34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Carl Morgan
1999-2004 Representative District
Date/Place of Birth:1/21/50; Upper Kalskag, AK
Children:Mona, Mary, Buddy (Carl), Fia (Sophia), Philip and six grand children
Residency in Alaska:Lifelong
Education:Mt. Edgecumbe High School Graduate (Alaska Statewide Boarding School), 1969; Northrup Institute of Technology, Aircraft Maintenance Studies, 1971-1972; IBEW Electrical Apprenticeship Program, 1972-1976; Journeyman's License, 1976-1992
Business and Professional Positions:Calista Corporation (Native regional profit) - Board of Directors/Treasurer, 1991-Present
Political and Government Positions:Alaska State House of Representatives, 1999 - present; Member, Rules Committee, 2001 - present; Member, Resources Committee, 1999 - 2000, 2003; Co-Chairman, Community and Regional Affairs Committee, 1999-2002; Member, Economic Development Trade and Tourism Committee, 2001 - 2003; Alternate Member, The Energy Council (International Organization of Energy States), 2000 - 2001, Co-Chairman, Fisheries Committee, 1999 - 2000; Member, Health Education and Social Services Committee, 1999 - 2000; Member, (U.S.)President's Board of Advisors on Tribal Colleges and Universities, 2003 - present; Member, Western Interior Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, 1996 - present; Member, Aniak Traditional Council (federally recognized tribal government), 1990 - 2001; Kuskokwim Native Association (non-profit consortium of twelve tribes) Executive Committee, 1996 - 2001; Mayor, City of Aniak, 1991 - 1996.
Service Organization(s) Membership:Current Member, National Rifle Association; Past Chairman/Member: 2000-present, Interior Rivers RC&D (Alaska Regional Development Organization; IBEW Electrical Instructor: 1979 Kuskokwim College, 1984 (Kotzebue Technical Center)
Special Interests:Family outings, including hunting, fishing, snowmachining and boating