Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2013-03-14 House Journal

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2013-03-14                     House Journal                      Page 0535
Representative Neuman - from 11:15 a.m., March 29 to 10:15 a.m.,                                                                
April 1                                                                                                                         
HB 9                                                                                                                          
Representative Holmes added her name as cosponsor to:                                                                           
    HOUSE BILL NO. 9                                                                                                            
    "An Act relating to secured transactions under the Uniform                                                                  
    Commercial Code and to the regulation of funds transfers,                                                                   
    including remittance transfers, under the Uniform Commercial                                                                
    Code and federal law; and providing for an effective date."                                                                 
HB 33                                                                                                                         
Representative T. Wilson added her name as cosponsor to:                                                                        
    HOUSE BILL NO. 33                                                                                                           
    "An Act adding definitions of 'gravity knife' and 'switchblade' to                                                          
    the criminal law; and relating to reserving the authority to regulate                                                       
    knives to the state with limited exceptions for municipalities to                                                           
    regulate knives."                                                                                                           
HB 50                                                                                                                         
Representative Holmes added her name as cosponsor to:                                                                           
    HOUSE BILL NO. 50                                                                                                           
    "An Act authorizing the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to                                                               
    allow certain commercial uses in a multi-unit residential housing                                                           
    development owned or financed by the corporation and limiting                                                               
    the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board's issuance of certain                                                                  
     licenses to premises in the residential housing development."                                                             
HB 96                                                                                                                         
Representative Gara added his name as cosponsor to:                                                                             
    HOUSE BILL NO. 96                                                                                                           
    "An Act relating to chemicals of high concern and to chemicals in                                                           
    children's products; and adding an unlawful act to the Alaska                                                               
    Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act."