Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-03-06 House Journal

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2006-03-06                     House Journal                      Page 2712
HB 377                                                                                            
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered:                                                      
    HOUSE BILL NO. 377                                                                              
    "An Act relating to an exemption from certain registration and                                  
    practice requirements for persons preparing drawings or                                         
   specifications related to the construction of certain buildings."                               
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 377(L&C)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to an exemption from certain registration and                                  
    practice requirements for persons preparing drawings or                                         
    specifications related to the construction of certain buildings and                             
    the grounds of the buildings."                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Kott, Vice Chair, with the                                  
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (3):  Crawford, Lynn, Kott                                                                  
No recommendation (1):  LeDoux                                                                      

2006-03-06                     House Journal                      Page 2713
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 377(L&C):                                                
1.  Zero, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development                                      
HB 377 was referred to the Finance Committee.