Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1997-04-14 House Journal

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1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1093
                                 HOUSE JOURNAL                                 
                            ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                           
                     TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE -- FIRST SESSION                    
Juneau, Alaska                       Monday             April 14, 1997         
                              Ninety-second Day                              
Pursuant to adjournment and in the absence of Speaker Phillips,                
Representative Porter assumed the Chair as Speaker Pro Tempore                 
under Rule 4 of the Uniform Rules and called the House to order at             
11:05 a.m.                                                                     
Roll call showed 33 members present.  Representatives Davies,                  
Phillips, Vezey and Williams had been previously excused from a call           
of the House today.  Representative Moses had been previously                  
excused through 10:00 p.m., plane time, today, and his presence was            
noted later.  Representative Therriault was absent.                            
Representative Foster, Acting Majority Leader, moved and asked                 
unanimous consent that the following member be excused from a call             
of the House.  There being no objection, the member was excused as             
Representative Kubina - from 1:22 p.m., plane time, April 13 to                
9:53p.m., plane time, April 17, 1997                                           
The invocation was offered by the Chaplain, Major Neil Timpson of              
the Salvation Army.  Representative Hudson moved and asked                     
unanimous consent that the invocation be spread on the journal.  There         
being no objection, it appears below:                                          
Psalms 25:8-15                                                                
	'Good and upright is the Lord;                                                
	Therefore He instructs sinners in His way.                                    
	He guides the humble in what is right                                         
	and teaches them his way.                                                     

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1094
	All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful                              
	for those who keep the demands of his covenant.                               
	For the sake of His name, O Lord,                                             
	forgive my iniquities, though they are many.                                  
	Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord?                                    
	He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.                               
	He will spend his days in prosperity,                                         
	and his descendants will inherit the land.                                    
	The Lord confides in those who fear and respect Him;                          
	He makes His covenant known to them.                                          
	My eyes are ever on the Lord,                                                 
	for only He will release my feet from the snare.'                             
Bless our leaders this day, Oh Lord, as they deliberate over                  
the matters of the State this day.                                             
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative Foster.                     
                         CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL                        
Representative Foster moved and asked unanimous consent that the               
journal for the 89th, 90th and 91st legislative days be approved as            
certified by the Chief Clerk.  There being no objection, it was so             
                           MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE                          
A message dated April 11, 1997, was read stating the Senate has                
passed the following, and it is transmitted for consideration:                 
                          FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                         
                                OF SENATE BILLS                               
SB 13                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 13(RLS) by the Senate Rules                             
Committee, entitled:                                                           

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1095
SB 13                                                                        
An Act relating to taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products and               
to the use of the proceeds of those taxes, and increasing by at least          
35.5 mills the amount of excise tax levied on each cigarette                   
imported or acquired in the state; and providing for an effective              
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education & Social         
Services and Finance Committees.                                               
The following report was received:                                             
Office of the Governor                                                         
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity                                         
Workforce Underutilization Report                                              
April 15, 1997                                                                 
                        REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES                       
The Judiciary Committee has reviewed the qualifications of the                 
following and recommends the appointments be forwarded to a joint              
session for consideration:                                                     
                                 Debra L. Call                                 
as a member of the Board of Governors of the Alaska Bar,                       
                                  Ethel Staton                                 
                                Dianne I. Brown                                
as members of the Commission on Judicial Conduct; and,                         
                                 James M. Posey                                
as a member of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission.                         

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1096
The reports were signed by Representative Green, Chair; and,                   
Representatives Porter, James, Berkowitz, Bunde, Rokeberg and Croft.           
The reports did not reflect an intent by any of the members to vote for        
or against the named individuals during any further sessions for the           
purposes of confirmation.                                                      
HJR 18                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee has considered:                                        
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 18                                                 
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska             
relating to changing the rate of a tax or license that supports a              
dedication of its proceeds.                                                    
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 18(STA)                                     
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Green, Chair, with the                 
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (4):  Porter, Green, James, Bunde                                      
No recommendation (3):  Croft, Rokeberg, Berkowitz                             
The following fiscal note applies to CSHJR 18(STA):                            
Fiscal note, Office of the Governor, 2/12/97                                   
HJR 18 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  
HB 132                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee has considered:                                        
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 132                                     
An Act relating to municipal taxation of alcoholic beverages.                 

