33rd Legislature(2023-2024)
Member Information
Ben Stevens
2001-2004 Senator District
2005-2006 Senator District Senate President
Date/Place of Birth:1959; Washington D.C.
Occupation:Business owner/consultant
Children:Susan, Ben Jr., Augustus, Theodore
Residency in Alaska:Lifelong resident
Education:BA Economics, Arizona State University. Completed studies for MBA, George Washington University
Business and Professional Positions:Business Owner/Consultant
Legislative Organizations:Member, National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) - Subcommitte membership includes: Redistricting and Elections Committee, Legislative Effectiveness and State Government Committee, Energy and Electric Utilities Committee.
Other Organizations:Board President, D.A.R.E. Alaska; Board Member, Special Olympics Alaska; Board Member, Boys and Girls Clubs of Alaska; Board Member, Aleut Enterprise Corporation; Member, Suicide Prevention Council of Alaska; Member, Athlete Development Foundation; Member, Aviation Heritage Museum; Member, Anchorage Downtown Rotary; Member, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce