Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2005-01-12 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0035
                                SENATE JOURNAL                                                   
                           ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                              
                          TWENTY-FOURTH LEGISLATURE                                              
                                FIRST SESSION                                                    
Juneau, Alaska                   Wednesday                 January 12, 2005                       
                                  Third Day                                                      
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President                                 
Stevens at 11:10 a.m.                                                                               
The roll showed seventeen members present. Senators Bunde, Guess,                                   
Kookesh were excused from a call of the Senate.                                                     
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor John Bigelow of the                                  
Bethany Baptist Church. Senator Hoffman moved and asked                                             
unanimous consent that the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was                              
so ordered.                                                                                         
          Father, I thank You for the day You have given to us.                                     
          I thank You for these legislators who are gathered                                        
          here today to do the business of the King. We pray                                        
          for wisdom. We pray for guidance. There are many,                                         
          many issues that face us today in our great state. We                                     
          ask that You would lead us. We realize our frailty,                                       
          the simplicity of our finite minds, and so we ask,                                        
             God, that You would guide us as decisions are made.                                   
          As we face the issues that come upon us in this great                                     
          state, we thank You for the opportunity we have to                                        
          serve You in this capacity. May You be honored.                                           
        I'll thank You in Jesus' name.                           Amen.                             
Senator Wagoner led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.                                         

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0036
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
journal for the second legislative day be approved as certified by the                              
Secretary. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                    
                        Introduction of Chamber Staff                                            
Senator French introduced Senate Sergeant at Arms Eric Huckaba of                                   
Senator Seekins introduced Senate Page Heather Strange of Fairbanks.                                
Senator Stedman introduced Senate Page Kenny Terpsma of                                             
Senator Elton introduced Senate Pages Sandrenia Katasse, Erik                                       
Olmsted and Janell Mason of Juneau, and Senate Assistant Sergeant at                                
Arms Will Ryan of Juneau.                                                                           
Senator Green introduced Senate Page Katie Weimer of Palmer.                                        
The following Budget and Audit Reports were received from Pat                                       
Davidson, Legislative Auditor, in accordance with AS 24.20.311 and                                  
are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate:                                           
State of Alaska, Single Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003,                              
dated September 28, 2004                                                                            
Unabridged 2004 Annual Report from the Legislative Budget and                                       
Audit Committee, dated January 10, 2005                                                             
Condensed 2004 Annual Report from the Legislative Budget and                                        
Audit Committee, dated January 10, 2005                                                             

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0037
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development:                                         
  Board of Dental Examiners, Sunset Review, August 5, 2004                                          
  Board of Pharmacy, Sunset Review, September 3, 2004                                               
  Alaska's Sunset Process and Selected Investigative Issues,                                        
     September 28, 2004                                                                             
  Board of Public Accountancy, Sunset Review, October 25, 2004                                      
  Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land                                         
     Surveyors, Sunset Review, October 6, 2004                                                      
  Board of Barbers and Hairdressers, Sunset Review,                                                 
     October 14, 2004                                                                               
  Board of Social Work Examiners, Sunset Review,                                                    
     October 27, 2004                                                                               
  Board of Professional Counselors, Sunset Review,                                                  
     November 2, 2004                                                                               
  Board of Marital and Family Therapy, Sunset Review,                                               
     November 1, 2004                                                                               
  Board of Psychologists and Psychological Associate Examiners,                                     
     Sunset Review, October 27, 2004                                                                
        Board of Veterinary Examiners, Sunset Review, October 29, 2004                             
Department of Health and Social Services; Statewide Suicide                                         
Prevention Council, Sunset Review, November 15, 2004                                                
Department of Natural Resources; Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety                                      
Commission, Sunset Review, October 22, 2004                                                         
Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; Employment                                      
Opportunities for Women Engineers, November 8, 2004                                                 
                        Introduction and Reference of                                            
                              Senate Resolutions                                                 
SR 1                                                                                              
SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1 BY THE RULES COMMITTEE,                                                     
               Establishing a Senate Special Committee on World                                    
          Trade and State/Federal Relations.                                                        
was read the first time.                                                                            

