL NO. 142 An Act relating to formation of and                        
taxation in regional educational attendance areas; and providing for           
an effective date and recommended the following amendment:                     
Page 2, line 4:                                                                
	Delete 1999                                                                   
	Insert  2000                                                                  
Page 2, line 19:                                                               
	Delete 2000                                                                   
	Insert  1999                                                                  

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1779
SB 142                                                                       
Signing do pass:  Senator Wilken, Chair, Senator Green.  Signing no            
recommendation:  Senator Leman.                                                
Fiscal notes published today from Department of Education,                     
Department of Community and Regional Affairs.  Zero fiscal note                
published today from Department of Community and Regional                      
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                
HCR 18                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 18 Declaring 1997 to                           
be observed as the 80th Anniversary of the University of Alaska                
Fairbanks and recognizing the vital role played by the University of           
Alaska Fairbanks.  Signing do pass:  Senator Wilken, Chair, Senators           
Ward, Leman, Green.                                                            
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.                            
HJR 27                                                                       
The Transportation Committee considered HOUSE JOINT                            
RESOLUTION NO. 27 Requesting the Federal Aviation                              
Administration to grant exemptions from the commuter rule in                   
order to maintain a high level of air safety and air transportation            
service in rural Alaska, and recommended it be replaced with                   
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION                                          
NO. 27(TRA)                                                                    
Signing do pass:  Senator Ward, Chair, Senators Halford, Green.                
Signing no recommendation:  Senators Wilken, Lincoln.                          
Zero fiscal note for the Senate Committee Substitute published today           
from the Senate Transportation Committee.  Previous House zero                 
fiscal note applies to the Senate Committee Substitute.                        

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1780
HJR 27                                                                       
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.                            
HJR 29                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29 Supporting an increase in                        
federal funding for prostate cancer research.   Signing do pass:               
Senator Wilken, Chair, Senators Ward, Leman, Green.                            
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.                            
HB 158                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 158 An Act relating to attendance at a public                   
school on a part-time basis.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator              
Wilken, Chair.  Signing do pass:  Senators Ward, Leman, Green.                 
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HB 250                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                         
250(O&G) An Act establishing a North Slope Gas                                 
Commercialization Team to develop recommendations regarding a                  
North Slope gas project; and providing for an effective date.                  
Signing no recommendation:   Senators Sharp, Pearce, Cochairs,                 
Senators Adams, Donley.  Signing do pass:  Senators Phillips,                  
Parnell, Torgerson.                                                            
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1781
HB 256                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 256 am An Act relating to calculation of the                    
default rate for purposes of the student loan program and to                   
regulation of postsecondary educational institutions; and providing for        
an effective date.  Signing do pass:  Senator Wilken, Chair,                   
Senators Ward, Green.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator                     
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
The presence of Senator Sharp was noted.                                       
SB 130                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 130 An Act                      
amending the retirement incentive programs for municipalities and              
school districts; and providing for an effective date.  Signing to             
calendar:  Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Duncan, Taylor.                      
The bill is on todays calendar.                                                
SB 162                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 162 An Act                      
relating to payment of minimum wages to tipped employees; and                  
providing for an effective date.  Signing to calendar and do pass:             
Senator Leman, Chair.  Signing to calendar:  Senators Taylor, Miller,          
Torgerson.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator Duncan.                        
The bill is on todays calendar.                                                
HJR 14                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE JOINT                              
RESOLUTION NO. 14(RLS) Relating to supporting the American                     
Land Sovereignty Protection Act.  Signing to calendar and do pass:             
Senator Leman, Chair.  Signing to calendar:  Senators Torgerson,               
Miller, Taylor.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator Duncan.                   
The resolution is on todays calendar.                                          

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1782
HJR 34                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION                          
NO. 34 Relating to proposed regulations of the North Pacific Fishery           
Management Council creating a new discriminatory halibut fishery               
in Alaska.  Signing to calendar and do pass:  Senator Leman, Chair.            
Signing to calendar:  Senators Duncan, Taylor, Torgerson, Miller.              
The resolution is on todays calendar.                                          
HB 151                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
151(RES) am An Act relating to personal hunting of big game by                 
big game guides while clients are in the field, to activities of               
transporters in the field, to use area registration for portions of            
additional guide use areas by registered guides, to oral examinations          
for a registered guide license or a game management unit                       
certification, and to eligibility for big game guide licenses, game            
management unit certifications, or a transporter license.  Signing to          
calendar and do pass:  Senator Leman, Chair.  Signing to calendar:             
Senators Duncan, Taylor, Miller, Torgerson.                                    
The bill is on todays calendar.                                                
HB 153                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
153(FIN) An Act relating to the eligibility of aliens for state public         
assistance and medical assistance programs affected by federal                 
welfare reform legislation; and providing for an effective date.               
Signing to calendar:   Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Duncan,                  
Taylor, Miller, Torgerson.                                                     
The bill is on todays calendar.                                                
                  INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS                 
SB 196                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 196 BY THE SENATE JUDICIARY                                    
COMMITTEE BY REQUEST, entitled:                                                

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1783
SB 196                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 196 An Act relating to a                                      
moratorium on entry into the directed demersal shelf                           
rockfish fishery in Southeast Alaska; relating to state                        
management of fisheries in offshore water adjacent                             
to the state; and providing for an effective date.                             
was read the first time and referred to the Resources Committee.               
SB 197                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 197 BY SENATORS DONLEY, Taylor,                                
An Act relating to health care services provided by,                          
and practices of, a health maintenance organization;                           
and prohibiting health maintenance organizations                               
from limiting free speech of health care providers.                            
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and              
Social Services Committee.                                                     
SB 198                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 198 BY THE SENATE LABOR AND                                    
COMMERCE COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                  
An Act relating to partnerships; amending Rules                               
25(c), 79, and 82, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure;                            
and providing for an effective date.                                           
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Judiciary Committees.                                                          
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
                        SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 130                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 130 An Act amending the retirement incentive                   
programs for municipalities and school districts; and providing for an         
effective date was read the second time.                                       

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1784
SB 130                                                                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final            
passage.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                
SENATE BILL NO. 130 was read the third time.                                   
Senators Mackie, Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that                 
they be shown as cosponsors on the bill.  Without objection, it was            
so ordered.                                                                    
The question being: Shall SENATE BILL NO. 130 An Act                           
amending the retirement incentive programs for municipalities and              
school districts; and providing for an effective date pass the                 
Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                         
SB 130                                                                         
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Green, Halford, Hoffman,                  
Leman, Lincoln, Mackie, Miller, Parnell, Pearce, Phillips, Sharp,              
Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                                
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, SENATE BILL NO. 130 passed the Senate.                                 
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                 
Senator Halford gave notice of reconsideration.                                
SB 162                                                                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that SENATE                   
BILL NO. 162 An Act relating to payment of minimum wages to                    
tipped employees; and providing for an effective date be placed at             
the bottom of todays calendar.  Without objection, it was so                   

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1785
                        SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                        
HB 151                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 151(RES) am An Act relating to                           
personal hunting of big game by big game guides while clients are              
in the field, to activities of transporters in the field, to use area          
registration for portions of additional guide use areas by registered          
guides, to oral examinations for a registered guide license or a game          
management unit certification, and to eligibility for big game guide           
licenses, game management unit certifications, or a transporter                
license was read the second time.                                              
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent for the                      
adoption of the Resources Senate Committee Substitute offered on               
page 1713.  Without objection, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                      
BILL NO. 151(RES) was adopted and read the second time.                        
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final            
passage.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 151(RES) was read                          
the third time.                                                                
The question being: Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                           
BILL NO. 151(RES) An Act relating to personal hunting of big                   
game by big game guides while clients are in the field, to activities          
of transporters in the field, to use area registration for portions of         
additional guide use areas by registered guides, to oral examinations          
for a registered guide license or a game management unit                       
certification, and to eligibility for big game guide licenses, game            
management unit certifications, or a transporter license pass the              
Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                         