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1097
HB 132                                                                       
The report was signed by Representative Green, Chair, with the                 
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (2):  Croft, Porter                                                    
No recommendation (4):  Green, James, Bunde, Berkowitz                         
The following fiscal notes apply:                                              
Indeterminate fiscal note, Dept. of Revenue, 4/14/97                           
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs, 3/7/97                
SSHB 132 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                
HB 207                                                                       
The Judiciary Committee has considered:                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 207                                                            
An Act relating to employer drug and alcohol testing programs.                
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 207(JUD)                                                
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Green, Chair, with the                 
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (3):  Rokeberg, Porter, Green                                          
No recommendation (4):  Croft, James, Berkowitz, Bunde                         
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 207(JUD):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Labor, 4/9/97                                       
HB 207 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1098
SB 137                                                                       
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered:                                 
SENATE BILL NO. 137                                                           
An Act exempting certain volunteer emergency medical                          
technicians and volunteer fire fighters from state wage and hour               
laws; and providing for an effective date.                                     
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
HOUSE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 137(L&C)                                         
(same title)                                                                  
The report was signed by Representative Rokeberg, Chair, with the              
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (4):  Sanders, Ryan, Hudson, Rokeberg                                  
No recommendation (2):  Cowdery, Brice                                         
The following fiscal notes apply to HCS SB 137(L&C):                           
Senate zero fiscal note, Dept. of Labor, 3/26/97                               
Senate zero fiscal note, Dept. of Public Safety, 3/26/97                       
SB 137 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                
                          INTRODUCTION OF CITATIONS                          
The following citations were introduced and referred to the Rules              
Committee for placement on the calendar:                                       
Celebrating - Alaska Parent Teacher Association, 40th Anniversary              
By Representative Green                                                        
Honoring - K-9 Picasso                                                         
By Representative Barnes                                                       

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1099
Honoring - John Schandelmeier, Third Place Winner of the 1997                  
Yukon Quest                                                                    
By Representative Davies                                                       
Honoring - Joe Tompkins, Bronze Medal Winner, Canadian National                
Disabled Championship                                                          
By Senator Mackie; Representative Kookesh                                      
In Memoriam - Milligrock Minnie Curran Fagerstrom                              
By Representative Foster                                                       
In Memoriam - John Graham                                                      
By Representative Foster                                                       
In Memoriam - Dale E. Kuykendall                                               
By Representative Foster                                                       
In Memoriam - James Jim Norene                                                 
By Senator Halford                                                             
                   INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                  
                                OF HOUSE BILLS                                
HB 249                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 249 by Representative Kott, entitled:                           
An Act relating to insurance obtained from or provided by                     
nonadmitted insurers; and providing for an effective date.                     
was read the first time and referred to the Labor & Commerce                   
HB 250                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 250 by the House Rules Committee by request of                  
the Governor, entitled:                                                        
An Act establishing a North Slope Gas Commercialization Team                  
to develop recommendations regarding a North Slope gas project;                
and providing for an effective date.                                           

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1100
HB 250                                                                       
was read the first time and referred to the House Special Committee            
on Oil & Gas and the Resources and Finance Committees.                         
The following fiscal note applies:                                             
Fiscal note, Dept. of Revenue, 4/14/97                                         
The Governor's transmittal letter, dated April 11, 1997, appears below:        
Dear Speaker Phillips:                                                         
Developing our enormous North Slope natural gas resources is a                 
significant opportunity  for creating Alaska jobs and providing a secure       
economic base upon which to build Alaskas future.  This bill I                 
transmit today establishes the North Slope Gas Commercialization               
Team to identify and develop steps  the state can take, in cooperation         
with the North Slope leaseholders and other potential sponsors, to             
make a North Slope gas project a reality.                                      
To date, the development of North Slope natural gas resources has not          
been economically feasible or competitive with alternative sources of          
energy.  North Slope leaseholders estimate a $15 billion cost for the          
facilities to develop these resources, including a gas conditioning plant,     
an 800-mile pipeline, a liquefaction plant to convert natural gas into         
liquefied natural gas (LNG), LNG storage facilities, and LNG tankers.          
There is relatively little the state can do to reduce the capital costs of     
a North Slope gas project.  There are steps the state can take to              
improve a projects economic feasibility and competitiveness.  The              
state has received guidance from a report commissioned by the                  
Department of Revenue.  This report reviews Alaskas tax and royalty            
structure, evaluates the competitiveness of the project internationally,       
and recommends in general terms possible modifications to the states           
tax and royalty structure to  improve the economic feasibility and             
competitiveness of a project.                                                  
The Administration also has received guidance from the legislature.            
In House Concurrent Resolution 1,  the legislature requested  the              
governor and North Slope gas resource leaseholders develop a contract          
to execute  with  sponsors of an  LNG project,  as well as  appropriate        

