Legislature(1995 - 1996)
1996-03-21 House Journal
Full Journal pdf1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3231 HOUSE JOURNAL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE NINETEENTH LEGISLATURE -- SECOND SESSION Juneau, Alaska Thursday March 21, 1996 Seventy-fourth Day Pursuant to adjournment, the House was called to order by Speaker Phillips at 10:14 a.m. Roll call showed 35 members present. Representatives Barnes and Mulder had been previously excused from a call of the House today. Representatives Hanley, Ivan and Kubina were absent and their presence was noted later. The invocation was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Cordell E. Reiner of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Representative Bunde moved and asked unanimous consent that the invocation be spread on the journal. There being no objection, it appears below: Good morning my Heavenly Father. Thank You for this new day. O Lord, Your word is as eternal as the universe. Your faithfulness never ends. Nature continues its unending cycles because of Your word. All things serve You and obey Your commands. I know that in this life everything has its limits, but Your word lasts forever. Through Your word we read that You called two fisherman to follow You, and You would make them fishers of men. Likewise Father, could You help us to be not just mere fishers of fish, but true fishers of men. Help us in our actions and decisions to help restore mankind to his position of servant leadership and an example to the youth of this community, where all mankind may get a glimpse of their God and be restored in his image. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3232 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just and pure, whatsoever things are lovely and of a good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, let us think on these things. In the name of One who created the earth and sustains it by His power, Amen. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative Kott. CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the journal for the 73rd legislative day be approved as certified by the Chief Clerk. There being no objection, it was so ordered. MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE HB 32 A message dated March 20, 1996, was read stating the President has granted limited powers of free conference to the Senate members of the Conference Committee considering: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32(FIN) An Act relating to administrative proceedings involving a determination of eligibility for a permanent fund dividend or authority to claim a dividend on behalf of another; and providing for an effective date. and CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32(FIN) am S (same title) The Speaker had previously granted the limited powers of free conference as requested and the specific points for which limited powers were granted appear on page 3225. **The presence of Representative Ivan was noted. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3233 SB 131 A message dated March 20, 1996, was read stating the Senate has concurred in the House amendment to SB 131, thus adopting: SENATE BILL NO. 131 am H An Act relating to investments by fiduciaries. A message dated March 20, 1996, was read stating the Senate has has passed the following, and they are transmitted for consideration: FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF SENATE RESOLUTIONS SJR 39 CS FOR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 39(RES) by the Senate Resources Committee: Relating to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit for placer mining in Alaska. was read the first time and referred to the Resources Committee. FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS SB 159 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 159(HES) am by the Senate Health, Education & Social Services Committee, entitled: An Act relating to advance directives for mental health treatment. was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education & Social Services Committee. SB 278 SENATE BILL NO. 278 by Senator Taylor, entitled: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3234 SB 278 An Act relating to the authority of the Department of Natural Resources to allow credits against fees at state historical parks. was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance Committees. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES HJR 51 The Judiciary Committee has considered: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 51 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to limited entry for sport fish guides and allied professions. and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 51(FSH) (same title) The report was signed by Representative Porter, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (3): Porter, Green, Bunde Do not pass (1): Toohey No recommendation (3): Vezey, Finkelstein, B.Davis The following fiscal notes apply to CSHJR 51(FSH): Fiscal note, Office of the Governor, 2/21/96 Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Law, 2/21/96 HJR 51 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3235 HB 339 The Judiciary Committee has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 339 An Act relating to the termination of parental rights of incarcerated parents. and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 339(JUD) An Act relating to children-in-need-of-aid proceedings; allowing termination of parental rights with respect to a child in need of aid as a result of parental conduct or parental incarceration if the conduct or incarceration is likely to continue to exist sufficiently long to seriously damage the parent and child relationship or to cause serious emotional or physical harm to the child; and providing for an effective date. The report was signed by Representative Porter, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (3): Porter, Bunde, Toohey No recommendation (4): Vezey, Finkelstein, B.Davis, Green The following fiscal notes apply to CSHB 339(JUD): Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Law, 2/23/96 Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Health & Social Services, 2/19/96 HB 339 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. HB 372 The Labor & Commerce has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 372 An Act relating to liquor licenses issued to a restaurant or eating place; and providing for an effective date. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3236 HB 372 and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 372(L&C) An Act relating to the authority of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to exempt certain restaurant or eating place licenses from requirements relating to operation of a restaurant and to food sales; and providing for an effective date. The report was signed by Representative Kott, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (2): Porter, Rokeberg No recommendation (3): Sanders, Elton, Kott The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 372(L&C): Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Revenue, 3/11/96 HB 372 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. HB 387 The Judiciary Committee has considered: SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 387 An Act relating to minors and to offenses committed by minors, and to programs relating to minors; relating to the use of citations for offenses when the offenses are committed by minors, and authorizing disposition of those offenses by citations that require performance of community service in lieu of a court appearance; establishing a curfew for minors, and authorizing municipalities to establish curfews by ordinance; relating to the detention of minors, defining certain conduct by minors as violations, and amending the criminal jurisdiction of the district court to provide for the disposition of certain offenses involving minors; and amending Rules 3(b) and 23(d), Alaska Delinquency Rules. and recommends it be replaced with: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3237 HB 387 CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 387(JUD) An Act relating to children in need of aid and delinquent minors and to offenses committed by minors, and to institutions, facilities, and programs relating to minors; authorizing municipalities to establish curfews for minors by ordinance; and relating to enforcement of the compulsory school attendance law; and amending Rule 23(d), Alaska Delinquency Rules. The report was signed by Representative Porter, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (6): Porter, Vezey, B.Davis, Green, Bunde, Toohey No recommendation (1): Finkelstein The following fiscal notes apply to CSSSHB 387(JUD): Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Public Safety, 3/21/96 Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Corrections, 3/8/96 Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Health & Social Services, 3/8/96 SSHB 387 was referred to the Finance Committee. HB 388 The Resources Committee has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 388 An Act revising laws relating to oil and gas leasing to authorize a program of areawide leasing. and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 388(RES) An Act revising laws relating to oil and gas leasing as related to land previously the subject of a written best interest finding; amending provisions setting out exceptions to sales, leases, or other disposals for which a revised written best interest finding is not required; encouraging annual offer of land for oil and gas 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3238 HB 388 leases if the land was the subject of a best interest finding; and modifying the statement of purpose in the Alaska Land Act as it applies to oil and gas leasing to provide for annual areawide lease sales. The report was signed by Representative Green, Co-chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (5): Kott, Barnes, Green, Williams, Ogan No recommendation (1): Austerman The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 388(RES): Zero fiscal note, House Resources Committee/Dept. of Natural Resources, 3/21/96 HB 388 was referred to the Finance Committee. **The presence of Representative Kubina was noted. HB 401 The Resources Committee has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 401 An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of revenue bonds to fund public wastewater systems, nonpoint source water pollution control projects, including solid waste management systems, and estuary conservation and management projects; authorizing the use of the Alaska clean water fund to pay and secure the bonds and to pay costs related to issuance and administration of the bonds; authorizing certain measures to secure payment of the bonds; and amending Alaska Rule of Civil Procedure 3. and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 401(RES) An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of revenue bonds to fund public wastewater systems, nonpoint source water pollution control projects, including solid waste management systems, and 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3239 HB 401 estuary conservation and management projects; authorizing the use of the Alaska clean water fund to pay and secure the bonds and to pay costs related to issuance and administration of the bonds; authorizing certain measures to secure payment of the bonds; and amending Rule 3, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure. The report was signed by Representative Green, Co-chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (6): Nicholia, Long, Austerman, Barnes, Green, Williams No recommendation (2): Davies, Kott The following fiscal notes apply to CSHB 401(RES): Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Environmental Conservation, 1/8/96 Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Revenue, 1/8/96 HB 401 was referred to the Finance Committee. HB 496 The Transportation Committee has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 496 An Act relating to transportation of members of the Alaska National Guard by the Alaska marine highway system. The report was signed by Representative G.Davis, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (5): Williams, Sanders, Long, Masek, G.Davis The following fiscal note applies: Fiscal note, Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities, 3/11/96 HB 496 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3240 REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES HB 32 The Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference considering CSHB 32(FIN) and CSHB 32(FIN) am S recommends the following be adopted: CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32 An Act relating to administrative proceedings involving a determination of eligibility for a permanent fund dividend or authority to claim a dividend on behalf of another; and providing for an effective date. The following fiscal note applies: Fiscal note, Dept. of Revenue, 3/21/96 The report was signed by Representatives Green (Chair), Porter and Finkelstein; and, Senators Kelly (Chair) and Halford The report was received in the Chief Clerk's Office at 3:35 p.m., March 20, 1996, and is under Unfinished Business. HB 542 The House Special Committee on Fisheries has considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 542 An Act relating to participation in matters before the Board of Fisheries by members of the board. and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 542(FSH) (same title) The report was signed by Representative Austerman, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (1): Austerman 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3241 HB 542 No recommendation (3): Ogan, Elton, G.Davis The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 542(FSH): Zero fiscal note, House Special Committee on Fisheries, 3/21/96 HB 542 was referred to the Resources Committee. INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS The following citations were introduced and referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar: Commemorating - Women's History Month By Representative B.Davis Honoring - Erica L. Desa Jacobsson-Willard By Senator Duncan; Representatives Elton, Robinson CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS HB 359 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 359 An Act relating to the appointment and confirmation process for members of certain boards, commissions, and similar bodies; relating to terms of certain appointees; and providing for an effective date. with the: Journal Page STA RPT 2DP 2NR 1AM 3056 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (GOV) 3056 JUD RPT CS(JUD) 4DP 2NR 3194 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (GOV) 3/11/96 3194 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3242 HB 359 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 359(JUD) (same title) There being no objection, it was so ordered. **The presence of Representative Hanley was noted. Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representatives Brown and Porter: Page 5, line 28, following "legislature": Insert "by a person who is not still the governor on the first day of the next regular session" Representative Brown moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB359(JUD) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 359(JUD) am was read the third time. The question being: Shall CSHB 359(JUD) am pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 359(JUD) am Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 37 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3243 HB 359 Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Moses And so, CSHB 359(JUD) am passed the House. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the effective date clause. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 359(JUD) am was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. HB 480 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 480 An Act relating to physician assistants, including the treatment of their services under group health insurance policies. with the: Journal Page HES RPT CS(HES) NT 4DP 3NR 3148 3 ZERO FISCAL NOTES (2-DCED, DHSS) 3148 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 480(HES) An Act relating to physician assistants. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB480(HES) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 480(HES) was read the third time. The question being: Shall CSHB 480(HES) pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3244 HB 480 CSHB 480(HES) Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 37 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Moses And so, CSHB 480(HES) passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. HB 192 The Speaker stated that, without objection, the following would be moved down the calendar to follow HCR 29: HOUSE BILL NO. 192 An Act relating to housing programs of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the corporation's supplemental housing development grants to regional housing authorities, and to housing programs of regional housing authorities, and permitting regional housing authorities to make, originate, and service loans for the purchase and development of residential housing. HB 265 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 265 An Act relating to the export of live dungeness crab. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3245 HB 265 with the: Journal Page FSH RPT CS(FSH) 2DP 2NR 2882 2 ZERO FISCAL NOTES (F&G, DEC) 2883 RES RPT CS(FSH) 7DP 2905 2 ZERO FNS (DEC, F&G) 2/26/96 2906 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 265(FSH) (same title) There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB265(FSH) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 265(FSH) was read the third time. The question being: Shall CSHB 265(FSH) pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 265(FSH) Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 37 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Therriault 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3246 HB 265 And so, CSHB 265(FSH) passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. HB 498 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 498 An Act naming the Bette Cato Bridge in Valdez. with the: Journal Page TRA RPT 4DP 1NR 2853 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DOT) 2853 STA REFERRAL WAIVED 2861 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that HB498 be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. HB 498 was read the third time. The question being: Shall HB 498 pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: HB 498 Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 36 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 2 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Navarre, Therriault And so, HB 498 passed the House. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3247 HB 498 Representative Kubina gave notice of reconsideration of his vote on HB 498. HB 386 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 386 An Act relating to cruelty to animals and the provision of food and water to confined or impounded animals. with the: Journal Page RES RPT CS(RES) NT 2DP 4NR 1AM 2801 FISCAL NOTE (DPS) 2802 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DCRA) 2802 FIN REFERRAL ADDED 2845 JUD RPT CS(JUD) NT 5DP 2957 FISCAL NOTE (DPS) 2/19/96 2957 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DCRA) 2/19/96 2957 FIN REFERRAL WAIVED 3041 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 386(JUD) An Act relating to cruelty to animals and to the power of first and second class boroughs to prohibit cruelty to animals. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB386(JUD) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 386(JUD) was read the third time. The question being: Shall CSHB 386(JUD) pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3248 HB 386 CSHB 386(JUD) Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 35 NAYS: 2 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Navarre, Nicholia, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Toohey, Williams, Willis Nays: Ogan, Vezey Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Therriault And so, CSHB 386(JUD) passed the House. Representative James gave notice of reconsideration of her vote on CSHB 386(JUD). SECOND READING OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS HJR 60 The following was read the second time: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 60 Relating to Revised Statute 2477 rights-of-way. with the: Journal Page STA RPT 5DP 1NR 2823 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (H.STA/LAA) 2823 RES RPT CS(RES) 4DP 2NR 3172 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (H.STA/LAA) 2/21/96 3172 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original resolution: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3249 HJR 60 CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 60(RES) (same title) There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHJR 60(RES) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHJR 60(RES) was read the third time. The question being: Shall CSHJR 60(RES) pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHJR 60(RES) Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 34 NAYS: 3 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Navarre, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Nays: Finkelstein, Long, Nicholia Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Moses And so, CSHJR 60(RES) passed the House. Representative Long gave notice of reconsideration of his vote on CSHJR 60(RES). HCR 29 The following was read the second time: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3250 HCR 29 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29 Providing for a contest among the elementary school students of Alaska to name the new ferry of the Alaska marine highway system. with the: Journal Page TRA RPT CS(TRA) 3DP 3NR 3054 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DOT) 3055 STA REFERRAL WAIVED 3205 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original resolution: CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29(TRA) (same title) There being no objection, it was so ordered. Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative Kott: Page 2, line 14, following impartial: Delete jury Insert panel Representative Kott moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. There being no objection, it was so ordered. The question being: Shall CSHCR 29(TRA) am pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHCR 29(TRA) am Second Reading Final Passage YEAS: 35 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 3 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3251 HCR 29 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Excused: Barnes, Mulder Absent: Kubina, Moses, Rokeberg And so, CSHCR 29(TRA) am passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. RECONSIDERATION HB 311 Representative Mackie brought up reconsideration of the vote on CSHB 311(JUD) (page 3224). The following was again before the House in third reading: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 311(JUD) An Act relating to the hours a person may be employed in a mine; and requiring that workers be paid for certain time worked in a mine. The question to be reconsidered: Shall CSHB 311(JUD) pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 311(JUD)--RECONSIDERATION Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 30 NAYS: 8 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Austerman, Bunde, G.Davis, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3252 HB 311 Nays: Brice, Brown, Davies, B.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Kubina, Willis Excused: Barnes, Mulder And so, CSHB 311(JUD) passed the House on reconsideration and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS (Continued) HB 192 The following, which had been moved down the calendar to follow HCR 29 (page 3244), was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 192 An Act relating to housing programs of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the corporation's supplemental housing development grants to regional housing authorities, and to housing programs of regional housing authorities, and permitting regional housing authorities to make, originate, and service loans for the purchase and development of residential housing. with the: Journal Page CRA RPT CS(CRA) NT 2DP 3NR 773 FISCAL NOTE (REV) 773 FIN RPT CS(FIN) NT 4DP 4NR 3173 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (REV) 3174 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 192(FIN) An Act relating to housing assistance provided by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and to its rural housing programs, to the corporation's supplemental housing development grants to regional housing authorities, and to housing programs of regional housing authorities; permitting regional housing authorities to make, originate, and service loans for the purchase and 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3253 HB 192 development of residential housing; and amending the definitions of `rural' and `small community' as applied in various housing programs. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative Martin: Page 7, line 14 through page 8, line 1: Delete all material Representative Martin moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. Representative Kohring objected. The question being: Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 192(FIN) Second Reading Amendment No. 1 YEAS: 29 NAYS: 9 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Austerman, Bunde, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Navarre, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Rokeberg, Sanders, Toohey, Williams, Willis Nays: Brice, Brown, Davies, Finkelstein, Kohring, Nicholia, Robinson, Therriault, Vezey Excused: Barnes, Mulder And so, Amendment No. 1 was adopted. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB192(FIN) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3254 HB 192 CSHB 192(FIN) am was read the third time. The question being: Shall CSHB 192(FIN) am pass the House? The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 192(FIN) am Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 37 NAYS: 1 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Nays: Rokeberg Excused: Barnes, Mulder And so, CSHB 192(FIN) am passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment. LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the House approve the citations on the calendar. There being no objection, the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling: Honoring - East Anchorage High Girls' Track and Field, 1995 State Champions By Representatives B.Davis, Barnes, Brice, Brown, Davies, Elton, Green, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Toohey, Vezey, Willis 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3255 Honoring - Barbara Jean Renoux, Alaska Teacher of the Year By Senator Adams; Representatives Long, Phillips, Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Mackie, Martin, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Robinson, Rokeberg, Toohey, Sanders, Vezey, Willis Honoring - Michelle Shelli Gordon By Senator Ellis; Representatives Brown, Rokeberg, Brice, Davies, B.Davis, Elton, James, Kelly, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Toohey, Vezey, Willis UNFINISHED BUSINESS HB 32 Representative Vezey moved that the House adopt the report (page 3232) by the Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference considering: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32(FIN) An Act relating to administrative proceedings involving a determination of eligibility for a permanent fund dividend or authority to claim a dividend on behalf of another; and providing for an effective date. and CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32(FIN) am S (same title) thus adopting CCS HB 32. The question being: Shall the House adopt the Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference report? The roll was taken with the following result: 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3256 HB 32 CCS HB 32 Adopt YEAS: 38 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Austerman, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Elton, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Long, Mackie, Martin, Masek, Moses, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Excused: Barnes, Mulder And so, the House adopted the Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference report, thus adopting: CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 32 An Act relating to administrative proceedings involving a determination of eligibility for a permanent fund dividend or authority to claim a dividend on behalf of another; and providing for an effective date. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the effective date clause. There being no objection, it was so ordered. The Chief Clerk was instructed to so notify the Senate. Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the the following members be excused from a call of the House. There being no objection, the members were excused as noted: Representative Phillips - from 6:00 p.m., April 4 to 9:25 p.m., plane time, April 7, 1996 Representative B.Davis - from 6:00 p.m., April 1 to 9:21 p.m., plane time, April 8, 1996 (amended from page 3225) 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3257 HJR 51 The Speaker added a Finance Committee referral for the following: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 51 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to limited entry for sport fish guides and allied professions. HJR 51 was removed from the Rules Committee and referred to the Finance Committee. HB 93 The Speaker waived the Finance Committee referral for the following at the request of Representative Hanley, Co-chair: HOUSE BILL NO. 93 An Act relating to the duty-free mealtime for teachers in certain school facilities. HB 93 was removed from the Finance Committee and referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. HB 358 The Speaker waived the Finance Committee referral for the following at the request of Representative Hanley, Co-chair: HOUSE BILL NO. 358 An Act relating to dog mushers' contests. HB 358 was removed from the Finance Committee and referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. HB 387 The Speaker waived the Finance Committee referral for the following at the request of Representative Hanley, Co-chair: HOUSE BILL NO. 387 An Act relating to minors, to programs relating to minors, and to the use of citations for noncriminal offenses when the offenses are 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3258 HB 387 committed by minors; authorizing disposition of those noncriminal offenses by citations that require performance of community service in lieu of a court appearance; establishing a curfew for minors, authorizing municipalities to establish curfews by ordinance, and establishing the offense of school truancy; relating to the detention of minors and establishing the offenses of evading legal custody and evading detention; and amending the criminal jurisdiction of the district court to provide for the disposition of certain offenses involving minors. HB 387 was removed from the Finance Committee and referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar. HB 496 The Speaker added a Finance Committee referral for the following: HOUSE BILL NO. 496 An Act relating to transportation of members of the Alaska National Guard by the Alaska marine highway system. HB 496 was removed from the Rules Committee and referred to the Finance Committee. HR 12 Representative B.Davis added her name as cosponsor to: HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 12 Supporting the collective bargaining agreement between the University of Alaska and the Alaska Community Colleges' Federation of Teachers. HCR 29 Representative Kubina added his name as cosponsor to: CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29(TRA) am Providing for a contest among the elementary school students of Alaska to name the new ferry of the Alaska marine highway system. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3259 HJR 54 Representatives Kott and Foster added their names as cosponsors to: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 54 Encouraging the lessees of Alaska's vast North Slope natural gas reserves to reach agreement to market gas, expressing the legislature's support for an Alaska North Slope (ANS) gas transmission pipeline, and requesting the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of Alaska to publicly support and take action that will help expedite the construction of that system. HB 192 Representatives Mackie and Kubina added their names as cosponsors to: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 192(FIN) am An Act relating to housing assistance provided by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and to its rural housing programs, to the corporation's supplemental housing development grants to regional housing authorities, and to housing programs of regional housing authorities; permitting regional housing authorities to make, originate, and service loans for the purchase and development of residential housing; and amending the definitions of `rural' and `small community' as applied in various housing programs. HB 345 Representative Ivan added his name as cosponsor to: HOUSE BILL NO. 345 An Act relating to the procurement of investment and brokerage services by the Alaska State Pension Investment Board. HB 473 Representative Kohring added his name as cosponsor to: HOUSE BILL NO. 473 An Act relating to the maximum speed limit on the Glenn Highway between Anchorage and the George Parks Highway. 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3260 SB 159 Representative Toohey added her name as cross sponsor to: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 159(HES) am An Act relating to advance directives for mental health treatment. ENGROSSMENT HCR 29 CSHCR 29(TRA) am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. HB 192 CSHB 192(FIN) am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. HB 265 CSHB 265(FSH) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. HB 311 CSHB 311(JUD) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. HB 359 CSHB 359(JUD) am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. HB 480 CSHB 480(HES) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration. ANNOUNCEMENTS House committee schedules are published daily under separate cover. Minority Caucus upon adj., 3/21 1996-03-21 House Journal Page 3261 Majority Caucus Speaker's Chamber 7:30 a.m., 3/22 Majority Caucus Speaker's Chamber 2:00 p.m., 3/24 The following meeting today has been changed as indicated: Finance Subcommittee Fish & Game 4:30 pm, 3/21 meeting CANCELED ADJOURNMENT Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that the House adjourn until 10:00 a.m., March 22, 1996. There being no objection, the House adjourned at 12:11 p.m.. Suzi Lowell Chief Clerk