34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Ken Lancaster
2001-2002 Representative District
Date/Place of Birth:8-13-43, Anchorage, Alaska
Residency in Alaska:57 years, Soldotna 1962-present, Cooper’s Landing 1949-62, Anchorage, 1943-49
Education:High School: Anchorage, 1958, Seward, 1959-61, Graduate; Technical/Vocational; Many management classes, insurance, electrical, realtor and financial training; Graduate Realtor Institute,
Military Service:National Guard, 10 years
Political and Government Positions:Mayor, City of Soldotna; Member, Soldotna City Council
Business and Professional Positions:Realtor and Broker
Service Organization(s) Membership:Soldotna & Seward Chamber of Commerce, Soldotna Seniors Endowment Board, Retired Teamster 959, Heritage Nursing Home Board, Kenai Peninsula Realtor’s Association (National Association), NRA, Pioneers Igloo #9, Elks, Homer Electric Association, Alaska Rural Co-op., Peninsula Winter Games Board. Lifetime Member, DeMolays
Special Interests:Bowling, snow-machining, reading, traveling, hiking, biking, working in yard and gardening