Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1997-01-31 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0189
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                     TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE - FIRST SESSION                     
Juneau, Alaska                                                                 
                                 Nineteenth Day                                
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Miller at 11:00 a.m.                                                           
The roll showed seventeen members present. Senators Hoffman,                   
Leman, Lincoln were excused from a call of the Senate.                         
The prayer was sung by the chorale group Arise from the Church                 
of the Nazarene.  Senator Duncan moved and asked unanimous                     
consent that the prayer be spread.  Without objection, it was so               
	 We Will Glorify                                                             
We will Glorify the King of Kings.                                            
We will Glorify the Lamb.                                                     
We will Glorify the Lord of Lords                                             
Who is the Great I Am.                                                        
Lord Jehovah reigns in majesty.                                               
We will bow before His throne.                                                
We will worship Him in righteousness.                                         
We will worship Him alone.                                                    
He is Lord of Heaven, Lord of Earth                                           
He is Lord of all who live,                                                   
He is Lord above the universe.                                                
All praise to Him we give.                                                    
Oh Hallelujah to the King of Kings.                                           
Hallelujah to the Lamb!                                                       
Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords                                               
Who is the Great I Am!                                                        

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0190
Senator Donley led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance.                     
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal              
for the eighteenth legislative day be approved as certified by the             
Secretary.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                              
The following report was received and is on file in the Office of the          
Secretary of the Senate:                                                       
Alaska Federal/State Preparedness Plan for Response                           
	to Oil and Hazardous Substance Discharges/Releases                            
	(Unified Plan, Change 1)                                                      
from Michele Brown, Commissioner, Department of                               
Environmental Conservation                                                    
	in accordance with AS 46.04.200                                               
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
SB 22                                                                        
Forthcoming zero fiscal note (p. 124) for the State Affairs committee          
substitute for SENATE BILL NO. 22 An Act relating to                           
qualifications for appointment to the Board of Game published                  
today from Office of the Governor.                                             
SB 35                                                                        
Forthcoming fiscal note (p. 125) for the State Affairs committee               
substitute for SENATE BILL NO. 35 An Act relating to                           
management of state land, water, and land and water as part of a               
state park, recreational or special management area, or preserve;              
relating to reports to the legislature concerning prohibitions or              
restrictions of traditional means of access for traditional recreational       
uses within a park, recreational or special management area, or                
preserve; relating to Chilkat State Park published today from                  
Department of Natural Resources.                                               

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0191
SB 41                                                                        
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered SENATE BILL                        
NO. 41 An Act relating to environmental audits and health and                  
safety audits to determine compliance with certain laws, permits, and          
regulations and recommended it be replaced with                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 41(L&C)                                                
Signing do pass:  Senator Leman, Chair, Senator Miller.  Signing no            
recommendation:  Senator Mackie.                                               
Fiscal note(s) forthcoming.                                                    
The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                              
                         INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF                        
                              SENATE RESOLUTIONS                              
SJR 10                                                                       
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 10 BY SENATORS GREEN,                              
Halford, Taylor,                                                               
Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the                               
State of Alaska relating to the election and the                               
duties of the attorney general.                                                
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary Committee.               
SJR 11                                                                       
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 11 BY SENATOR LINCOLN,                             
Disapproving Local Boundary Commission                                        
recommendation number two regarding the                                        
annexation of the territory to the City and Borough                            
of Yakutat.                                                                    
was read the first time and referred to the Community and Regional             
Affairs Committee.                                                             

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0192
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
Honoring - Chugiak Mustangs Post 33 Baseball Team                              
Senator(s) R. Phillips, Halford, Pearce, Donley, Leman, Kelly,                 
Taylor, Mackie, Parnell, Duncan,  Lincoln, Wilken, Green                       
Representative(s) Dyson, Kohring                                               
Honoring - Chugiak High School Mens Track Team                                 
Senator(s) R. Phillips, Halford, Pearce, Donley, Leman, Kelly,                 
Taylor, Mackie, Parnell, Duncan,  Lincoln, Wilken, Green                       
Representative(s) Dyson, Kohring                                               
Honoring - Walter and Vivian Teeland, 1997 Business Hall of Fame               
Representative(s) Kohring, Ogan, Masek                                         
Senator(s) Green, Halford, Pearce, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Mackie,               
Parnell, Duncan, Lincoln                                                       
Honoring - Janette Rogers, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce 1996                   
Outstanding Student of the Year                                                
Representative(s) Davis, G. Phillips, Hodgins, Parnell                         
Senator(s) Torgerson, Pearce, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Mackie, Duncan,            
Lincoln, Wilken, Ward, Green, Parnell                                          
Honoring - Holly Marie Fraser, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce                    
1996 Outstanding Student of the Year                                           
Representative(s) Davis, G. Phillips, Hodgins                                  
Senator(s) Torgerson, Pearce, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Mackie, Parnell,           
Duncan, Lincoln, Wilken, Ward, Green                                           
Honoring - Charlie Weimer, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce 1996                   
Business Person of the Year                                                    
Representative(s) Davis, G. Phillips, Hodgins                                  
Senator(s) Torgerson, Pearce, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Mackie, Parnell,           
Duncan, Lincoln, Wilken, Ward, Green                                           

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0193
Honoring - Bob and Mary Lambe, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce                    
1996 Devoted Service to Young People Award                                     
Representative(s) Davis, G. Phillips, Hodgins                                  
Senator(s) Torgerson, Pearce, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Mackie, Parnell,           
Duncan, Lincoln, Wilken, Ward, Green                                           
In Memoriam - Jessie Dalton                                                    
Representative(s) Kookesh, Kubina                                              
Senator(s) Mackie, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Parnell, Duncan, Lincoln,             
Green, Pearce                                                                  
In Memoriam - Robert John Modrell                                              
Representative(s) Grussendorf                                                  
Senator(s) Taylor, Leman, Kelly, Mackie, Parnell, Duncan, Lincoln,             
In Memoriam - Robert E. Sanden                                                 
Senator(s) R. Phillips, Halford, Donley, Leman, Kelly, Taylor,                 
Mackie, Parnell, Duncan, Lincoln, Green                                        
Representative(s) Dyson, Kohring                                               
In Memoriam - Daniel L. Hill                                                   
Representative(s) Kohring, Ogan, Masek                                         
Senator(s) Green, Halford, Leman, Kelly, Taylor, Mackie, Parnell,              
Duncan, Lincoln                                                                
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the citations            
be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted and                 
referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                     
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that President                
Miller be excused from the Senate, not subject to a call, through              
plane time February 3.  Without objection, Senator Miller was                  

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0194
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                   
excused from a call of the Senate on February 3.  Without objection,           
Senator Halford was excused.                                                   
Senator Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                  
excused from a call of the Senate from 6:30 p.m., January 31                   
through 9:30 a.m. February 3.  Without objection, Senator Phillips             
was excused.                                                                   
Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                     
excused from a call of the Senate from January 31, afternoon,                  
through morning plane time on February 3.  Without objection,                  
Senator Ellis was excused.                                                     
SB 25                                                                        
Senator Donley moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                    
shown as a cosponsor on SENATE BILL NO. 25 An Act relating                     
to authorizing the Department of Corrections to provide an automated           
victim notification and prisoner information system.  Without                  
objection, it was so ordered.                                                  
SB 68                                                                        
Senator Green, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent that the               
publication notice be waived on SENATE BILL NO. 68 An Act                      
relating to the Task Force on Privatization; and providing for an              
effective date for the State Affairs Committee meeting on February             
6 at 3:30 p.m.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                          
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0195
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in adjournment until 10:45 a.m., February 3, 1997.  Without              
objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:13 a.m.                                  
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                          January 1997         

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0196
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who         
require special accommodation or alternative communication formats to          
access committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or      
the Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance      
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call     
the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                            
                          SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES                          
+ indicates teleconference                                                    
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
JAN 31                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
FEB 03                          MONDAY  1:30 PM                                
	SB  62CITIES:  PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES                                     
+	SB  64SHUYAK ISLAND STATE PARK                                              
FEB 05                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
	SB  23EXCISE TAXES ON TRANSIENT LODGING                                      
	SB  50PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY VIOL: ADMIN PENALTIES                              
FEB 07                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
FEB 19                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
	SB   5EXCISE FEE ON PASSENGER SHIP TRAVELERS                                 
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
JAN 31                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
+	SB  29STATE AID TO MUNICIPALITIES & UNORG. BOR.                             
	OVERVIEW OF STATE EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENEFIT                                    
	PLANS AND CURRENT YEAR CONTRACT STATUS                                       
FEB 03                          MONDAY  9:00 AM                                
	CONTINUATION OF STATE EMPLOYEE HEALTH                                        
	BENEFIT PLANS AND CURRENT YR CONTRACT                                        

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0197
                              FINANCE CONTINUED                              
FEB 04                          TUESDAY  9:00 AM                               
	OMBUDSMAN PRESENTATION                                                       
FEB 05                         WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
	SB  56BUSINESS SIGNS/OUTDOOR ADVERTISING                                     
	SB   1NO FRILLS PRISON ACT                                                   
		<BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD>                                                     
FEB 06                         THURSDAY  9:00 AM                               
	FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE: WELFARE REFORM IMPLE-                                  
	MENTATION, FISCAL ISSUES. SEN. PHILLIPS, CH                                  
FEB 06                         THURSDAY  4:00 PM                               
                                HOUSE FIN RM 519                               
	-- LOCATION AND TIME CHANGE --                                               
	DISCUSSION OF CURRENT STATE LITIGATION                                       
	JOINT H & S FINANCE AND RESOURCE COMMITTEES                                  
	IN EXECUTIVE SESSION WITH THE DEPT. OF LAW                                   
FEB 07                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
JAN 31                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
	SB  24PARENTAL CONSENT BEFORE MINORS ABORTION                                
	<BILL HELD FROM PREVIOUS CALENDAR>                                           
+	SB  51APPROVE CENTRALIZED PUBLIC HEALTH LAB                                 
	SB  38ANATOMICAL GIFTS,LIVING WILLS & DNR ORDER                              
FEB 03                          MONDAY  9:00 AM                                
	<BILLS HELD FROM PREVIOUS CALENDARS>                                         
FEB 03                           MONDAY 9:30 AM                                
	JOINT HEARING WITH THE HOUSE HESS COMMITTEE                                  
	PRESENTATION BY THE MILKEN FOUNDATION AWARD                                  

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0198
                HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES CONTINUED                
FEB 05                         WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
+	SB  13INCREASE TOBACCO TAXES                                                
+	SB  61INCREASE TOBACCO TAXES                                                
FEB 07                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
JAN 31                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
FEB 03                          MONDAY  1:30 PM                                
+	SB  39HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS, MATERIALS, AND WASTE                             
FEB 05                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
	SJR  3PRISONER RIGHTS LIMITED TO FEDERAL RIGHTS                              
+	CONFIRMATION HEARING: PUBLIC DEFENDER                                       
FEB 07                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
FEB 04                          TUESDAY  1:30 PM                               
	SB  55AMEND DEFINITION OF PROGRAM RECEIPTS                                   
	<BILL HELD FROM 1/30/97>                                                     
FEB 06                         THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
JAN 31                          FRIDAY  3:30 PM                                
                               SEN FINANCE RM 532                              
	-- LOCATION CHANGE --                                                        
	JOINT MEETING WITH HOUSE RESOURCES                                           
	BRIEFING: NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, COMINCO, AK                                 

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0199
                             RESOURCES CONTINUED                             
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 03                          MONDAY  3:30 PM                                
	HCR  1NORTH SLOPE NATURAL GAS PROJECT                                        
	SB   7HUNTING SPORT FISH TRAPPING FEES/LICENSES                              
	SB   8AIRPORT/SHOOTING FACILITY NOISE LEVELS                                 
FEB 05                         WEDNESDAY  3:30 PM                              
	SB  35MANAGEMENT OF PARKS & RECREATIONAL AREAS                               
	SB  19FISH & GAME COMNR NOT TO ENFORCE FED LAW                               
	SJR  8PRIMARY MFG OF PUBLICLY OWNED TIMBER                                   
FEB 06                         THURSDAY  1:00 PM                               
                               SEN FINANCE RM 532                              
	-- LOCATION AND TIME CHANGE --                                               
	JOINT MEETING WITH HOUSE RESOURCES                                           
	OVERSIGHT HEARING: RS 2477 RIGHTS OF WAY                                     
FEB 07                          FRIDAY  3:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
FEB 04                          TUESDAY  3:30 PM                               
	SB  67TRUTH IN SENTENCING                                                    
  EO 98   	TRANSFERRING WEIGHTS AND MEASURES                                   
	FROM DCED AND DPS TO DOT/PF                                                  
  EO 99   	ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY OF                                    
	AS 28 (MOTOR VEHICLES) FROM DPS TO DOA                                       
FEB 06                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
	OVERVIEW AND REPORT: GOV, BOARDS & COMMS                                     
	SB  68TASK FORCE ON PRIVATIZATION                                            
	<PUBLICATION NOTICE WAIVED>                                                  
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 04                          TUESDAY  1:30 PM                               
	SB  10MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD - GUSTAVUS                                          
	SB  46NEW FERRY NAMED M.V. KENNICOTT                                         

1997-01-31                     Senate Journal                      Page 0200
                           TRANSPORTATION CONTINUED                          
FEB 06                         THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                       ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION REVIEW                      
                                CAPITOL ROOM 102                               
FEB 04                          TUESDAY 12:00 PM                               
                      SELECT CMTE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS                      
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
FEB 04                          TUESDAY  1:00 PM                               
+	FULL COMMITTEE TELECONFERENCE                                               
	ETHICS CODE AMENDMENTS DISCUSSION                                            
                             LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                             
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
JAN 31                          FRIDAY  5:00 PM                                
	RESCHEDULED FROM 1/29/97                                                     
                                OTHER MEETINGS                               
                                JOINT SESSION                                
                                 HOUSE CHAMBER                                 
FEB 03                          MONDAY 11:00 AM                                
	ADDRESS BY U.S. SENATOR FRANK MURKOWSKI                                      
                               MAJORITY CAUCUS                               
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
JAN 31                          FRIDAY 11:15 AM