Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-04-25 Senate Journal

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1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3955
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                    EIGHTEENTH LEGISLATURE - SECOND SESSION                    
Juneau, Alaska                       Monday             April 25, 1994         
                              One Hundred Sixth Day                            
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Halford at 11:28 a.m.                                                          
The roll showed sixteen members present.  Senators Frank, Miller,              
Pearce, Rieger were absent.                                                    
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Richard Tuff of the             
Resurrection Lutheran Church.  Senator Taylor moved and asked                  
unanimous consent that the prayer be spread.  Without objection, it            
was so ordered.                                                                
Almighty God,                                                                 
The eyes of all look to You, and You open Your                                
hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.                             
Thank You for the morning hour, and the sunshine                               
of the day.  Assembled in Your presence, grant us                              
wisdom and insight to do those things that are                                 
meaningful and necessary for the good, and for the                             
growth of Alaska.                                                              
We are here, Lord, to serve You, and the people we                            
represent.  Bless us to that end.  We commend                                  
ourselves and the business of the day before this                              
Senate into Your care and guidance, praying in                                 
Jesus' precious name.			    Amen.                                              
Senator Duncan led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance.                     

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3956
The presence of Senators Pearce, Miller was noted.                             
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the journals             
for the  one hundred third, one hundred fourth and one hundred fifth           
legislative days be approved as certified by the Secretary.  Without           
objection, it was so ordered.                                                  
The presence of Senator Rieger was noted.                                      
                          MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                         
SB 152                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating:                                         
Dear Mr. President:                                                            
I am allowing the following bill to become law without my signature            
and am transmitting the engrossed and enrolled copies to the                   
Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                             
	SENATE BILL NO. 152                                                           
"An Act changing the frequency of certain state                               
inspections of weights and measures and relating to                            
the issuance of citations for weights and measures                             
			Chapter No. 15, SLA 1994                                                    
			Effective Date: 7/21/94                                                     
While I generally approve of the bill's concept of providing an                
additional management tool to address declining state revenues by              
reducing certain mandatory state inspections of weights and measures           
from two to one a year, I am uncertain that the reduced number of              
mandatory state inspections is in the public interest.  Although the           
bill does allow the state to conduct more frequent inspections "as             
considered necessary," the current fiscal situation of the state makes         
maintaining the same level of inspections to protect the public less           
of a possibility if the inspections are not mandatory.  Therefore, the         
public may not always benefit if SB 152 becomes law.                           

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3957
SB 152                                                                       
Even so, I believe that the advantages represented by this bill                
outweigh my concerns.  Therefore, I have decided to allow SB 152               
to become law without my signature.                                            
						Walter J. Hickel                                                         
SJR 51                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the Governor signed the                  
following resolution and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled                
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:               
	SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 51 am H                                           
Expressing support for the development of a                                   
fiberboard plant in Sitka; encouraging the Alaska                              
Industrial Development and Export Authority to                                 
continue its efforts to assist with that development;                          
and requesting the United States Forest Service to                             
continue a long-term timber purchase contract                                  
necessary to supply material to the plant.                                     
			Legislative Resolve No. 34                                                  
HCR 30                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the Governor read the                    
following resolution and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled                
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:               
	HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 30                                            
Relating to the twenty-sixth annual Girls' State.                             
			Legislative Resolve No. 35                                                  
HCR 28                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the Governor read the                    
following resolution and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled                
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:               

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3958
HCR 28                                                                       
	HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 28                                            
Relating to requesting the Governor to direct the                             
Attorney General to undertake all available means to                           
have the partial settlements agreed to by the state in                         
Cleary v. Smith and the court orders issued in that                            
case that impose required conditions of confinement                            
and continued monitoring and oversight of the                                  
correctional system by the courts dissolved or                                 
			Legislative Resolve No. 36                                                  
SCR 13                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the Governor read the                    
following resolution and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled                
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:               
	SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 13                                           
Relating to the Gold Rush Centennial Decade.                                  
			Legislative Resolve No. 37                                                  
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
HB 59                                                                        
Message of April 22 was read, stating the House concurred in the               
Senate amendment to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 59(MLV) "An                          
Act making a special appropriation to the Department of Natural                
Resources for refunds to certain veterans who purchased state land             
and for reimbursement to the University of Alaska for the veterans'            
land discount applied to land transferred to the University of Alaska;         
and providing for an effective date", thus passing:                            
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                               
	NO. 59(FIN)                                                                   
"An Act making a special appropriation to the                                 
Department of Natural Resources for refunds to                                 
certain veterans who purchased state land and for                              
reimbursement to the University of Alaska for the                              
veterans' land discount applied to land transferred to                         
the University of Alaska."                                                     

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3959
SB 220                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the House passed and                     
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 220(STA)                                               
"An Act amending schedule IA of the schedules of                              
controlled substances applicable to offenses relating                          
to controlled substances to add the drug                                       
methcathinone, commonly identified as `cat.'"                                  
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 220(STA) was referred to the                            
Secretary for enrollment.                                                      
SB 322                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the House passed and                     
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 322(FIN)                                               
"An Act repealing the requirement that an oil or gas                          
lease sale be held during the calendar quarter for                             
which scheduled under the leasing program and                                  
repealing related allowable delays for certain oil and                         
gas lease sales under the Alaska Land Act; and                                 
providing for an effective date."                                              
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 322(FIN) was referred to the Secretary                  
for enrollment.                                                                
SB 45                                                                        
Message of April 22 was read, stating the House passed and returned            
for consideration CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 45(RLS)(efd fld)                      
with the following amendment:                                                  
	HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL                                               
	NO. 45(FIN)                                                                   
"An Act relating to persons under 21 years of age;                            
relating to programs for runaway minors; providing                             
for designation of shelters for runaway minors; and                            
relating to the detention and incarceration of                                 

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3960
SB 45                                                                        
Senator Taylor moved that the Senate concur in the House                       
The question being:  "Shall the Senate concur in the House                     
amendment to CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 45(RLS)(efd fld)?"  The                    
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
HCS CSSB 45(FIN)                                                               
Shall the Senate concur in the House                                           
amendment to CSSB 45(RLS)(EFD FLD)?                                            
YEAS:  10   NAYS:  10   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                             
Yeas:  Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,          
Sharp, Taylor                                                                  
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Kerttula, Lincoln, Little,                
Rieger, Salo, Zharoff                                                          
and so, the Senate failed to concur in the House amendment.                    
The Secretary was requested to notify the House.                               
HB 254                                                                       
Message of April 22 was read, stating the House failed to concur in            
the Senate amendments to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 254(JUD)                        
am(ct rule fld) "An Act relating to open meetings of governmental              
bodies" and respectfully requests the Senate to recede from its                
amendments, namely:                                                            
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
	254(RLS) am S                                                                 
"An Act relating to open meetings of governmental                             
bodies; and providing for an effective date."                                  
In the event the Senate fails to recede, the Speaker has appointed the         
following members to a Conference Committee to meet with a like                
committee from the Senate to consider the bills:                               

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3961
HB 254                                                                       
Representative Vezey, Chair                                                    
Representative MacLean                                                         
Representative Mackie                                                          
Senator Taylor moved that the Senate recede from its amendments                
and recommended the body vote no.                                              
The question being: "Shall the Senate recede from its amendments               
to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 254(JUD) am (ct rule fld)?"  The                      
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
SCS CSHB 254(RLS) AM S                                                         
Shall the Senate recede from its amendments                                    
to CSHB 254(JUD) AM(CT RULE FLD)?                                              
YEAS:  0   NAYS:  20   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,             
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
and so, the Senate failed to recede from its amendments.                       
The President appointed the following members to a Conference                  
Committee to meet with the like committee from the House to                    
consider the bills:                                                            
Senator Taylor, Chair                                                          
Senator Duncan                                                                 
Senator Little                                                                 
The Secretary was requested to notify the House.                               
HB 370                                                                       
Message of April 25 was read, stating the House failed to concur in            
the Senate amendments to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 370(FIN)(brf                    
fld) "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan                  
program expenses of state government and to capitalize funds; and              
providing for an effective date" and respectfully requests the Senate          
to recede from its amendments, namely:                                         

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3962
HB 370                                                                       
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
	370(FIN) am S                                                                 
"An Act making appropriations for the operating                               
and loan program expenses of state government and                              
to capitalize funds; making appropriations under art.                          
IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska,                           
from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and                               
providing for an effective date."                                              
In the event the Senate fails to recede, the Speaker has appointed the         
following members to a Conference Committee to meet with a like                
committee from the Senate to consider the bills:                               
Representative Larson, Chair                                                   
Representative Hanley                                                          
Representative Grussendorf                                                     
Senator Taylor moved that the Senate recede from its amendments                
and recommended the body vote no.                                              
The question being: "Shall the Senate recede from its amendments               
to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 370(FIN)(brf fld)?"  The roll was                     
taken with the following result:                                               
SCS CSHB 370(FIN) AM S                                                         
Shall the Senate recede from its amendments                                    
to CSHB 370(FIN) (BRF FLD)?                                                    
YEAS:  0   NAYS:  20   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,             
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
and so, the Senate failed to recede from its amendments.                       
The President appointed the following members to a Conference                  
Committee to meet with the like committee from the House to                    
consider the bills:                                                            

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3963
HB 370                                                                       
Senator Frank, Chair                                                           
Senator Pearce                                                                 
Senator Kerttula                                                               
The Secretary was requested to notify the House.                               
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
Letter dated April 23 was read stating:                                        
In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Senate Resources Committee                
reviewed the following with regard to confirmation of the Governor's           
Board of Fisheries                                                           
	Dick Bower                                                                    
Signing no recommendation: Senator Miller, Chair, Senator Zharoff.             
Signing confirm: Senator Donley. Signing do not confirm:  Senator              
Adams.  Signing the report: Senators Frank, Leman, Pearce.                     
Letter dated April 23 was read stating:                                        
In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Senate Resources Committee                
reviewed the following with regard to confirmation of the Governor's           
Board of Fisheries                                                           
	Kay Andrew                                                                    
Signing no recommendation: Senator Miller, Chair.  Signing confirm:            
Senator Leman.  Signing do not confirm: Senators Adams, Donley.                
Signing the report: Senators Frank, Zharoff, Pearce.                           
Letter dated April 23 was read stating:                                        
In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Senate Resources Committee                
reviewed the following with regard to confirmation of the Governor's           

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3964
Board of Fisheries                                                           
	Larry Engel                                                                   
Signing no recommendation: Senator Miller, Chair, Senator Zharoff.             
Signing confirm: Senator Donley.  Signing do not confirm: Senator              
Adams.  Signing the report: Senators Frank, Leman, Pearce.                     
SCR 18                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE CONCURRENT                           
RESOLUTION NO. 18 Requesting the governor to offer the United                  
States Congress $10,000,000,000 in cash, or other terms that may be            
negotiated between the state and the federal government, to purchase           
all federal land, water, or land and water, including any surface or           
subsurface interests, in Alaska other than military reservations and           
federal offices, to have the federal government relinquish all                 
dominion, control, and regulatory authority over all land, water, or           
land and water, including surface or subsurface interests, in Alaska           
other than military reservations and federal offices, and providing a          
bonus if certain federal agencies are removed from the state within            
six months of the federal sale to the state and relinquishment of              
Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair.  Signing no recommendation:            
Senators Halford, Jacko.  Signing do not pass: Senator Little.                 
Previous zero fiscal note.                                                     
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 18 was referred to                            
the Finance Committee.                                                         
SB 67                                                                        
Forthcoming fiscal notes for the 2d Finance Committee Substitute for           
SENATE BILL NO. 67 "An Act amending provisions of ch. 66,                      
SLA 1991, that relate to reconstitution of the corpus of the mental            
health trust, the management of trust assets, and to the manner of             
enforcement of the obligation to compensate the trust; and providing           
for an effective date" published today from Department of Natural              
Resources, Department of Law, Department of Health and Social                  
Services.  Forthcoming zero fiscal notes for the 2d Finance                    
Committee Substitute published today from Department of Fish and               
Game, Alaska Court System.                                                     