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0038
The following fiscal information was published today:                                               
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Senate Rules Committee                                                    
The resolution is on today's calendar.                                                              
                  Introduction and Reference of Senate Bills                                     
SB 47                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 47 BY SENATOR DYSON, entitled:                                                      
             "An Act increasing the penalty for failure to report                                  
          child abuse or neglect."                                                                  
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and Social                            
Services and Judiciary Committees.                                                                  
SB 48                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 48 BY SENATOR DAVIS, entitled:                                                      
                 "An Act relating to recommending or refusing                                      
            psychotropic drugs or certain types of evaluations or                                  
          treatments for children."                                                                 
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and Social                            
Services and Judiciary Committees.                                                                  
SB 49                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 49 BY SENATOR FRENCH, entitled:                                                     
           "An Act relating to listing certain anabolic steroids as                                
          controlled substances."                                                                   
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and Social                            
Services and Judiciary Committees.                                                                  
SB 50                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 50 BY SENATOR FRENCH, entitled:                                                     

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0039
      "An Act relating to the oil and gas properties production                                     
      (severance) tax as it applies to oil; establishing a                                          
      minimum rate of tax for certain fields of five percent;                                       
      providing for an adjustment to increase the tax collected                                     
      when oil prices exceed $20 per barrel and to reduce the                                       
      tax collected when oil prices fall below $16 per barrel;                                      
      and providing for relief from the tax when the price per                                      
      barrel is low or when the taxpayer demonstrates that a                                        
      reduction in the tax is necessary to establish or                                             
      reestablish production from an oil field or pool that                                         
      would not otherwise be economically feasible."                                                
was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance                                   
SB 51                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 51 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                                    
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                                               
          "An Act relating to contracts for the provision of state                                  
          public assistance to certain recipients in the state;                                     
          providing for regional public assistance plans and                                        
          programs in the state; relating to grants for Alaska                                      
          Native family assistance programs; relating to                                            
          assignment of child support by Alaska Native family                                       
          assistance recipients; relating to paternity                                              
          determinations and genetic testing involving                                              
          recipients of assistance under Alaska Native family                                       
          assistance programs; and providing for an effective                                       
was read the first time and referred to the Community and Regional                                  
Affairs, Health, Education and Social Services and Finance                                          
The following fiscal information was published today:                                               
         Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Health and Social Services                               
         Fiscal Note No. 2, Department of Health and Social Services                               
 Fiscal Note No. 3, Department of Health and Social Services                                        
 Fiscal Note No. 4, Department of Health and Social Services                                        

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0040
Governor's transmittal letter dated January 11, 2005:                                               
Dear President Stevens:                                                                             
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am                          
transmitting a bill relating to the Alaska Native family assistance grant                           
program.  This bill would reauthorize the Alaska Native family                                      
assistance grant program, which was enacted in ch. 96, SLA 2000 as a                                
temporary pilot program.                                                                            
The federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities                                          
Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L.104-193) (PRWORA) gave Alaska                                       
Native and American Indian tribes the authority to assume                                           
responsibility for providing public assistance and self-sufficiency                                 
services by administering the Temporary Assistance for Needy                                        
Families program (TANF) independent of state welfare agencies.  The                                 
law also set out the methodology for federal financing of tribal TANF                               
programs, but did not address state financing or any state                                          
maintenance-of-effort provisions.  In response, ch. 96, SLA 2000 was                                
enacted into law, authorizing the Department of Health and Social                                   
Services (department) to award and administer federally authorized                                  
tribal TANF providers in Alaska with Native Family Assistance                                       
Program (NFAP) grants on a pilot program basis.  The financing was                                  
limited to only four of the 13 Alaska Native nonprofit organizations                                
authorized in PRWORA:  Tanana Chiefs Conference, Tlingit-Haida                                      
Central Council, Association of Village Council Presidents, and the                                 
Metlakatla Indian Community of the Annette Islands Reserve.  Each                                   
of these organizations, except Metlakatla, is now operating a tribal                                
TANF program and receiving financing from the department in the                                     
form of an Alaska Native family assistance grant.  This temporary law                               
program will sunset on June 30, 2005.                                                               
In addition to reauthorizing the pilot program on a permanent basis in                              
statute, this bill also would include the other nine Alaska native                                  
nonprofit organizations authorized in federal law to operate tribal                                 
TANF programs:  Arctic Slope Native Association, Kawerak, Inc.,                                     
Maniilaq Association, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Bristol Bay Native                                 
Association, Aleutian and Pribilof Island Association, Chugachmiut,                                 
Kodiak Area Native Association, and Copper River Native                                             

