Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2014-02-03 House Journal

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2014-02-03                     House Journal                      Page 1494
              INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                                                     
                         OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                                                                                
HCR 16                                                                                                                        
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 by Representatives                                                                           
DRUMMOND, Lynn, and Tuck:                                                                                                       
    Proclaiming February to be Public Education Month.                                                                          
was read the first time and referred to the Education and State Affairs                                                         
HJR 25                                                                                                                        
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 25 by Representatives LEDOUX                                                                         
and Gruenberg:                                                                                                                  
    Urging the United States Congress to restore the presumption of a                                                           
    service connection for Agent Orange exposure to United States                                                               
    Veterans who served in the waters defined by and in the airspace                                                            
    over the combat zone in Vietnam.                                                                                            
was read the first time and referred to the House Special Committee on                                                          
Military & Veterans' Affairs.                                                                                                   
              INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                                                     
                            OF HOUSE BILLS                                                                                   
HB 291                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 291 by Representative GATTIS, entitled:                                                                          
    "An Act increasing the stipend for boarding school students; and                                                            
    providing for an effective date."                                                                                           
was read the first time and referred to the Education and Finance                                                               
HB 292                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 292 by the House Rules Committee by request of                                                                   
the Legislative Council, entitled: