Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-03-11 House Journal

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1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2709
                                 HOUSE JOURNAL                                 
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                    EIGHTEENTH LEGISLATURE -- SECOND SESSION                   
Juneau, Alaska                       Friday             March 11, 1994         
                               Sixty-first Day                               
Pursuant to adjournment, the House was called to order by Speaker              
Barnes at 10:15 a.m.                                                           
Roll call showed 35 members present.  Representative Menard had                
been previously excused from a call of the House today.                        
Representative Hoffman, who had been previously excused from a call            
of the House today until 10:00 a.m., plane time, was delayed due to            
weather conditions.  Representative Navarre was excused due to a               
family emergency.  Representatives Davidson and Moses were absent.             
The invocation was offered by the Chaplain, Joel Orelove of the                
Juneau Jewish Community.  Representative Vezey moved and asked                 
unanimous consent that the invocation be spread on the journal.  There         
being no objection, it appears below:                                          
"This is a prayer that was invoked here many years ago by                     
Maurice Danny Plotnik, known affectionately as `Danny'.  It                    
was about this time of the year - people had ferry reservations                
pending, budgets were not balanced and political caucuses                      
were meeting and `unmeeting'.  Danny, who was the only                         
person ever voted official Chaplain by this body, came in,                     
meditated for a moment, looked around the body, and in pure                    
utter despair and purity of heart, spread out his hands, looked                
up to heaven, and gave the shortest prayer ever invoked,                       
which I will do now, in this body:                                             

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2710
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative Carney.                     
                         CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL                        
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
journal for the 59th and 60th legislative days be approved as certified        
by the Chief Clerk.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.              
                          MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                         
A letter dated March 9, 1994, was read stating that the Governor               
withdraws the following name from legislative confirmation of                  
appointment to the position noted.  The Speaker had referred the               
following to the Health, Education & Social Services Committee (page           
	Board of Barbers & Hairdressers                                               
	Karen L. Cleek - Juneau                                                       
A message dated March 10, 1994, was read stating that, in accordance           
with AS 39.05.080 and Article III, sections 25 and 26, of the Alaska           
Constitution, the Governor submits the following names for legislative         
confirmation of appointment to the positions noted:                            
The following appointment was referred to the Health, Education &              
Social Services Committee:                                                     
Board of Chiropractic Examiners                                                
	Virginia C. Phillips - Sitka                                                  
		Appointed:  3/7/94; Expires 7/15/94                                          
The following appointment was referred to the State Affairs                    
Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC)                                        
	James I. Adams - Nome                                                         
		Appointed:  3/7/94; Expires:  2/1/99                                         
A resume for each appointment was submitted to the Chief Clerk.                

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2711
                           MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE                          
HB 69                                                                        
A message dated March 9, 1994, was read stating the Senate has                 
passed CSHB 69(FIN) with the following amendment and it is                     
transmitted for consideration:                                                 
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 69(RLS) am S                              
"An Act relating to registration of and information about sex                 
offenders and amending Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure 11(c)                
and 32(b)."                                                                    
CSHB 69(FIN) is under Unfinished Business.                                     
Messages dated March 10 and 11, 1994, were read stating the Senate             
has passed the following and they are transmitted for consideration:           
                          FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                         
                             OF SENATE RESOLUTIONS                            
SCR 13                                                                       
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 13 by Senators Sharp,                         
Miller, Frank, Taylor, Pearce, Leman, Kerttula, Zharoff, Ellis, Kelly,         
Phillips, Donley, Halford, Lincoln, Little and Duncan:                         
Relating to the Gold Rush Centennial Decade.                                  
was read the first time and referred to the Resources Committee.               
SCR 15                                                                       
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 15 by Senators                                
Phillips, Leman, Rieger, Ellis, Kerttula, Duncan, Lincoln, Donley,             
Halford, Taylor, Sharp, Pearce and Kelly:                                      
Relating to the twenty-eighth annual Boys' State.                             
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2712
SCR 17                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 17(STA) am                             
by the Senate State Affairs Committee:                                         
Honoring Alaskan Tommy Moe for winning gold and silver                        
medals at the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer,                        
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.           
SJR 17                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 17(JUD) by the Senate                       
Judiciary Committee:                                                           
Relating to reauthorization of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation              
and Management Act.                                                            
was read the first time and referred to the Rules Committee.                   
SJR 46                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 46(STA) by the Senate                       
State Affairs Committee:                                                       
Requesting the United States Congress to provide a waiver for                 
nontaxable diesel fuel sold in Alaska from the requirement that it             
contain a dye additive.                                                        
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.           
                          FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                         
                                OF SENATE BILLS                               
SB 252                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 252(JUD) by the Senate Judiciary                        
Committee, entitled:                                                           
"An Act prohibiting the possession of child pornography."                     
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary Committee.               

