Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1993-02-19 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0405
                                 SENATE JOURNAL                                
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                     EIGHTEENTH LEGISLATURE - FIRST SESSION                    
Juneau, Alaska                       Friday          February 19, 1993         
                                  Fortieth Day                                 
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President            
Halford at 11:14 a.m.                                                          
The roll showed fifteen members present.  Senators Adams, Jacko,               
Salo and Zharoff were excused from a call of the Senate.  Senator              
Little was absent.                                                             
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Kayla Epstein of the Juneau            
Jewish Community.                                                              
Senator Leman led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance.                      
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the journals             
for the thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth legislative days be approved as         
certified by the Secretary.  Without objection, it was so ordered.             
The presence of Senator Little was noted.                                      
                          MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                         
HB 68                                                                        
Message of February 18 was read, stating the Governor signed the               
following bill and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to            
the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                         

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0406
HB 68                                                                        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 68(FIN)(efd fld S)                                      
"An Act making a supplemental appropriation for                               
certain elections for regional educational attendance                          
area school boards and coastal resource service area                           
                              Chapter 1, SLA 1993                              
                     Effective Date:  5/19/93                                  
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
Message of February 17 was read, stating the House passed and                  
transmitted for consideration:                                                 
                        FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF                        
                               HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                              
HCR 5                                                                        
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5 by Representatives                           
Phillips, James, Toohey, Ulmer, Therriault, Grussendorf, Navarre,              
Menard, Senator Leman,                                                         
Relating to the twenty-fifth annual Girls' State.                             
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.           
HJR 21                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 21(JUD) by                                   
Representatives Davies, Brice, Brown, Carney, Davidson, B. Davis,              
Finkelstein, Grussendorf, Hoffman, Mackie, Menard, Navarre,                    
Nicholia, Norlund, Sitton, Ulmer, Willis, Martin, Porter, Toohey,              
Green, G. Davis, Hudson, James, Sanders, Mulder,                               
Honoring Thurgood Marshall, 1908 - 1993.                                      
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary Committee.               
Message of February 18 was read, stating the House passed and                  
transmitted for consideration:                                                 

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0407
                  FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF HOUSE BILLS                 
HB 94                                                                        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 94(FIN) by the House Finance                             
Committee, entitled:                                                           
"An Act making a supplemental appropriation for                               
costs of elections operations; and providing for an                            
effective date."                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
Letter dated February 18 from Chief Justice Daniel A. Moore, Jr.               
was received submitting the following nominees as public members               
to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics in accordance with AS            
 Virginia M. Johnson                                                           
 Edith A. Vorderstrasse                                                        
 Shirley A. McCoy                                                              
 S. Kay DuBois                                                                 
President Halford referred the appointments to the Judiciary                   
Disclosure letters received in accordance with AS 24.60 will be                
published in Senate Supplement No. 3 and House and Senate Joint                
Supplement No. 6 to today's Journal.                                           
The following Budget and Audit reports were received from Randy                
S. Welker, Legislative Auditor, in accordance with AS 24.20.311:               
Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Review                    
of the Southeast Region Design and Construction October                        
1989 Reorganization, November 30, 1992                                         
Department of Fish and Game, Selected Issues in Federal                       
Sport Fish and Game Restoration Programs, November 13,                         

