Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2010-01-27 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1321
                                SENATE JOURNAL                                                                               
                           ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                          
                           TWENTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE                                                                          
                                SECOND SESSION                                                                               
Juneau, Alaska                   Wednesday                 January 27, 2010                                                   
                                  Ninth Day                                                                                  
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President                                                             
Stevens at 11:02 a.m.                                                                                                           
The roll showed nineteen members present. Senator Dyson was                                                                     
Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that Senator Dyson                                                              
be excused from a call of the Senate today through 5:00 p.m., January                                                           
29. Without objection, Senator Dyson was excused.                                                                               
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Vicar Michael J. Steckel of                                                             
Faith Lutheran Church. Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous                                                                
consent that the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                        
          Dear Lord, your servant, St. Paul said in                                                                             
          2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have                                                                   
          finished the race, I have kept the faith."                                                                            
          Gracious God we pray that you would give each                                                                         
          member of this legislature vision and insight to do the                                                               
          work that needs to be done during this session and to                                                                 
          fight the good fight for those whom they serve. Also                                                                  
          grant to them strength of body and mind, guidance of                                                                  
          action and words and encouragement from family,                                                                       
          friends and the people of Alaska so that they may                                                                     
          persevere in the tasks which are before them.                                                                         
         I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.              Amen.                                                           

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1322
Senator Thomas led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.                                                                      
Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that the journals for                                                           
the seventh and eighth legislative days and Senate and House Joint                                                              
Journal Supplement No. 10 be approved as certified by the Secretary.                                                            
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                           
                           Messages from the House                                                                           
                               Concur Messages                                                                               
SB 59                                                                                                                         
Message dated January 25 was read stating the House passed and                                                                  
returned for consideration CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 59(TRA) am                                                                    
"An Act relating to the operation of low-speed vehicles" with the                                                               
following amendment:                                                                                                            
                       HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL                                                                         
          NO. 59(TRA)                                                                                                           
Senator Ellis moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment.                                                              
The question being: "Shall the Senate concur in the House                                                                       
amendment?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                       
HCS CSSB 59(TRA)                                                                                                                
Shall the Senate Concur in the House                                                                                            
amendment to CSSB 59(TRA)am?                                                                                                    
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  1   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Bunde, Coghill, Davis, Egan, Ellis, French, Hoffman, Huggins,                                                            
Kookesh, McGuire, Menard, Meyer, Olson, Paskvan, Stedman,                                                                       
Stevens, Thomas, Wagoner, Wielechowski                                                                                          
Excused:  Dyson                                                                                                                 

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1323
and so, the Senate concurred in the House amendment, thus adopting                                                              
HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 59(TRA) "An Act                                                                             
relating to the operation of low-speed vehicles."                                                                               
The Secretary was requested to notify the House.                                                                                
The bill was referred to the Secretary for enrollment.                                                                          
Letters dated January 22, 2010, were received from                                                                              
Walter L. Carpeneti, Chief Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court,                                                                 
stating that pursuant to AS 24.60.130(b)(3) he has nominated the                                                                
following public members for reappointment to the Select Committee                                                              
on Legislative Ethics:                                                                                                          
H. Conner Thomas                                                                                                                
Gary J. Turner                                                                                                                  
President Stevens referred the nominations to the Judiciary                                                                     
The following reports are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the                                                         
2010 Minerals Commission Report                                                                                                 
from Irene Anderson, Chair; Alaska Minerals Commission                                                                          
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development                                                                      
in accordance with AS 44.33.431                                                                                                 
Alaska Commercial Fishing and Agriculture Bank (CFAB) Annual                                                                    
Report 2009                                                                                                                     
from Lela F. Klingert, President                                                                                                
in accordance with AS 44.81.200                                                                                                 
Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority 2009 Annual Report                                                                         
from Mark Pfeffer, Chair                                                                                                        
in accordance with AS 44.85.100                                                                                                 