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0041
From the outset, the State of Alaska has supported the establishment                                
and development of the tribal TANF programs.  The NFAP program                                      
affirms the state's interest in promoting regional responsibility and                               
local control for public assistance programs in Alaska.  Families                                   
served by tribal TANF programs have been successful in moving                                       
families from welfare to work.  The local presence and familiarity with                             
village and community life puts the tribal administrators in the best                               
position to implement the program and to successfully promote self-                                 
sufficiency for their clients.                                                                      
Since enactment of ch. 96, SLA 2000, three Alaska Native groups not                                 
currently authorized to receive Alaska Native family assistance grants                              
are either actively planning a tribal TANF program or have expressed                                
interest in beginning the planning process.  Cook Inlet Tribal Council                              
plans to begin operating a tribal TANF program in July 2005 and is                                  
currently receiving technical support from the department.  The Bristol                             
Bay Native Association has submitted a letter of intent to begin                                    
operating a tribal TANF program in July 2005, and Chugachmiut has                                   
also advised the department of its interest in developing a tribal TANF                             
Funding for tribal TANF program operations comes from the federal                                   
TANF block grant and is supplemented by state grant funds that would                                
otherwise be spent to serve the same number of Alaska Native families                               
receiving assistance from the state's temporary assistance program.                                 
Enacting this bill will not take away the state oversight of TANF                                   
program operations.  Tribal providers who receive NFAP grants enter                                 
into a contractual agreement with the State of Alaska to provide timely                             
and accurate cash assistance, eligibility services, case management and                             
other welfare-to-work services, supportive services, child care                                     
assistance, and administrative support to all eligible families living                              
within their service area.  Furthermore, the contract requires tribal                               
providers to report monthly to the Division of Public Assistance                                    
(DPA) and allows DPA to monitor and evaluate the tribal program to                                  
assure grant money is being used to serve eligible families.                                        

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0042
I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure.                                            
Sincerely yours,                                                                                    
Frank H. Murkowski                                                                                  
SB 52                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 52 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                                    
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                                               
          "An Act relating to the reorganization of certain                                         
          functions of the division of banking, securities, and                                     
          corporations and the division of occupational                                             
          licensing in the Department of Commerce,                                                  
          Community, and Economic Development; and                                                  
          providing for an effective date."                                                         
was read the first time and referred to the Labor and Commerce                                      
The following fiscal information was published today:                                               
         Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community,                               
       and Economic Development                                                                     
Governor's transmittal letter dated January 11, 2005:                                               
Dear President Stevens:                                                                             
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am                          
transmitting a bill relating to the reorganization of certain business                              
functions in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic                                    
Development (department).                                                                           
This bill would make statutory changes needed to fully effectuate my                                
Administrative Order No. 219, issued September 17, 2004.  The                                       
purpose of that Order, and this bill, is to further a coordinated, "one-                            
stop shopping" environment for establishing corporations, limited                                   
liability companies, and other business entities, for registering and                               
reserving business names, and for obtaining business and occupational                               

