34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Fritz Pettyjohn
1983-1984 Senator District
1985-1990 Representative District
BIRTH DATE/PLACE:09/20/1945;
Berkeley, California
CHILDREN:Brook, Brendan, Darren
EDUCATION:High School: St. Mary's 1958-1962, Diploma
College/University: University of California at Berkeley,
1962-1963, 1965-1967, BA
Post Graduate: UCLA School of Law, J.D., 1971-1974
MILITARY SERVICE:Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC), 1962-1963, Midshipman
EMPLOYMENT:Prosecutor, City of Ketchikan;
Vice-Chairman, Alaska Board of Parole;
Instructor, Anchorage Community College;
Admitted to Practice Law Before: Alaska Supreme Court,
U.S. District Court for Alaska, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS:Board of Directors, Anchorage Community Mental Health Center 1978-1979;
Resource Development Council; Alaska Miner's Association;
Life member, National Rifle Association;
Chairman, Young Republicans, U.C. Berkeley, 1965-1966
SPECIAL INTERESTS:Hockey, soccer, and football at
the Boy's and Girl's Clubs of Alaska