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1786
HB 151                                                                       
SCS CSHB 151(RES)                                                              
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Green, Halford, Hoffman,                  
Leman, Lincoln, Mackie, Miller, Parnell, Pearce, Phillips, Sharp,              
Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                                
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 151(RES)                           
passed the Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.           
HB 153                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 153(FIN) An Act relating to the                          
eligibility of aliens for state public assistance and medical assistance       
programs affected by federal welfare reform legislation; and                   
providing for an effective date was read the second time.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be              
advanced to third reading and placed on final passage.  Without                
objection, it was so ordered.                                                  
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 153(FIN) was read the third time.                        
The question being: Shall CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 153(FIN)                       
An Act relating to the eligibility of aliens for state public assistance       
and medical assistance programs affected by federal welfare reform             
legislation; and providing for an effective date pass the Senate?              
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CSHB 153(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Dates                                                                
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Green, Halford, Hoffman,                  
Leman, Lincoln, Mackie, Miller, Parnell, Pearce, Phillips, Sharp,              
Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                                

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1787
HB 153                                                                       
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 153(FIN) passed the Senate.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clauses.  Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was                
signed by the President and Secretary and returned to the House.               
                        THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS                        
SB 107                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 107(FIN) am was read the third time.                    
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 107(FIN)                      
am An Act making, amending, and repealing capital and other                    
appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and                 
providing for an effective date pass the Senate?  The roll was                 
taken with the following result:                                               
CSSB 107(FIN) am                                                               
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Dates                                                                
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Green, Halford, Leman, Mackie, Miller, Parnell,                 
Pearce, Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                       
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln                                  
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 107(FIN) am passed the                          
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clauses.  Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was                
referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                                     

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1788
                         THIRD READING OF HOUSE BILLS                        
HB 145                                                                       
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 145(FIN) An Act                            
relating to certification of teachers; and providing for an effective          
date was read the third time.                                                  
Senators Parnell, Mackie, Lincoln moved and asked unanimous                    
consent that they be allowed to abstain from voting due to a conflict          
of interest.  Objections were heard and Senators Parnell, Mackie,              
Lincoln were required to vote.                                                 
The question being: Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                           
BILL NO. 145(FIN) An Act relating to certification of teachers; and            
providing for an effective date pass the Senate?  The roll was                 
taken with the following result:                                               
SCS CSHB 145(FIN)                                                              
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Green, Halford, Leman, Mackie, Miller, Parnell,                 
Pearce, Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                       
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln                                  
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 145(FIN)                           
passed the Senate.                                                             
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                 
Senator Ellis gave notice of reconsideration.                                  

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1789
HB 146                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 146(FIN) was read the third time.                        
The question being: Shall CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 146(FIN)                       
An Act relating to competency testing requirements for secondary               
students; and providing for an effective date pass the Senate?  The            
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
CSHB 146(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Dates                                                                
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Ellis, Green, Halford, Leman, Mackie, Miller, Parnell,          
Pearce, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                 
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Hoffman, Lincoln, Phillips                               
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 146(FIN) passed the Senate.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clauses.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                
Senator Ellis gave notice of reconsideration.                                  
HB 147                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 147(HES) am was read the third time.                     
The question being: Shall CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 147(HES)                       
am An Act relating to the expenses of housing nonresident charter              
school students; relating to authorizing charter school programs to            
provide domiciliary and other services to nonresident charter school           
students; relating to duties of the state Board of Education; and              
relating to the establishment of state boarding schools pass the               
Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                         

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1790
HB 147                                                                       
CSHB 147(HES) am                                                               
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  13   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Green, Halford, Leman, Miller, Parnell, Pearce,                 
Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                               
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Mackie                          
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 147(HES) am passed the                           
Senate, was signed by the President and Secretary and returned to              
the House.                                                                     
                     SECOND READING OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                     
HJR 14                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 14(RLS) Relating to                          
supporting the American Land Sovereignty Protection Act, was                   
read the second time.                                                          
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the                      
resolution be advanced to third reading and placed on final passage.           
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                          
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 14(RLS) was read the                         
third time.                                                                    
The question being: Shall CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION                        
NO. 14(RLS) Relating to supporting the American Land Sovereignty               
Protection Act, pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the                  
following result:                                                              

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1791
HJR 14                                                                       
CSHJR 14(RLS)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Green, Halford, Leman, Mackie, Miller, Parnell,                 
Pearce, Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                       
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln                                  
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
and so, CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 14(RLS)                              
passed the Senate.                                                             
Senator Duncan gave notice of reconsideration.                                 
                        RECONSIDERATION OF HOUSE BILLS                       
HB 83                                                                        
Senator Donley requested that the reconsideration on CS FOR                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 83(STA) An Act relating to regulation of                        
commercial vehicles; and providing for an effective date be taken              
up at this time.                                                               
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 83(STA) was before the Senate on                         
Senator Lincoln called the Senate.  Senator Lincoln lifted the call.           
Senator Donley moved that the bill be returned to second reading for           
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 1.               
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                    
Senator Donley offered Amendment No. 1 :                                        

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1792
HB 83                                                                        
Page 1, following line 3:                                                      
	Insert a new bill section to read:                                            
   "* Section 1.  AS19.10.300, enacted by Executive Order 98, is             
amended by adding a new subsection to read:                                    
	(g)  A person operating a commercial motor vehicle shall                      
carry proof of insurance.  If a person operating a commercial motor            
vehicle is involved in an accident with another person, the person             
operating the commercial vehicle shall display the proof of insurance          
required under this subsection to the other person and, unless the             
person operating the commercial vehicle is self-insured, have the              
insurer contact the other person involved in the accident within 48            
hours.  In this subsection, "proof of insurance" means a certificate           
of self-insurance issued by the department under AS28.20.400, or               
a card issued by an insurer authorized to transact insurance in this           
state that indicates that the person is insured as required by this            
section, that contains local or toll free telephone numbers for filing         
or receiving claim information, and that indicates the name and                
address of the insurer."                                                       
Page 1, line 4:                                                                
	Delete "* Section 1."                                                       
	Insert "* Sec. 2."                                                          
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Senator Donley moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                      
Senator Leman objected.                                                        
Senator Donley moved and asked unanimous consent for the                       
adoption of the following amendment to Amendment No. 1:                        
Delete from Amendment No. 1                                                    
	and, unless the person operating the commercial vehicle is                    
self-insured, have the insurer contact the other person involved in the        
accident within 48 hours                                                       
Without objection, Amendment No. 1 was amended.                                

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1793
HB 83                                                                        
There being no further objections, Amendment No. 1 as amended                  
was adopted.                                                                   
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 83(STA) am S was automatically in                        
third reading.                                                                 
The question to be reconsidered: Shall CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                   
83(STA) am S An Act relating to regulation of commercial                       
vehicles; and providing for an effective date pass the Senate?  The            
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
CSHB 83(STA) am S                                                              
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  17   NAYS:  1   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Green, Hoffman, Leman, Lincoln,                  
Mackie, Miller, Parnell, Pearce, Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson,           
Ward, Wilken                                                                   
Nays:  Halford                                                                 
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
Absent:  Adams                                                                 
and so, CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 83(STA) am S passed the                          
Senate on reconsideration.                                                     
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was                 
referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                                     
HB 35                                                                        
Senator Mackie requested that the reconsideration on HOUSE BILL                
NO. 35 An Act extending the termination date of the Alaska                     
regional economic assistance program; and providing for an effective           
date be taken up at this time.                                                 

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1794
HB 35                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 35 was before the Senate on reconsideration.                    
The question to be reconsidered: Shall HOUSE BILL NO. 35 An                    
Act extending the termination date of the Alaska regional economic             
assistance program; and providing for an effective date pass the               
Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                         
HB 35                                                                          
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  18   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Green, Halford, Hoffman, Leman,                  
Lincoln, Mackie, Miller, Parnell, Pearce, Phillips, Sharp, Taylor,             
Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                                        
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
Absent:  Adams                                                                 
and so, HOUSE BILL NO. 35 passed the Senate on reconsideration.                
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was signed          
by the President and Secretary and returned to the House.                      
                     SECOND READING OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                     
HJR 34                                                                       
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 34 Relating to proposed                             
regulations of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council                    
creating a new discriminatory halibut fishery in Alaska, was read the          
second time.                                                                   
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the                      
resolution be advanced to third reading and placed on final passage.           
Senator Hoffman objected.                                                      