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2713
                        REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES                       
The Judiciary Committee has considered the following appointment:              
                                 Bruce Botelho                                 
as Attorney General for the State of Alaska.                                   
The report reflected that there were no stated objections regarding            
confirmation of the named individual; however, this does not                   
necessarily indicate an intention of a committee member to vote for or         
against the individual named at the time of the joint session on               
The report was signed by Representative Porter, Chair, and                     
Representatives Phillips, Kott, Davidson, James, Green and Nordlund.           
HB 199                                                                       
The Finance Committee has considered:                                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 199                                                            
"An Act providing for oil and gas exploration licenses, and oil and           
gas leases, in certain areas of the state; and providing for an                
effective date."                                                               
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 199(O&G)                                                
"An Act relating to the exploration and production of oil and gas             
and related hydrocarbons, to oil and gas exploration licenses, and             
to oil and gas leases in certain areas of the state; and providing for         
an effective date."                                                            
The report was signed by Representatives MacLean and Larson, Co-               
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                         
Do pass (7):  Larson, Hanley, Martin, Parnell, Therriault, Foster,             
Amend (1):  Brown                                                              

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2714
HB 199                                                                       
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 199(O&G):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Natural Resources, 2/9/94                           
HB 199 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                
HB 300                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee has considered:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 300                                                            
"An Act relating to civil liability for commercial recreational               
activities; and providing for an effective date."                              
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 300(JUD)                                                
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Porter, Chair, with the                
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (4):  Green, Kott, James, Porter                                       
No recommendation (1):  Nordlund                                               
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 300(JUD):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 2/28/94                             
HB 300 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  
HB 334                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee has considered:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 334                                                            
"An Act relating to criminal sentencing; and relating to mandatory            
life imprisonment, parole, good time credit, pardon, commutation               
of sentence, reprieve, furlough, and service of sentence at a                  
correctional restitution center for offenders with at least three              
serious felony convictions."                                                   

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2715
HB 334                                                                       
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
	CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 334(JUD)                                                
"An Act relating to criminal sentencing; relating to the availability         
for good time credit for offenders convicted of certain first degree           
murders; relating to mandatory life imprisonment, parole, good                 
time credit, pardon, commutation of sentence, modification or                  
reduction of sentence, reprieve, furlough, and service of sentence             
at a correctional restitution center for offenders with at least three         
serious felony convictions; and amending Alaska Rule of Criminal               
Procedure 35."                                                                 
The report was signed by Representative Porter, Chair, with the                
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (1):  Porter                                                           
Do not pass (1):  Davidson                                                     
No recommendation (4):  Kott, James, Phillips, Nordlund                        
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 334(JUD):                            
Fiscal note, Dept. of Corrections, 3/11/94                                     
HB 334 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  
HB 353                                                                       
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered:                                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 353                                                            
"An Act repealing the requirement of an annual audit of the                   
receipts and expenditures applicable to certain property managed               
under the Horizontal Property Regimes Act."                                    
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2716
HB 353                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 353(L&C)                                                
"An Act amending the requirement of an annual audit of the                    
receipts and expenditures applicable to certain property managed               
under the Horizontal Property Regimes Act to one that permits the              
making of an audit, and providing, in place of the audit                       
requirement, that condominium associations subject to that Act                 
maintain their financial records to the standards for financial                
statements required by the Uniform Common Interest Ownership                   
The report was signed by Representative Hudson, Chair, with the                
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (4):  Porter, Sitton, Mackie, Hudson                                   
No recommendation (3):  Mulder, Williams, Green                                
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 353(L&C):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development,                    
HB 353 was referred to the State Affairs Committee.                            
HB 367                                                                       
The Transportation Committee has considered:                                   
HOUSE BILL NO. 367                                                            
"An Act relating to the control of outdoor advertising."                      
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 367(TRA)                                                
"An Act relating to limitations on outdoor advertising signs,                 
displays, and devices and penalties for violations related to outdoor          
The report was signed by Representative Foster, Chair, with the                
following individual recommendations:                                          

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2717
HB 367                                                                       
Do pass (4):  Vezey, G.Davis, Hudson, Foster                                   
No recommendation (1):  Mulder                                                 
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 367(TRA):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities, 3/11/94         
HB 367 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                
HB 381                                                                       
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered:                                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 381                                                            
"An Act relating to the commercial fishing revolving loan fund                
and the fisheries enhancement revolving loan fund; and providing               
for an effective date."                                                        
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 381(L&C)                                                
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Hudson, Chair, with the                
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (2):  Williams, Hudson                                                 
No recommendation (5):  Porter, Mulder, Mackie, Sitton, Green                  
A House Labor & Commerce Committee letter of intent for CSHB
381(L&C), signed by Representative Hudson, Chair, appears below:               
"It is the intent of the House Labor & Commerce Committee that the             
Division of Investments exercise particular care in forecasting loan           
demand in order to fully accommodate all new commercial fishing                
lending needs that arise from the modification of the commercial               
fishing loan program by the Eighteenth Alaska State Legislature.  It is        
further the intent of the House Labor & Commerce Committee that use            
of the Commercial Fisheries Revolving Loan Fund for loans for                  

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2718
HB 381                                                                       
refinancing purposes succeed all other commercial fishing lending              
needs in priority.  Finally, it is the House Labor & Commerce                  
Committee's intent that transfers of excess funds from the Commercial          
Fisheries Revolving Loan Fund be permitted only after commercial               
fishing loan needs, including any anticipated loans for purchase of            
Individual Fishing Quotas, have been met."                                     
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 381(L&C):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development,                    
HB 381 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  
HB 407                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee has considered:                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 407                                                            
"An Act relating to issuance of commemorative gold rush motor                 
vehicle license plates."                                                       
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(STA)                                                
"An Act relating to issuance of commemorative gold rush motor                 
vehicle license plates; and providing for an effective date."                  
The report was signed by Representative Vezey, Chair, with the                 
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (3):  Vezey, G.Davis, Olberg                                           
No recommendation (3):  Kott, Sanders, B.Davis                                 
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 407(STA):                            
Fiscal note, Dept. of Public Safety, 3/11/94                                   
HB 407 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2719
HB 459                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee has considered:                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 459                                                            
"An Act relating to liquidated damages and attorney fees for                  
minimum wage and overtime compensation claims."                                
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 459(STA)                                                
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Vezey, Chair, with the                 
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (3):  Vezey, Kott, Olberg                                              
No recommendation (3):  Sanders, G.Davis, B.Davis                              
The following fiscal notes apply to CSHB 459(STA):                             
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Law, 3/11/94                                        
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Labor, 2/23/94                                      
HB 459 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                
HB 468                                                                       
The Health, Education & Social Services Committee has considered:              
HOUSE BILL NO. 468                                                            
"An Act extending the termination date of the Citizens' Review                
Panel for Permanency Planning."                                                
The report was signed by Representative Toohey, Co-chair, with the             
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (4):  Toohey, B.Davis, Nicholia, Bunde                                 
Do not pass (2):  Vezey, Olberg                                                

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2720
No recommendation (1):  G.Davis                                                
HB 468                                                                       
The following fiscal note applies to HB 468:                                   
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 3/11/94                             
HB 468 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  
HB 489                                                                       
The State Affairs Committee has considered:                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 489                                                            
"An Act repealing the state requirement to provide overtime                   
compensation and relating to liquidated damages for unpaid                     
minimum wages."                                                                
The report was signed by Representative Kott, Vice Chair, with the             
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (2):  Vezey, Olberg                                                    
Do not pass (1):  B.Davis                                                      
No recommendation (3):  Kott, Sanders, G.Davis                                 
The following fiscal note applies to HB 489:                                   
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Labor, 3/11/94                                      
HB 489 was referred to the Labor & Commerce Committee.                         
HB 506                                                                       
The Health, Education & Social Services Committee has considered:              
HOUSE BILL NO. 506                                                            
"An Act relating to student loans; to sanctions for defaulting on a           
student loan, including denial of a state occupational license or              
disbursement of state money; and providing for an effective date."             
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 506(HES)                                                
(same title)                                                                  

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2721
HB 506                                                                       
The report was signed by Representative Bunde, Co-chair, with the              
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (3):  G.Davis, Bunde, Toohey                                           
No recommendation (4):  Vezey, Olberg, Nicholia, Kott                          
Amend (2):  B.Davis, Brice                                                     
The following fiscal notes apply to CSHB 506(HES):                             
Fiscal note, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development, 3/11/94                 
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Education, 3/11/94                                  
HB 506 was referred to the Labor & Commerce Committee.                         
HB 507                                                                       
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered:                                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 507                                                            
"An Act relating to licensure by the State Medical Board and                  
temporary permits for certain optometrists."                                   
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 507(HES)                                                
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Hudson, Chair, with the                
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (1):  Hudson                                                           
No recommendation (5):  Porter, Sitton, Mackie, Mulder, Green                  
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 507(HES):                            
Fiscal note, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development, 3/2/94                  
HB 507 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2722
                          INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS                          
The following citations were introduced and referred to the Rules              
Committee for placement on the calendar:                                       
Honoring - Chugiak Mustang Boys "C" Basketball Team                            
Representatives Kott, Willis, Carney; Senators Halford, Phillips               
Honoring - Chugiak Mustang Girls "C" Basketball Team                           
By Representatives Kott, Willis, Carney; Senators Halford, Phillips            
Honoring - Chugiak Mustang Girls JV Basketball Team                            
By Representatives Kott, Willis, Carney; Senators Halford, Phillips            
Honoring - Colony Lady Knights, Region Basketball Champions                    
By Representatives Menard, Carney, Larson; Senators Kerttula, Halford          
Honoring - Colony Knights, Region Basketball Champions                         
By Representatives Menard, Carney, Larson; Senators Kerttula, Halford          
Honoring - Marge Campbell                                                      
By Representatives Menard, Carney, Larson; Senators Kerttula, Halford          
Honoring - The Denali Center Opening                                           
By Representatives Brice, James, Therriault, Vezey, Davies, Sitton;            
Senators Miller, Sharp, Frank                                                  
Honoring - Ron Rust, 1993 Alaska School Bus Rodeo Winner                       
By Representative Phillips                                                     
Honoring - Ruby Schmidtbauer for Outstanding Community Service                 
By Representative Phillips                                                     
Honoring - Mountain View Elementary School D.A.R.E. Graduates                  
By Senator Salo                                                                
Honoring - Tusumena Elemenatary School Elementary Knowledge                    
Master Open Champions                                                          
By Senator Little                                                              

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2723
Honoring - Roald Amundsen, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Louis Applegate, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor               
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Gilbert Avila, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                 
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Jess G. Bachner, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor               
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Darrel "Bud" Bellar, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor           
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Albert R. "Bob" Chamberlain, 1994 Recipient of the                  
Charles Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                         
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - David S. Cochran, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor              
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Chauncey C. Coleman, 1994 Recipient of the Charles                  
Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                                 
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Red Dodge, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor "Master             
Mechanic" Award                                                                
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - F. Atlee Dodge, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2724
Honoring - Howard Fowler, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                 
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Ward Gay, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor "Master              
Mechanic" Award                                                                
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - George Grant, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                  
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Charles Gray, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                  
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Dale Greninger, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Robert L. Hanson, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor              
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Robert P. Hillard, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor             
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Robert Hoffman, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - James T. Hutchison, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor            
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - James R. "Bob" Long, 1994 Recipient of the Charles                  
Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                                 
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2725
Honoring - Wilbur "Willie" Johnson, 1994 Recipient of the Charles              
Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                                 
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Roland Moody, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                  
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Richard Pastro, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - George Powell, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                 
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - LaVerne P. "Fuzz" Rogers, 1994 Recipient of the Charles             
Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                                 
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Bud Seltenreich, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor               
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Bernard L. Sherwood, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor           
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Buell Smith, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor "Master           
Mechanic" Award                                                                
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Emitt Soldin, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor "Master          
Mechanic" Award                                                                
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Warren O. Tilman, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor              
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2726
Honoring - Clarence "Slim" Walston, 1994 Recipient of the Charles              
Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                                 
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - C.E. "Slim" Walters, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor           
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Thomas H. Wardleigh, 1994 Recipient of the Charles                  
Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award                                                 
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Kenneth Wren, 1994 Recipient of the Charles Taylor                  
"Master Mechanic" Award                                                        
By Senators Halford, Phillips; Representative Barnes                           
Honoring - Edward "Eddie" Hopson Sr.                                           
By Senator Adams; Representative MacLean                                       
Honoring - Richard S. Armstrong, P.E., 1993 Engineer of the Year               
By Senator Leman; Representative Green                                         
Honoring - Family Child Care Week                                              
By Senator Leman                                                               
Honoring - Eugene Mockerman                                                    
By Senator Kerttula                                                            
In Memoriam - Bertha Adsuna                                                    
By Representative Foster                                                       
In Memoriam - Raymond E. Langton                                               
By Representative Foster                                                       
                   INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                  
                                OF HOUSE BILLS                                
HB 529                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 529 by the House Finance Committee, entitled:                   

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2727
HB 529                                                                       
"An Act amending the medical assistance and community                         
developmental disabilities grants appropriations in sec. 38, Ch. 65,           
SLA 1993; and providing for an effective date."                                
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                 
HB 530                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 530 by the House Rules Committee by request of                  
the Governor, entitled:                                                        
"An Act relating to certain study, publication, and reporting                 
requirements by and to state agencies; relating to certain fees for            
reports; and providing for an effective date."                                 
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Finance          
The following fiscal notes apply:                                              
Zero fiscal notes (5), Dept. of Administration, 3/11/94                        
Zero fiscal notes (2), Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development,               
Zero fiscal notes (2), Dept. of Education, 3/11/94                             
Zero fiscal notes (2), Dept. of Public Safety, 3/11/94                         
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Environmental Conservation, 3/11/94                 
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Natural Resources, 3/11/94                          
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Military & Veterans' Affairs, 3/11/94               
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Revenue, 3/11/94                                    
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities, 3/11/94         
The Governor's transmittal letter, dated March 11, 1994, appears               
"Dear Speaker Barnes:                                                          
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am     
transmitting a bill relating to certain study, publication, and reporting      
requirements by and to state agencies.  The bill would eliminate certain       
reports and amend the frequency with which other reports are required          
to be made.  The bill also relates to certain fees for reports by and to       
certain state agencies.                                                        

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2728
HB 530                                                                       
The bill would streamline the administration of state government by            
repealing the requirement for certain reports that study has revealed are      
unnecessary or duplicative.  Additional efficiencies can be gained by          
changing the mandatory reporting period for certain other reports from         
annual to biennial in specified situations.  All of these changes are          
primarily designed as cost-saving or efficiency measures.  None of the         
changes would reduce the flow of information necessary to the                  
effective execution of governmental responsibilities or the monitoring         
of executive branch activities by the legislature or the public.               
Finally, some of the reports duplicate information already submitted as        
part of the state budget process.  Savings will result through more            
efficient use of state personnel formerly assigned to the production of        
these reports.                                                                 
This bill is good for efficient government, and I urge your consid-            
eration and support of it.                                                     
					Walter J. Hickel                                                          
HB 531                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 531 by the House Rules Committee by request of                  
the Governor, entitled:                                                        
"An Act relating to the existence and functions of certain                    
multimember state bodies, including boards, councils,                          
commissions, associations, or authorities; and providing for an                
effective date."                                                               
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs Committee.           
The following fiscal notes apply:                                              
Zero fiscal notes (2), Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development,               
Zero fiscal notes (2), Dept. of Education, 3/11/94                             
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs, 3/11/94               
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Corrections, 3/11/94                                
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Natural Resources, 3/11/94                          

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2729
HB 531                                                                       
The Governor's transmittal letter, dated March 11, 1994, appears               
"Dear Speaker Barnes:                                                          
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am     
transmitting a bill relating to the existence and functions of certain         
multimember state bodies, including boards, councils, commissions,             
associations, or authorities.                                                  
The bill contains several proposals recommended by my                          
Administration to eliminate certain multimember state bodies, including        
the milk advisory board, the Alaska School Activities Association, the         
Steering Council for Alaska Lands, the Rural Affairs Commission, the           
Governor's Commission on the Involvement of Young People in                    
Government, the Yukon-Taiya Commission, and the environmental                  
advisory board.  Several of these bodies have not been funded by the           
legislature, have not met in a number of years, or do not have                 
members appointed.  Also, the State Museum Collections Advisory                
Committee is proposed for deletion as an efficiency measure.  The              
functions of the committee to oversee collection acquisitions can be           
adequately handled by Department of Education staff.  It is good               
public policy to delete references to these bodies in the statutes since       
they are, in essence, not functioning bodies or their duties can be            
absorbed by other state agencies as a cost-saving or efficiency                
The bill additionally clarifies the parole board's authority to delegate       
to a single member of the board the authority to establish special             
conditions of mandatory parole.  This will expressly authorize the             
parole board to continue its longstanding past practice of not noticing        
and convening a full board meeting to save costs of operation of the           
parole system.                                                                 
Finally, the bill amends the Alaska Labor Relations Agency's authority         
to select arbitrators in railroad labor relations cases.  The bill sets out    
the role of the agency in designating arbitrators.  This clarification         
should make the appointment process easier and more cost effective for         
the agency to administer.                                                      

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2730
HB 531                                                                       
This bill represents a step forward in eliminating certain multimember         
state bodies as an efficiency measure or to reduce the size or costs of        
state government.                                                              
I urge your support of this important bill.                                    
										Walter J. Hickel                                                     
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
HB 69                                                                        
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
House consider the Senate message (page 2711) on the following at              
this time:                                                                     
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 69(FIN)                                                 
"An Act relating to registration of and information about sex                 
offenders and amending Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure 11(c)                
and 32(b)."                                                                    
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 69(RLS) am S                              
(same title)                                                                  
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
Representative Phillips moved that the House concur in the Senate              
amendment to CSHB 69(FIN), thus adopting SCS CSHB 69(RLS) am                   
S, and recommended that the members vote no.                                   
The question being:  "Shall the House concur in the Senate amendment           
to CSHB 69(FIN)?"  The roll was taken with the following result:               

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2731
HB 69                                                                        
SCS CSHB 69(RLS) am S                                                          
YEAS:  3   NAYS:  32   EXCUSED:  3   ABSENT:  2                              
Yeas:  Brown, Carney, Finkelstein                                              
Nays:  Barnes, Brice, Bunde, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Foster, Green,          
Grussendorf, Hanley, Hudson, James, Kott, Larson, Mackie, MacLean,             
Martin, Mulder, Nicholia, Nordlund, Olberg, Parnell, Phillips, Porter,         
Sanders, Sitton, Therriault, Toohey, Ulmer, Vezey, Williams, Willis            
Excused:  Hoffman, Menard, Navarre                                             
Absent:  Davidson, Moses                                                       
Hudson changed from "Yea" to "Nay".                                            
G.Davis changed from "Yea" to "Nay".                                           
Bunde changed from "Yea" to "Nay".                                             
And so, the House failed to concur in the Senate amendment, thus               
failing to adopt SCS CSHB 69(RLS) am S.                                        
The Chief Clerk was instructed to so notify the Senate and respectfully        
request it to recede.                                                          
In the event the Senate fails to recede from its amendment, the Speaker        
appointed the following members to a Conference Committee to meet              
with a like committee from the Senate to consider the above bills:             
Representative Phillips, Chair                                                 
Representative Barnes                                                          
Representative Ulmer                                                           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2732
SB 54                                                                        
Representative Phillips brought up reconsideration of the vote on HCS          
CSSB 54(FIN) am H (page 2650), which had been held on                          
reconsideration to today.                                                      
The following was again before the House in third reading:                     
HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 54(FIN) am H                              
"An Act relating to violations of laws by juveniles, to the remedies          
for offenses and activities committed by juveniles and to juvenile             
records, and to incarceration of juveniles who have been charged,              
prosecuted, or convicted as adults; and providing for an effective             
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that HCS             
CSSB 54(FIN) am H be held until March 14, 1994.                                
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
HB 331                                                                       
Representative Toohey brought up reconsideration of the vote on HB
331 (page 2696).                                                               
The following was again before the House in third reading:                     
HOUSE BILL NO. 331                                                            
"An Act relating to claims on permanent fund dividends for                    
defaulted public assistance overpayments."                                     
Representative Toohey moved and asked unanimous consent that HB
331 be returned to second reading for the specific purpose of                  
considering Amendment No. 1.  There being no objection, HB 331 was             
returned to second reading.                                                    
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representative Toohey:                          
Page 2, line 29:                                                               
	Delete "current or"                                                           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2733
HB 331                                                                       
Representative Toohey moved and asked unanimous consent that                   
Amendment No. 1 be adopted.                                                    
There being no objection, Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                         
The question to be reconsidered:  "Shall HB 331 am pass the House?"            
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
HB 331 am--RECONSIDERATION                                                     
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  34   NAYS:  1   EXCUSED:  3   ABSENT:  2                              
Yeas:  Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Carney, B.Davis, G.Davis,                  
Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley, Hudson, James, Kott,          
Larson, Mackie, MacLean, Martin, Mulder, Nicholia, Nordlund,                   
Olberg, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Sanders, Sitton, Therriault, Toohey,        
Ulmer, Vezey, Williams, Willis                                                 
Nays:  Davies                                                                  
Excused:  Hoffman, Menard, Navarre                                             
Absent:  Davidson, Moses                                                       
And so, HB 331 am passed the House on reconsideration and was                  
referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.                                   
                     CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                     
                        SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                        
HB 49                                                                        
The following was read the second time:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 49                                                             
"An Act relating to facsimile absentee ballot application and                 
facsimile absentee voting."                                                    