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1324
Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority 2009 Annual Report                                                                           
from Michael L. Foster, Chairman of the Board of Directors                                                                      
in accordance with AS 19.75.111                                                                                                 
Notification of availability of Annual State Loan Report and Report on                                                          
Reinstatements, Alaska Division of Investments                                                                                  
from Emil Notti, Commissioner                                                                                                   
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development                                                                      
in accordance with AS 37.05.035 and AS 16.10.350                                                                                
2009 Annual Report of Fisheries Enhancement Term Extensions                                                                     
from Emil Notti, Commissioner                                                                                                   
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development                                                                      
in accordance with AS 16.10.510(11)                                                                                             
                          Standing Committee Reports                                                                         
SB 199                                                                                                                        
The Health and Social Services Committee considered SENATE BILL                                                                 
NO. 199 "An Act providing for a two-year funding cycle for medical                                                              
assistance coverage for dentures." Signing do pass: Senator Davis,                                                              
Chair; Senators Ellis, Thomas, Paskvan, Dyson.                                                                                  
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Health and Social Services                                                                
     Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Health and Social Services                                                                
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
HB 6                                                                                                                          
The State Affairs Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                                                    
6(JUD) am "An Act relating to proscribing certain sexual conduct or                                                             
sexual activities as cruelty to animals." Signing do pass: Senator                                                              
Menard, Chair; Senators French, Meyer, Paskvan, Kookesh.                                                                        
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
     Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Law                                                                                 
     Fiscal Note No. 4, zero, Department of Corrections                                                                         

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1325
The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                                                               
                  Introduction and Reference of Senate Bills                                                                 
SB 240                                                                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 240 BY SENATOR COGHILL, entitled:                                                                               
            "An Act relating to the licensing of manicurists; and                                                              
          providing for an effective date."                                                                                     
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce and                                                              
Finance Committees.                                                                                                             
SB 241                                                                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 241 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                                                               
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                                                                           
             "An Act relating to post-conviction DNA testing, to                                                               
             the preservation of certain evidence, and to the DNA                                                              
             identification registration system; relating to post-                                                             
          conviction relief procedures; relating to                                                                             
          representation by the public defender; amending Rule                                                                  
          35.1, Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure; and                                                                         
          providing for an effective date."                                                                                     
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary and Finance                                                               
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Public Safety                                                                           
 Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Administration                                                                          
 Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Corrections                                                                             
 Fiscal Note No. 4, zero, Department of Administration                                                                          
 Fiscal Note No. 5, Department of Law                                                                                           
Governor's transmittal letter dated January 25:                                                                                 
Dear President Stevens:                                                                                                         

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1326
Under the authority of Art. III, Sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I                                                         
am transmitting a bill that adopts procedures for post-conviction                                                               
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing and evidence retention.                                                                     
This bill will adopt standards for evidence retention and disposal. As                                                          
well as procedures for post conviction DNA testing and address                                                                  
changes in the DNA identification registration system.                                                                          
The United States Supreme Court recently upheld Alaska's post-                                                                  
conviction procedures against a challenge based on due process of the                                                           
law. In the District Attorney's Office for the Third Judicial District v.                                                       
Osborne, 129 S. Ct. 2308 (2009), the court found Alaska's post-                                                                 
conviction relief statutes and procedures to be constitutional. While                                                           
our current law is legally satisfactory, provide statutory guidance for                                                         
granting post-conviction DNA testing will allow policy makers to                                                                
adopt the most reasonable balance for ensuring that a person is not                                                             
mistakenly convicted, and at the same time will protect the vast                                                                
majority of convictions that are correct.                                                                                       
A person who has been convicted of a crime, and whose conviction                                                                
has been upheld on appeal, has already had adequate opportunity to                                                              
argue legal issues arising at trial and on appeal. The post-conviction                                                          
DNA testing procedure should be limited to cases where the person                                                               
reasonably claims that the wrong person was convicted. The bill                                                                 
provides for post-conviction DNA testing when there is a reasonable                                                             
probability that the testing would produce evidence that could                                                                  
conclusively establish that the applicant is innocent.                                                                          
The bill addresses retention of physical evidence and biological                                                                
material in homicide, sexual assault, and abuse cases, and provides                                                             
standards that may vary according to the community and the law                                                                  
enforcement resources of that community. A small community may be                                                               
unable to retain large items of evidence in a criminal prosecution, but                                                         
it can preserve samples of the evidence for use in future DNA testing                                                           
or other post-conviction procedures. A larger community may have                                                                
more space for evidence retention, and would be able to keep more of                                                            
the original evidence rather than cutting representative samples of it.                                                         
The bill also includes a procedure in which a law enforcement agency,                                                           
after giving notice to all parties, may dispose of physical evidence and                                                        
biological material if there is no objection to the disposition.                                                                

