
SB 91: "An Act providing for coverage of midwife services under Medicaid; reordering the priority of optional services provided by the state under Medicaid; and providing for an effective date."

00SENATE BILL NO. 91 01 "An Act providing for coverage of midwife services under Medicaid; reordering 02 the priority of optional services provided by the state under Medicaid; and 03 providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 47.07.030(b) is amended to read: 06  (b) In addition to the mandatory services specified in (a) of this section, the 07 department may offer only the following optional services: case management and 08 nutrition services for pregnant women; personal care services in a recipient's home; 09 emergency hospital services; long-term care noninstitutional services; medical supplies 10 and equipment; advanced nurse practitioner services; clinic services; rehabilitative 11 services for substance abusers and emotionally disturbed or chronically mentally ill 12 adults; targeted case management services for substance abusers, chronically mentally 13 ill adults, and severely emotionally disturbed persons under the age of 21; inpatient 14 psychiatric facility services for individuals age 65 or older and individuals under age

01 21; psychologists' services; clinical social workers' services; midwife services; 02 prescribed drugs; physical therapy; occupational therapy; chiropractic services; 03 low-dose mammography screening, as defined in AS 21.42.375(e); treatment of speech, 04 hearing, and language disorders; adult dental services; prosthetic devices and 05 eyeglasses; optometrists' services; intermediate care facility services, including 06 intermediate care facility services for the mentally retarded; skilled nursing facility 07 services for individuals under age 21; and reasonable transportation to and from the 08 point of medical care. 09 * Sec. 2. AS 47.07.035 is amended to read: 10  Sec. 47.07.035. PRIORITY OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. If the department 11 finds that the cost of medical assistance for all persons eligible under this chapter will 12 exceed the amount allocated in the state budget for that assistance for the fiscal year, 13 the department shall eliminate coverage for optional medical services and optionally 14 eligible groups of individuals in the following order: 15  (1) midwife services; 16  (2) clinical social workers' services; 17  (3) [(2)] psychologists' services; 18  (4) [(3)] chiropractic services; 19  (5) [(4)] advanced nurse practitioner services; 20  (6) [(5)] adult dental services; 21  (7) [(6)] emergency hospital services; 22  (8) [(7)] treatment of speech, hearing, and language disorders; 23  (9) [(8)] optometrists' services and eyeglasses; 24  (10) [(9)] occupational therapy; 25  (11) [(10)] mammography screening; 26  (12) [(11)] prosthetic devices; 27  (13) [(12)] medical supplies and equipment; 28  (14) [(13)] targeted case management services; 29  (15) [(14)] rehabilitative services for substance abusers and emotionally 30 disturbed or chronically mentally ill adults; 31  (16) [(15)] clinic services;

01  (17) [(16)] physical therapy; 02  (18) [(17)] personal care services in a recipient's home; 03  (19) [(18)] prescribed drugs; 04  (20) [(19)] long-term care noninstitutional services; 05  (21) [(20)] inpatient psychiatric facility services; 06  (22) [(21)] intermediate care facility services for the mentally retarded; 07  (23) [(22)] intermediate care facility services; 08  (24) [(23)] individuals under age 21 who are not eligible for benefits 09 under the federal aid to families with dependent children program because they are not 10 deprived of one or more of their natural or adoptive parents; 11  (25) [(24)] skilled nursing facility services for persons under age 21; 12  (26) [(25)] aged, blind, and disabled individuals who, because they do 13 not meet the income requirements, do not receive supplemental security income under 14 Title XVI of the Social Security Act, but who are eligible, or would be eligible if they 15 were not in a skilled nursing facility or intermediate care facility, to receive an 16 optional state supplementary payment; 17  (27) [(26)] individuals in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or 18 intermediate care facility whose income while in the facility does not exceed 300 19 percent of the supplemental security income benefit rate under Title XVI of the Social 20 Security Act, but who, because of income, are not eligible for the optional state 21 supplementary payment; 22  (28) [(27)] individuals under age 21 under supervision of the 23 department [,] for whom maintenance is being paid in whole or in part from public 24 money and who are in foster homes or private child-care institutions. 25 * Sec. 3. AS 47.07.900 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 26  (18) "midwife services" means services within the practice of 27 midwifery, as defined in AS 08.65.190, that are performed by a certified direct-entry 28 midwife and 29  (A) facility fees for use of a licensed birth center during a birth 30 attended by a certified direct-entry midwife; and 31  (B) miscellaneous fees for birth kits, oxygen, and other ancillary

01 expenses necessary for a birth attended by a certified direct-entry midwife. 02 * Sec. 4. This Act takes effect July 1, 1993.