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2734
HB 49                                                                         
with the:                                                Journal Page         
	STA RPT  CS(STA) NEW TITLE 1DP 1DNP 5NR                           541         
	-FISCAL NOTE  (GOV)  3/5/93                                       541         
	JUD RPT  CS(JUD) NEW TITLE  4DP  1NR  1A                         2236         
	-FISCAL NOTE (GOV) 2/3/94                                        2236         
	FIN RPT  CS(FIN) NEW TITLE 5DP 3NR                               2637         
	-FISCAL NOTE (GOV) 3/7/94                                        2637         
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 49(FIN)                                                 
"An Act relating to absentee voting, to electronic transmission of            
absentee ballot applications, to delivery of ballots to absentee               
ballot applicants by electronic transmission, and enacting a                   
definition of the term `state election' for purposes of absentee               
voting; and providing for an effective date."                                  
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representatives Foster and Ulmer:               
Page 4, line 25, through page 5, line 1:                                       
	Delete all material.                                                          
Renumber the following section accordingly.                                    
Representative Foster moved and asked unanimous consent that                   
Amendment No. 1 be adopted.                                                    
Representative Parnell objected.                                               
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?"  The roll             
was taken with the following result:                                           
CSHB 49(FIN)                                                                   
Second Reading                                                                 
Amendment No. 1                                                                
YEAS:  17   NAYS:  17   EXCUSED:  3   ABSENT:  3                             

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2735
HB 49                                                                        
Yeas:  Brice, Brown, Carney, Davies, B.Davis, G.Davis, Finkelstein,            
Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hudson, Mackie, MacLean, Nordlund,                 
Sitton, Ulmer, Willis                                                          
Nays:  Barnes, Bunde, Hanley, James, Kott, Larson, Martin, Mulder,             
Olberg, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey,         
Excused:  Hoffman, Menard, Navarre                                             
Absent:  Davidson, Moses, Nicholia                                             
And so, Amendment No. 1 was not adopted.                                       
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that                 
Representative Nicholia be excused from a call of the House today due          
to illness.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                      
The Speaker placed a call of the House.                                        
**The presence of Representatives Davidson and Moses was noted.                
Amendment No. 2 was offered  by Representatives Foster and Ulmer:               
Page 4, line 29, following "transmission":                                     
Delete "; and"                                                                
	Insert "."                                                                    
Page 4, line 30 through page 5, line 1:                                        
	Delete all material.                                                          
Representative Ulmer moved and asked unanimous consent that                    
Amendment No. 2 be adopted.                                                    
There being no objection, Amendment No. 2 was adopted.                         

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2736
HB 49                                                                        
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that                 
CSHB 49(FIN) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading             
and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was so              
CSHB 49(FIN) am was read the third time.                                       
The call was satisfied.                                                        
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 49 (FIN) am pass the House?"  The             
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
CSHB 49(FIN) am                                                                
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  36   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Carney, Davidson, Davies,                  
B.Davis, G.Davis, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley,             
Hudson, James, Kott, Larson, Mackie, MacLean, Martin, Moses,                   
Mulder, Nordlund, Olberg, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Sanders, Sitton,          
Therriault, Toohey, Ulmer, Vezey, Williams, Willis                             
Excused:  Hoffman, Menard, Navarre, Nicholia                                   
And so, CSHB 49(FIN) am passed the House.                                      
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the        
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.           
CSHB 49(FIN) am was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.               
HB 406                                                                       
The following was read the second time:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 406                                                            
"An Act relating to municipal sales and use taxes involving air               
carriers; and providing for an effective date."                                

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2737
HB 406                                                                       
with the:                                                 Journal Page         
	STA RPT  4DP 1NR                                                 2405         
	-2 ZERO FISCAL NOTES (REV, DCRA) 2/15/94                         2406         
	FIN RPT  CS(FIN) NEW TITLE 2DP 7NR                               2639         
	-FISCAL NOTE (DCRA/MUNI) 3/7/94                                  2640         
	-ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DOT) 3/7/94                                   2640         
	-2 PREVIOUS ZERO FNS (REV,DCRA) 2/15/94                          2640         
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill:        
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 406(FIN)                                                
"An Act relating to municipal taxes and fees on the air                       
transportation of individuals or goods by federally certificated air           
carriers; and providing for an effective date."                                
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
Representative Phillips  moved and asked unanimous consent that                
CSHB 406(FIN) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading               
and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was so              
CSHB 406(FIN) was read the third time.                                         
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 406(FIN) pass the House?"  The                
roll was taken with the following result:                                      
CSHB 406(FIN)                                                                  
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  35   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  1                              
Yeas:  Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Carney, Davidson, Davies,                  
B.Davis, G.Davis, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Hanley, Hudson, James,           
Kott, Larson, Mackie, MacLean, Martin, Moses, Mulder, Nordlund,                
Olberg, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Sanders, Sitton, Therriault, Toohey,        
Ulmer, Vezey, Williams, Willis                                                 

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2738
HB 406                                                                       
Excused:  Hoffman, Menard, Navarre, Nicholia                                   
Absent:  Grussendorf                                                           
And so, CSHB 406(FIN) passed the House.                                        
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the        
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.           
CSHB 406(FIN) was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.                 
HB 260                                                                       
The following was read the second time:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 260                                                            
"An Act relating to the membership of the Alaska Chilkat Bald                 
Eagle Preserve Advisory Council."                                              
with the:                                                 Journal Page         
	RES RPT  8DP                                                     1076         
	-ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DNR)  4/7/93                                  1077         
	FIN RPT  6DP 4NR                                                 2602         
	-ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DNR) 3/4/94                                   2602         
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that HB
260 be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on           
final passage.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                   
HB 260 was read the third time.                                                
The question being:  "Shall HB 260 pass the House?"  The roll was              
taken with the following result:                                               
HB 260                                                                         
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  36   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                              

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2739
HB 260                                                                       
Yeas:  Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, Carney, Davidson, Davies,                  
B.Davis, G.Davis, Finkelstein, Foster, Green, Grussendorf, Hanley,             
Hudson, James, Kott, Larson, Mackie, MacLean, Martin, Moses,                   
Mulder, Nordlund, Olberg, Parnell, Phillips, Porter, Sanders, Sitton,          
Therriault, Toohey, Ulmer, Vezey, Williams, Willis                             
Excused:  Hoffman, Menard, Navarre, Nicholia                                   
Brice changed from "Nay" to "Yea".                                             
And so, HB 260 passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk            
for engrossment.                                                               
                            LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS                            
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
House approve the citations on the calendar.  There being no objection,        
the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling:                   
Honoring - Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute                                  
By Representatives Ulmer, Hudson, Brown, Davidson, B.Davis,                    
Grussendorf, Hanley, James, MacLean, Menard, Mulder, Navarre,                  
Nicholia, Nordlund, Phillips, Sitton, Toohey, Willis; Senator Duncan           
Honoring - Private 1st Class Gerd D. Schroeder, Soldier of the Year            
By Representatives Vezey, Barnes, Brice, Davies, B.Davis, Foster,              
Green, Hanley, James, MacLean, Menard, Mulder, Navarre, Parnell,               
Phillips, Sitton, Willis                                                       
Honoring - Staff Sergeant Robert A. Vansant, NCO of the Year                   
By Representatives Vezey, Barnes, Brice, Davies, B.Davis, Foster,              
Green, James, MacLean, Menard, Mulder, Navarre, Parnell, Phillips,             
Sitton, Willis                                                                 
Honoring - Coach Paul Brauneis, Chugiak High School Hockey Coach               
By Representatives Kott, Willis, Carney, B.Davis, Green, James,                
MacLean, Menard, Mulder, Navarre, Nicholia, Parnell, Willis; Senators          
Halford, Phillips                                                              

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2740
Honoring - Dimond High School Football Team, Coaches-Managers-                 
By Representatives Hanley, B.Davis, Green, James, MacLean, Menard,             
Mulder, Navarre, Nicholia, Nordlund, Parnell, Toohey, Willis                   
Honoring - Sidney Huntington                                                   
By Representatives Nicholia, Bunde, Davidson, Davies, B.Davis,                 
Foster, Grussendorf, James, MacLean, Menard, Navarre, Phillips,                
Sitton, Toohey Vezey, Willis                                                   
Honoring - Deborah Deaton                                                      
By Representatives Nicholia, Davidson, B.Davis, James, Menard,                 
Phillips, Willis                                                               
Honoring - Shannon Erhart                                                      
By Representatives Nicholia, Bunde, B.Davis, James, MacLean,                   
Menard, Phillips, Willis                                                       
Honoring - Thelma Saunders                                                     
By Representatives Nicholia, B.Davis, James, MacLean, Menard,                  
Phillips, Willis                                                               
Celebrating - Kenai Public Library, 45 Years of Service                        
By Representatives Navarre, G.Davis, Phillips, Davies, B.Davis, Green,         
James, Menard, Mulder, Nicholia, Toohey, Willis; Senators Salo, Little         
Honoring - The Kenai Kardinals, the 1993 Northern Lights Football              
By Representatives Navarre, G.Davis, Phillips, B.Davis, Green, James,          
MacLean, Menard, Mulder, Nicholia, Parnell, Toohey Willis; Senators            
Little, Salo                                                                   
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
following members be excused from a call of the House as noted:                
Representative Therriault - from 7:00 p.m., March 18 to 10:00 a.m.,            
plane time,  March 21, 1994                                                    
Representative Vezey - from 7:00 p.m., April 8 to 10:00 a.m., plane            
time, April 12, 1994                                                           