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1327
In addition to keeping evidence so that it may be used at a later date,                                                         
law enforcement and other agencies, such as courts and prosecution                                                              
offices, must safeguard it so that it is useful for possible future testing.                                                    
The bill authorizes the establishment of a task force to include law                                                            
enforcement, prosecutors, the court system, a representative from the                                                           
crime laboratory, and the medical examiner to develop policies and                                                              
procedures for maintaining evidence in a way that will protect and                                                              
safeguard against tampering or degradation. Standards for evidence                                                              
collection and retention will be established as well.                                                                           
Although the Alaska post-conviction law has been upheld by the                                                                  
United States Supreme Court, standards for evidence retention and a                                                             
procedure for post-conviction DNA testing will strengthen the current                                                           
law and provide one more protection in our justice system.                                                                      
I urge your prompt and favorable consideration of this bill.                                                                    
Sean Parnell                                                                                                                    
SB 242                                                                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 242 BY SENATOR MCGUIRE, entitled:                                                                               
             "An Act providing income tax credits for geothermal                                                               
          resource exploration and development."                                                                                
was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance                                                               
SB 243                                                                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 243 BY SENATOR MCGUIRE, entitled:                                                                               
                 "An Act removing the royalty obligation for                                                                   
          geothermal resources."                                                                                                
was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance                                                               

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1328
                        Consideration of the Calendar                                                                        
In Memoriam - Tito Kagimoto                                                                                                     
Senator(s) Bunde, Stevens, Coghill, Davis, Dyson, Egan, Ellis,                                                                  
Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, McGuire, Menard, Meyer, Olson,                                                                       
Paskvan, Stedman, Thomas, Wagoner, Wielechowski                                                                                 
Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that the citation be                                                            
adopted. Without objection, the citation was adopted and referred to                                                            
the Secretary for transmittal.                                                                                                  
                             Unfinished Business                                                                             
Senator Huggins moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                                                 
from a call of the Senate from evening plane time, January 27 through                                                           
morning plane time, February 1. Without objection, Senator Huggins                                                              
was excused.                                                                                                                    
Senator Wagoner moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                                                 
from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, January 29                                                                 
through morning plane time, February 1. Without objection, Senator                                                              
Wagoner was excused.                                                                                                            
Senator McGuire moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                                                 
from a call of the Senate from morning plane time, January 28 through                                                           
evening plane time, January 31. Without objection, Senator McGuire                                                              
was excused.                                                                                                                    
Senator Stedman moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                                                 
from a call of the Senate from January 29 through plane time,                                                                   
January 31. Without objection, Senator Stedman was excused.                                                                     
SB 199                                                                                                                        
Senators Wagoner, Huggins, McGuire moved and asked unanimous                                                                    
consent to be shown as cosponsors on SENATE BILL NO. 199 "An                                                                    
Act providing for a two-year funding cycle for medical assistance                                                               
coverage for dentures." Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                   