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0408
Department of Health and Social Services, Travel and                          
Password Security, November 20, 1992                                           
Office of the Governor, Media Support Center, December                        
24, 1992                                                                       
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
SJR 19                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE JOINT                            
RESOLUTION NO. 19 Requesting the United States Air Force to                    
rename Shemya Air Force Base to Eareckson Air Force Base.                      
Signing do pass:  Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Taylor, Duncan,               
Miller.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator Ellis.                            
Zero fiscal note published today from Senate State Affairs                     
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 19 was referred to the Rules                       
SB 54                                                                        
The Judiciary Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 54 "An                      
Act relating to violations of laws by juveniles; and providing for an          
effective date" and recommended it be replaced with                            
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 54(JUD), entitled:                                     
"An Act relating to violations of laws by juveniles,                          
to the remedies for offenses and activities committed                          
by juveniles and to records of those offenses, and to                          
incarceration of juveniles who have been charged,                              
prosecuted, or convicted as adults; and providing for                          
an effective date."                                                            
Signing do pass:  Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators Halford, Donley.             
Signing do not pass:  Senator Little.                                          
Fiscal notes published today for SENATE BILL NO. 54 from                       
Department of Administration (2) and zero fiscal notes published               
today from Department of Law, Department of Public Safety and                  
Department of Corrections.  Fiscal notes forthcoming for the                   
Committee Substitute.                                                          

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0409
SB 54                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 54 was referred to the Finance Committee.                      
SB 79                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 79 "An                  
Act setting termination dates for various boards, commissions,                 
councils, agencies, committees, and divisions of state government;             
repealing obsolete statutes relating to the State Fire Commission and          
the Board of Electrical Examiners; repealing obsolete statutes relating        
to termination of agency programs and activities; increasing to 10             
years the normal maximum interval for review of boards,                        
commissions, and other entities that are subject to sunset reviews;            
and providing for an effective date" and recommended it be replaced            
 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 79(STA), entitled:                                     
"An Act setting termination dates for various boards,                         
commissions, councils, agencies, committees, and                               
programs of state government; repealing obsolete                               
statutes relating to the State Fire Commission and                             
the Board of Electrical Examiners; repealing                                   
obsolete statutes relating to termination of agency                            
programs and activities; increasing to 10 years the                            
normal maximum interval for review of boards,                                  
commissions, and other entities that are subject to                            
sunset reviews; and providing for an effective date."                          
Signing amend:  Senator Leman, Chair.  Signing needs amendment                 
to keep independent Foster Care Review Board:  Senators Ellis,                 
Duncan, Taylor.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator Miller.                   
Zero fiscal notes for SENATE BILL NO. 79 and the Committee                     
Substitute published today from Department of Commerce and                     
Economic Development (2) and Legislative Audit.                                
SENATE BILL NO. 79 was referred to the Health, Education and                   
Social Services Committee.                                                     

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0410
SB 84                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 84 "An                  
Act relating to fees for identification cards and certain motor vehicle        
licenses and permits; to licenses issued to drivers and to revocation          
of a license to drive; and providing for an effective date."  Signing          
do pass:  Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Miller, Taylor.  Signing no           
recommendation:  Senators Ellis, Duncan.                                       
Zero fiscal note published today from Senate State Affairs                     
SENATE BILL NO. 84 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                    
HCR 6                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered HOUSE CONCURRENT                        
RESOLUTION NO. 6 Relating to Armed Forces History Month.                       
Signing do pass:  Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Miller, Duncan,               
Taylor.  Signing no recommendation:  Senator Ellis.                            
Previous House zero fiscal note.                                               
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 6 was referred to the                          
Rules Committee.                                                               
SJR 20                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered  SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION                        
NO. 20 Disapproving the Local Boundary Commission                              
recommendation regarding the annexation of territory to the City of            
Palmer.  Signing to calendar:  Senator Jacko, Chair, Senators Rieger,          
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 20 is on today's calendar.                         
                         INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF                        
                              SENATE RESOLUTIONS                              
SJR 22                                                                       
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 22 by Senator Ellis,                               
Endorsing approval by the United States Congress                              
of S 254 or comparable legislation imposing a tax                              
on imported oil.                                                               

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0411
SJR 22                                                                       
was read the first time and referred to the Senate Special Committee           
on Oil and Gas, Judiciary and Finance Committees.                              
                  INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS                 
SB 119                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 119 by Senator Kerttula, entitled:                             
"An Act relating to child care in state buildings;                            
and providing for an effective date."                                          
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs, Health,             
Education and Social Services and Finance Committees.                          
SB 120                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 120 by Senator Kerttula, entitled:                             
"An Act prohibiting employment discrimination                                 
based on weight."                                                              
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs, Labor and           
Commerce and Judiciary Committees.                                             
SB 121                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 121 by Senator Zharoff, entitled:                              
"An Act relating to temporary transfers of                                    
commercial fisheries entry permits; and providing                              
for an effective date."                                                        
was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Judiciary            
SB 122                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 122 by Senator Sharp, entitled:                                
"An Act relating to the disclosure of information by                          
an employer about the job performance of an                                    
employee or former employee."                                                  

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0412
SB 122                                                                       
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Judiciary Committees.                                                          
SB 123                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 123 by the Health, Education and Social                        
Services Committee, entitled:                                                  
"An Act relating to civil actions; and providing for                          
an effective date."                                                            
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce,                
Judiciary and Finance Committees.                                              
SB 124                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 124 by the Senate Rules Committee by request                   
of the Governor, entitled:                                                     
"An Act relating to the powers and finances of the                            
Alaska Energy Authority; and providing for an                                  
effective date."                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce,                
Judiciary and Finance Committees.                                              
Zero fiscal note published today from Department of Commerce and               
Economic Development.                                                          
Governor's transmittal letter dated February 19:                               
Dear Mr. President:                                                            
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution,          
I am transmitting a bill relating to the financial reorganization of the       
Alaska Energy Authority.  This bill reorganizes most of the loan               
portfolios, funds, and revenue managed by the Alaska Energy                    
Authority into a single energy authority revolving fund.  The                  
substantive statutory language for certain existing funds is retained          
or modified to provide direction to the authority in carrying out              
future loan programs or investments.  Several existing funds are               
renamed as accounts in the new revolving fund as follows:                      

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0413
SB 124                                                                       
-- "power project fund" (AS44.83.170)                                         
becomes "energy project loan account,"                                         
-- "power development fund" (AS44.83.382)                                     
becomes "energy development account", and                                      
-- "power development revolving loan fund"                                    
(AS44.83.500) becomes "energy development loan                                 
The bulk fuel revolving loan fund (AS44.83.600 - 44.83.650) and                
the rural electrification revolving loan fund (AS44.83.361 -                   
44.83.363) are repealed since their purposes become consolidated in            
the new energy project loan account.  The electrical service                   
extension fund (AS44.83.370) and the power cost equalization fund              
(AS44.83.162) would still remain separate funds.                               
It is the intent of this bill to consolidate revenue streams of the            
authority into the new energy authority revolving fund and thus to             
provide a more predictable non-general-fund source of financing for            
energy projects and other programs, including construction of                  
electrical transmission interties from Anchorage to the Kenai                  
Peninsula and from Healy to Fairbanks.  It is anticipated that in the          
future the energy authority revolving fund will allow for funding and          
financing of energy projects such as interties for the Copper Valley           
region and Southeast Alaska.  The fund further allows and plans for            
power cost equalization (PCE) money to be appropriated from the                
fund so that by the year 2001 no appropriations will be necessary              
from the general fund to sustain PCE at the level of $17 million per           
year through the year 2013.                                                    
It is the intent of this legislation that the authority manage the             
revolving fund in such a manner as to allow the legislature to                 
appropriate from the fund for PCE $2,429,000 in fiscal year 1995,              
$4,857,000 in fiscal year 1996, $7,286,000 in fiscal year 1997,                
$9,714,000 in fiscal year 1998, $12,143,000 in fiscal year 1999,               
$14,571,000 in fiscal year 2000, and $17,000,000 in fiscal years               
2001 through 2013, while allowing the authority to provide, from the           
revolving fund, a no-interest loan of $90,000,000 for railbelt interties,      
and no-interest loans of $40,000,000 each for interties or other               
energy projects in the Copper Valley region and Southeast Alaska.              

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0414
SB 124                                                                       
For interties that meet the criteria of connecting two or more utility         
systems that were not previously linked or that provide a second               
circuit to improve reliability and transfer capability, this legislation       
allows the authority to issue loans up to a 50-year term at no                 
I urge your favorable consideration of this important legislation.             
      Walter J. Hickel                                                         
SB 125                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 125 by the Senate Rules Committee by request                   
of the Governor, entitled:                                                     
"An Act making appropriations to the energy                                   
authority revolving fund; and providing for an                                 
effective date."                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Finance Committees.                                                            
Governor's transmittal letter dated February 19:                               
Dear Mr. President:                                                            
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution,          
I am transmitting a bill making an appropriation to capitalize the             
energy authority revolving fund.  This appropriation bill is a                 
companion to a bill that I am transmitting relating to the financial           
restructuring of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and the creation            
of the energy authority revolving fund.                                        
This bill appropriates to the energy authority revolving fund the              
balance in the Railbelt intertie reserve and the Railbelt energy fund,         
surplus money from the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, and the             
portfolios, interest, and security agreements of several AEA loan              
programs.  These  appropriations  will  provide a funding source for           

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0415
SB 125                                                                       
energy projects, including electrical transmission interties from              
Anchorage to the Kenai Peninsula and from Healy to Fairbanks.  It              
is anticipated that, in the future, revenue from these appropriations          
will allow for funding and financing of energy projects such as                
interties for the Copper River area and Southeast Alaska and the               
funding of power cost equalization.                                            
The amount appropriated from the Railbelt intertie reserve by sec.1            
of the bill is expected to be $118,900,000 on June 30, 1993.  The              
unencumbered balance of the Railbelt energy fund (AS37.05.520),                
appropriated by sec. 2 of the bill, is expected to be $2,462,000 on            
June 30, 1993.  The surplus state money that was committed to the              
Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, appropriated by sec. 3 of the              
bill, is estimated to be $11,000,000 on June 30, 1993.                         
Section 4 of the bill appropriates to the new energy authority                 
revolving fund the portfolios, interest, and security agreements of            
several AEA loan programs.  The unpaid principal of the loans of               
all programs listed in sec. 4 are estimated to be approximately                
$220,000,000 on June 30, 1993.  The amount generated from the                  
appropriation of the power development revolving loan fund is                  
expected to total $10,396,000 annually, with an increase to                    
$12,000,000 annually in the year 2004.  The amount generated from              
the appropriation of all other loan funds is expected initially to total       
$2,413,000 annually and then decline each year as loans mature and             
are paid off.                                                                  
I urge your prompt consideration and passage of this important                 
      Walter J. Hickel                                                         
SB 126                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 126 by Senators Sharp, Taylor, Miller, entitled:               

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0416
SB 126                                                                       
"An Act making special appropriations for design                              
and construction of power transmission interties                               
between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula,                                     
between Healy and Fairbanks, and between the                                   
Swan Lake and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects;                                
and providing for an effective date."                                          
 (See Senate Bill No. 106, Page 317).                                          
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and             
Finance Committees.                                                            
SB 127                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 127 by the Senate Judiciary Committee,                         
"An Act authorizing capital punishment, classifying                           
murder in the first degree as a capital felony, and                            
establishing sentencing procedures for capital                                 
felonies; authorizing an advisory vote on instituting                          
capital punishment; and providing for an effective                             
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary and Finance              
Senator Duncan announced a minority caucus.                                    
Senator Frank moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate                
advance to Unfinished Business.  Without objection, it was so                  
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
Senator Frank moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                     
excused from the Senate, not subject to a call, from 12:15 p.m.,               
February 19 for the balance of the day.  Without objection, Senator            
Frank was excused.                                                             
Senator Taylor announced a majority caucus.                                    