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3965
SB 161                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 161 "An                     
Act relating to interest rates and calculation of interest under certain       
judgments and decrees and on refunds of certain taxes, royalties, or           
net profit shares; and providing for an effective date" and                    
recommended it be replaced with                                                
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 161(JUD)                                               
Signing to calendar:  Senator Taylor, Chair, Senator Jacko.  Signing           
no recommendation: Senators Little, Halford.                                   
Previous zero fiscal notes apply to the committee substitute.                  
SENATE BILL NO. 161 was referred to the Finance Committee.                     
SB 166                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 166 "An                       
Act relating to registration of a motor vehicle, and issuance, renewal,        
reinstatement, and revocation of a driver's license for failure to             
appear in court or failure to pay a fine" and recommended it be                
replaced with                                                                  
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 166(FIN), entitled:                                    
"An Act relating to registration of a motor vehicle                           
and suspension of a driver's license for failure to                            
appear in court or failure to pay a fine; and to                               
municipal parking authorities."                                                
Signing do pass: Senator Pearce, Cochair.  Signing no                          
recommendation: Senators Rieger, Sharp.  Signing do not pass:                  
Senator Kerttula.                                                              
Fiscal note for the committee substitute published today from Alaska           
Court System.  Previous fiscal note applies to the committee                   
SENATE BILL NO. 166 was referred to the Rules Committee.                       

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3966
SB 256                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 256 "An                       
Act increasing the tax on transfers and consumption of aviation fuel"          
and recommended the Transportation Committee Substitute offered                
on page 2613 be adopted.  Signing no recommendation: Senator                   
Pearce, Cochair, Senators Kerttula, Sharp.  Signing do pass: Senator           
Previous fiscal note.                                                          
SENATE BILL NO. 256 was referred to the Rules Committee.                       
SB 268                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 268 "An                       
Act relating to facilities for the care of children; to child placement        
agencies; to maternity homes; to certain residential facilities for            
adults; and to foster homes for adults; and providing for an effective         
date" and recommended the Judiciary Committee Substitute offered               
on page 3777 be adopted.  Signing do pass: Senator Pearce, Cochair.            
Signing no recommendation: Senators Rieger, Kerttula, Sharp.                   
Fiscal note for the committee substitute published today from                  
Department of Health and Social Services.                                      
SENATE BILL NO. 268 was referred to the Rules Committee.                       
SB 279                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 279 "An                     
Act relating to operating or driving a motor vehicle, commercial               
motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft" and recommended it be                  
replaced with                                                                  
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 279(JUD), entitled:                                    
"An Act relating to operating or driving a motor                              
vehicle, commercial motor vehicle, aircraft, or                                
watercraft; to classifying certain driving while                               
intoxicated offenses as felonies; to motor vehicle                             
forfeiture; and providing for an effective date."                              
Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators Little, Halford,              

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3967
SB 279                                                                       
Fiscal notes forthcoming.                                                      
SENATE BILL NO. 279 was referred to the Finance Committee.                     
SB 320                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 320 "An                       
Act relating to occupational licensing boards and commissions; and             
relating to architects, engineers, and land surveyors" and                     
recommended it be replaced with                                                
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 320(FIN), entitled:                                    
"An Act relating to membership on the Board of                                
Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land                               
Surveyors; relating to registration by the board;                              
clarifying the meaning of practicing or offering to                            
practice architecture, engineering, or land surveying;                         
deleting teachers of postsecondary land surveying                              
courses from a registration exemption; and amending                            
the definition of `practice of land surveying.'"                               
Signing no recommendation: Senator Pearce, Cochair, Senators                   
Rieger, Sharp, Jacko.  Signing do not pass: Senator Kerttula.                  
Previous zero fiscal notes apply to the committee substitute.                  
SENATE BILL NO. 320 was referred to the Rules Committee.                       
SB 339                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 339 "An                       
Act relating to the management of state land and resources; relating           
to certain remote parcel and homestead entry land purchase contracts           
and patents; and providing for an effective date" and recommended              
the Resources Committee Substitute offered on page 3553 be                     
adopted.  Signing do pass: Senator Pearce, Cochair, Senator Jacko.             
Signing no recommendation: Senators Rieger, Sharp.                             
Previous fiscal note.                                                          
SENATE BILL NO. 339 was referred to the Rules Committee.                       

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3968
SB 367                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 367 "An                     
Act relating to health care and insurance for health care; to review           
and approval of health insurance rates and rating factors; relating to         
certain civil actions against health care providers; to coordination of        
insurance benefits and to determination and disclosure of fees paid            
to an insured or health care provider; to the rate of interest on              
certain judgments and decrees; to excise taxes on cigarettes;                  
amending Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure 26, 27, 68, 79, and 82                
and Alaska Rules of Evidence 802, 803, and 804; repealing Alaska               
Rule of Civil Procedure 72.1; and providing for an effective date"             
and recommended it be replaced with                                            
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 367(JUD), entitled:                                    
"An Act prohibiting a civil action based on                                   
professional negligence against a health care                                  
provider by a person who on the date of the                                    
negligent act or omission is less than two years of                            
age, unless the action is brought before the person's                          
eighth birthday; establishing an advisory committee                            
on a health care plan and an advisory committee on                             
medical practice; and providing for an effective                               
Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair.  Signing do not pass:                  
Senator Little.  Signing no recommendation: Senators Halford, Jacko.           
Forthcoming fiscal notes and zero fiscal note.                                 
SENATE BILL NO. 367 was referred to the Finance Committee.                     
SB 372                                                                        
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 372 "An                    
Act relating to community local options for control of alcoholic               
beverages; relating to the control of alcoholic beverages; relating to         
the definition of `alcoholic beverage'; and providing for an effective         
date" and recommended it be replaced with                                      
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 372(JUD), entitled:                                    

