Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-03-18 Senate Journal

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1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3261
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                    EIGHTEENTH LEGISLATURE - SECOND SESSION                    
Juneau, Alaska                       Friday             March 18, 1994         
                                Sixty-eighth Day                               
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Halford at 11:18 a.m.                                                          
The roll showed thirteen members present.  Senators Kelly, Kerttula,           
Lincoln, Little, Zharoff were excused from a call of the Senate.               
Senators Frank, Pearce were absent.                                            
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Kermit Wilson of the            
First Church of God.                                                           
Senator Jacko led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the journals             
for the sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh legislative days be approved as          
certified by the Secretary.  Without objection, it was so ordered.             
The presence of Senator Pearce was noted.                                      
                          MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                         
HB 58                                                                        
Message of March 16 was read, stating the Governor signed the                  
following bill and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to            
the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                         
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 58(FIN)                                   
"An Act relating to the budget reserve fund                                   
established under art. IX, sec. 17, Constitution of                            
the State of Alaska."                                                          

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3262
HB 58                                                                        
			Chapter 5, SLA 1994                                                         
			Effective Date:  6/14/94                                                    
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
Message of March 16 was read, stating the House passed and                     
transmitted for consideration:                                                 
                        FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF                        
                               HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                              
HJR 59                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 59(FSH) BY THE                               
HOUSE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES,                                          
Relating to reduction of wanton waste in North                                
Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea fisheries.                                        
was read the first time and referred to the Resources Committee.               
                  FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF HOUSE BILLS                 
HB 199                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 199(O&G) am  BY THE HOUSE                                
SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON OIL AND GAS, entitled:                                    
"An Act relating to the exploration and production                            
of oil and gas and related hydrocarbons, to oil and                            
gas exploration licenses, and to oil and gas leases in                         
certain areas of the state; and providing for an                               
effective date."                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
HB 339                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 339(JUD)(efd am) BY THE HOUSE                            
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                 

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3263
HB 339                                                                       
"An Act relating to the use of historical documents                           
in public schools; and providing for an effective                              
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and              
Social Services and Judiciary Committees.                                      
HB 402                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 402 BY THE HOUSE LABOR AND                                      
COMMERCE COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                  
"An Act requiring that an owner's motor vehicle                               
liability insurance policy used as proof of financial                          
responsibility designate by description or appropriate                         
reference the motor vehicles it covers; and providing                          
for an effective date."                                                        
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Judiciary        
HB 418                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 418 BY REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS,                                 
"An Act extending the termination date of the Board                           
of Parole; and providing for an effective date."                               
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary Committee.               
HB 442                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 442(FIN) BY THE HOUSE FINANCE                            
COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                           
"An Act relating to criminal justice information;                             
providing procedural requirements for obtaining                                
certain criminal justice information; and providing                            
for an effective date."                                                        
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3264
The following reports were received and are on file in the Office of           
the Secretary of the Senate:                                                   
Alaska Mental Health Board Annual Report 1993                                  
from Deborah K. Smith, Executive Director                                      
in accordance with AS 47.30.661                                                
(Distributed to all Senators)                                                  
State of Alaska Comprehensive Annual Financial Report                          
Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1993                                                
from Nancy Bear Usera, Commissioner, Department of                             
in accordance with AS 37.05.210                                                
(Distributed to all Senators)                                                  
University of Alaska Report to the Legislature 1993-94                         
from Jerome Komisar, President                                                 
in accordance with AS 14.40.190                                                
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
SB 26                                                                        
Forthcoming fiscal note for SENATE BILL NO. 26 "An Act relating                
to the location of the convening of the legislature in regular session;        
and providing for an effective date" (page 3182) published today               
from Legislative Affairs Agency.                                               
SB 255                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
SENATE BILL NO. 255 "An Act establishing a comprehensive                       
policy relating to human resource development in the state" and                
recommended it be replaced with                                                
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 255(HES)                                               
Signing do pass: Senator Rieger, Chair, Senator Ellis.  Signing no             
recommendation: Senators Miller, Duncan, Leman, Sharp, Salo.                   
Previous zero fiscal notes apply to the committee substitute.                  

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3265
SB 255                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 255 was referred to the State Affairs                          
SB 276                                                                       
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 276 "An                       
Act relating to criminal justice information; providing procedural             
requirements for obtaining certain criminal justice information; and           
providing for an effective date" and recommended it be replaced                
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 276(FIN)                                               
Signing do pass: Senators Pearce, Frank, Cochairs, Senators Kelly,             
Rieger, Kerttula, Sharp.                                                       
Fiscal note for the committee substitute published today from                  
Department of Corrections.  Previous zero fiscal notes apply to the            
committee substitute.                                                          
SENATE BILL NO. 276 was referred to the Rules Committee.                       
SB 312                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
SENATE BILL NO. 312 "An Act relating to school construction                    
grants; and providing for an effective date" and recommended it be             
replaced with                                                                  
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 312(HES), entitled:                                    
"An Act relating to school construction grants and                            
to interscholastic school activities; and providing for                        
an effective date."                                                            
Signing do pass: Senator Rieger, Chair, Senators Miller, Leman,                
Sharp.  Signing no recommendation: Senators Duncan, Ellis, Salo.               
Zero fiscal note for the bill and committee substitute published today         
from Department of Education.                                                  
SENATE BILL NO. 312 was referred to the Finance Committee.                     

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3266
SB 333                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 333                     
"An Act relating to disclosure of close economic associations by               
certain state employees and to the prohibition against nepotism in the         
executive branch of state government; and providing for an effective           
date."  Signing no recommendation: Senator Leman, Chair, Senators              
Taylor, Miller.                                                                
Fiscal note published today from Department of Administration. Zero            
fiscal notes published today from Office of the Governor,                      
Department of Law.                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 333 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                   
SB 342                                                                       
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered SENATE BILL                        
NO. 342 "An Act relating to risk based capital for insurers; and               
providing for an effective date" and recommended it be replaced                
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 342(L&C)                                               
Signing do pass: Senator Kelly, Chair.  Signing no recommendation:             
Senators Sharp, Rieger, Salo.                                                  
Zero fiscal note for the bill and committee substitute published today         
from Department of Commerce and Economic Development.                          
SENATE BILL NO. 342 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                   
HCR 31                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 31 Relating to                                 
Alcohol-Related Birth Defects Awareness Week.  Signing do pass:                
Senator Rieger, Chair, Senators Miller, Duncan, Leman, Sharp, Salo.            
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 31 was referred to the                         
Rules Committee.                                                               

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3267
HB 2                                                                         
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered CS              
FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 2(RLS) "An Act requiring drug and alcohol                   
tests for school bus drivers."  Signing do pass: Senator Rieger,               
Chair, Senators Miller, Leman, Sharp.  Signing no recommendation:              
Senators Duncan, Salo.                                                         
Fiscal note published today from Department of Education.                      
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 2(RLS) was referred to the Judiciary                     
HB 4                                                                         
The Finance Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                         
4(JUD) "An Act relating to failure to report harm or assaults of the           
elderly or disabled."  Signing do pass: Senators Frank, Pearce,                
Cochairs, Senators Jacko, Kerttula.  Signing no recommendation:                
Senator Rieger.                                                                
Previous zero fiscal notes.                                                    
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 4(JUD) was referred to the Rules                         
HB 65                                                                        
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                       
65(FIN) "An Act relating to licenses, certificates, and permits                
administered and fees charged by the Alcoholic Beverage Control                
Board, the office of public advocacy, the Alaska Commission on                 
Postsecondary Education, the Department of Fish and Game, the                  
Department of Labor, the Alaska Police Standards Council, the                  
Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of                         
Environmental Conservation; relating to the administration of the              
state insurance catastrophe reserve account; relating to the provision         
of group life or group health insurance for state employees;                   
authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to accept certain              
donations for parks and recreation; relating to fiscal reporting and           
accounting by the Department of Administration; extending the                  
suspension of certain tax credit provisions; and amending Alaska               
Rule of Probate Procedure 16(d); and providing for an effective                
date."  Signing do not pass:  Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators Donley,          
Little, Halford.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Jacko.                    

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3268
HB 65                                                                        
Fiscal note published today from Department of Labor.  Previous                
House fiscal and zero fiscal notes.                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 65(FIN) was referred to the Finance                      
SCR 16                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE CONCURRENT                               
RESOLUTION NO. 16 Relating to release of nonproprietary                        
geographic information system files in possession of the state.                
Signing to calendar: Senator Halford, Chair, Senators Rieger, Zharoff,         
Jacko.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Little.                             
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 is on today's                              
SB 330                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 330 "An Act                     
relating to water quality enhancement, water supply, wastewater, and           
solid waste grants; the Alaska clean water fund; the establishment of          
the Alaska clean water account, the Alaska drinking water fund, and            
the Alaska drinking water account; and providing for an effective              
date" and recommended it be replaced with                                      
	CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS)                                               
Signing to calendar and do pass:  Senator Halford, Chair, Senators             
Zharoff, Jacko, Rieger.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Little.            
Previous zero fiscal note applies to the committee substitute.                 
SENATE BILL NO. 330 is on today's calendar.                                    
                  INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS                 
SB 362                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 362 BY THE SENATE LABOR AND                                    
COMMERCE COMMITTEE BY REQUEST, entitled:                                       

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3269
SB 362                                                                       
"An Act relating to insurance, to the licensing,                              
accreditation, examination, regulation, and solvency                           
of persons engaged in the insurance business,                                  
including insurers, nonadmitted insurers, purchasing                           
groups, risk retention groups, and United States                               
branches of alien insurers; relating to the                                    
management of and the filing of reports by persons                             
licensed or otherwise doing business under the                                 
insurance code; amending Alaska Rule of Civil                                  
Procedure 45; and providing for an effective date."                            
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Judiciary Committees.                                                          
SB 363                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 363 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                              
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                          
"An Act making appropriations for capital project                             
matching grant funds and for capital projects; and                             
providing for an effective date."                                              
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
Governor's transmittal letter dated March 18:                                  
Dear Mr. President:                                                            
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution,          
I am transmitting a bill making appropriations for capital projects for        
fiscal year 1995.                                                              
As with my proposed operating budget, the capital budget focuses on            
government meeting its basic and traditional responsibilities to its           
citizens.  To this end, my capital budget provides over $23.6 million          
for water and sewer projects throughout Alaska.  For the first time,           
these state appropriations will help bring in federal funds to assist in       
rural water and sewer needs.  This could provide up to $25 million             
in additional federal funds.  We must continue to build upon this              
administration's financial commitment to protecting the health of              

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3270
SB 363                                                                       
Another area of emphasis is protecting our state's assets.  For too            
long our buildings, roads and facilities have been left without repair.        
We must continue to meet our responsibilities and provide some of              
the funding necessary to get this job done.  I have already                    
introduced legislation that further meets this responsibility by               
providing funding for the University of Alaska.                                
In an effort to reduce the need for new funds, this legislation uses           
$5,400,00 in highway match and $1,000,000 in airport match from                
previous years' appropriations.  The language to access these funds            
is found in sections 6 and 7 of this bill.  Also, the Department of            
Transportation and Public Facilities has completed a long range                
capital improvement plan entitled "Six Year Transportation Needs               
and Priorities in Alaska" dated January 1994.  This plan is in accord          
with the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1991 and the Federal-Aid                   
Aviation Act of 1992.                                                          
The capital needs of this state far exceed the level of funding I have         
proposed.  Many projects traditionally funded in the capital budget,           
such as Pioneer Homes maintenance, are not funded in this proposal.            
While taking care of the state's deferred maintenance problem is a             
high priority, the state's revenue picture required some hard choices          
be made.  As a result, departments have been directed to maximize              
and prioritize the use of the maintenance funding they have received           
in the past in order to meet current-day needs.  I am hopeful that             
this bill provides a map of how we can continue to make progress               
in meeting our responsibilities to the state and Alaskans.  Toward             
this end, I look forward to working with the Legislature.                      
Additional information pertaining to the appropriations requested in           
this bill are being furnished to the Legislature by my Office of               
Management and Budget.                                                         
						Walter J. Hickel                                                         

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3271
The presence of Senator Frank was noted.                                       
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
                        SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 330                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 330 "An Act relating to water quality                          
enhancement, water supply, wastewater, and solid waste grants; the             
Alaska clean water fund; the establishment of the Alaska clean water           
account, the Alaska drinking water fund, and the Alaska drinking               
water account; and providing for an effective date" was read the               
second time.                                                                   
Senator Rieger moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption              
of the Rules Committee Substitute offered on page 3268.  Senator               
Adams objected, then withdrew his objection.  There being no                   
further objections, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) was                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) was read the second time.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that CS FOR                   
SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) be considered engrossed, advanced to                  
third reading and placed on final passage.  Without objection, it was          
so ordered.                                                                    
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) was read the third time.                       
The question being:  "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS)                    
"An Act relating to water quality enhancement, water supply,                   
wastewater, and solid waste grants; the Alaska clean water fund; the           
establishment of the Alaska clean water account, the Alaska drinking           
water fund, and the Alaska drinking water account; and providing for           
an effective date" pass the Senate?"  The roll was taken with the              
following result:                                                              

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3272
SB 330                                                                       
CSSB 330(RULES)                                                                
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  15   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  5   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Leman,             
Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor                          
Excused:  Kelly, Kerttula, Lincoln, Little, Zharoff                            
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) passed the Senate.                     
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on              
the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective date           
clause.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                                 
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) was referred to the                            
Secretary for engrossment.                                                     
                     SECOND READING OF SENATE RESOLUTIONS                    
SCR 16                                                                       
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 Relating to release                        
of nonproprietary geographic information system files in possession            
of the state, was read the second time.                                        
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 was before the                             
Senate on final passage.                                                       
The question being:  "Shall SENATE CONCURRENT                                  
RESOLUTION NO. 16 Relating to release of nonproprietary                        
geographic information system files in possession of the state, pass           
the Senate?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                    

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3273
SCR 16                                                                       
SCR 16                                                                         
Second Reading                                                                 
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  15   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  5   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Leman,             
Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor                          
Excused:  Kelly, Kerttula, Lincoln, Little, Zharoff                            
and so, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 passed the                         
Senate and was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                      
Honoring - Lee H. Salisbury, Professor Emeritus and The Lee H.                 
Salisbury Theatre                                                              
by Representative(s) Davies                                                    
Senator(s) Frank, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff, Little, Sharp             
Honoring - St. Peter's-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church                             
by Senator(s) Taylor, Donley, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff,               
Honoring - Daniel Butts                                                        
by Representative(s) G. Davis                                                  
Senator(s) Little, Donley, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff                   
Honoring - Seward Cross Country Team                                           
by Representative(s) G. Davis                                                  
Senator(s) Little, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff, Leman, Rieger            
Honoring - Bret and Deanna Allard, 1993 North Peninsula Chamber                
of Commerce Vision Award                                                       
by Senator(s) Salo, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff, Little, Leman           
Honoring - Greg Williams, 1993 North Peninsula Chamber of                      
Commerce Community Service Award                                               
by Senator(s) Salo, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff, Little, Leman           

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3274
Honoring - Kathyrn Thomas and Bill Stamps, 1993 Nikiski Business               
Leader's Award                                                                 
by Senator(s) Salo, Kerttula, Duncan, Kelly, Pearce, Zharoff, Leman,           
Honoring - Marathon Oil Company, 1993 North Peninsula Chamber                  
of Commerce Industry Award Winner                                              
by Senator(s) Salo, Kerttula, Duncan, Kelly, Pearce, Zharoff, Little,          
Leman, Halford                                                                 
Honoring - Nikiski Fire Department, 1993 North Peninsula Chamber               
of Commerce Presidential Award                                                 
by Senator(s) Salo, Kerttula, Duncan, Pearce, Zharoff, Little, Leman           
Honoring - Egegik School, 1994 Battle of the Books Winner                      
by Representative(s) Moses                                                     
Senator(s) Jacko, Kerttula, Duncan, Zharoff, Little, Leman, Adams,             
Honoring - Chugiak Mustang Girls Track and Field Team, 1993                    
State 4-A Champions                                                            
by Senator(s) Phillips, Halford, Leman, Duncan                                 
Representative(s) Willis, Kott, Carney, Mulder                                 
Honoring - Chugiak Mustangs Hockey Team, 1994 State Champions                  
by Senator(s) Phillips, Halford, Leman, Duncan, Rieger                         
Representative(s) Willis, Kott, Carney, Mulder                                 
In Memoriam - Matthew David Elliott                                            
by Representative(s) Willis, Kott                                              
Senator(s) Halford, Phillips, Leman, Duncan, Donley                            
In Memoriam - James Edward Martin                                              
by Representative(s) Willis, Kott                                              
Senator(s) Halford, Phillips, Leman, Duncan, Donley                            
Honoring - Parole Officers, Donald H. Allen, Kurt A. Polhemus,                 
John M. Tanner                                                                 
by Representative(s) Vezey                                                     
Senator(s) Duncan, Pearce, Donley                                              

