Sponsor(S) REPRESENTATIVES WILLIAMS, Kott, Toohey, Green, Kelly, Mulder, Rokeberg, James, Brice
Title "An Act relating to the disposal of wastes; giving the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission authority to regulate disposal in the annular space of an oil or gas well, or in the annular space of a water well associated with exploration and production of oil or gas, of drilling mud, cuttings, and nonhazardous drilling operation wastes, and exempting that disposal from the requirement of a waste disposal permit issued by the Department of Environmental Conservation; and establishing an exemption from the requirement of obtaining a waste disposal permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation for certain activities that yield solid and liquid waste material discharges and cooling water discharges."
Amendments that are adopted are incorporated into the next version of the bill. PDF versions of the amendment may have slight variations from the Journal entry. The Journal should be considered the authoritative version.