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3969
SB 372                                                                       
"An Act relating to community local options for                               
control of alcoholic beverages; relating to the                                
control of alcoholic beverages; relating to the                                
definition of `alcoholic beverage'; relating to                                
purchase, sale, and taxation of alcoholic beverages;                           
relating to alcohol server education courses; and                              
providing for an effective date."                                              
Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senator Jacko.  Signing do             
pass when amended: Senator Halford.  Signing no recommendation:                
Senator Little.                                                                
Fiscal note for the committee substitute published today from                  
Department of Revenue.  Fiscal note for the committee substitute               
SENATE BILL NO. 372 was referred to the Finance Committee.                     
HB 153                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                   
153(JUD) am "An Act related to the awarding of special good time               
deductions for prisoners participating in the Point MacKenzie                  
Rehabilitation Project; and providing for an effective date."  Signing         
do pass: Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Miller, Taylor.                        
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 153(JUD) am was referred to the                          
Finance Committee.                                                             
HB 299                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
299(FIN) am "An Act relating to revocation of a driver's license for           
illegal possession or use of a controlled substance or illegal                 
possession or consumption of alcohol by a person at least 14 but not           
yet 21 years of age; to fees for reinstatement of a driver's license;          
and providing for an effective date."  Signing do pass: Senator                
Taylor, Chair, Senators Little, Halford.                                       
Previous House fiscal note and zero fiscal note.                               

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3970
HB 299                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 299(FIN) am was referred to the                          
Finance Committee.                                                             
HB 302                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
302(STA) "An Act excluding certain sports officials and certain                
recreational activities sanctioned by an employer from coverage                
provided under workers' compensation; and providing for an                     
effective date" and recommended it be replaced with                            
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                               
	NO. 302(JUD)                                                                  
Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senator Halford.  Signing do           
not pass: Senator Little.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Jacko.           
Previous House zero fiscal note applies to the Senate committe                 
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 302(STA) was referred to the Rules                       
HB 333                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
333(RES) "An Act amending the Alaska Land Act to define the term               
`state selected land' for the purpose of recognizing mining locations,         
and giving retrospective effect to the amendment; and providing for            
an effective date."  Signing do pass: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators          
Halford, Jacko.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Little.                    
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 333(RES) was referred to the Rules                       
HB 400                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 400 "An                  
Act relating to administrative proceedings involving a determination           
of eligibility for a permanent fund dividend or authority to claim a           
dividend on behalf of another."  Signing do pass: Senator Leman,               
Chair.  Signing no recommendation: Senators Miller, Taylor.                    

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3971
HB 400                                                                       
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
HOUSE BILL NO. 400 was referred to the Finance Committee.                      
SB 333                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 333 "An Act                     
relating to disclosure of close economic associations by certain state         
employees and to the prohibition against nepotism in the executive             
branch of state government; and providing for an effective date."              
Signing to calendar:  Senator Halford, Chair, Senators Rieger, Little,         
SENATE BILL NO. 333 is on today's calendar.                                    
SB 338                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 338 "An Act                     
relating to the issuance of revenue bonds for acquisition and                  
construction of the Alaska Discovery Center for the Ship Creek                 
Project in Anchorage; relating to a study of the feasibility and               
financial viability of the Alaska Discovery Center; relating to                
construction of the Alaska Discovery Center; and providing for an              
effective date."  Signing to calendar:  Senator Halford, Chair,                
Senators Rieger, Jacko, Zharoff.  Signing no recommendation:                   
Senator Little.                                                                
SENATE BILL NO. 338 is on today's calendar.                                    
SB 373                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 373 "An Act                     
relating to a comprehensive state financial plan and to the Solving            
Alaska's Fiscal Emergency (S.A.F.E.) Commission; and providing for             
an effective date."  Signing to calendar:  Senator Halford, Chair,             
Senator Rieger.  Signing no recommendation: Senators Little,                   
SENATE BILL NO. 373 is on today's calendar.                                    

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3972
HB 323                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
323(JUD) am "An Act relating to requests for anatomical gifts and              
to the release of certain information for the purpose of facilitating          
anatomical gifts."  Signing to calendar:  Senator Halford, Chair,              
Senators Little, Rieger, Zharoff.                                              
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 323(JUD) am is on today's calendar.                      
HB 327                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 327 "An Act                      
extending the termination date of the Board of Veterinary Examiners;           
and providing for an effective date."  Signing to calendar:  Senator           
Halford, Chair, Senators Rieger, Little, Jacko, Zharoff.                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 327 is on today's calendar.                                     
HB 407                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 407 "An Act                      
relating to issuance of commemorative gold rush motor vehicle                  
license plates."  Signing to calendar:  Senator Halford, Chair,                
Senators Rieger, Jacko, Zharoff.  Signing no recommendation:                   
Senator Little.                                                                
HOUSE BILL NO. 407 is on today's calendar.                                     
HB 454                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
454(FIN) "An Act making a supplemental appropriation to the                    
Department of Law to pay costs of certain continuing legal                     
proceedings; and providing for an effective date" and recommended              
it be replaced with                                                            
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                               
	NO. 454(RLS)                                                                  
Signing to calendar and do pass:  Senator Halford, Chair, Senator              
Jacko.  Signing to calendar:  Senator Rieger.  Signing no                      
recommendation: Senators Little, Zharoff.                                      