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3275
Honoring - Lieutenant General Joseph W. Ralston                                
by Representative(s) Mulder                                                    
Senator(s) Kelly, Leman, Halford, Duncan, Taylor, Pearce, Rieger               
In Memoriam - Ernest William Mack                                              
by Representative(s) Moses                                                     
Senator(s) Jacko, Adams, Duncan, Pearce                                        
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the                      
citations be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted           
and referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                 
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
Senator Rieger moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                    
excused from a call of the Senate March 28, morning plane time.                
Without objection, Senator Rieger was excused.                                 
Senator Miller moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                    
excused from a call of the Senate March 21, morning plane time.                
Without objection, Senator Miller was excused.                                 
Senator Duncan moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                    
excused from a call of the Senate on March 31.  Without objection,             
Senator Duncan was excused.                                                    
Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                     
excused from a call of the Senate March 21, plane time.  Without               
objection, Senator Ellis was excused.                                          
Senator Salo moved and asked unanimous consent that she be                     
excused from a call of the Senate on March 31 and April 1.                     
Without objection, Senator Salo was excused.                                   
SB 67                                                                        
President Halford re-referred SENATE BILL NO. 67 "An Act                       
amending provisions of ch. 66, SLA 1991, that relate to                        
reconstitution of the corpus of the mental health trust, the                   
management of trust assets, and to the manner of enforcement of the            
obligation to compensate the trust; and providing for an effective             
date" to the Finance Committee.                                                

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3276
SB 67                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 67 was taken from the Rules Committee and re-                  
referred to the Finance Committee.                                             
SB 70                                                                        
The reconsideration on CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 70(L&C) "An                      
Act establishing a loan guarantee and interest rate subsidy program            
for assistive technology" was not taken up this legislative day and            
the bill was referred to the Secretary for engrossment.                        
Senator Leman moved and asked unanimous consent that the prayers               
from March 15 and March 18 by the Senate Chaplain, Kermit                      
Wilson of the First Church of God, be spread.  Without objection,              
it was so ordered.                                                             
March 15                                                                       
Our Heavenly Father,                                                          
We are reminded that, "Blessed is the nation whose                            
God is the Lord, the people He chose for His                                   
inheritance." (Psalm 33:12)                                                    
We are grateful that You have blessed us, a great                             
nation; may we continue to find Your favor.  May                               
we continue to look to You and Your word for the                               
moral compass to guide our families and children.                              
We pray for President Clinton; give him wisdom as                             
he leads.  For our Congress; may they work                                     
together for the good of all Americans.  Guide                                 
Governor Hickel as he directs the affairs of this                              
state.  Bless and give our State Senators unity and                            
collective purpose; may they be able to accomplish                             
meaningful work in these days.                                                 
Now, Father, watch over and guide us as we                                    
conduct the business of today.  Help our State                                 
Legislators to see clearly and act responsibly to                              
meet the needs of the people of Alaska.                                        
	In Christ's name we pray, Amen.                                               

