34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Pete Kott
1993-2002 Representative District
2003-2006 Representative District Speaker of the House
Date/Place of Birth:8/29/49; Flint, MI
Occupation:Small Business Owner, Legislator
Children:Peter, Pamela
Residency in Alaska:Eagle River; 1984-present
Education:High School - Flint Southwestern, 1964-67, diploma
College/University - Florida International University, 1975-77, B.S. Criminal Justice
Post Graduate - Florida International University, 1977-79, Masters Public Administration
Military Service:U.S. Air Force, Captain, 22 years service;
Awards: Commendation Medal (2), Meritorious Service Medal
Political and Government Positions:State Representative, 1993-present
Business and Professional Positions:Former Adjunct Professor, Wayland Baptist University, 1986-95; Co-Owner, Kott's Hardwood Flooring, Inc.
Service Organization(s) Membership:Eagle River Elks Lodge; Muldoon American Legion, National Rifle Association
Special Interests:Fishing, golfing, politics and family