Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1996-01-19 House Journal

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1996-01-19                     House Journal                      Page 2482
HB 361                                                                       
The Community & Regional Affairs Committee has considered:                     
HOUSE BILL NO. 361                                                            
An Act relating to municipal capital project matching grants for              
a municipality organized under federal law as an Indian reserve;               
and providing for an effective date.                                           
The report was signed by Representatives Austerman and Ivan, Co-               
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                         
Do pass (6): Mackie, Elton, Austerman, Kott, Nicholia, Ivan                    
No recommendation (1): Vezey                                                   
The following fiscal notes apply:                                              
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs, 1/19/96               
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 1/19/96                             
HB 361 was referred to the State Affairs Committee.                            
                        REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES                        
HB 397                                                                       
The House Special Committee on Fisheries has considered:                       
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 397                                     
An Act relating to the fisheries resource landing tax and to the              
seafood marketing assessment; and providing for an effective                   
The report was signed by Representative Austerman, Chair, with the             
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (3): Elton, Moses, Austerman                                           
No recommendation (1): G.Davis                                                 
The following fiscal notes apply: