Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1996-04-11 Senate Journal

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1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3145
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                    NINETEENTH LEGISLATURE - SECOND SESSION                    
Juneau, Alaska                      Thursday                                   
                                Ninety-fifth Day                               
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Pearce at 11:10 a.m.                                                           
The roll showed fifteen members present.  Senators Donley, Ellis,              
Green, Rieger, Sharp were absent.                                              
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, the Reverend Rich                      
Zimmerman of the Chapel by the Lake Church.  Senator Duncan                    
moved and asked unanimous consent that the prayer be spread.                   
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                          
God of freedom, we remember this morning the great freedoms we                 
enjoy in this country.  We give thanks for the freedom that is                 
represented by this Senate assembled here from all over our great              
state.  We as a people have freely chosen these individuals to lead            
Help us not to take our freedom for granted.  We remember that in              
the history of this world, democracy is an extremely recent form of            
government.  And even today, as we survey the globe, we realize                
that many peoples are not free.                                                
Help us also to remember that our freedom has been purchased by                
the lives of men and women who loved country more than self and                
gave their lives that we might live in freedom.                                
Democracy is not easy.  These Senators and their legislative aides             
and assistants and all of the staffs of assistants that work to make           
this democracy possible have all made sacrifices in order to be here           
today undertaking this work.  Bless them and their families as they            
give of themselves in this manner.                                             

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3146
Help us as a state to order our laws and affairs in a manner worthy            
of this great freedom.  Help us to live up to the examples of                  
diligence and self-sacrifice that are laid out before us.  May this            
legislative process yield laws that are not merely beneficial to our           
interests, but that are also good, true and right in light of Your             
perfect law.                                                     Amen.         
Senator Frank led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance.                      
The presence of Senators Donley, Ellis, Sharp was noted.                       
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal             
for the ninety-fourth legislative day be approved as certified by the          
Secretary.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                              
The presence of Senator Green was noted.                                       
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
HB 226                                                                       
Message of April 10 was read, stating the House concurred in the               
Senate amendment to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 226 (FIN) am,                        
thus adopting:                                                                 
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
An Act permitting the provision of different                                  
retirement and health benefits to certain employees                            
by differentiating between benefits provided to                                
employees with spouses or children and to other                                
Message of April 10 was read, stating the House passed and                     
transmitted for consideration:                                                 

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3147
                  FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF HOUSE BILLS                 
HB 339                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 339(JUD) am BY THE HOUSE                                 
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                 
An Act relating to children-in-need-of-aid                                    
proceedings; relating to the termination of parental                           
rights of incarcerated parents; and providing for an                           
effective date.                                                                
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and              
Social Services Committee.                                                     
HB 432                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 432 BY THE HOUSE LABOR & COMMERCE                               
COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                           
An Act relating to the practice of veterinary                                 
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce                 
The following report was received and is on file in the Office of the          
Secretary of the Senate:                                                       
The Alaska Ombudsman Report, 1995                                              
from Stuart C. Hall, Ombudsman                                                 
in accordance with AS 24.55.230                                                
(Distributed to all Senators)                                                  
Disclosure letter was received in accordance with AS 24.60 and will            
be published in Senate Journal Supplement No. 12.                              
The presence of Senator Rieger was noted.                                      

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3148
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
SCR 27                                                                       
Zero fiscal note for SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO.                          
27 Suspending Uniform Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e) of the                 
Alaska State Legislature concerning House Bill No. 335, relating to            
the Big Game Commercial Services Board and the occupations                     
regulated by the board, published today from the Rules Committee.              
SB 177                                                                       
Fiscal note for the CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 177(FIN) An Act                     
relating to permits to carry concealed handguns; and relating to               
possession of firearms on state ferries published today from                   
Department of Public Safety.                                                   
SB 244                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 244 An                        
Act relating to state foundation aid and supplementary state aid for           
education; and providing for an effective date and recommended it              
be replaced with                                                               
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 244(FIN)                                               
Signing do pass: Senator Frank, Cochair.  Signing no                           
recommendation: Senator Halford, Cochair, Senators Rieger, Phillips,           
Donley, Sharp.  Signing no recommendation, no single/duel sites!:              
Senator Zharoff.                                                               
Fiscal note for the committee substitute published today from                  
Department of Education.                                                       
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
SB 284                                                                       
The Resources Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 284 An                      
Act relating to the four dam pool transfer fund and the power                  
development fund and recommended it be replaced with                           

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3149
SB 284                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 284(RES), entitled:                                    
An Act relating to bonds issued to repair, improve,                           
or maintain the four dam pool; and relating to the                             
four dam pool transfer fund and the power                                      
development fund.                                                              
Signing do pass: Senator Leman, Chair.  Signing no                             
recommendation: Senators Halford, Pearce, Taylor, Frank, Lincoln.              
Fiscal note information forthcoming.  Previous zero fiscal notes apply         
to the committee substitute.                                                   
The bill was referred to the State Affairs Committee.                          
SB 307                                                                       
Forthcoming fiscal note (page 3110) for the Finance Committee                  
Substitute for SENATE BILL NO. 307 An Act authorizing the                      
Department of Natural Resources to exchange with the federal                   
government state land within, and adjoining, Dude Creek Critical               
Habitat Area for federal land adjacent to Fall Creek; and providing            
for an effective date published today from Department of Natural               
SB 320                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 320 An                      
Act increasing the number of superior court judges designated for the          
Third Judicial District to provide an additional superior court judge          
at Dillingham.  Signing do pass:  Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators              
Ellis, Green, Miller, Adams.                                                   
Fiscal note information forthcoming.                                           
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3150
SB 321                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 321 An                      
Act relating to civil commitment of a criminal defendant who is                
found to be mentally incompetent.  Signing do pass:  Senator                   
Taylor, Chair, Senator Miller.  Signing do pass - with work in Rules:          
Senator Green.  Signing amend:  Senator Ellis.  Signing do not pass:           
Senator Adams.                                                                 
Zero fiscal notes published today from Department of Law,                      
Department of Administration.  Fiscal note published today from                
Department of Health and Social Services.                                      
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HJR 52                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE JOINT                          
RESOLUTION NO. 52(JUD) am Relating to the creation of a new                    
United States Court of Appeals for the Twelfth Circuit.  Signing do            
pass: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators Green, Miller.  Signing no               
recommendation: Senators Ellis, Adams.                                         
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HJR 54                                                                       
The Resources Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE JOINT                          
RESOLUTION NO. 54(RES) am Encouraging the lessees of Alaska's                  
vast North Slope natural gas reserves to reach agreement to market             
gas, expressing the legislature's support for an Alaska North Slope            
(ANS) gas transmission pipeline, and requesting the President of the           
United States and the Governor of the State of Alaska to publicly              
support and take action that will help expedite the construction of            
that system, and recommended it be replaced with                               
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE JOINT                                              
RESOLUTION NO. 54(RES)                                                         
Signing do pass: Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Hoffman, Lincoln,              
Taylor, Pearce, Frank, Halford.                                                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3151
HJR 54                                                                       
Previous House zero fiscal note applies.                                       
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.                            
HB 104                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR SPONSOR                              
SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 104(JUD) am An Act                               
relating to disclosures of information about certain minors and                
recommended it be replaced with                                                
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR SPONSOR                                                  
SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 104(JUD)                                         
Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators Green, Miller.                
Signing no recommendation: Senators Ellis, Adams.                              
Forthcoming fiscal notes (page 2538) for the Health, Education and             
Social Services Senate Committee Substitute published today from               
Alaska Court System, Department of Health and Social Services (8).             
Zero fiscal notes for the Judiciary Senate Committee Substitute                
published today from Alaska Court System, Department of Public                 
Safety, Department of Education.  Previous fiscal notes and zero               
fiscal notes apply.                                                            
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                
HB 272                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                         
272(FIN) An Act relating to municipal taxation of motor vehicles;              
and providing for an effective date and recommended it be replaced             
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
Signing do pass: Senator Frank, Cochair.  Signing no                           
recommendation: Senator Halford, Cochair, Senators Rieger, Phillips.           

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3152
HB 272                                                                       
Previous House fiscal note and zero fiscal note apply.                         
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HB 311                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
311(JUD) An Act relating to the hours a person may be employed                 
in a mine; and requiring that workers be paid for certain time                 
worked in a mine.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator Taylor,                 
Chair.  Signing do pass:  Senators Green, Miller, Adams.  Signing              
do not pass:  Senator Ellis.                                                   
Previous House zero fiscal notes.                                              
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HB 335                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                         
335(RES)(title am) An Act extending the termination date of the                
Big Game Commercial Services Board; eliminating the requirement                
for a commercial use permit and for payment of commercial use                  
permit fees; amending the membership of the Big Game Commercial                
Services Board; relating to the qualifications for an assistant guide-         
outfitter license; eliminating the requirement for testing of assistant        
guide-outfitters; providing for additional licensing requirements for          
transporters; eliminating the requirement for prior approval to enter          
or remain on state and federal land; eliminating the requirement to            
register base camps; amending the definition of `big game                      
commercial services'; and providing for an effective date and                  
recommended it be replaced with                                                
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
335(FIN), entitled:  An Act relating to big game                               
guides and transporters; and providing for an                                  
effective date.                                                                
Title change authorized by SCR 27                                             
Signing do pass:  Senators Frank, Halford, Cochairs.  Signing no               
recommendation:  Senators Rieger, Phillips.                                    

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3153
HB 335                                                                       
Fiscal notes for the committee substitute published today from                 
Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Department                    
of Fish and Game, Department of Public Safety.                                 
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HB 357                                                                       
The Resources Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
357(RES) An Act relating to the issuance of hunting, trapping, and             
noncommercial fishing licenses, tags, and permits and to residency             
for fish and game purposes; and providing for an effective date and            
recommended it be replaced with                                                
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
Signing do pass: Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Pearce, Halford.               
Signing no recommendation: Senators Taylor, Lincoln.                           
Previous House zero fiscal note applies.                                       
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HB 386                                                                       
The Community and Regional Affairs Committee considered CS FOR                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 386(JUD) An Act relating to cruelty to animals                  
and to the power of first and second class boroughs to prohibit                
cruelty to animals and recommended it be replaced with                         
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
Signing do pass: Senator Torgerson, Chair, Senators Phillips,                  
Hoffman.  Signing no recommendation: Senators Zharoff, Kelly.                  
Fiscal note information forthcoming.                                           
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3154
HB 465                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered CS              
FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 465(HES) am An Act relating to                              
employment of teachers and school administrators and to public                 
school collective bargaining and recommended it be replaced with               
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
465(HES), entitled: An Act relating to employment                              
of teachers and school administrators and to public                            
school collective bargaining; and providing for an                             
effective date.                                                                
(technical title change)                                                      
Signing do pass:  Senator Green, Chair, Senators Miller, Leman.                
Signing do not pass:  Senators Ellis, Salo.                                    
Previous House zero fiscal note applies.                                       
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                  
HB 466                                                                       
The Community and Regional Affairs Committee considered CS FOR                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 466(FIN) am An Act establishing the Adak                        
Reuse Authority and recommended it be replaced with                            
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
Signing do pass: Senator Torgerson, Chair, Senators Kelly, Hoffman.            
Signing no recommendation: Senators Zharoff, Phillips.                         
Previous House fiscal note and zero fiscal note apply.                         
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                
HB 542                                                                       
The Community and Regional Affairs Committee considered CS FOR                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 542(FSH) An Act relating to participation in                    
matters before the Board of Fisheries by members of the board and              
recommended it be replaced with                                                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3155
HB 542                                                                       
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
542(CRA), entitled: An Act relating to participation                           
in matters before the Board of Fisheries by members                            
of the board; and providing for an effective date.                             
(technical title change)                                                       
Signing do pass: Senator Torgerson, Chair, Senators Phillips, Zharoff.         
Signing no recommendation: Senators Hoffman, Kelly.                            
Previous House zero fiscal notes apply.                                        
The bill was referred to the State Affairs Committee.                          
SCR 29                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE CONCURRENT                               
RESOLUTION NO. 29 Objecting to the Department of                               
Administration's settlement with certain employees of the Alaska               
marine highway system.  Signing to calendar: Senator Miller, Chair,            
Senators Pearce, Sharp.                                                        
The resolution is on today's calendar.                                         
SB 263                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 263 An Act                      
relating to copyright licensing and royalties; and providing for an            
effective date.  Signing to calendar: Senator Miller, Chair, Senators          
Pearce, Sharp.                                                                 
The bill is on today's calendar.                                               
SB 280                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 280 An Act                      
relating to the mandatory incorporation of certain boroughs in the             
unorganized borough.  Signing to calendar: Senator Miller, Chair,              
Senators Pearce, Sharp.                                                        
The bill is on today's calendar.                                               

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3156
                          SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS                          
HB 32                                                                        
The Conference Committee Report (page 2836) recommending the                   
adoption of:                                                                   
CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32                                           
An Act relating to administrative proceedings                                 
involving a determination of eligibility for a                                 
permanent fund dividend or authority to claim a                                
dividend on behalf of another; and providing for an                            
effective date.                                                                
was before the Senate.                                                         
Senator Halford moved that the Senate adopt the Conference                     
Committee Report, thus adopting CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE                        
BILL NO. 32.                                                                   
The question being: Shall CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL                         
NO. 32 An Act relating to administrative proceedings involving a               
determination of eligibility for a permanent fund dividend or                  
authority to claim a dividend on behalf of another; and providing for          
an effective date pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the                
following result:                                                              
CONFERENCE CS HB 32                                                            
Shall the Senate adopt the Conference                                          
Committee Report?                                                              
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Rieger,            
Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                                       
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, R.Phillips,             
Salo, Zharoff                                                                  
and so, CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32 passed the                         

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3157
HB 32                                                                        
Senator Halford moved the effective date clause.                               
The question being: Shall the effective date clause be adopted?                
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CONFERENCE CS HB 32                                                            
Effective Date Vote                                                            
YEAS:  15   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Duncan, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Zharoff                    
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln                                  
and so, the effective date clause was adopted.                                 
The Secretary was requested to notify the House.                               
                  INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS                 
SB 323                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 323 BY THE SENATE LABOR AND                                    
COMMERCE COMMITTEE BY REQUEST, entitled:                                       
An Act relating to investments by fiduciaries; and                            
providing for an effective date.                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Finance Committees.                                                            

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3158
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
                        SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 263                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 263 An Act relating to copyright licensing and                 
royalties; and providing for an effective date was read the second             
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Judiciary Committee Substitute offered on page 3091.                    
Without objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 263(JUD) was                         
adopted and read the second time.                                              
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be             
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final            
passage.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 263(JUD) was read the third time.                       
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 263(JUD)                      
An Act relating to copyright licensing and royalties; and providing            
for an effective date pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the            
following result:                                                              
CSSB 263(JUD)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  18   NAYS:  2   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Frank, Green, Hoffman, Kelly,                    
Leman, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp,               
Taylor, Torgerson, Zharoff                                                     
Nays:  Ellis, Halford                                                          
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 263(JUD) passed the Senate.                     
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote                
on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective             
date clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                            

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3159
SB 263                                                                       
Senator Ellis gave notice of reconsideration.                                  
                       RECONSIDERATION OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 177                                                                       
Senator Duncan requested that the reconsideration on CS FOR                    
SENATE BILL NO. 177(FIN) am An Act relating to permits to                      
carry concealed handguns; and relating to possession of firearms on            
state ferries be taken up.                                                     
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 177(FIN) am was before the Senate on                    
The question to be reconsidered: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL                      
NO. 177(FIN) am An Act relating to permits to carry concealed                  
handguns; and relating to possession of firearms on state ferries              
pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                
CSSB 177(FIN) am                                                               
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
YEAS:  13   NAYS:  7   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Lincoln, Miller,           
Pearce, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                         
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, R.Phillips, Rieger, Zharoff              
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 177(FIN) am passed the                          
Senate on reconsideration and was referred to the Secretary for                
SB 289                                                                       
Senator Frank requested that the reconsideration on CS FOR                     
SENATE BILL NO. 289(FIN) An Act relating to runaways, other                    
minors, and their families or legal custodians; and amending Rule 7,           
Alaska Delinquency Rules be taken up.                                          
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 289(FIN) was before the Senate on                       

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3160
SB 289                                                                       
Senator Frank moved that the bill be returned to second reading for            
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 1.               
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                    
Senators Frank, Duncan offered Amendment No. 1 :                                
Page 4, line 11:                                                               
	Delete "or for believing that the minor is a child in need                  
of aid"                                                                      
Page 4, line 13:                                                               
	Delete "or child-in-need-of-aid"                                          
Page 4, line 15, following "petition.":                                        
	Insert "If the court finds probable cause to believe the                    
child is a child in need of aid, it shall proceed under AS                     
47.10.142(e) and order the minor to remain in the placement                    
chosen for the minor by the department or the minor's parent                   
or guardian, as applicable."                                                 
Senator Frank moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                       
Without objection, Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 289(FIN) am was automatically in                        
third reading.                                                                 
The question to be reconsidered: Shall CS SENATE BILL NO.                      
289(FIN) am An Act relating to runaways, other minors, and their               
families or legal custodians; and amending Rule 7, Alaska                      
Delinquency Rules pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the                
following result:                                                              
CSSB 289(FIN) am                                                               
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
Court Rule Change                                                              
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Green, Halford,                    
Hoffman, Kelly, Leman, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Zharoff                                        