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3973
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
                        SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 333                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 333 "An Act relating to disclosure of close                    
economic associations by certain state employees and to the                    
prohibition against nepotism in the executive branch of state                  
government; and providing for an effective date" was read the                  
second time.                                                                   
Senator Pearce moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 3778.  Senator             
Adams objected, then withdrew his objection.  There being no                   
further objections, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) was                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) was read the second time.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that CS FOR                   
SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to                  
third reading and placed on final passage.  Without objection, it was          
so ordered.                                                                    
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) was read the third time.                       
Senator Duncan announced a minority caucus.                                    
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in recess to a call of the Chair.  Without objection, the Senate         
recessed at 12:28 p.m.                                                         
                                AFTER RECESS                                 
The Senate reconvened at 1:52 p.m.                                             

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3974
                   CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR CONTINUED                   
SB 333                                                                       
Senator Little moved that CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) be                   
returned to second reading for the purpose of a specific amendment,            
that being Amendment No. 1.  Senator Taylor objected, then                     
withdrew his objection.  There being no further objections, the bill           
was returned to second reading.                                                
Senator Little offered Amendment No. 1 :                                        
Page 3, line 12, after the first "the":                                        
	Insert  "departmental"                                                        
Senator Little moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of Amendment No. 1.  Without objection, Amendment No. 1 was                    
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) am was automatically in                        
third reading.                                                                 
The question being:  "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN)                    
am "An Act relating to disclosure of close economic associations by            
certain state employees and to the prohibition against nepotism in the         
executive branch of state government; and providing for an effective           
date" pass the Senate?"  The roll was taken with the following                 
CSSB 333(FIN) am                                                               
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,                    
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
Absent:  Frank                                                                 
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) am passed the                          

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3975
SB 333                                                                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                 
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) am was referred to the                         
Secretary for engrossment.                                                     
SB 338                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 338 "An Act relating to the issuance of revenue                
bonds for acquisition and construction of the Alaska Discovery                 
Center for the Ship Creek Project in Anchorage; relating to a study            
of the feasibility and financial viability of the Alaska Discovery             
Center; relating to construction of the Alaska Discovery Center; and           
providing for an effective date" was read the second time.                     
Senator Pearce moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 3803.  Senator             
Little objected, then withdrew her objection.  There being no further          
objections, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 338(FIN) "An Act relating                   
to the issuance of revenue bonds for acquisition and construction of           
the Northern Crossroads Discovery Center for the Ship Creek                    
Landings Project; relating to a study of the feasibility and financial         
viability of the Northern Crossroads Discovery Center; relating to             
construction of the Northern Crossroads Discovery Center; and                  
providing for an effective date" was adopted.                                  
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 338(FIN) was read the second time.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that CS FOR                   
SENATE BILL NO. 338(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to                  
third reading and placed on final passage.  Without objection, it was          
so ordered.                                                                    
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 338(FIN) was read the third time.                       
Senator Phillips called the Senate.  President Halford stated the call         
was satisfied.                                                                 

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3976
SB 338                                                                       
The question being:  "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 338(FIN)                    
"An Act relating to the issuance of revenue bonds for acquisition              
and construction of the Northern Crossroads Discovery Center for the           
Ship Creek Landings Project; relating to a study of the feasibility            
and financial viability of the Northern Crossroads Discovery Center;           
relating to construction of the Northern Crossroads Discovery Center;          
and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?"  The roll was           
taken with the following result:                                               
CSSB 338(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Little,              
Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Zharoff                                                
Nays:  Adams, Halford, Kerttula, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, Sharp,               
Pearce changed from "Yea" to "Nay".                                            
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 338(FIN) passed the Senate.                     
Senator Taylor moved the effective date clause.                                
The question being:  "Shall the effective date clause be adopted?"             
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CSSB 338(FIN)                                                                  
Effective Date Vote                                                            
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,             
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
and so, the effective date clause was adopted.                                 
Senator Lincoln gave notice of reconsideration.                                

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3977
SB 373                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 373 "An Act relating to a comprehensive state                  
financial plan and to the Solving Alaska's Fiscal Emergency                    
(S.A.F.E.) Commission; and providing for an effective date" was read           
the second time.                                                               
Senator Pearce moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Finance Committee Substitute offered on page 3804.  Senator             
Lincoln objected, then withdrew her objection.  There being no                 
further objections, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN) "An Act                    
relating to a comprehensive state financial plan and to the Solving            
Alaska's Fiscal Exigency (S.A.F.E.) Commission; and providing for              
an effective date" was adopted.                                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN) was read the second time.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that CS FOR                   
SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to                  
third reading and placed on final passage.  Senator Duncan objected,           
then withdrew his objection.  There being no further objection, it             
was so ordered.                                                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN) was read the third time.                       
The question being:  "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN)                    
"An Act relating to a comprehensive state financial plan and to the            
Solving Alaska's Fiscal Exigency (S.A.F.E.) Commission; and                    
providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?"  The roll was               
taken with the following result:                                               
CSSB 373(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  2   NAYS:  18   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Kelly, Pearce                                                           
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko,                    
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp,       
Taylor, Zharoff                                                                

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3978
SB 373                                                                       
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN) failed.                                
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 373(FIN)(fld S) was referred to the                     
Secretary for permanent filing.                                                
                        SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                        
HB 327                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 327 "An Act extending the termination date of                   
the Board of Veterinary Examiners; and providing for an effective              
date" was read the second time.                                                
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that HOUSE                    
BILL NO. 327 be advanced to third reading and placed on final                  
passage.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                
HOUSE BILL NO. 327 was read the third time.                                    
The question being:  "Shall HOUSE BILL NO. 327 "An Act                         
extending the termination date of the Board of Veterinary Examiners;           
and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?"  The roll was           
taken with the following result:                                               
HB 327                                                                         
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,             
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
and so, HOUSE BILL NO. 327 passed the Senate.                                  
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 327 was signed by the President and Secretary                   
and returned to the House.                                                     

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3979
HB 407                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 407 "An Act relating to issuance of                             
commemorative gold rush motor vehicle license plates" was read the             
second time.                                                                   
Senator Pearce moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Finance Senate Committee Substitute offered on page 3806.               
Without objection, SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN)                       
"An Act relating to issuance of commemorative gold rush motor                  
vehicle license plates; and providing for an effective date" was               
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) was read the second                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that SENATE                   
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) be considered engrossed,                        
advanced to third reading and placed on final passage.  Without                
objection, it was so ordered.                                                 
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) was read the third                      
Senator Pearce moved and asked unanimous consent that the Letter               
of Intent offered on page 3806 be adopted as a Senate Letter of                
Intent.  Without objection, the Senate Letter of Intent was adopted.           
Senator Frank moved that SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                          
407(FIN) be returned to second reading for the purpose of a specific           
amendment, that being Amendment No. 1.  Without objection, the                 
bill was returned to second reading.                                           
Senator Frank offered Amendment No. 1 :                                         
Page 1, line 8, after "state":                                             
	Insert  "including the Alaska flag,"                                          
Senator Frank moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.                       
Senator Taylor objected.                                                       

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3980
HB 407                                                                       
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?"  The roll              
was taken with the following result:                                           
SCS HB 407(FIN)                                                                
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 1                                                                
YEAS:  18   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  2                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko,                    
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Salo, Sharp,       
Taylor, Zharoff                                                                
Absent:  Kelly, Rieger                                                         
Taylor changed from "Nay" to "Yea".                                            
and so, Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                           
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) am S was                                 
automatically in third reading.                                                
Senators Jacko moved that SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                         
407(FIN) am S be returned to second reading for the purpose of a               
specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 2.  Without                       
objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                            
Senators Jacko, Halford offered Amendment No. 2 :                               
Page 1, Add a new Section 1 and renumber following sections:                   
	* Section 1. AS 28.10.161(a) is amended to read:                              
	AS 28.10.161.  Registration plates to be furnished to                         
department.  (a) The department, upon registering a vehicle, shall             
issue the owner one fully reflectorized registration plate for a               
[TRAILER OR A MOTORCYCLE AND TWO FULLY                                         
REFLECTORIZED REGISTRATION PLATES FOR EVERY                                    
OTHER] vehicle.  Except as specifically provided in AS 28.10.181,              
the plate or plates must remain with the vehicle as long as the                
vehicle is subject to registration under this chapter.                         

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3981
HB 407                                                                       
Page 2, lines 4 and 5:                                                         
	Delete all material.                                                          
Senator Jacko moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2.                       
Senator Taylor objected.                                                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the                      
following amendment to Amendment No. 2 be adopted.                             
After "plate":                                                                 
	Delete "or plates"                                                            
Senator Little objected, then withdrew her objection.  There being no          
further objections, amendment to Amendment No. 2 was adopted.                  
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 2 as amended be                       
adopted?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                       
SCS HB 407(FIN) am S                                                           
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 2                                                                
YEAS:  13   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Lincoln, Miller,                  
Pearce, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                   
Nays:  Duncan, Ellis, Kerttula, Leman, Little, Phillips                        
Absent:  Kelly                                                                 
and so, Amendment No. 2 as amended was adopted.                                
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) am S was                                 
automatically in third reading.                                                
Senator Pearce called the Senate on the calendar.  Senator Pearce              
lifted the call.                                                               

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3982
HB 407                                                                       
The question being:  "Shall SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
407(FIN) am S "An Act relating to issuance of commemorative gold               
rush motor vehicle license plates; and providing for an effective              
date" pass the Senate?"  The roll was taken with the following                 
SCS HB 407(FIN) am S                                                           
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,        
Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor                                                    
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Kelly, Kerttula, Leman, Little,                  
and so, SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) am S                             
passed the Senate with a Senate Letter of Intent.                              
Senator Taylor moved the effective date clause.                                
The question being:  "Shall the effective date clause be adopted?"             
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
SCS HB 407(FIN) am S                                                           
Effective Date Vote                                                            
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,             
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
and so, the effective date clause was adopted.                                 
Senator Duncan gave notice of reconsideration.                                 

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3983
HB 454                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 454(FIN) "An Act making a                                
supplemental appropriation to the Department of Law to pay costs               
of certain continuing legal proceedings; and providing for an                  
effective date" was read the second time.                                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that CS FOR                   
HOUSE BILL NO. 454(FIN) be held to the April 27 calendar.                      
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                          
                        HOUSE BILLS IN SECOND READING                        
HB 323                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 323(JUD) am "An Act relating to                          
requests for anatomical gifts and to the release of certain information        
for the purpose of facilitating anatomical gifts" was before the Senate        
in second reading.                                                             
Senator Leman moved for the adoption of the State Affairs Senate               
Committee Substitute offered on page 3817.  Senator Ellis objected.            
The question being:  "Shall the State Affairs Senate Committee                 
Substitute be adopted?"  The roll was taken with the following                 
CSHB 323(JUD) AM                                                               
Second Reading                                                                 
Adopt State Affairs Committee Substitute?                                      
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,          
Rieger, Sharp, Taylor                                                          
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Kerttula, Lincoln, Little, Salo,          
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 323(STA)                           
was adopted.                                                                   

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3984
HB 323                                                                       
Senator Lincoln called the Senate.  The President stated the call was          
Senator Salo offered Amendment No. 1 :                                          
Page 2, lines 2 - 3 and lines 10 - 11:                                         
	Delete "whose death was caused by induced abortion"                           
Senator Salo moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1.  Senator               
Miller objected.                                                               
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?"  The roll              
was taken with the following result:                                           
SCS CSHB 323(STA)                                                              
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 1                                                                
YEAS:  7   NAYS:  13   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Kerttula, Lincoln, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger, Salo                
Nays:  Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman,             
Little, Miller, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                         
Kelly changed from "Yea" to "Nay".                                             
and so, Amendment No. 1 failed.                                                
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that SENATE                   
CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 323(STA) be considered                            
engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage.              
Senator Ellis objected.                                                        
The question being:  "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                         
BILL NO. 323(STA) be advanced to third reading?"  The roll was                 
taken with the following result:                                               
SCS CSHB 323(STA)                                                              
Advance from Second to Third Reading?                                          