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0417
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in recess to a call of the Chair.  Without objection, the Senate         
recessed at 11:30 a.m.                                                         
                                AFTER RECESS                                 
The Senate reconvened at 12:26 p.m.                                            
                        CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR                        
SB 47                                                                        
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that SPONSOR                  
SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 47 "An Act relating to                          
equipment, registration, and identification of custom collector                
vehicles; and providing for an effective date" be held to the February         
22 calendar.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                            
SJR 20                                                                       
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that SENATE                   
JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 20 Disapproving the Local Boundary                        
Commission recommendation regarding the annexation of territory to             
the City of Palmer, be held to the February 22 calendar.  Without              
objection, it was so ordered.                                                  
Honoring - C. Waco Shelley                                                     
by Representatives Hudson, Ulmer                                               
Senators Duncan, Jacko, Phillips, Zharoff, Pearce, Kelly, Kerttula,            
Honoring - Kenai Middle School Sixth Grade Quest Team                          
by Senators Salo, Little, Kerttula, Ellis, Pearce, Duncan, Zharoff,            
Representative Navarre                                                         

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0418
Honoring - Kenai Senior Center, 1992 Chamber of Commerce                       
Special Service Award                                                          
by Senators Salo, Kerttula, Donley, Little, Ellis, Pearce, Duncan,             
Representative Navarre                                                         
Honoring - Bill Coghill and Eleanor Thomson, 1992 Kenai Chamber                
of Commerce President Award Winners                                            
by Senators Salo, Kerttula, Donley, Little, Pearce, Zharoff, Duncan,           
Representative Navarre                                                         
Honoring - Peninsula Flooring, 1992 Kenai Chamber of Commerce                  
Community Service Award                                                        
by Senators Salo, Kerttula, Little, Zharoff, Pearce, Duncan                    
Representative Navarre                                                         
Honoring - Anastasia "Ana" Cooke                                               
by Senators Jacko, Zharoff, Pearce, Duncan, Lincoln                            
Honoring - Soldotna High School Girls Basketball Team, 1993 4A                 
Girls State Champions                                                          
by Senators Little, Zharoff, Donley, Pearce, Duncan, Lincoln                   
Representative G. Davis                                                        
Honoring - Kiana Lynx Basketball Team                                          
by Senators Adams, Zharoff, Donley, Pearce, Duncan, Lincoln                    
Representative MacLean                                                         
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the                      
citations be adopted.  Without objection, the citations were adopted           
and referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                 

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0419
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
The reconsideration of the confirmation of Isaac Charlton and                  
William S. Brown as Public Members to the Select Committee on                  
Legislative Ethics was not taken up this legislative day.                      
SB 123                                                                       
President Halford changed the referral (page 412) on SENATE BILL               
NO. 123 "An Act relating to civil actions; and providing for an                
effective date."                                                               
SENATE BILL NO. 123 was referred to the Health, Education and                  
Social Services, Judiciary and Finance Committees.                             
SB 126                                                                       
Senator Kelly, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent that the               
Labor and Commerce Committee referral (page 415) be waived on                  
SENATE BILL NO. 126 "An Act making special appropriations for                  
design and construction of power transmission interties between                
Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula, between Healy and Fairbanks,                
and between the Swan Lake and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects;                
and providing for an effective date."  Without objection, it was so            
SENATE BILL NO. 126 was referred to the Finance Committee.                     
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                   

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0420
Senator Taylor moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate               
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., February 22, 1993.  Without             
objection, the Senate adjourned at 12:34 p.m.                                  
                                                          Nancy Quinto         
                                               Secretary of the Senate         
                                                         February 1993         