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2741
Representative Williams - from 7:00 a.m., March 12 to 10:00 p.m.,              
plane time, March 13, 1994                                                     
Representative Willis - from 4:30 p.m., March 31 to 9:00 p.m., plane           
time, April 4, 1994                                                            
Representative Nicholia - from 6:30 a.m., March 14 to 10:00 p.m.,              
plane time, March 20, 1994 (amended from page 2557)                            
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                   
A letter dated March 10, 1994, from Speaker Barnes and President               
Halford, was sent to Walter J. Hickel, Governor of Alaska, stating that        
on March 9, 1994, the Joint Session had confirmed Stuart C. Hall as            
HB 515                                                                       
The Speaker waived the Community & Regional Affairs Committee                  
referral on the following at the request of Representative Olberg,             
HOUSE BILL NO. 515                                                            
"An Act relating to the management of state land and resources;               
relating to certain remote parcel and homestead entry land                     
purchase contracts and patents; and providing for an effective                 
HB 515 was sent to the Resources Committee.                                    
HJR 11                                                                       
Representative James added her name as cosponsor to:                           
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 11                                                 
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska             
relating to repeal of regulations by the legislature.                          

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2742
HJR 54                                                                       
Representative B.Davis withdrew her name as prime sponsor and                  
added her name as first co-sponsor; and, Representative Kott withdrew          
his name as first co-sponsor and added his name as prime sponsor to:           
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 54                                                 
Relating to medical savings account legislation.                              
HB 11                                                                        
Representative Navarre added his name as cosponsor to:                         
HOUSE BILL NO. 11                                                             
"An Act relating to the crime of terroristic threatening."                    
HB 69                                                                        
Representative Navarre added his name as cosponsor to:                         
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 69(FIN)                                                 
"An Act relating to registration of and information about sex                 
offenders and amending Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure 11(c)                
and 32(b)."                                                                    
HB 145                                                                       
Representative Navarre added his name as cosponsor to:                         
	HOUSE BILL NO. 145                                                            
"An Act requiring pay equity for certain public employees and                 
requiring the compensation of certain public employees based on                
the value of work performed."                                                  
HB 477                                                                       
Representative Hudson added his name as cosponsor to:                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 477                                                            
"An Act increasing the amount of local contributions that may be              
made to a city or borough school district under the foundation                 
formula; and providing for an effective date."                                 

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2743
SCR 17                                                                       
Representative Larson added his name as cross-sponsor to:                      
CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 17(STA)                               
Honoring Alaskan Tommy Moe for winning gold and silver                        
medals at the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer,                        
EO 88                                                                        
The House did not disapprove the following executive order within 60           
days.  The order was transmitted to the Office of the Governor and             
becomes effective on a date designated by him.                                 
Transferring the responsibility for establishing an adventure-based           
education program from the Department of Community &                           
Regional Affairs to the Department of Health & Social Services.                
EO 90                                                                        
The House did not disapprove the following executive order within 60           
days.  The order was transmitted to the Office of the Governor and             
becomes effective on a date designated by him.                                 
Moving the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation from the                  
Department of Revenue to the Department of Commerce &                          
Economic Development, and transferring the duties of the science               
and engineering advisory commission to the Alaska Science and                  
Technology Foundation.                                                         
HB 49                                                                        
CSHB 49(FIN) am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief                 
Clerk and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                         
HB 260                                                                       
HB 260 was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and                
transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                   

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2744
HB 277                                                                       
Reconsideration of the following was not taken up on this legislative          
day.  It was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and              
transmitted to the Senate for consideration:                                   
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 277(JUD)                                                
"An Act relating to public employers defending and indemnifying               
public employees and former public employees with respect to                   
claims arising out of conduct that is within the scope of                      
HB 331                                                                       
HB 331 am was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and             
transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                                   
HB 406                                                                       
CSHB 406(FIN) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk             
and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                               
                           ENGROSSMENT & ENROLLMENT                          
HSCR 3                                                                       
The following was engrossed and enrolled, signed by the Speaker and            
Chief Clerk, President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed          
and enrolled copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at          
11:00 a.m., March 11, 1994:                                                    
SS FOR  HOUSE  SPECIAL  CONCURRENT RESOLUTION                                 
NO. 3                                                                          
Disapproving Executive Order No. 89.                                          
HB 58                                                                        
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,             
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled          
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 11:00 a.m.,           
March 11, 1994:                                                                
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 58(FIN)                                   
"An Act relating to the budget reserve fund established under art.            
IX, sec. 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska."                             

1994-03-11                     House Journal                      Page 2745
House committee schedules are published daily under separate cover.            
Representative Phillips moved and asked unanimous consent that the             
House adjourn until 11:00 a.m., March 14, 1994.  There being no                
objection, the House adjourned at 11:35 a.m.                                   
											Suzi Lowell                                                         
											Chief Clerk