34th Legislature(2025-2026)
Member Information
Jalmar Kerttula
1961-1962 Representative District
1965-1968 Representative District
1969-1970 Representative District Speaker of the House
1971-1972 Representative District
1973-1980 Senator District
1981-1984 Senator District Senate President
1985-1994 Senator District
OCCUPATION:Businessman from Palmer
Member, Pioneers of Alaska
OTHER:Kerttula family were original colonizers of the Matanuska Valley Project at Palmer, 1935;
First Alaskan to serve as both Speaker of the House and President of the Senate;
Candidate, Alaska State Governor, 1978
EMPLOYMENT:Former Democratic State Chairman;
Member, State Investment Advisory Board;
Member, Governor's Pipeline Commission;
Chairman, Alaska Democratic Central Committee;
Board Member, Alaska Mutual Savings Bank;
Real Estate Developer, Matanuska Valley;
Manager, Dairy Cooperative
BIRTH DATE/PLACE:04/06/1928;
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
EDUCATION:College/University: University of Alaska;
University of Washington
SPOUSE:Helen Joyce
CHILREN:Beth, Anna, Marie