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0421
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                             
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    9:00 AM         
SB  33 GRANTS FOR LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING                                     
SB  35 IMMUNITY FOR ACTIONS TAKEN UNDER AS 46.13                               
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   9:00 AM         
SB  42 LOCAL SALES TAX ON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES                                  
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
SB 100 APPROP: SUPPL. & SPECIAL FOR FY 93                                      
  <BILL CONTINUED FROM 2/17/93>                                                
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   9:00 AM         
SB 100 APPROP: SUPPL. & SPECIAL FOR FY 93                                      
  <BILL HELD OVER>                                                             
FEB 26                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
  NO MEETINGS SCHEDULED ON 2/22, 23, 25, OR 26 TO                              
  ALLOW FINANCE BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEES TO MEET                                   
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                     
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
SB  83 ALCOHOL SERVER EDUCATION COURSE                                         
  <TELECONFERENCE ON ABOVE BILL>                                               
SB  58 PHASE OUT LONGEVITY BONUS                                               
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
SB  51 WORK CAMPS FOR JUVENILE OFFENDERS                                       
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   1:30 PM         
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0422
                HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES CONTINUED                
FEB 26                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
  CONFIRMATION HEARINGS:                                                       
  ..BOARD OF MARITAL & FAMILY THERAPY                                          
  ..BOARD OF CERTIFIED DIRECT-ENTRY MIDWIVES                                   
  ..BOARD OF NURSING                                                           
  ..BOARD OF CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK EXAMINERS                                    
  ..BOARD OF EDUCATION                                                         
  ..PROFESSIONAL TEACHING PRACTICES COMMISSION                                 
MAR 01                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
  CONFIRMATION HEARING: JOINT WITH HOUSE HESS                                  
  ..STATE MEDICAL BOARD - TELECONFERENCE                                       
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
  **TELECONFERENCE TO ANCHORAGE LIO                                            
SB  19 CRIME OF CONSPIRACY                                                     
SB  64 IMMUNITY FOR SAFETY INSPECTIONS                                         
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
SJR  9 DESECRATION OF U.S. FLAG                                                
  <TELECONFERENCE ON ABOVE BILL>                                               
SB  56 ADMINISTRATION OF BUDGET RESERVE FUND                                   
SB 113 APPROP: BP SETTLEMENT TO BUDGET RESERVE                                 
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   1:30 PM         
SB  53 ANNULLING ABORTION FUNDING REGULATIONS                                  
  <TELECONFERENCE TO ANCHORAGE, DELTA JUNCTION,                                
  FAIRBANKS, HOMER, KETCHIKAN, MATSU, SITKA,                                   
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   3:30 PM         
  --JOINT WITH HOUSE JUDICIARY                                                 
  --NOTE TIME AND LOCATION CHANGE                                              
  CONFIRMATION HEARINGS OF PUBLIC MEMBERS OF                                   
  SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS:                                      
  EDITH A. VORDERSTRASSE, SHIRLEY MCCOY,                                       
  VIRGINIA JOHNSON, S. KAY DUBOIS                                              

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0423
                             JUDICIARY CONTINUED                             
FEB 26                               FRIDAY                    1:30 PM         
  NO MEETING SCHEDULED                                                         
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                              
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
SB  97 ENHANCED 911 SYSTEMS                                                    
SB  99 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF STATE GOVT.                                 
  BANKING CODE REVISION                                                        
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   1:30 PM         
SB  76 CHARITABLE GAMING RESTRICTIONS                                          
SB 105 MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS & BUYERS' AGENTS                                  
  BANKING CODE REVISION                                                        
MAR 02                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
  SB 87                                                                        
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                    3:30 PM         
  --MEETING CANCELLED--                                                        
SB  77 INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT OF GAME RESOURCES                                  
  <BILL POSTPONED TO 2/24/93>                                                  
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    3:30 PM         
SB  90 DECLARATION OF DISASTER EMERGENCIES                                     
 BILL POSTPONED TO 2/24/93                                                     
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   3:30 PM         
SB 107 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION TAG AND FEE                                       
SB  77 INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT OF GAME RESOURCES                                  
SB  90 DECLARATION OF DISASTER EMERGENCIES                                     
  RESCHEDULED FROM 2/19/93                                                     
FEB 26                               FRIDAY                    3:30 PM         
SB 104 STATE SHARE OF FEDERAL GAS ROYALTIES                                    