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1101
HB 250                                                                       
enabling legislation.  The contract and legislation would establish the        
nature, degree, and duration of the fiscal terms that would best               
facilitate a project.                                                          
This bill creates the administrative structure necessary to evaluate           
recommended changes to the tax and royalty system and carry out the            
wishes of the legislature as expressed in HCR 1.  The North Slope Gas          
Commercialization Team would determine how to improve the                      
economic feasibility and competitiveness of a North Slope gas project          
while protecting the public interest.   The team also could help develop       
legislation to enable the state to enter into the contract, provide a stable   
fiscal and regulatory structure for the project, aid permitting, ensure a      
maximum number of Alaska residents and Alaska businesses are hired             
to construct and operate the project, protect the environment, health          
and safety of workers and the public, and provide natural gas to Alaska        
This bill is an important step forward in developing Alaskas North             
Slope natural gas resources.  I urge your prompt consideration and             
passage of this bill.                                                          
							Tony Knowles                                                            
                     CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                     
                     SECOND READING OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                     
HJR 34                                                                       
The following was read the second time:                                        
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 34                                                 
Relating to proposed regulations of the North Pacific Fishery                 
Management Council creating a new discriminatory halibut fishery               
in Alaska.                                                                     

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1102
HJR 34                                                                       
with the:                                                 Journal Page         
	RES RPT  5DP 1DNP 2NR                                            1035         
	ZERO FISCAL NOTE (H.RES/LAA)                                     1035         
**The presence of Representative Moses was noted.                              
Representative Foster moved and asked unanimous consent that                   
HJR34 be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed            
on final passage.                                                              
Representative Elton objected.                                                 
Speaker Pro Tempore Porter stated that HJR 34 will be in third reading         
on the April 16, 1997, calendar.                                               
                            LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS                            
Representative Foster moved and asked unanimous consent that the               
House approve the citations on the calendar.  There being no objection,        
the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling:                   
Honoring - Malcolm Mac McGregor                                                
By Representatives Barnes, Phillips, Berkowitz, Brice, Bunde, Croft,           
Davies, Davis, Elton, Grussendorf, Hanley, Hudson, Ivan, James, Joule,         
Kelly, Kott, Kubina, Masek, Mulder, Nicholia, Ogan, Porter, Rokeberg,          
Ryan, Sanders, Therriault, Williams                                            
In Memoriam - Edwin Dewitt                                                     
By Representatives Williams, Phillips, Berkowitz, Brice, Croft, Davies,        
Davis, Elton, Foster, Grussendorf, Ivan, James, Joule, Kelly, Kott,            
Kubina, Mulder, Nicholia, Ogan, Porter, Rokeberg, Ryan, Sanders,               
Therriault; Senator Taylor                                                     

1997-04-14                     House Journal                      Page 1103
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
HJR 29                                                                       
Representative Rokeberg added his name as cosponsor to:                        
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29                                                 
Supporting an increase in federal funding for prostate cancer                 
House committee schedules are published daily under separate cover.            
Financial Disclosures                                                          
due to APOC                                                       4/15         
Representative Foster moved and asked unanimous consent that the               
House adjourn until 10:00 a.m., April 16, 1997.  There being no                
objection, the House adjourned at 11:34 a.m.                                   
											Suzi Lowell                                                         
											Chief Clerk