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1795
HJR 34                                                                       
The question being: Shall HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 34                        
be advanced to third reading?  The roll was taken with the                     
following result:                                                              
HJR 34                                                                         
Advance from Second to Third Reading?                                          
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  4   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Donley, Green, Halford, Leman, Mackie, Miller, Parnell,                 
Pearce, Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                       
Nays:  Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln                                         
Excused:  Kelly                                                                
Absent:  Adams                                                                 
and so, the resolution failed to advance to third reading.                     
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 34 will appear on the May 8                         
Honoring - Nikiski Bulldog Wrestlers, State Champions                          
Senator(s) Ward, Lincoln, Duncan, Wilken, Leman, Sharp, Mackie,                
Green, Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                  
Honoring - Pete Hoepfner                                                       
Representative(s) Barnes                                                       
Senator(s) Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green,               
Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                         
Honoring - Jon Wolcott                                                         
Representative(s) Barnes                                                       
Senator(s) Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green,               
Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                         

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1796
Honoring - Tony McCormick                                                      
Representative(s) Barnes                                                       
Senator(s) Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green,               
Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                         
Honoring - Sam Pekovich                                                        
Representative(s) Barnes                                                       
Senator(s) Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green,               
Taylor, Kelly, Phillips, Hoffman, Miller                                       
Honoring - Evelyn Monsen                                                       
Representative(s) Moses                                                        
Senator(s) Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green,               
Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                         
Honoring - Cheetah Readers, Airport Heights Elementary School                  
Representative(s) Ryan                                                         
Senator(s) Kelly, Donley, Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Wilken, Leman,              
Sharp, Mackie, Green, Taylor, Hoffman                                          
Honoring - Bernard Edwards for An Act of Heroism                               
Senator(s) Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Wilken, Leman, Sharp, Mackie,              
Green, Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                  
Representative(s) Nicholia                                                     
Honoring - Native Youth Olympians                                              
Senator(s) Hoffman, Halford, Adams, Parnell, Lincoln, Duncan,                  
Pearce, Wilken, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green, Taylor, Kelly, Sharp,             
Representative(s) Ivan, Moses                                                  
In Memoriam - Lynn Campbell                                                    
Senator(s) Taylor, Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie,              
Green, Kelly, Hoffman                                                          
Representative(s) Williams                                                     
In Memoriam - Marietta Williams                                                
Representative(s) Grussendorf                                                  
Senator(s) Taylor, Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie,              
Green, Kelly, Hoffman                                                          

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1797
In Memoriam - Brian Mac MacManus                                               
Senator(s) Taylor, Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie,              
Green, Kelly, Hoffman                                                          
Representative(s) Williams                                                     
In Memoriam - William R. Bill Nix                                              
Representative(s) Elton, Hudson                                                
Senator(s) Duncan, Lincoln, Pearce, Leman, Sharp, Mackie, Green,               
Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                         
In Memoriam - Max Hiram Sherrod                                                
Representative(s) Ogan, Kohring                                                
Senator(s) Green, Halford, Lincoln, Duncan, Pearce, Leman, Sharp,              
Mackie, Taylor, Kelly, Hoffman                                                 
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the citations            
be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted and                 
referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                     
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the notice               
and publication requirements be waived and the following citation be           
made a special order of business.  Without objection, it was so                
                          SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS                          
Honoring - Charles Taylor Master Mechanics of Southeast Alaska                 
Senator(s) Halford, Duncan, Kelly, Taylor, Hoffman, Pearce, Leman              
Representative(s) Hudson, Elton                                                
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the citation             
be adopted.  Without objection, the citation was adopted and referred          
to the Secretary for transmittal.                                              

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1798
                        SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 162                                                                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that SENATE                   
BILL NO. 162 An Act relating to payment of minimum wages to                    
tipped employees; and providing for an effective date which had                
been placed at the bottom of the calendar (page 1784) be held to the           
May 8 calendar.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                         
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
HB 11                                                                        
President Miller added a Judiciary Committee referral to HOUSE                 
BILL NO. 11 An Act relating to drivers licensing; and providing                
for an effective date.                                                         
The bill was referred to the Judiciary and Finance Committees.                 
SJR 28                                                                       
Senator Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that his name               
be withdrawn as a cosponsor on SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION                         
NO. 28 Requesting the federal government to conduct an audit of the            
Alaska Native regional corporations to determine their compliance              
with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and to review the                 
accountability of the corporations to their shareholders.  Without             
objection, it was so ordered.                                                  
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1799
SB 107                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 107(FIN) am An Act making,                              
amending, and repealing capital and other appropriations; making               
appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective             
date was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and                  
transmitted to the House for consideration.                                    
HB 83                                                                        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 83(STA) am S An Act relating to                          
regulation of commercial vehicles; and providing for an effective              
date was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and                  
returned to the House for consideration.                                       
HB 151                                                                       
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 151(RES) An Act                            
relating to personal hunting of big game by big game guides while              
clients are in the field, to activities of transporters in the field, to use   
area registration for portions of additional guide use areas by                
registered guides, to oral examinations for a registered guide license         
or a game management unit certification, and to eligibility for big            
game guide licenses, game management unit certifications, or a                 
transporter license was engrossed, signed by the President and                 
Secretary and returned to the House for consideration.                         
SCR 6                                                                        
HOUSE CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO.                                  
6(HES) Relating to the Alaska Telemedicine Project, was enrolled,              
signed by the President and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and             
the engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the             
Governor at 10:10 a.m., May 7, 1997.                                           

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1800
SB 91                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 91(STA) am An Act relating to the                       
regulation of physical therapists, physical therapy assistants,                
occupational therapists, and occupational therapy assistants; extending        
the termination date of the State Physical Therapy and Occupational            
Therapy Board; and providing for an effective date was enrolled,               
signed by the President and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and             
the engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the             
Governor at 10:10 a.m., May 7, 1997.                                           
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., May 8, 1997.  Without                   
objection, the Senate adjourned at 12:24 p.m.                                  
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                              May 1997         

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1801
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who         
require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to          
access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or      
the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance      
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call     
the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                            
                          SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES                          
+ indicates teleconference                                                    
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
	HB 212LOCAL OPTION BOUNDARIES FOR VILLAGES                                   
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  8:30 AM                              
	-- TIME CHANGE --                                                            
	HB 250NORTH SLOPE GAS COMM. TEAM                                             
	HB  63AVIATION FUEL TAX EXEMPTION                                            
	SB 139AID TO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS                                      
	SB 114EMPLOYEES: POLITICAL CONTRIB & ACTIVITIES                              
	SB 118PERMANENT FUND CORP. INVESTMENTS                                       
	HB 210AIRPORT DUTY-FREE CONCESSIONS                                          
	SB  25TELEPHONE VICTIM NOTIFICATION SYSTEM                                   
	SB 154CHILD SUPPORT & PATERNITY                                              
	HB  11DRIVERS LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR MINORS                                
	HB 127FOSTER CARE REVIEW BOARD                                               
	SB 159NEW BUSINESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM                                         
	<BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD/SCHEDULED>                                           
	HB   2PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND ELIGIBILITY                                    
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  5:00 PM                              
	SB 154CHILD SUPPORT & PATERNITY                                              
+	SB 159NEW BUSINESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM                                        
	<BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD/SCHEDULED>                                           

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1802
                             FINANCE (continued)                             
MAY 08                         THURSDAY  8:00 AM                               
	-- TIME CHANGE --                                                            
	HB  63AVIATION FUEL TAX EXEMPTION                                            
	SCR 16NO INCREASE IN COST OF STATE EMPLOYEES                                 
	SB 118PERMANENT FUND CORP. INVESTMENTS                                       
	HB 210AIRPORT DUTY-FREE CONCESSIONS                                          
	SB 114EMPLOYEES: POLITICAL CONTRIB & ACTIVITIES                              
	<BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD/SCHEDULED>                                           
MAY 08                         THURSDAY  5:00 PM                               
+	HB   2PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND ELIGIBILITY                                   
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
+	SB 142REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL ATTENDANCE AREAS                                 
+	SB 193ADMINISTRATIVE SPENDING LIMIT FOR SCHOOLS                             
+	SB 182STATE BOARD OF CHARTER SCHOOLS                                        
+	HB 158RIGHT TO ATTEND SCHOOL ON PART-TIME BASIS                             
	HCR 1880 YEAR ANNIV OF UNIV. ALASKA FAIRBANKS                                
	HJR 29FUNDING FOR PROSTATE CANCER RESEARCH                                   
+	HB 256REGULATION OF POSTSECONDARY SCHOOLS                                   
+	<BILLS HELD FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS>                                         
	(MEETING RECONVENED AT 12:45 PM                                              
	FOR SB 182 AND SB 193)                                                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  1:00 PM                              
	-- TIME CHANGE AND LOCATION CHANGE --                                        
	HB  50BROADCASTING OF RAFFLES AND CLASSICS                                   
	HB 163GAMMA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE AS CONTROLLED SUBST                              
	<BILLS HELD FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS>                                          
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
	-- TIME CHANGE AND LOCATION CHANGE --                                        
	JOINT JUDICIARY MEETING WITH                                                 
	COMMISSIONER OTTE - APSIN                                                    
MAY 09                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1803
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  1:00 PM                              
	-- TIME CHANGE --                                                            
+	HB 207EMPLOYER DRUG TESTING PROGRAM                                         
+	HB 266LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES                                           
	SB 159NEW BUSINESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM                                         
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  3:30 PM                              
	HJR 35ENCOURAGE FED TAX CHANGE FOR GAS PIPELINE                              
	HB 109MANAGEMENT OF STATE LAND AND RESOURCES                                 
	HB 141SCALLOP FISHERY/ VESSEL MORATORIUM                                     
	CONFIRMATION HEARING:                                                        
	OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION APPOINTEE                                           
MAY 08                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
	HB 243EXTEND CURRENT SUBSISTENCE LAW                                         
	HB 198DIVE FISHERY MANAGEMENT ASSN. & ASSESSMNT                              
	<BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD>                                                     
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY 12:24 PM                              
	HCR 1880 YEAR ANNIV OF UNIV. ALASKA FAIRBANKS                                
	HB 158RIGHT TO ATTEND SCHOOL ON PART-TIME BASIS                              
	HB 250NORTH SLOPE GAS COMM. TEAM                                             
	SB  25TELEPHONE VICTIM NOTIFICATION SYSTEM                                   
	HB 246GEORGE W. PALMER MEMORIAL BRIDGE                                       
	HJR 27FAA COMMUTER RULE                                                      
	SB 139AID TO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS                                      
	SB 192MAINTENANCE & REPAIR OF STATE VESSELS                                  
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
MAY 08                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
+	SB 183VOTING & ELECTIONS                                                    
+	SB 185VOTER LISTS & VOTER REGISTRATION                                      
	HB 241PAYMENT OF COSTS ALASKA PIONEERS HOME                                  
	<PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED BILLS>                                                 

1997-05-07                     Senate Journal                      Page 1804
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAY 08                         THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
	SB 156STUDDED TIRES                                                          
	SB 127PERSONNEL RECORDS OF ALASKA RAILROAD                                   
	<BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD>                                                     
	HB 248EAST EGAN DRIVE IN VALDEZ                                              
	HJR 33FAA FIELD APPROVAL OF TUNDRA TIRES                                     
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                     CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ON HB 75 AND 76                    
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
MAY 07                         WEDNESDAY  3:30 PM                              
	-- MEETING POSTPONED TO 5/8/97 --                                            
	ALL OPEN ITEMS                                                               
MAY 08                         THURSDAY  0:00 AM                               
	-- RESCHEDULED FROM 05/07/97 TIME TBA --                                     
	ALL OPEN ITEMS                                                               
                                OTHER MEETINGS                               
                                JOINT SESSION                                
                                 HOUSE CHAMBER                                 
MAY 09                          FRIDAY 11:15 AM                                
	CONFIRMATION OF GOVERNORS APPOINTMENTS