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0424
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
  BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                       
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    9:00 AM         
SB  36 QUALIFICATIONS FOR LONGEVITY BONUSES                                    
SB  68 REGULATION OF NOTARIES PUBLIC                                           
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   9:00 AM         
SB  11 ANTI-STALKING LAW                                                       
SB  22 ANTI-STALKING LAW                                                       
SB  23 ANTI-STALKING LAW                                                       
HCR   5 TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL GIRLS STATE                                        
 BILLS PREVIOUSLY HEARD                                                        
FEB 26                               FRIDAY                    9:00 AM         
  *****STATEWIDE TELECONFERENCE*******                                         
SB   1 RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM                                            
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
SB  82 OPENING THE DALTON HIGHWAY                                              
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  WORK SESSION                                                                 
                            FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES                            
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   5:00 PM         
  GENERAL SERVICES, INFORMATION SERVICES,                                      
  PUBLIC BROADCASTING, LEASES                                                  
                       COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                       
                                COMMERCE CONF RM                               
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
  COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE                                                        
  ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES                                                      
  MEASUREMENT STANDARDS                                                        
  BANKING, SECURITIES AND CORPORATIONS                                         

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0425
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                      
                       COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                       
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  TAX RECEIPTS                                                                 
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                        
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    5:30 PM         
  ..JOINT WITH HOUSE FINANCE CRA SUBCOMMITTEE                                  
  COMMUNITY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION                                     
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                  11:00 AM         
MAR 01                               MONDAY                    5:00 PM         
  COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS                                                        
MAR 04                              THURSDAY                  11:00 AM         
  FY93 SUPPLEMENTAL                                                            
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                    3:30 PM         
  POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSION,                                          
  VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION                                                    
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    3:30 PM         
  EDUCATION PROGRAM SUPPORT                                                    
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   3:30 PM         
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  CENTERS, MT. EDGECUMBE                                                       

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0426
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                      
                          ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION                         
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 22                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   1:30 PM         
  ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH                                                         
  FACILITY CONSTRUCTION                                                        
MAR 01                               MONDAY                    1:30 PM         
  SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE                                                
  (RESCHEDULED FROM 2/17)                                                      
MAR 03                             WEDNESDAY                   1:30 PM         
  OIL AND HAZARDOUS SPILL RESPONSE                                             
                                FISH AND GAME                                
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    8:00 AM         
  DIVISION OF BOARDS                                                           
  COMMERCIAL FISHERIES ENTRY COMMISSION (CFEC)                                 
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                          
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
  DIVISION OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE                                                
  DIVISION OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE                                               
MAR 02                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
  DIVISION OF FAMILY AND YOUTH SERVICES                                        
MAR 09                              TUESDAY                    3:30 PM         
  ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES                                                      
  ALASKA MENTAL HEALTH BOARD                                                   
  GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL ON DISABILITIES AND                                       
  SPECIAL EDUCATION                                                            

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0427
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                      
                               HOUSE FINANCE 519                               
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   5:00 PM         
  ..JOINT WITH HOUSE LABOR BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE                                 
  FISHERMAN'S FUND, WORKERS COMPENSATION,                                      
  LABOR STANDARDS AND SAFETY                                                   
                              NATURAL RESOURCES                              
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                   10:00 AM         
  DIVISION OF FORESTRY                                                         
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                  10:00 AM         
  DIVISION OF LAND                                                             
MAR 02                              TUESDAY                   10:00 AM         
  DIVISION OF WATER                                                            
MAR 04                              THURSDAY                  10:00 AM         
  OIL & GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION                                            
  DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS                                                      
MAR 09                              TUESDAY                   10:00 AM         
MAR 11                              THURSDAY                  10:00 AM         
MAR 16                              TUESDAY                   10:00 AM         
MAR 18                              THURSDAY                  10:00 AM         
                                PUBLIC SAFETY                                
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  FISH AND WILDLIFE PROTECTION,                                                
  STATEWIDE SUPPORT                                                            
MAR 04                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  ALASKA STATE TROOPERS,                                                       

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0428
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                      
                                PUBLIC SAFETY                                
MAR 11                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  MOTOR VEHICLES, AK POLICE STANDARDS COUNCIL,                                 
  VIOLENT CRIMES COMP BOARD, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/                                
  SEXUAL ASSAULT                                                               
MAR 18                              THURSDAY                   3:30 PM         
  CLOSEOUT MEETING                                                             
                              FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203                              
FEB 24                             WEDNESDAY                   6:00 PM         
  CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIVISION,                                          
  PERMANENT FUND DIVISION,                                                     
  ALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD                                               
MAR 03                             WEDNESDAY                   6:00 PM         
  ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT                                                   
  ALASKA MUNICIPAL BOND BANK AUTHORITY                                         
  ALASKA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION                                     
  ALASKA PERMANENT FUND CORPORATION                                            
MAR 10                             WEDNESDAY                   6:00 PM         
  SUBCOMMITTEE CLOSEOUT                                                        
                      TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES                     
                               SENATE FINANCE 518                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
  STATE EQUIPMENT FLEET, SOUTHEAST COMPONENTS,                                 
  PLANNING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, M & O                                     
FEB 25                              THURSDAY                   1:30 PM         
  ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM                                                 
                             UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA                            
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
MAR 03                             WEDNESDAY                   5:00 PM         
  UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, SOUTHEAST                                              
MAR 04                              THURSDAY                   5:00 PM         
  UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, ANCHORAGE                                              

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0429
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES CONTINUED                      
                             UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA                            
MAR 10                             WEDNESDAY                   5:00 PM         
  STATEWIDE SERVICES, CAPITAL BUDGET                                           
                              SPECIAL COMMITTEES                             
                       SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON OIL AND GAS                      
                                 BELTZ ROOM 211                                
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                   11:00 AM         
  ..CONFIRMATION HEARING:  DAVID JOHNSTON,                                     
  ALASKA OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION                                   
  ..PRESENTATION: NORMAN INGRAM, ALASKA CLEAN SEAS                             
MAR 02                              TUESDAY                    1:30 PM         
  JOINT MEETING WITH HOUSE OIL AND GAS                                         
  ..PRESENTATION BY JULIAN DARLEY, PRESIDENT                                   
  BP EXPLORATION (AK)                                                          
MAR 09                              TUESDAY                   11:00 AM         
  REPORT ON INSURANCE POOLING PER LETTER OF                                    
  INTENT, CHAPTER 102, SLA 92                                                  
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                              
                       ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION REVIEW                      
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 23                              TUESDAY                    5:00 PM         
  DEPARTMENT OF LAW OVERVIEW                                                   
  DISCUSSION OF HJR 11 AND SJR 11                                              
                         LEGISLATIVE BUDGET AND AUDIT                        
                               HOUSE FINANCE 519                               
MAR 05                               FRIDAY                   12:00 PM         
  CONSIDERATION OF RPL'S, PRELIMINARY SPECIAL                                  
  AUDITS, AND RELEASE OF AUDITS                                                
                             LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                             
                               BUTROVICH ROOM 205                              
FEB 19                               FRIDAY                   12:00 PM         
  LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                          

1993-02-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 0430
                               OTHER COMMITTEES                              
                            STATE OF THE JUDICIARY                           
                                 HOUSE CHAMBER                                 
MAR 02                              TUESDAY                   11:00 AM         
  SENATE AND HOUSE WILL MEET IN JOINT SESSION TO                               
  HEAR CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT,