2007-2016 Representative District:
2017-2020 Representative District Speaker of the House
2021-2026 Representative District
Date/Place of Birth:
May 3, 1961
Dillingham, AlaskaResidency in Alaska:
Lifelong Alaskan
Dillingham: 1961 - presentOccupation:
Wife: Melody
Children: EvanEducation:
Dillingham High School
University of Alaska Anchorage, B.B.A.Other Political and Government Positions:
Former Chair, City of Dillingham Planning Commission; Pacific States Marine Fisheries CommissionBusiness and Professional Positions:
Board chairman, Choggiung Ltd.
Former board member, Southwest Alaska Vocational Education Center
Former COO, Bristol Bay Economic Development CorporationSpecial Interests:
Family, music, hunting, fishing.