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0043
licenses.  Under the Order, almost all "corporations" functions were                                
moved from the Division of Banking, Securities, and Corporations to                                 
the Division of Occupational Licensing in the department.  To reflect                               
this reorganization in the statutes, the bill would substitute                                      
"department" for references to the two specific divisions.  These                                   
amendments also will allow the commissioner of the department                                       
future latitude in assigning duties and functions within the department,                            
including renaming divisions to more accurately reflect their current                               
Under the Order and this bill, duties related to the Alaska BIDCO Act                               
under AS 10.13 and required statements of financial conditions of                                   
business entities would not be moved to the division of occupational                                
licensing, although references in AS 10.13 to the Division of Banking,                              
Securities, and Corporations would be changed by the bill to refer to                               
the department rather than the currently named division.                                            
I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure.                                            
Sincerely yours,                                                                                    
Frank H. Murkowski                                                                                  
SB 53                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 53 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                                    
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                                               
          "An Act relating to a credit for certain exploration                                      
          expenses against oil and gas properties production                                        
          taxes on oil and gas produced from a lease or                                             
          property in the state; relating to the deadline for                                       
          certain exploration expenditures used as credits                                          
          against production tax on oil and gas produced from a                                     
          lease or property in the Alaska Peninsula competitive                                     
          oil and gas areawide lease sale area after July 1,                                        
          2004; and providing for an effective date."                                               
was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance                                   

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0044
The following fiscal information was published today:                                               
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Revenue                                                     
     Fiscal Note No. 2, indeterminate, Department of Natural                                        
Governor's transmittal letter dated January 11, 2005:                                               
Dear President Stevens:                                                                             
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am                          
transmitting a bill relating to a credit for certain exploration expenses                           
against oil and gas properties production taxes on oil and gas produced                             
from a lease or property in the state and relating to the deadline for                              
certain exploration expenditures used as credits against production tax                             
on oil and gas produced from a lease or property in the Alaska                                      
Peninsula competitive oil and gas areawide lease sale area after July 1,                            
The Bristol Bay area is one of the largest onshore tracts in Alaska to                              
potentially open for oil and gas leasing in the last 20 years.  The                                 
northerly portion of the basin is believed to be gas prone.  Extending                              
the timeframe for exploration incentives will benefit the residents of                              
the region with the potential for a natural gas supply that could lower                             
their fishing costs, provide heat for their homes and result in less                                
expensive power.                                                                                    
In the interest of providing tax incentives to encourage exploration in                             
Alaska, new AS 43.55.025, which allows oil producers to credit                                      
exploration expenditures against production tax on oil and gas                                      
produced after July 1, 2004, was added in the 2003 session  (HCS                                    
CSSB 185(O&G) am H; ch. 59, SLA 2003 (effective September 9,                                        
In order to qualify for the production tax credit under that statute,                               
exploration expenditures must be incurred on or after July 1, 2003, and                             
before July 1, 2007.  It has become apparent that the July 1, 2007,                                 
deadline will come too soon for oil producers that obtain leases in the                             
proposed Bristol Bay (Alaska Peninsula) Competitive Oil and Gas                                     
Areawide Lease Sale Area described in ch. 9, SLA 2004 (which took                                   
effect March 18, 2004).  In this proposed lease sale area, the                                      

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0045
Department of Natural Resources anticipates that leases would not be                                
issued until the spring of 2006.  Given this timetable, it is likely that                           
exploration expenditures on these leases would occur after July 1,                                  
2007, in which case they could not be credited against future                                       
production taxes.                                                                                   
In order to provide similar tax incentives to the bidders on these                                  
proposed oil and gas leases, this bill would extend the deadline for                                
exploration expenditures in the proposed Bristol Bay (Alaska                                        
Peninsula) competitive oil and gas areawide lease sale area to                                      
July 1, 2010.  This bill also would make some minor technical changes                               
to AS 43.55.025 to clarify the intent and harmonize terms used in that                              
recently enacted section.                                                                           
I urge your support of this important legislation.                                                  
Sincerely yours,                                                                                    
Frank H. Murkowski                                                                                  
                        Consideration of the Calendar                                            
                     Second Reading of Senate Resolutions                                        
SR 1                                                                                              
SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1 was read the second time and was                                            
before the Senate on final passage.                                                                 
The question being: "Shall SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1                                                  
Establishing a Senate Special Committee on World Trade and                                          
State/Federal Relations, pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the                              
following result:                                                                                   