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3985
HB 323                                                                       
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,          
Rieger, Sharp, Taylor                                                          
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Kerttula, Lincoln, Little, Salo,          
and so, the bill was not advanced to third reading.                            
Honoring - Alaska All Star Bantam B's 1994 Bantam B State                      
Hockey Champions, Third Place, National Bantam B Tournament                    
by Senator(s) Phillips, Leman, Halford, Kelly, Donley, Pearce,                 
Zharoff, Duncan, Lincoln                                                       
Representative(s) Carney, Kott, Mulder, Willis                                 
Honoring - Matthew Weaver, Teacher of the Year                                 
by Representative(s) Menard, Carney, Larson                                    
Senator(s) Kerttula, Halford, Little, Ellis, Donley, Pearce, Lincoln,          
Salo, Zharoff, Leman, Duncan                                                   
Honoring - Jack Forrester, Assistant Principal of the Year                     
by Representative(s) Menard, Carney, Larson                                    
Senator(s) Kerttula, Halford, Donley, Pearce, Lincoln, Zharoff, Little,        
Honoring - Colony Girls Swim Team                                              
by Representative(s) Menard, Carney, Larson                                    
Senator(s) Kerttula, Halford, Leman, Pearce, Lincoln, Zharoff, Little,         
Honoring - Colony Girls Cross Country Team                                     
by Representative(s) Menard, Carney, Larson                                    
Senator(s) Kerttula, Halford, Leman, Pearce, Lincoln, Zharoff, Little,         

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3986
Honoring - Colony Boys Cross Country Team                                      
by Representative(s) Menard, Carney, Larson                                    
Senator(s) Kerttula, Halford, Leman, Pearce, Lincoln, Zharoff,                 
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the                    
citations be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted           
and referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                 
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   
SB 333                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 333(FIN) am "An Act relating to                         
disclosure of close economic associations by certain state employees           
and to the prohibition against nepotism in the executive branch of             
state government; and providing for an effective date" was engrossed,          
signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to the House             
for consideration.                                                             
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., April 27, 1994.  Without                
objection, the Senate adjourned at 3:56 p.m.                                   
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                            April 1994         

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3987
                    NOTICE - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT                   
	Persons with disabilities who require special accommodation or                
alternative communication formats to access committee meetings may contact     
the appropriate committee office or the Legislative Information Office in      
their community. Reasonable advance notice is needed to accommodate the        
request. For further information, call the ADA Coordinator at 465-3854         
Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                                            
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                             
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    9:00 AM         
HB 543	UNVENTED GAS HEATERS IN RESIDENTIAL BLDGS                               
 	<REMOVED FROM AGENDA>                                                        
HB 259	GENERAL GRANT LAND ENTITLEMENT                                          
SB 375	GENERAL GRANT LAND ENTITLEMENTS                                         
APR 28                              THURSDAY                   9:00 AM         
HB 543	UNVENTED GAS HEATERS IN RESIDENTIAL BLDGS                               
 	<REMOVED FROM AGENDA>                                                        
HB 259	GENERAL GRANT LAND ENTITLEMENT                                          
SB 375	GENERAL GRANT LAND ENTITLEMENTS                                         
HB 467	AHFC HOUSING LOANS                                                      
HB 427	COMPENSATION; LOCAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION                                 
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
APR 25                               MONDAY                    9:00 AM         
SB  56	ADMINISTRATION OF BUDGET RESERVE FUND                                   
SB 166	DRIVER'S LICENSE REVOCATION                                             
SB 256	INCREASE AVIATION FUEL TAX                                              
SB 268	COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES                                               
SB 320	OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING                                                  
SB 339	MANAGEMENT OF STATE LAND AND RESOURCES                                  
SB 341	EXTEND TOURISM MARKETING COUNCIL                                        
SB 358	ELIMINATE SOME STATE MULTIMEMBER BODIES                                 
SB 370	ALLOW GAMBLING ON CRUISE SHIPS                                          
SJR 52	BUDGET RESERVE FUND AMENDMENT                                           
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3988
                            FINANCE CONTINUED                              
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    9:00 AM         
SB 161	INTEREST RATES: JUDGMENTS/TAXES/ROYALTIES                               
SB 372	ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: LOCAL OPTION & MISC.                               
HB 421	GRANTS FOR HOUSING DURING DISASTER                                      
HJR 34	FED FISH RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GRANTS                                  
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   9:00 AM         
HB 191	CONTRACTOR OPERATED STATE HATCHERIES                                    
HB 347	STATE LONG-TERM PLANNING                                                
HB 356	LIVING WILLS AND MEDICAL CARE ORDERS                                    
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
HB 373	PERMANENT FUND INVESTMENTS IN REAL ESTATE                               
HB 392	PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND PROGRAM                                         
HB 358	MOBILE HOME CERTIFICATES OF TITLE                                       
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 28                              THURSDAY                   9:00 AM         
HB 397	TAXING POWER OF SECOND CLASS CITIES                                     
HB 442	CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION                                            
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 29                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
 	*** TO BE ANNOUNCED ***                                                      
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 25                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	CONFIRMATION HEARING:                                                        
 	..BOARD OF EDUCATION - JOHN HOTZFIELD                                        
 	** TO MEET UPON ADJOURNMENT AT 4:00 P.M. ON                                  
 	.. THE FOLLOWING BILL:                                                       
SB 304	AHFC BONDS FOR UNIV. OF ALASKA USES                                     
 	** FOLLOWING BILLS RESCHEDULED TO 04/27/94:                                  
HB 506	STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM                                                    
SB 346	REPORT CHARITABLE GAMING WINNERS                                        
HB 472	REFERRALS INVOLVING DENTAL SERVICES                                     
HB 478	AUTHORITY TO PRONOUNCE DEATH                                            
HB 507	LICENSING OF OPTOMETRISTS AND PHYSICIANS                                
HJR 54	SUPPORT MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCT LEGIS                                      
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD OR HELD OVER                                          

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3989
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   1:30 PM         
HB 409	AFDC DEMO PROJECT AND DECREASE                                          
HJR 47	FUNDS TO UPGRADE MILITARY BASE SCHOOLS                                  
 	** FOLLOWING BILLS RESCHEDULED FROM 04/25/94:                                
HB 506	STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM                                                    
SB 346	REPORT CHARITABLE GAMING WINNERS                                        
HB 472	REFERRALS INVOLVING DENTAL SERVICES                                     
HB 478	AUTHORITY TO PRONOUNCE DEATH                                            
HB 507	LICENSING OF OPTOMETRISTS AND PHYSICIANS                                
HJR 54	SUPPORT MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCT LEGIS                                      
APR 29                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 25                               MONDAY                    4:00 PM         
 	** TIME CHANGE **                                                            
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
SB 237	WEAPONS POSSESSION/SALE BY/TO MINORS                                    
HB 362	CHILD SUPPORT:CRIMINAL/CIVIL REMEDIES                                   
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    4:00 PM         
 	** TIME AND LOCATION CHANGES **                                              
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
HJR 43	RIGHTS OF CRIME VICTIMS                                                 
HB 231	AGGRAVATING/MITIGATING FACTORS;SEX CRIMES                               
HB 319	ALASKA POLICE STNDS TRAINING FUND                                       
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   4:00 PM         
 	** TIME CHANGE **                                                            
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
HB 420	LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES                                             
APR 28                              THURSDAY                   4:00 PM         
 	** TIME AND LOCATION CHANGES **                                              
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
HB 277	INDEMNIFICATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES                                     
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
APR 29                               FRIDAY                    4:00 PM         
 	** TIME CHANGE **                                                            
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
HJR 43	RIGHTS OF CRIME VICTIMS                                                 

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3990
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
HB 277	INDEMNIFICATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES                                     
HB 353	CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT                                      
HB 365	EXTEND BOARD OF BARBERS & HAIRDRESSERS                                  
HB 468	FOSTER CARE REVIEW PANEL                                                
HB 497	OFFICERS OF UTILITY COOPERATIVES                                        
HJR 64	PROJECTS OF ALASKA AEROSPACE DEV. CORP.                                 
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 25                               MONDAY                    3:30 PM         
 	***** CANCELLED - RESCHEDULED TO 04/27/94 *****                              
HB 446	ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AGREEMENTS                                   
HJR 61	COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FISHING QUOTAS                                    
 	<BILLS HELD OVER OR PREVIOUSLY HEARD>                                        
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   3:30 PM         
 	*** RESCHEDULED FROM 04/25/94 ***                                            
HB 446	ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AGREEMENTS                                   
HJR 61	COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FISHING QUOTAS                                    
 	<BILLS HELD OVER OR PREVIOUSLY HEARD>                                        
APR 29                               FRIDAY                    3:30 PM         
 	BILLS HELD OVER OR PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                          
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
APR 25                               MONDAY                   10:00 AM         
HB 327	EXTEND BOARD OF VETERINARY EXAMINERS                                    
HB 407	COMMEMORATIVE GOLD RUSH LICENSE PLATES                                  
SB  67	MENTAL HEALTH TRUST AMENDMENTS                                          
SB 338	ALASKA RR REVENUE BONDS:SHIP CREEK                                      
SB 343	COURTESY CARS OPERATED AT AIRPORTS                                      
 	SUBSTANTIVE HEARING:                                                         
SB 195	PHYSICAL/OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY BOARDS EXT.                               
HB 454	APPROP: COST OF OIL/GAS LITIGATION                                      
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	***  AGENDA TO BE ANNOUNCED  ***                                             

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3991
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 25                               MONDAY                    9:00 AM         
HB 351	PERMIT TO CARRY CONCEALED WEAPONS                                       
HB 153	GOOD TIME: PT. MACKENZIE REHAB PROJECT                                  
HB  47	ABSENTEE BALLOTS - PRIMARY ELECTIONS                                    
HB 400	PFD ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS                                          
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   9:00 AM         
HB 417	POSSESSION OF FIREARMS IN SCHOOL LOCKERS                                
HCR 34	ALASKA GARDEN WEEK                                                      
HB 518	EXTEND ALASKA BAR ASSOCIATION                                           
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 29                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
HB 301	BAN SALE OF SOME STUDDED TIRES AND STUDS                                
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
APR 28                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
 	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                         LEGISLATIVE BUDGET AND AUDIT                        
                               GOVERNOR'S CONF RM                              
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   3:30 PM         
                               OTHER COMMITTEES                              
                              CHILDREN'S CAUCUS                              
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                  12:00 PM         
 	****** CANCELLED ******                                                      
                               MINORITY CAUCUS                               
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
APR 25                               MONDAY                   12:45 PM         
 	MINORITY CAUCUS                                                              

1994-04-25                     Senate Journal                      Page 3992
                         CONFERENCE COMMITTEE HB 370                         
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
APR 25                               MONDAY                    3:00 PM         
 	***  TO MEET AT CALL OF CHAIR  ***                                           
HB 370	APPROP: FY 95 OPERATING AND LOAN BUDGET                                 
APR 26                              TUESDAY                    3:00 PM         
HB 370	APPROP: FY 95 OPERATING AND LOAN BUDGET                                 
APR 27                             WEDNESDAY                   3:00 PM         
HB 370	APPROP: FY 95 OPERATING AND LOAN BUDGET                                 
APR 28                              THURSDAY                   3:00 PM         
HB 370	APPROP: FY 95 OPERATING AND LOAN BUDGET                                 
APR 29                               FRIDAY                    3:00 PM