34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Brian Rogers
1979-1982 Representative District
BIRTH DATE/PLACE:07/25/1950;
Blue Hill, Maine
OCCUPATION:Business Services,
Research/Freelance Writer
EDUCATION:College/University: Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut;
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island;
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
EMPLOYMENT:Member, Farthest North Press Club;
Owner/Operator, The Lemon Tree;
Partner, Rainbow Services;
Freelance Writer, Pioneer All-Alaska Weekly;
Freelance Writer, The Mother Earth News;
Freelance Writer, Legislative Digest;
Freelance Writer, Alaska Fisherman;
Freelance Writer, University of Alaska Polar Star;
Freelance Writer, Snowshoe Magazine;
Freelance Writer, Alaska Today
COMMUNITY SERVICE:University of Alaska Alumni Association;
Tanana Valley Fair Association;
Alaska Conservation Society;
Union of Concerned Scientists;
Alaska Federation for Community Self-Reliance;
Farthest North Go Club
SPECIAL INTERESTS:Journalism, free-lance writing,
house construction, alternative energy,
computer research, bicycling, kayaking