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3161
SB 289                                                                       
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 289(FIN) am passed the                          
Senate on reconsideration.                                                     
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote                
on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the Court Rule            
change.  Without objection, it was so ordered and the bill was                 
referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                                     
SB 199                                                                       
Senator Duncan requested that the reconsideration on CS FOR                    
SENATE BILL NO. 199(FIN) An Act relating to environmental                      
audits and health and safety audits to determine compliance with               
certain laws, permits, and regulations be taken up.                            
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 199(FIN) was before the Senate on                       
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the                     
reconsideration on CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 199(FIN) be placed                   
at the bottom of today's calendar.  Without objection, it was so               
                        RECONSIDERATION OF HOUSE BILLS                       
HB 468                                                                       
Senator Frank requested that the reconsideration on SENATE CS                  
FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 468(FIN) An Act making                               
supplemental appropriations for the expenses of state government and           
making and amending appropriations; ratifying certain state                    
expenditures; and providing for an effective date be taken up.                 
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 468(FIN) was before                        
the Senate on reconsideration.                                                 
President Pearce called the Senate.  The call was satisfied.                   
Senator Donley moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be              
returned to second reading for the purpose of a specific amendment,            
that being Amendment No. 1.  Without objection, the bill was                   
returned to second reading.                                                    

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3162
HB 468                                                                       
Senator Donley offered Amendment No. 7 :                                        
Page 2, line 3:                                                                
	Delete $195,000                                                               
	Insert  $100,000                                                              
Senator Donley moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 7.                      
Senator Lincoln objected.                                                      
The question being: Shall Amendment No. 7 be adopted?  The roll                
was taken with the following result:                                           
SCS CSHB 468(FIN)                                                              
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 7                                                                
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                               
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, R.Phillips, Salo,               
and so, Amendment No. 7 was adopted.                                           
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 468(FIN) am S was                          
automatically in third reading.                                                
The question to be reconsidered: Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 468(FIN) am S An Act making supplemental                        
appropriations for the expenses of state government and making and             
amending appropriations; ratifying certain state expenditures; and             
providing for an effective date pass the Senate?  The roll was                 
taken with the following result:                                               

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3163
HB 468                                                                       
SCS CSHB 468(FIN) am S                                                         
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  16   NAYS:  4   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Frank, Green, Halford, Hoffman, Kelly, Leman,                    
Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson,            
Nays:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Lincoln                                          
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 468(FIN) am                        
S passed the Senate on reconsideration.                                        
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote                
on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective             
date clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                            
Senator Duncan rose to a point of order on adopting the                        
Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund in Section 8 separately.                    
President Pearce ruled the point in order.                                     
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote                
on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the Budget                
Reserve Fund Section.  Without objection, it was so ordered and the            
bill was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                            
                  SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS CONTINUED                   
SB 280                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 280 An Act relating to the mandatory                           
incorporation of certain boroughs in the unorganized borough was               
read the second time.                                                          

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3164
SB 280                                                                       
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent for the                      
adoption of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 3099.             
Senator Adams objected, then withdrew his objection.  There being              
no further objections, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 280(FIN) An                      
Act relating to municipalities; the incorporation of certain boroughs          
in the unorganized borough; the formation of separate unorganized              
boroughs; and to property taxation in the unorganized boroughs was             
adopted and read the second time.                                              
Senator Torgerson offered Amendment No. 1 :                                     
Page 1, line 3:                                                                
	Delete "property"                                                           
Page 4, lines 7 and 8:                                                         
	Delete "four mills plus cost of collection, or equivalency,"                  
	Insert  "six mills"                                                           
Page 4, lines 16 - 18:                                                         
	Delete all material and insert:                                               
   "* Sec. 7.  The Department of Community and Regional Affairs              
shall develop a proposed method of levying and collecting taxes in             
separate unorganized boroughs formed under sec. 6 of this Act,                 
proposed rates of taxation, and a proposed method of establishing              
boards of equalization in each of the unorganized boroughs.  The               
department shall obtain and consider public input on the question of           
establishing a tax system in the unorganized boroughs.  The                    
department shall prepare draft legislation establishing a tax system,          
rates of taxation, and a board of equalization in each of the                  
unorganized boroughs.  The draft legislation must also conform the             
statutes to sec. 6 of this Act, except that the legislation may modify         
the property tax imposed under that section.  By January1, 1998,               
the department shall submit the draft legislation to the senate and the        
house of representatives."                                                     
Senator Torgerson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                   
Senator Adams objected.                                                        
The question being: Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?  The roll                
was taken with the following result:                                           

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3165
SB 280                                                                       
CSSB 280(FIN)                                                                  
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 1                                                                
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                             
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Zharoff                         
and so, Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                           
Amendment No. 2 was not offered.                                               
Senator Adams offered Amendment No. 3 :                                         
Page 3, line 17, following "(c)":                                              
	Insert  "A borough incorporation proposal submitted under                     
(b) of  this section to the Local Boundary Commission must include             
an assessment of the taxable property in the region proposed for               
incorporation prepared by the state assessor based on its full and true        
value as of January 1 of the year the proposal is submitted."                  
Senator Adams moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 3.                       
Objections were heard.                                                         
The question being: Shall Amendment No. 3 be adopted?  The roll                
was taken with the following result:                                           
CSSB 280(FIN) am                                                               
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 3                                                                
YEAS:  6   NAYS:  14   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Zharoff                         
Nays:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                             
and so, Amendment No. 3 failed.                                                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3166
SB 280                                                                       
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be             
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final            
passage.  Senator Adams objected.                                              
The question being: Shall the bill be advanced to third reading?               
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CSSB 280(FIN) am                                                               
Advance from Second to Third Reading?                                          
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,                    
R.Phillips, Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                   
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Salo,                   
and so, the bill failed to advance to third reading.                           
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 280(FIN) am will appear on the April                    
12 calendar.                                                                   
                        THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS                        
SB 64                                                                        
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that CS FOR                  
SENATE BILL NO. 64(FIN) am An Act relating to the sale of the                  
Alaska Railroad; and providing for an effective date be placed at              
the bottom of today's calendar.  Without objection, it was so                  
SB 247                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 247(RLS) was read the third time.                       
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 247(RLS)                      
An Act restricting the use of certain funds deposited in the fish and          
game fund; amending Rules 79(b) and 82(b)(2), Alaska Rules of                  
Civil Procedure, and relating to the powers and duties of the                  
commissioner of fish and game; and providing for an effective date             
pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the following result:                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3167
SB 247                                                                       
CSSB 247(RLS)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  10   NAYS:  10   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                             
Yeas:  Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Sharp,             
Taylor, Torgerson                                                              
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, R.Phillips,             
Rieger, Salo, Zharoff                                                          
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 247(RLS) failed.                                
Senator Taylor gave notice of reconsideration.                                 
President Pearce lifted the call.                                              
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate              
stand in recess to a call of the Chair.  Without objection, the Senate         
recessed at 2:36 p.m.                                                          
                                AFTER RECESS                                 
The Senate reconvened at 5:41 p.m.                                             
                   THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS CONTINUED                   
SB 253                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 253(FIN) An Act relating to                             
insurance coverage for costs of prostate cancer or cervical cancer             
detection was read the third time.                                             
President Pearce called the Senate.  The call was satisfied.                   

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3168
SB 253                                                                       
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 253(FIN)                      
An Act relating to insurance coverage for costs of prostate cancer             
or cervical cancer detection pass the Senate?  The roll was taken              
with the following result:                                                     
CSSB 253(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  1   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Hoffman,                  
Kelly, Leman, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo,               
Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Zharoff                                              
Nays:  Green                                                                   
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 253(FIN) passed the Senate.                     
Senator Kelly gave notice of reconsideration.                                  
SB 262                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 262(RES) was read the third time.                       
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 262(RES)                      
An Act relating to management of game populations for maximum                  
sustained yield for human harvest and providing for the replacement            
of areas closed to consumptive uses of game; relating to management            
of fish and game areas; and amending Rules 79(b) and 82(b)(2),                 
Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure pass the Senate?  The roll was                 
taken with the following result:                                               
CSSB 262(RES)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
R.Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                           
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Rieger, Salo,                   
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 262(RES) passed the Senate.                     

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3169
SB 262                                                                       
Senator Halford moved for the adoption of the Court Rule changes.              
The question being: Shall the Court Rule changes be adopted? The               
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
CSSB 262(RES)                                                                  
Adopt Court Rule Changes?                                                      
YEAS:  13   NAYS:  7   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
R.Phillips, Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                   
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Salo, Zharoff                   
and so, the Court Rule changes failed and CS FOR SENATE BILL                   
NO. 262(RES)(ct rule fld) was referred to the Secretary for                    
                     SECOND READING OF SENATE RESOLUTIONS                    
SCR 29                                                                       
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29 Objecting to the                           
Department of Administration's settlement with certain employees of            
the Alaska marine highway system, was read the second time.                    
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent for the                      
adoption of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 3098.             
Senator Duncan objected, then withdrew his objection.  There being             
no further objections, CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT                                
RESOLUTION NO. 29(FIN) was adopted, read the second time.                      
Senator Halford offered Amendment No. 1 :                                       
Page 3, following line 1, add a new section:                                   
FURTHER RESOLVED that if by April 25, 1996 the special                        
investigator has not been appointed or no report has been                      
made to the Speaker of the House and President of the                          
Senate that the presiding officers jointly agree to appoint a                  
special investigator to proceed and request time before a                      
grand jury if warranted.                                                       

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3170
SCR 29                                                                       
Senator Halford moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                     
Senator Duncan objected.                                                       
The question being: Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?  The roll                
was taken with the following result:                                           
CSSCR 29(FIN)                                                                  
Second Reading - Final Passage                                                 
Amendment No. 1                                                                
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,                    
R.Phillips, Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                   
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Salo,                   
and so, Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                           
Senator Kelly offered Amendment No. 2 :                                         
Page 3, line 1:                                                                
	Delete 15                                                                     
	Insert  26                                                                    
Senator Kelly moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2.                       
Senator Kelly moved and asked unanimous consent for the following              
amendment to Amendment No. 2:                                                  
	Delete 26                                                                     
	Insert  24                                                                    
Without objection, the amendment to Amendment No. 2 was                        
Without objection, Amendment No. 2 as amended was adopted.                     

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3171
SCR 29                                                                       
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT                             
RESOLUTION NO. 29(FIN) am Objecting to the Department of                       
Administration's settlement with certain employees of the Alaska               
marine highway system, pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with               
the following result:                                                          
CSSCR 29(FIN) am                                                               
Second Reading - Final Passage                                                 
YEAS:  13   NAYS:  7   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,            
R.Phillips, Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                   
Nays:  Adams, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Salo, Zharoff                   
and so, CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO.                                
29(FIN) am passed the Senate.                                                  
Senator Zharoff gave notice of reconsideration.                                
                        SENATE BILLS IN THIRD READING                        
SB 199                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 199(FIN) which had been placed at                       
the bottom of today's calendar (page 3161) was before the Senate on            
The question to be reconsidered: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL                      
NO. 199(FIN) An Act relating to environmental audits and health                
and safety audits to determine compliance with certain laws, permits,          
and regulations pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the                  
following result:                                                              

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3172
SB 199                                                                       
CSSB 199(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce,                    
R.Phillips, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                           
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Lincoln, Rieger,                 
Salo, Zharoff                                                                  
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 199(FIN) passed the Senate on                   
reconsideration and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.             
                        THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS                        
SB 64                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 64(FIN) am An Act relating to the                       
sale of the Alaska Railroad; and providing for an effective date               
which had been placed at the bottom of today's calendar (page 3166)            
was read the third time.                                                       
The question being: Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 64(FIN) am                    
An Act relating to the sale of the Alaska Railroad; and providing              
for an effective date pass the Senate?  The roll was taken with the            
following result:                                                              
CSSB 64(FIN) am                                                                
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Frank, Green, Halford, Leman, Miller, Pearce,                    
R.Phillips, Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson                                   
Nays:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Hoffman, Kelly, Lincoln, Salo, Zharoff           
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 64(FIN) am passed the Senate.                   

