Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1996-05-04 Senate Journal

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1996-05-04                     Senate Journal                      Page 3907
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
HB 48                                                                        
Zero fiscal notes for the Judiciary Committee Substitute for CS FOR            
HOUSE BILL NO. 48(JUD) An Act relating to motorcycle helmets                   
published today from Department of Public Safety (2), Department               
of Transportation and Public Facilities, Department of Law.                    
HB 450                                                                       
Fiscal note for CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 450(FIN) An Act                          
relating to trademarks; and providing for an effective date published          
today from Department of Commerce and Economic Development.                    
HJR 61                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION                          
NO. 61 Opposing the proposed changes in the functions of the                   
federal Office of Veterans Affairs in Anchorage.  Signing to                   
calendar: Senator Miller, Chair, Senators Pearce, Duncan, Sharp,               
The resolution is on today's calendar.                                         
HB 48                                                                        
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
48(JUD) An Act relating to motorcycle helmets.  Signing to                     
calendar: Senator Miller, Chair, Senators Pearce, Sharp, Salo.                 
The bill is on today's calendar.                                               
HB 359                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                           
359(JUD) am An Act relating to the appointment and confirmation                
process for members of certain boards, commissions, and similar                
bodies; relating to terms of certain appointees; and providing for an          
effective date.  Signing to calendar: Senator Miller, Chair, Senators          
Pearce, Sharp.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Duncan.                     
Signing under other recommendations: Senator Salo.                             
The bill is on today's calendar.