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0046
SR 1                                                                                                
Second Reading - Final Passage                                                                      
YEAS:  17   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  3   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Cowdery, Davis, Dyson, Ellis, Elton, French, Green, Hoffman,                                 
Huggins, Olson, Seekins, Stedman, Stevens B, Stevens G, Therriault,                                 
Wagoner, Wilken                                                                                     
Excused:  Bunde, Guess, Kookesh                                                                     
and so, SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1 passed the Senate and was                                           
referred to the Secretary for engrossment and enrollment.                                           
Commemorating - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day                                                     
Senator(s) Davis, Ellis, Elton, Kookesh, French, Ben Stevens, Bunde,                                
Cowdery, Dyson, Guess, Hoffman, Olson, Seekins, Stedman, Gary                                       
Stevens, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                                
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
citation be adopted. Without objection, the citation was adopted and                                
referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                                          
                             Unfinished Business                                                 
Senator Seekins moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                     
from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, January 21                                     
through evening plane time, January 23. Without objection, Senator                                  
Seekins was excused.                                                                                
Senator Hoffman moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                     
from a call of the Senate on January 14. Without objection, Senator                                 
Hoffman was excused.                                                                                
Senator Huggins moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                     
from a call of the Senate from evening plane time, January 13 through                               
evening plane time, January 14. Without objection, Senator Huggins                                  
was excused.                                                                                        

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0047
Senator Olson moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                       
from a call of the Senate from January 14 through morning plane time,                               
January 19. Without objection, Senator Olson was excused.                                           
Senator Davis moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                       
from a call of the Senate on January 14. Without objection, Senator                                 
Davis was excused.                                                                                  
Senator Wagoner moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                     
from a call of the Senate from plane time, January 14 through plane                                 
time, January 18. Without objection, Senator Wagoner was excused.                                   
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                                        
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
Senate stand in recess to 6:45 p.m. Without objection, the Senate                                   
recessed at 12:00 p.m.                                                                              
                                 After Recess                                                    
The Senate reconvened at 6:43 p.m.                                                                  
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
Senate stand in recess to the Joint Session. Without objection, the                                 
Senate recessed at 6:43 p.m.                                                                        
                          Joint Session in the House                                             
Speaker Harris called the House to order and in accordance with                                     
Uniform Rule 51 turned the gavel over to President Stevens, who                                     
called the Joint Session to order at 7:01 p.m.                                                      

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0048
The purpose of the Joint Session was to hear an address by the                                      
Honorable Frank H. Murkowski, Governor.                                                             
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
roll call of the Senate be waived and all members be shown as present.                              
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                               
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
roll call of the House be waived and all members be shown as present.                               
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                               
President Stevens appointed Representative Kott and Senator                                         
Therriault to escort Governor Frank H. Murkowski to the Joint                                       
The Senate Sergeant at Arms, Eric Huckaba, announced Governor                                       
Murkowski's entrance to the House Chamber.                                                          
The Honorable Frank H. Murkowski was escorted to the rostrum and                                    
welcomed by President Stevens.                                                                      
Governor Murkowski delivered his address. This address appears in                                   
Senate and House Joint Journal Supplement No. 1.                                                    
Following his address, Governor Frank Murkowski received a                                          
standing ovation and was escorted from the chamber by Senator                                       
Therriault and Representative Kott.                                                                 
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
Joint Session stand in adjournment. Without objection, President                                    
Stevens adjourned the Joint Session at 8:02 p.m.                                                    
                                 After Recess                                                    
                                In the Senate                                                    
The Senate reconvened at 8:05 p.m.                                                                  

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0049
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
Senate stand in adjournment until 10:00 a.m., January 14, 2005.                                     
Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 8:06 p.m.                                                
                                                                Kirsten Waid                        
                                             Acting Secretary of the Senate                         
                                                                January 2005                        

2005-01-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 0050
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require                      
special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access                                
committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the                              
Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance                               
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the                      
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                                     
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                                                 
+ indicates teleconference                                                                          
= indicates bill previously heard/scheduled                                                         
Jan 13        Thursday                         Location Tba         10:00 AM                      
              -- Meeting Canceled --                                                                
              JOINT W/(H) RULES                                                                     
              Lounge Staff Salaries                                                                 
                                OTHER MEETINGS                                                   
                                JOINT SESSION                                                    
Jan 12        Wednesday                    House Chamber              7:00 PM                     
              Address by Governor Frank H. Murkowski                                                
              State of the State and the Budget Message