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1329
SB 138                                                                                                                        
Senator French moved and asked unanimous consent to be shown as a                                                               
cosponsor on SENATE BILL NO. 138 "An Act relating to a                                                                          
corporation income tax credit for contributions by a person owning or                                                           
operating a commercial passenger vessel to a qualified trade                                                                    
association that was awarded a contract by the Department of                                                                    
Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, and used for                                                                     
planning and executing a destination tourism marketing campaign."                                                               
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                           
SB 139                                                                                                                        
Senators French, Kookesh, Paskvan, Egan moved and asked                                                                         
unanimous consent to be shown as cosponsors on SENATE BILL NO.                                                                  
139 "An Act establishing a loan repayment program and employment                                                                
incentive program for certain health care professionals employed in                                                             
the state; and providing for an effective date." Without objection, it                                                          
was so ordered.                                                                                                                 
SB 213                                                                                                                        
Senators Paskvan, Menard, Thomas moved and asked unanimous                                                                      
consent to be shown as cosponsors on SENATE BILL NO. 213 "An                                                                    
Act providing for funding for school lunch and breakfast." Without                                                              
objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                                   
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                                                                    
                          Engrossment and Enrollment                                                                         
SR 9                                                                                                                          
SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 9 Dedicating a committee room in the                                                                      
Thomas B. Stewart Legislative Office Building to former Senator                                                                 
William Beltz, was engrossed and enrolled, signed by the President                                                              
and Secretary and the engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the                                                          
Office of the Governor at 9:30 a.m., January 26, 2010.                                                                          
                             Senate Resolve No. 6                                                                              

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1330
Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate                                                                 
stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., January 29, 2010. Without                                                                
objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:42 a.m.                                                                                   
                                                                Kirsten Waid                                                    
                                                     Secretary of the Senate                                                    

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1331
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require                                                  
special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access                                                            
committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the                                                          
Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance                                                           
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the                                                  
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                                                                 
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                                                                             
+ indicates teleconference                                                                                                      
= indicates bill previously heard/scheduled                                                                                     
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                                                                        
Jan 28        Thursday                    Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
+ SB  43 SECOND VERSE OF ALASKA'S STATE SONG                                                                                    
+ SB 212 MUNICIPAL ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM                                                                                  
Jan 27        Wednesday                    Fahrenkamp 203             8:00 AM                                                 
+ SB 221 LEGISLATIVE TASK FORCE ON HIGHER ED                                                                                    
Jan 29        Friday                       Fahrenkamp 203             8:00 AM                                                 
+= SB 109 REPEAL SECONDARY SCHOOL EXIT EXAM                                                                                     
Jan 27        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+             FY2011 Budget Overview & Fiscal Summary                                                                           
              Office of Management & Budget, Director                                                                           
              Karen Rehfeld                                                                                                     
              Legislative Finance Division, Director                                                                            
              David Teal                                                                                                        

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1332
                             FINANCE (continued)                                                                             
Jan 28        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
+             FY2011 Budget Overview & Fiscal Summary                                                                           
              Office of Management & Budget, Director                                                                           
              Karen Rehfeld                                                                                                     
              Legislative Finance Division, Director                                                                            
              David Teal                                                                                                        
Jan 29        Friday                    Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                          
Jan 27        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Jan 29        Friday                          Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
Feb 01        Monday                          Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
+ SB 238 MEDICAID FOR MEDICAL & INTERMEDIATE CARE                                                                               
Feb 02        Tuesday                            Capitol 106          3:00 PM                                                 
              Joint w/ (H) H&SS                                                                                                 
              Presentation: Juvenile Justice Task                                                                               
              Force Report                                                                                                      
Feb 03        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
              Joint w/ (H) H&SS                                                                                                 
              Presentations:  United Way - 211 Project                                                                          
              Presentation; Alaska Health Care                                                                                  
              Commission Report                                                                                                 
+= SB 172 ALASKA HEALTH CARE COMMISSION                                                                                         
Feb 05        Friday                          Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1333
Jan 27        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          1:30 PM                                                 
+             Overview: Juvenile Justice Programs                                                                               
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Jan 29        Friday                      Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          1:30 PM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                                                                              
Jan 28        Thursday                    Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          2:00 PM                                                 
              -- Time Change --                                                                                                 
+             Gasline Training Overview:                                                                                        
              By Commissioner Bishop, Labor and                                                                                 
              Workforce Development                                                                                             
              Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Jan 27        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                                                 
= SB 220 ENERGY EFFICIENCY/ ALTERNATIVE ENERGY                                                                                  
              Energy-Related Budget Recommendations                                                                             
              -- Public Testimony --                                                                                            
              Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Jan 28        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                                                 
              Overview of the "Open Season" Process for                                                                         
              Building Fuel Transportation Pipelines                                                                            
              Scott Hobbs - Administration Consultant                                                                           
              Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                                                  
Jan 29        Friday                          Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                                                 
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                                              

