34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Sean Parnell
1993-1996 Representative District
1997-2000 Senator District
Date/Place of Birth:11/19/62; Hanford, CA
Children:Grace, Rachel
Residency in Alaska:Anchorage, 1973-present
Education:High School - East Anchorage High School
College/University - Pacific Lutheran University, 1980-84, B.B.A.
Post Graduate - University of Puget Sound School of Law, 1984-87, J.D.
Political and Government Positions:Member, Telecommunications Information Council; Member, Energy Council; Member, Western Legislative Timber Task Force; Bayshore-Klatt Community Council; Dissenting Member, Long Range Financial Planning Commission; Member, Uniform Code Revision Commission
Business and Professional Positions:Owner of a law practice
Service Organization(s) Membership:Member, National Federation of Independent Business; Rotary, 1990-92; Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, 1987-91; Volunteer mentor for high school youth groups and organizations, 1988-91
Special Interests:Family, teaching and coaching high school youth, running, reading, softball