2017-2020 Representative District:
I am a lifelong fourth generation Alaskan with a long history of family public service. I have lived in the Mat-Su Valley since 1996, am married and have 7 children.
I served on the Wasilla City Council for a total of 7 years, finishing up in 2016; my colleagues and I worked tirelessly to keep our government budget small, efficient and accountable to our residents. We also worked to keep regulations and taxation at a reasonable level to encourage business growth. Through conservative governing, Wasilla is now the commercial hub of the Mat-Su.
I ran for State House to ensure that our next generation has the same opportunities that were afforded to me. The effect that the state budget has on our economy remains a high priority for me. I believe that we can reduce the size of government further and that now is not the time to restructure the PFD or impose an income tax or sales tax. We must encourage economic growth by ensuring we have less onerous regulations and taxation so our businesses and industries can thrive and remain successful.
I hit the ground running upon arriving in Juneau; I will work hard for my constituents and to keep Alaska moving in the right direction by sitting on the Labor & Commerce, Health & Social Services and Transportation committees for the 2017-2018 Legislative Session.