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3173
SB 64                                                                        
Senator Halford moved the effective date clause.                               
The question being: Shall the effective date clause be adopted?                
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CSSB 64(FIN) am                                                                
Effective Date Vote                                                            
YEAS:  15   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Frank, Green, Halford, Hoffman, Kelly, Leman,                    
Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Zharoff          
Nays:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Lincoln, Salo                                    
and so, the effective date clause was adopted.                                 
Senator Kelly gave notice of reconsideration.                                  
Honoring - Junior Achievement of Alaska                                        
Representative(s) Therriault, G. Phillips Austerman, Barnes, Brice,            
Brown, Bunde, Davies, B. Davis, G. Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster,          
Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James Kelly, Kohring, Kott,                  
Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Mulder, Navarre,                   
Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders,                  
Toohey, Vezey                                                                  
Senator(s) Donley, Ellis, Frank, Green, Halford, Hoffman, Kelly,               
Leman, Lincoln, Miller, Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Pearce,         
Duncan, Torgerson, Zharoff                                                     
Honoring - Colony Knights Girls Volleyball Team                                
Representative(s) Ogan                                                         
Senator(s) Green, Kelly, Pearce, Taylor, Duncan, Rieger, Leman,                
Lincoln, Sharp, Zharoff, Halford                                               
Honoring - Prime Cable of Alaska                                               
Representative(s) Foster                                                       
Senator(s) Adams, Kelly, Pearce, Hoffman, Duncan, Taylor, Rieger,              
Leman, Lincoln, Sharp, Zharoff, Green                                          

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3174
Honoring - Rick Mackey                                                         
Senator(s) Lincoln, Donley, Kelly, Pearce, Hoffman, Duncan, Taylor,            
Rieger, Leman, Sharp, Zharoff, Green                                           
Representative(s) Nicholia                                                     
Honoring - West Valley High School Academic Decathlon Team                     
Representative(s) James                                                        
Senator(s) Miller, Donley, Kelly, Pearce, Hoffman, Duncan, Taylor,             
Rieger, Leman, Lincoln, Zharoff, Green                                         
Honoring - Walter James JR Wilcox II                                           
Representative(s) James                                                        
Senator(s) Miller, Donley, Kelly, Pearce, Duncan, Taylor, Leman,               
Lincoln, Sharp, Zharoff, Green, Halford                                        
Honoring - Melinda Wilcox                                                      
Representative(s) James                                                        
Senator(s) Miller, Donley, Kelly, Pearce, Duncan, Taylor, Leman,               
Lincoln, Sharp, Zharoff, Green, Halford                                        
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the                     
citations be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted           
and referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                 
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
Senator Salo moved and asked unanimous consent that she be                     
excused from a call of the Senate from 12:30 p.m., April 12 through            
noon on April 14.  Without objection, Senator Salo was excused.                
Senators Ellis, Donley moved and asked unanimous consent that they             
be excused from a call of the Senate on April 13 through April 15,             
morning plane time.  Without objection, Senators Ellis, Donley were            
Senator Lincoln moved and asked unanimous consent that she be                  
excused from a call of the Senate on April 20.  Without objection,             
Senator Lincoln was excused.                                                   

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3175
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                    
excused from the Senate, not subject to a call, on April 17 through            
April 19, morning plane time.  Objections were heard.  Senator                 
Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw his motion.               
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                          
SB 275                                                                       
Senator Taylor, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent that the              
Judiciary Committee referral be waived on SENATE BILL NO. 275                  
An Act relating to state procurement practices and procedures; and             
providing for an effective date.  Without objection, the bill was              
referred to the Finance Committee.                                             
SB 284                                                                       
Senator Sharp, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent that the               
State Affairs Committee referral be waived on SENATE BILL NO.                  
284 An Act relating to the four dam pool transfer fund and the                 
power development fund.  Without objection, the bill was referred              
to the Finance Committee.                                                      
SB 52                                                                        
The reconsideration on CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR                           
SENATE BILL NO. 52(JUD) An Act providing for an advisory                       
vote on the issue of capital punishment was not taken up this                  
legislative day and the bill was referred to the Secretary for                 
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   
SB 52                                                                        
CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO.                                  
52(JUD) An Act providing for an advisory vote on the issue of                  
capital punishment was engrossed, signed by the President and                  
Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration.                      

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3176
SB 177                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 177(FIN) am An Act relating to                          
permits to carry concealed handguns; and relating to possession of             
firearms on state ferries was engrossed, signed by the President and           
Secretary and transmitted to the House for consideration.                      
SB 199                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 199(FIN) An Act relating to                             
environmental audits and health and safety audits to determine                 
compliance with certain laws, permits, and regulations was                     
engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to            
the House for consideration.                                                   
SB 262                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 262(RES)(ct rule fld) An Act relating                   
to management of game populations for maximum sustained yield for              
human harvest and providing for the replacement of areas closed to             
consumptive uses of game; relating to management of fish and game              
areas was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and                 
transmitted to the House for consideration.                                    
SB 289                                                                       
CS SENATE BILL NO. 289(FIN) am An Act relating to runaways,                    
other minors, and their families or legal custodians; and amending             
Rule 7, Alaska Delinquency Rules was engrossed, signed by the                  
President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for                       
HB 468                                                                       
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 468(FIN) am S An                           
Act making supplemental appropriations for the expenses of state               
government and making and amending appropriations; ratifying                   
certain state expenditures; and providing for an effective date was            
engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and returned to the           
House for consideration.                                                       

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3177
Senator Halford moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate              
stand in adjournment until 10:45 a.m., April 12, 1996.  Without                
objection, the Senate adjourned at 7:38 p.m.                                   
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                            April 1996         