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3277
March 18                                                                       
"Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him all you                          
peoples.  For great is His love toward us, and the                             
faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.  Praise the                          
Lord." (Psalm 117)                                                             
Lord, thank You for the love You give to us daily.                            
It comes to us in many ways, from spouses and                                  
children, from friends, relatives and colleagues.                              
Thank You for these gifts.  May You watch over                                 
our family and friends and keep them safe from                                 
harm.  May Your presence abide with us today and                               
We are blessed by Your enduring faithfulness.  We                             
are indebted to You for our gifts, talents, health and                         
wealth.  Thank You for these blessings.  May we                                
use these blessings for Your glory and for the good                            
of others.                                                                     
We thank You for the great and abundant resources                             
we have been given in this beautiful land.  May we                             
possess the discipline and wisdom to use them                                  
Grant to our Legislators great vision required to                             
fulfill their promises to the public.  May they                                
provide the necessary leadership to overcome                                   
problems and secure the future.                                                
Father, over this weekend grant rest for our stress,                          
peace for our worries and love for renewed strength.                           
In Jesus' name, Amen.                                                         
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3278
SCR 16                                                                       
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 Relating to release                        
of nonproprietary geographic information system files in possession            
of the state, was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary             
and transmitted to the House for consideration.                                
SB 70                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 70(L&C) "An Act establishing a loan                     
guarantee and interest rate subsidy program for assistive technology"          
was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted           
to the House for consideration.                                                
SB 330                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 330(RLS) "An Act relating to water                      
quality enhancement, water supply, wastewater, and solid waste                 
grants; the Alaska clean water fund; the establishment of the Alaska           
clean water account, the Alaska drinking water fund, and the Alaska            
drinking water account; and providing for an effective date" was               
engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted to            
the House for consideration.                                                   
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., March 21, 1994.  Without                
objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:42 a.m.                                  
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                            March 1994         

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3279
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                             
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    9:00 AM         
HB 397	TAXING POWER OF SECOND CLASS CITIES                                     
SB  62	PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION PROGRAM                                        
 	<WORK SESSION>                                                               
MAR 24                              THURSDAY                   9:00 AM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    8:30 AM         
 	**CANCELLED/RESCHEDULED TO 03/22/94 - 10:00 AM**                             
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    9:30 AM         
 	**CANCELLED/RESCHEDULED TO 03/22/94 - 9:00 AM**                              
MAR 19                              SATURDAY                  10:00 AM         
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    9:00 AM         
 	***  9:00 AM -  9:30 AM  ***                                                 
SB 360	APPROP: AMEND FY 94 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE                                   
SB 312	SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION GRANT REVIEW                                        
 	***  9:30 AM - 11:00 AM  ***                                                 
 	TELECONFERENCE WITH ALASKA RAILROAD                                          
SB 148	ALASKA RAILROAD CORPORATION                                             
SB 338	ALASKA RR REVENUE BONDS:SHIP CREEK                                      
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    9:00 AM         
SB 215	OIL/HAZARDOUS SUBS. RELEASE RESPONSE FUND                               
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                   10:00 AM         
 	SUBCOMMITTEE ON:                                                             
SB 308	ADMIN ACTION RE LAND/RESOURCES/PROPERTY                                 
MAR 23                             WEDNESDAY                   9:00 AM         
SB  92	REAA ADVISORY VOTES                                                     
SB 161	INTEREST RATES: JUDGMENTS/TAXES/ROYALTIES                               
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
SB 248	ASSIST & PROTECT VULNERABLE ADULTS                                      
SB 250	REVISE OLDER ALASKANS COMMISSION                                        
SB 256	INCREASE AVIATION FUEL TAX                                              

