34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Bob Roses
2007-2008 Representative District
OCCUPATION::Teacher from Anchorage
BIRTH DATE/PLACE::Pensacola, Florida;
May 23, 1947
EDUCATION::High School: Goldsboro High School, College Prep Diploma, 1965
College/University: Alaska Methodist University, BA Mathematics, 1969
University of Alaska Anchorage, Secondary Teaching Certification, 1970-1971
CHILDREN::Judi and Heather
EMPLOYMENT::Ex-Officio Board Member, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, Anchorage, Alaska;
President. Anchorage Education Association, Anchorage, Alaska;
Employee, Alaska Partnership for Teacher Enhancement Board, Alaska;
Employee, Alaska Teacher Mentorship Development Committee, Alaska
SERVICE ORGANIZATION::President, Muldoon Elementary School PTA;
President, Clark Junior High PTA;
President, Bartlett Parent Teacher Student Advisory Board;
Vice-President, Community Action for Drug Free Youth;
Certified Rifle Instructor, National Rifle Association;
Coach, Wendler Junior High Rifle;
Coach, Bartlett High School Rifle