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1334
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                                                                
Jan 28        Thursday                    Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          9:00 AM                                                 
+ SB  62 COMMUNITY PROPERTY OF MARRIED PERSONS                                                                                  
              <Bill Hearing Canceled>                                                                                           
+ SB 184 INTERNET ACCESS TO LEG COMMITTEE MTGS                                                                                  
+ SB 194 CIVIL DAMAGES FOR ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS                                                                                   
Jan 28        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           1:00 PM                                                 
+ SB 218 SUSPENDING MOTOR FUEL TAX                                                                                              
                            FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES                                                                            
Jan 27        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
              Joint w/(H) Administration Subcommittee                                                                           
              Commissioner Departmental Overview                                                                                
              Office of Administrative Hearings                                                                                 
              Division of Retirement & Benefits                                                                                 
              Office of Risk Management                                                                                         
Feb 03        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
              Division of General Services                                                                                      
              Division of Motor Vehicles                                                                                        
              Public Communications Services                                                                                    
              Public Defender Agency                                                                                            
Feb 10        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
              Division of Finance                                                                                               
              Division of Personnel & Labor Relations                                                                           
              Office of Public Advocacy                                                                                         
              Violent Crimes Compensation Board                                                                                 
Feb 17        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
              Oil & Gas Conservation Commission                                                                                 
              Public Offices Commission                                                                                         

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1335
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued)                                                                      
Feb 24        Wednesday                   Beltz 105 (tsbldg)          3:30 PM                                                 
              Enterprise Technology Services                                                                                    
                      COMMERCE, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV                                                                     
Feb 02        Tuesday                      Fahrenkamp 203           11:00 AM                                                  
              DCCED Budget Overview by Commissioner                                                                             
              Emil Notti                                                                                                        
              Department Overview                                                                                               
              Introduction of Division Directors,                                                                               
              Commissioner's Office, Administrative Services                                                                    
Feb 11        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203           11:00 AM                                                  
              DCCED Overview Continued - Other Items of                                                                         
              Interest or Concerns (if necessary)                                                                               
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                          
Feb 02        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205           8:00 AM                                                 
+             Department Budget Overview                                                                                        
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 04        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           8:00 AM                                                 
+             Department Budget Overview Continuation                                                                           
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 09        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205           8:00 AM                                                 
+             Mental Health Trust Programs                                                                                      
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 11        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           8:00 AM                                                 
+             Medicaid, FMAP, Provider Rates, Denali                                                                            
              KidCare Update                                                                                                    
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1336
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued)                                                                      
                     HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES (continued)                                                                    
Feb 16        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205           8:00 AM                                                 
+             Public Assistance (PA) programs: LEAN                                                                             
              Approach, Adult PA Senior Benefit                                                                                 
              Payments, Child Care Assistance, and                                                                              
              Heating Assistance                                                                                                
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                         MILITARY & VETERANS' AFFAIRS                                                                        
Feb 05        Friday                       Fahrenkamp 203            12:00 PM                                                 
+             Departmental Overview                                                                                             
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 16        Tuesday                         Butrovich 205           9:30 AM                                                 
+             Committee Discussion and Draft Closeout                                                                           
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                              NATURAL RESOURCES                                                                              
Feb 04        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203           10:00 AM                                                  
              Department Overview                                                                                               
Feb 09        Tuesday                      Fahrenkamp 203             1:00 PM                                                 
              Division of Oil and Gas                                                                                           
Feb 11        Thursday                    Beltz 105 (tsbldg)        11:00 AM                                                  
              Gas Pipeline Implementation                                                                                       
Feb 16        Tuesday                      Fahrenkamp 203             1:00 PM                                                 
              Division of Mining, Land, and Water                                                                               
              Division of Geological and Geophysical                                                                            

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1337
                      FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES (continued)                                                                      
                        NATURAL RESOURCES (continued)                                                                        
Feb 23        Tuesday                      Fahrenkamp 203             2:00 PM                                                 
              Division of Agriculture                                                                                           
              Office of Project Management & Permitting                                                                         
              Support Services Division                                                                                         
Mar 09        Tuesday                      Fahrenkamp 203             1:00 PM                                                 
              Close Out                                                                                                         
                                PUBLIC SAFETY                                                                                
Feb 04        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203             1:30 PM                                                 
+             Department Budget Overview                                                                                        
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 11        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203             1:30 PM                                                 
+             Status of VPSO Program and Recruitment                                                                            
              Efforts for Them and the State Troopers                                                                           
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
Feb 25        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203             1:30 PM                                                 
+             Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault                                                                                
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                                                                              
                           ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE                                                                          
Feb 02        Tuesday                   Senate Finance 532          11:30 AM                                                  
+             Briefings from Alaska Marines; Updates on                                                                         
              VA Health Care, Education Benefits,                                                                               
              Alaska Territorial Guard, Fisher                                                                                  
              House, Veterans Summit, and PTA Report                                                                            
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1338
                         JOINT COMMITTEES (continued)                                                                        
                     ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE (continued)                                                                    
Feb 04        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203             9:00 AM                                                 
              -- Time and Location Change --                                                                                    
+             Briefings from Alaskan Command and Alaska                                                                         
              Army National Guard                                                                                               
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                          LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT                                                                         
Feb 25        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            4:00 PM                                                 
+             RPL's                                                                                                             
              Audits - Executive Session                                                                                        
              AEA Renewable Energy Project Update                                                                               
              Other Committee Business                                                                                          
              -- Testimony <Invitation Only> --                                                                                 
                             LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                                             
Feb 04        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            4:00 PM                                                 
              Legislature FY09 Audit                                                                                            
              Sanctioning of Charitable Events                                                                                  
              Late Per Diem Requests                                                                                            
              Travel & Per Diem Policy Approval                                                                                 
              Fosler Law Group Contract Amendment                                                                               
              90 Day Session Report                                                                                             
              Revisor's Bill                                                                                                    
              Presentation of State Flag Policy                                                                                 
              Building Naming Policy Discussion                                                                                 
              IT Subcommittee Recommendations                                                                                   
              Personal Service Contracts/PERS Waivers                                                                           
              RFP 505 - Public Relations                                                                                        
              Consultations - ESA                                                                                               
               --Executive Session--                                                                                            
              Legislative Office Space                                                                                          

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1339
                         JOINT COMMITTEES (continued)                                                                        
                    SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS                                                                   
Jan 29        Friday                       Fahrenkamp 203            12:00 PM                                                 
              Update - Campaign Year Restrictions and  Prohibitions                                                             
                                OTHER MEETINGS                                                                               
                                 FISH CAUCUS                                                                                 
Jan 29        Friday                             Capitol 106         12:00 PM                                                 
+             Brown Bag Lunch                                                                                                   
                       JOINT LEGISLATIVE HEALTH CAUCUS                                                                       
Feb 03        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205          12:00 PM                                                 
              -- Rescheduled to 02/10/10 --                                                                                     
              Health Care Commission Report and  Recommendations                                                                
Feb 10        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205          12:00 PM                                                 
               -- Rescheduled from 02/03/10 --                                                                                  
              Commissioning Healthy, Safe Families                                                                              
                                JOINT SESSION                                                                                
Feb 18        Thursday                     House Chamber            11:00 AM                                                  
              Annual Address by the Honorable                                                                                   
              Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senator                                                                                      
                            MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS                                                                           
Feb 08        Monday                    Senate Finance 532            1:00 PM                                                 
              School District Legislative Fly-In                                                                                
              Informal Q&A Session Regarding Alaska's                                                                           
              Public School System                                                                                              

2010-01-27                     Senate Journal                      Page 1340
                      MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS (continued)                                                                     
Mar 29        Monday                    Senate Finance 532            1:00 PM                                                 
              School District Legislative Fly-In                                                                                
              Informal Q&A Session Regarding Alaska's                                                                           
              Public School System