Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1996-02-19 House Journal

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1996-02-19                     House Journal                      Page 2805
HB 523                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 523 by the House Judiciary Committee, entitled:                 
An Act expressing the state's policy with respect to sobriety.                
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education & Social         
Services and Judiciary Committees.                                             
                     CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                     
                        SECOND READING OF SENATE BILLS                       
SB 190                                                                       
The following was read the second time:                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 190(RES) am                                            
An Act establishing a residency requirement for auctions of state             
with the:                                                 Journal Page         
	RES RPT  5DP 2NR                                                 2748         
	SENATE ZERO FN (DNR) 2/2/96                                      2748         
Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that                    
CSSB190(RES) am be considered engrossed,  advanced to third                    
reading and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was         
so ordered.                                                                    
CSSB 190(RES) am was read the third time.                                      
**The presence of Representative Therriault was noted.                         
The question being:  Shall CSSB 190(RES) am pass the House?                    
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CSSB 190(RES) am                                                               
Third Reading                                                                  
Final Passage                                                                  
YEAS:  36   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  3   ABSENT:  1