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3280
                              FINANCE CONTINUED                              
MAR 24                              THURSDAY                   9:00 AM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 25                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
 	***  9:00 AM -  9:30 AM  ***                                                 
 	***  9:30 AM - 11:00 AM  ***                                                 
SB 288	APPROP: GOVERNOR'S SUPPLEMENTAL                                         
HB 454	APPROP: COST OF OIL/GAS LITIGATION                                      
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
MAR 26                              SATURDAY                  10:00 AM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	-- WORK SESSION ON HEALTH REFORM --                                          
 	<LISTEN ONLY TELECONFERENCE>                                                 
SB 270	COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE                                               
SB 284	COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE ACT                                      
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
SB 313	HEALTH INS. FOR HIGH RISK RESIDENTS                                     
HB 128	EARLY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PATERNITY                                      
HB 323	RELEASE OF CERTAIN DEATH CERT. INFO                                     
HB 429	SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICE AGENCY                                        
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 23                             WEDNESDAY                   1:30 PM         
 	-- WORK SESSION ON HEALTH REFORM --                                          
 	<LISTEN ONLY TELECONFERENCE>                                                 
SB 270	COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE                                               
SB 284	COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE ACT                                      
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 25                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3281
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
SB 337	SHAREHOLDER VOTING: NATIVE CORPORATIONS                                 
HCR 11	WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH                                                   
SJR 47	MEMBERSHIP OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL                                      
SB 161	INTEREST RATES: JUDGMENTS/TAXES/ROYALTIES                               
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
HB  28	PENALTY FOR PROVIDING ALCOHOL TO A MINOR                                
HB 454	APPROP: COST OF OIL/GAS LITIGATION                                      
HB 374	REIMBURSABLE SERVICE AGREEMENTS                                         
SJR 49	UNFUNDED FEDERAL MANDATES                                               
MAR 23                             WEDNESDAY                   2:30 PM         
 	**TIME CHANGE**                                                              
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
SJR 36	GOV & LT GOV MUST RECEIVE MAJORITY VOTE                                 
SB 292	INTERSTATE TRANSFERS OF INMATES                                         
SB 295	GRANTS/LOANS FOR STORAGE TANK OWNERS                                    
MAR 25                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
SB 349	GRAND JURY EVIDENCE BY POLICE OFFICERS                                  
SB 350	ARREST FOR VIOLATING RELEASE CONDITIONS                                 
SB 351	CHARACTER EVIDENCE IN CRIMINAL TRIALS                                   
SB 352	CONFIDENTIALITY OF MOTOR VEHICLE RECORDS                                
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
SB 353	PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE OF JURORS                                          
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
SB 320	OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING                                                  
SB 356	WORKERS COMP FOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES                                
 	<ABOVE TWO BILLS POSTPONED FROM 03/17/94>                                    
SB 185	LIMITATIONS PERIOD FOR TAX ASSESSMENTS                                  
SB 347	LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES                                             
SB 348	LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS                                          
HB 394	UNIFORM LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ACT UPDATE                                  
 	<ABOVE TWO BILLS POSTPONED FROM 03/17/94>                                    

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3282
                          LABOR & COMMERCE CONTINUED                         
MAR 24                              THURSDAY                   1:30 PM         
SB 193	DISCRIMINATION UNDER HEALTH INSURANCE                                   
SB 344	ESTABLISH EMPLOYMENT TAX                                                
APR 19                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS                                                 
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    3:30 PM         
HB 132	EXTEND RESOURCE EXTRACTION PERMIT/LEASE                                 
SB 339	MANAGEMENT OF STATE LAND AND RESOURCES                                  
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    3:30 PM         
HB 333	MINING LOCATIONS ON STATE SELECTED LAND                                 
SJR 21	THANK MEXICO FOR GRAY WHALE PROTECTION                                  
HB 384	FINANCIAL REQMTS: NONCRUDE OIL OPERATIONS                               
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	**TIME AND DATE CHANGES**                                                    
 	-- TELECONFERENCE --                                                         
SB 310	STATE/PRIVATE/MUNI TIMBER OPERATION/SALE                                
MAR 23                             WEDNESDAY                   3:30 PM         
SB 277	FISH & WILDLIFE CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS                                    
 	<TELECONFERENCE ON ABOVE BILL>                                               
SB 311	CREDIT TO FISHERY RESOURCE LANDING TAX                                  
 	<TELECONFERENCE ON ABOVE BILL>                                               
SB 293	NATIVE ALLOTMENTS ON STATE LAND                                         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 25                               FRIDAY                    3:30 PM         
SB 306	ANTITRUST EXEMPTION FOR FISHERMEN                                       
 	<TELECONFERENCE ON ABOVE BILL>                                               
HJR 34	FED FISH RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GRANTS                                  
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3283
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    0:00 AM         
 	** TO MEET UPON ADJOURNMENT **                                               
HB 280	UNIFORM CUSTODIAL TRUST ACT                                             
HB 415	1994 REVISOR'S BILL                                                     
SB 220	ADD "CAT" TO SCHEDULE IIA DRUG LIST                                     
SB 303	UNIFORM VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEM                                       
SB 286	EXTEND BOARD OF PAROLE                                                  
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
 	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    9:00 AM         
HJR 43	RIGHTS OF CRIME VICTIMS                                                 
HCR 26	DECLARING 1994 THE YEAR OF CAPT VANCOUVER                               
SB 249	REGULATION OF ASSISTED LIVING HOMES                                     
SB 302	UNIFORM INTERSTATE FAMILY SUPPORT ACT                                   
MAR 23                             WEDNESDAY                   9:00 AM         
SB 255	STATE POLICY ON HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMT                                
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
HB  49	ABSENTEE VOTING & USE OF FAX                                            
HB 421	GRANTS FOR HOUSING DURING DISASTER                                      
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
MAR 25                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
 	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
 	NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
MAR 24                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
SR   4	MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSION INSPECTION                                       
SB 343	COURTESY CARS OPERATED AT AIRPORTS                                      
SB 227	MOTOR VEHICLE RENTAL TERMS                                              
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                            FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES                            
                          ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION                         
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
 	ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH                                                         
 	<RESCHEDULED FROM 02/28/94>                                                  

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3284
                       FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                       
                                FISH AND GAME                                
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
MAR 24                              THURSDAY                   7:30 AM         
 	HABITAT AND RESTORATION DIVISION                                             
 	DIVISION OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION                                            
 	SUBSISTENCE DIVISION                                                         
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                          
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
 	DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL                                  
                         MILITARY & VETERANS AFFAIRS                         
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 18                               FRIDAY                    4:00 PM         
 	NEW CLOSEOUT SCHEDULE TO BE ANNOUNCED                                        
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    0:00 AM         
 	NEW CLOSEOUT SCHEDULE TO BE ANNOUNCED                                        
                      TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES                     
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
 	**NOTE SUBJECT SHIFT**                                                       
 	ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM                                                 
MAR 24                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
MAR 29                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
MAR 31                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
 	BUDGET CLOSEOUT                                                              

1994-03-18                     Senate Journal                      Page 3285
                              SPECIAL COMMITTEES                             
                       SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON OIL AND GAS                      
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 22                              TUESDAY                    5:00 PM         
 	BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
SB 150	OIL & GAS EXPLORATION LICENSES/LEASES                                   
 	<POSTPONED FROM 03/15/94>                                                    
HB 199	OIL & GAS EXPLORATION LICENSES/LEASES                                   
 	<PENDING REFERRAL>                                                           
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                         LEGISLATIVE BUDGET AND AUDIT                        
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
MAR 21                               MONDAY                    3:30 PM         
 	CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY & FINAL AUDITS,                                 
 	SPECIAL AUDIT REQUESTS & SPECIAL REPORT ON AHFC                              
                      SELECT CMTE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS                      
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
MAR 23                             WEDNESDAY                  12:30 PM         
 	OPEN MEETINGS SUBCOMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING                                    
 	..ON DRAFT GUIDELINES                                                        
 	FROM ANCHORAGE>                                                              
 	TESTIMONY LIMITED TO 4 MINUTES PER PERSON                                    
APR 14                              THURSDAY                   1:00 PM         
 	**MEETING WILL CONTINUE INTO THE EVENING**                                   
 	AGENDA TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT LATER DATE                                       
APR 15                               FRIDAY                    8:00 AM         
 	**MEETING WILL CONTINUE UNTIL START OF SESSION**                             
 	AGENDA TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT LATER DATE                                       
                               OTHER COMMITTEES                              
                              CHILDREN'S CAUCUS                              
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
MAR 30                             WEDNESDAY                  12:00 PM         
 	CHILDREN'S CAUCUS                                                            
                                JOINT SESSION                                
                                 HOUSE CHAMBER                                 
MAR 29                              TUESDAY                   11:00 AM         
 	STATE OF THE JUDICIARY