Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1995-04-06 House Journal

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1995-04-06                     House Journal                      Page 1093
HB 100                                                                       
Excused:  Barnes, Masek                                                        
And so, Amendment No. 26 was not adopted.                                      
Amendment No. 27 was offered  by Representative Willis:                         
Page 33, line 4:                                                               
	Under Appropriation Items:                                                    
		Delete "15,243,300"                                                          
		Insert "13,743,300"                                                          
	Under Other Funds:                                                            
		Delete "15,243,300"                                                          
		Insert "13,743,300"                                                          
Page 33, line 8:                                                               
	Under Allocations:                                                            
		Delete "3,979,900"                                                           
		Insert "2,479,900"                                                           
Page 33, following line 20 insert:                                             
									APPROPRIATION	GENERAL                                                 
									ITEMS				FUND                                                         
"Senior Citizens/                                                             
	Disabled Veterans                                                             
	Tax Relief						1,500,000			1,500,000                                         
	Property Tax                                                                  
	Exemption			1,163,800                                                         
	Equivalency Rebate	  336,200"                                                 
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                              
Adjust funding sources accordingly.