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33rd Legislature(2023-2024)

Member Information

Gail Phillips
1991-1994 Representative District  
1995-1998 Representative District Speaker of the House
1999-2000 Representative District
Date/Place of Birth:
5/15/44; Juneau, AK
Public Service
Robin, Kim
Residency in Alaska:
Lifelong; Juneau, Nome, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Homer
High School - Nome High School, 1958-62, diploma
College/University - University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1962-67, B.A. Business Education
Post Graduate - University of Alaska, Miscellaneous Courses
Political and Government Positions:
Speaker of the House, 1995-1998; House Majority Leader, 1993-94; Legislative Aide to Senate President, 1989-90; Legislative Committee Chair, Alaska State Municipal League; Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly, 1986-88; Homer City Council, 1981-84; State Secretary, Republican Party of Alaska, 1982-88
Business and Professional Positions:
Partner, Lindphil Mining Company, 1983-present; Owner, Quiet Sports Store, 1978-84; Airline Employee, Western Airlines and Wein Air Alaska, 1969-79; Business Education Teacher, Nome High School, 1967-69
Service Organization(s) Membership:
Kenai Peninsula College Council: Board Member, Past Chair; Member: Kenai Peninsula Chambers of Commerce; Homer United Methodist Church; Resource Development Council; Homer Emblem Club; Pioneers of Alaska; Iditarod Trail Commitee
Special Interests:
Family and friends, politics, mining, statewide transportation improvements