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3178
                    NOTICE - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT                   
Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or                 
alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may             
contact the appropriate committee office or the Legislative                    
Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance notice is            
needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the           
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                
+ indicates teleconference                                                     
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                             
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 12                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
APR 15                          MONDAY  1:30 PM                                
	HB 474VIOLATIONS OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES                                     
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 17                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
	SB 322DISTRIBUTION OF NATIONAL FOREST INCOME                                 
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 19                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  9:00 AM                               
	SB 303MANAGEMENT OF CONSTIT BUDGET RESERVE FUND                              
	SB 244CALCULATION OF STATE AID TO EDUCATION                                  
	SB 167DAY FINES & INFO FOR COLLECTING FINES                                  
	SB  98PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT                                            
	SB 229STATE TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM                                    
	HJR  5LIMITING TERMS OF STATE LEGISLATORS                                    
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3179
                              FINANCE CONTINUED                              
APR 12                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
	HB 412APPROPRIATIONS: OPERATING BUDGET                                       
	SB  98PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT                                            
	SB 229STATE TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM                                    
	SB 320NEW SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE FOR DILLINGHAM                                
	HJR  5LIMITING TERMS OF STATE LEGISLATORS                                    
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          
APR 13                         SATURDAY  9:00 AM                               
	HB 413APPROPRIATIONS FOR MENTAL HEALTH                                       
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          
APR 15                          MONDAY  9:00 AM                                
	SB 287UNINCORP. COMMUNITY MATCHING GRANTS                                    
	SB 301POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION                                                
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          
APR 16                          TUESDAY  8:00 AM                               
	SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE                                                    
	CAPITAL BUDGET:                                                              
		AHFC CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS                                                  
APR 16                          TUESDAY  9:00 AM                               
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          
APR 17                         WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
	SB 191ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM                                       
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	SB 275STATE PROCUREMENT PRACTICES & PROCEDURES                               
	SB 283DOCUMENT FILING, INDEXING, & RECORDING                                 
	SB 284FOUR DAM POOL & POWER DEVELOPMENT FUND                                 
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          
APR 18                         THURSDAY  9:00 AM                               
	HB 466ADAK REUSE AUTHORITY                                                   
	SB 314RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE OWNERSHIP                                    
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          
APR 19                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
	SB  70PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION PROGRAM                                       
	SB 318NORTH STAR OIL & GAS LEASE AMENDMENT                                   
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR SCHEDULED                                          

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3180
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 12                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
+	HB 216EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM                                          
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 15                          MONDAY  9:00 AM                                
	HB  30SCHOOL DRESS CODES                                                     
	HB 480PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS                                                   
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	HB  93TEACHER DUTY-FREE MEALTIME                                             
	HB 339TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RTS OF PRISONERS                               
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 17                         WEDNESDAY  9:00 AM                              
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 19                          FRIDAY  9:00 AM                                
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 12                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
+	SB 264LIMIT SUSPENDED IMPOSITION OF SENTENCE                                
+	HB 314VIOLATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ORDERS                                    
	<BILL POSTPONED TO 4/15)                                                     
+	SJR 13RATIFYING FED BALANCED-BUDGET AMENDMENT                               
+	HB 341TAX APPEALS/ASSESSMENT/LEVY/COLLECTION                                
+	HB 387JUVENILE CODE REVISION                                                
APR 15                          MONDAY  1:30 PM                                
	SB 191ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM                                       
	HB  18STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS:POLICE/CORONERS                                 
	SB 296NURSING HOME & ASSTD LIVING EMPLOYEES                                  
	HB 314VIOLATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ORDERS                                     
	(BILL HELD OVER FROM 4/12 MEETING)                                           
APR 17                         WEDNESDAY  1:30 PM                              
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 19                          FRIDAY  1:30 PM                                
	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3181
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
APR 11                         THURSDAY  2:45 PM                               
+	HB 480PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS                                                  
+	HB 284AK COMMERCIAL FISHING & AGRICULTURE BANK                              
+	HB 450ALASKA TRADEMARK ACT                                                  
+	HB  60IMPAIRMENT RATING GUIDES FOR WORKERS COMP                             
+	HB  73LICENSURE OF MANICURISTS                                              
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
	SB 216OMNIBUS STATE FEES & COST ASSESSMENTS                                  
APR 16                          TUESDAY  1:30 PM                               
	HB 457UNLICENSED PRACTICE OF OCCUPATION                                      
	HB 428LEASE-PURCHASE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY                                   
	HB 497CHIROPRACTIC PEER REVIEW                                               
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 18                         THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
	HB 405BD OF OPTOMETRISTS; OPTICIANS                                          
	HB 432VETERINARY LICENSING                                                   
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  5:30 PM                               
	-- MEETING POSTPONED TO 4/12/96 --                                           
	CONTINUATION OF 4/10/96 MEETING                                              
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
	HB  59RAFFLE OR AUCTION OF BIG GAME PERMITS                                  
	HB 329RESTITUTION FOR CERTAIN GAME VIOLATIONS                                
	SB 180VALUE-ADDED TIMBER SALES; MARKETING                                    
APR 11                         THURSDAY  7:45 PM                               
	-- TIME CHANGE --                                                            
	MEETING WILL BE UPON EVENING ADJOURNMENT                                     
+	SB 318NORTH STAR OIL & GAS LEASE AMENDMENT                                  
	(CONTINUATION OF APRIL 3, 1996 HEARING)                                      
	TELECONFERENCE IS LISTEN ONLY                                                

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3182
                             RESOURCES CONTINUED                             
APR 12                          FRIDAY  3:30 PM                                
+	HB 547MORATORIUM ON S.E. DIVE FISHERIES                                     
+	HB 447PROTECT ACCESS FOR TRADIT'NL OUTDOOR USES                             
+	HB 265EXPORT OF DUNGENESS CRAB                                              
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD:                                                      
+	SB 285DISCRETE SALMON STOCK MANAGMNT & ASSESSMT                             
	HB  59RAFFLE OR AUCTION OF BIG GAME PERMITS                                  
	HB 329RESTITUTION FOR CERTAIN GAME VIOLATIONS                                
	SB 180VALUE-ADDED TIMBER SALES; MARKETING                                    
APR 13                         SATURDAY  2:00 PM                               
	-- TIME CHANGE --                                                            
+	SB 318NORTH STAR OIL & GAS LEASE AMENDMENT                                  
	(CONTINUATION OF APRIL 11, 1996 HEARING)                                     
APR 15                          MONDAY  3:30 PM                                
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
+	SB 180VALUE-ADDED TIMBER SALES; MARKETING                                   
	<IF NECESSARY>                                                               
+	SB 318NORTH STAR OIL & GAS LEASE AMENDMENT                                  
APR 17                         WEDNESDAY  3:30 PM                              
+	ALASKA OIL & GAS CONSERVATION COMM.                                         
	CONFIRMATION HEARING: J. DAVID NORTON                                        
+	HB 325NO. SLOPE HEAVY OIL ROYALTY MODIFICATION                              
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 19                          FRIDAY  3:30 PM                                
+	BOARD OF GAME CONFIRMATION HEARINGS                                         
+	HB 388OIL & GAS LEASING; BEST INT. FINDINGS                                 
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                               FAHRENKAMP RM 203                               
APR 11                         THURSDAY  2:35 PM                               
	SB 307DUDE CREEK HABITAT AREA LAND EXCHANGE                                  
	SB 316HEALTH INSURANCE NOMENCLATURE                                          
	SB 321COMMIT MENTALLY INCOMPETENT DEFENDANT                                  
	HB 311CHANGE LIMIT ON HOURS EMPLOYED IN MINES                                
	HB 319SMALL LOANS & RETAIL INSTALLMENT SALES                                 
	HB 335BIG GAME COMMERCIAL SERVICES BOARD                                     
	HB 465TEACHERS/ADMINISTRATORS/COLL. BARGAINING                               
	HB 478REALTORS MAY PREPARE CERTAIN LEGAL DOCS                                
	HJR 52CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS FOR 12TH CIRCUIT                              

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3183
                               RULES CONTINUED                               
APR 11                         THURSDAY  7:45 PM                               
	SB 244CALCULATION OF STATE AID TO EDUCATION                                  
	SCR 27SUSPEND UNIFORM RULES FOR HB 335                                       
APR 12                          FRIDAY  0:00 AM                                
	SB 141LEGISLATIVE ETHICS                                                     
	<BILL POSTPONED AND RESCHEDULED TO 4/15>                                     
APR 15                          MONDAY  0:00 AM                                
	UPON ADJOURNMENT                                                             
	SB 141LEGISLATIVE ETHICS                                                     
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 11                         THURSDAY  3:00 PM                               
	HCR 32YUKLA 27 REMEMBRANCE DAY                                               
+	HB 192AHFC HOUSING LOANS                                                    
	HB 211VOTER REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS                                         
	SB 182ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION & VOTER REG'N                                 
	SB 203TASK FORCE ON RECYCLING INDUSTRIES                                     
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED                                                   
APR 16                          TUESDAY  3:30 PM                               
	SB 284FOUR DAM POOL & POWER DEVELOPMENT FUND                                 
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	HB 210PRIVATE MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSING/TESTING                                
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	HB 364ELECTION CRIMES; INTERFERENCE W/VOTING                                 
	HB 384PIONEERS' HOME - INABILITY TO PAY                                      
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED                                                   
+	SB 314RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE OWNERSHIP                                   
APR 18                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
	SB 3101996 REVISOR'S BILL                                                    

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3184
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  3:00 PM                               
	SB 315ALASKA RAILROAD PROCUREMENT                                            
	HB 210PRIVATE MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSING/TESTING                                
	HCR 29STUDENT CONTEST TO NAME NEW FERRY                                      
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED                                                   
APR 16                          TUESDAY  1:30 PM                               
	SB 222AIDEA OPERATIONS/PROJECTS/LOANS                                        
	HB 526AIDEA OPERATIONS/PROJECTS/LOANS                                        
	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 18                         THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
	SB 290APPROPRIATIONS: CAPITAL & OTHERS                                       
	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                            FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES                            
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  8:30 AM                               
	CONTINUATION OF FY 97 BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                       
	(IF NECESSARY)                                                               
                       COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 11                         THURSDAY  5:30 PM                               
	BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                             
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  5:01 PM                               
	FY 97 BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                       
                                 COURT SYSTEM                                
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
	-- MEETING CANCELLED --                                                      

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3185
                       FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                       
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
	FY 97 BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                       
                          ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION                         
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  5:00 PM                               
	FY 97 BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                       
                                 FISH & GAME                                 
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 11                         THURSDAY  5:15 PM                               
	-- TIME CHANGE --                                                            
	BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                             
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 12                          FRIDAY  3:00 PM                                
	FY 97 BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                       
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                          
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  3:30 PM                               
	HEARING AND CLOSE-OUT                                                        
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  1:30 PM                               
	-- TIME TO BE ANNOUNCED --                                                   
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 12                          FRIDAY  5:30 PM                                
	FY 97 BUDGET CLOSE-OUT                                                       

1996-04-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 3186
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                          LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT                         
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 13                         SATURDAY 10:00 AM                               
	LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT                                                   
                      FREE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ON SB 6                      
                               SENATE FINANCE 532                              
APR 15                          MONDAY  4:00 PM                                
	SB   6SUSPEND DRIVERS LIC./TRAFFIC OFFENSES                                  
                                OTHER MEETINGS                               
                               MAJORITY CAUCUS                               
                               PRESIDENT'S OFFICE                              
APR 11                         THURSDAY  8:00 AM                               
	MAJORITY CAUCUS                                                              
APR 12                          FRIDAY  8:00 AM